IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#834: Preemptive

In Area Manila City, the crowd of protest demonstration is conflicting with Country of Moro soldier as before, but the morale of protester already not two days ago is so powerful. They are flaunting the banner is resistance invader, was shouting the slogan supports the leadership of Aquino IV President. 马尼拉市内,抗议示威的人群依旧在与摩洛国士兵冲突,但抗议者的士气已经不似两天前那么强盛。他们打着的旗号是反抗“侵略者”,喊着的口号是支持阿基诺四世总统的领导。 That video that however Star Ring Trading announced that making all protesters taste the taste of betrayal. 然而星环贸易公布的那段视频,让所有抗议者都品尝到了背叛的滋味儿。 They have believed that has been supporting leader, unexpectedly is presses down Tacloban City nuclear button the prime culprit? 他们一直相信,一直支持着的领袖,居然是按下塔克洛班市“核按钮”的元凶? The suspicion multiplies in the heart of each Philippines citizen. Once these young people the validity to former political power had the suspicion, then all resistance forces will turn into the paper tiger, collapses at the first blow. 怀疑滋生在每一位菲国公民的心中。而一旦这些年轻人们对前政权的合法性产生了怀疑,那么所有的抵抗力量都将变成纸老虎,不堪一击。 Country of Moro first Armor Brigade armored vehicle, under the accompaniment of infantry in raising the head to throw out the chest, oversteps from Manila each main road. 摩洛国第一装甲旅的装甲车,在抬头挺胸的步兵的陪同下,从马尼拉的每条主干道上踏过。 Behind the armored vehicle is tying up the broadcast of high efficiency, every day repeats to broadcast Aquino IV and Stark Marshal on the Manila City street, confessing about Tacloban City nuclear bomb event. 装甲车背后拴着大功率的广播,每天都在马尼拉市的街道上重复播放着阿基诺四世斯塔克元帅,关于塔克洛班市核弹事件的坦白。 That reverberation in the voice of main street and small alley, is similar to the spell to be common, suffers each to have the fantasy and hope Patriot about this country. 那回荡在大街小巷的声音,就如同魔咒一般,折磨着每一位对这个国家心存幻想和希望的爱国者 They had borne the pain of defeat, at this moment must suffers by lie and betrayal, tastes this humiliation and pain. 他们已经承受了战败的痛苦,此刻还得被谎言与背叛所折磨,品尝这份屈辱与痛苦。 Really is to make the watcher unable to bear sigh sighs 实在是令观者忍不住嗟叹 really getting what one deserves! 真特么的活该! Because EMP paralyzed Manila almost all electronic devices, entire city stagnated to the water and electricity supply. Affected by this, the living materials in city also fell into the extremely deficient condition. 由于emp瘫痪了马尼拉几乎所有电子设备,整个城市对水电供应都陷入了停滞。受此影响,城市中的生活物资也陷入了极度匮乏的状态。 At present, the international aid agencies transported total 21,000 tons relief materials to Philippines, including food and pill, as well as various types of daily necessities. Because the Philippines government has been paralyzed, this batch of relief materials provide in military checkpoint that Manila sets up by Country of Moro. 目前,国际救援组织向菲国输送了共计2.1万吨的救援物资,其中包括食品、药片、以及各种生活用品。由于菲国政府已经陷入瘫痪,这批救援物资由摩洛国马尼拉设立的军事检查站代为发放。 However these living materials , is to make these people be insufficient to be hungry merely. 然而这些生活物资,也仅仅是让这些人不至于饿着而已。 80 percent company enterprise faced with filing for bankruptcy protection, the store and supermarket close. People are unable to buy the daily necessities that needs, can only depend upon Country of Moro to set up the relief food that military checkpoint of transportation route provides in the city gets by reluctantly. 百分之八十公司企业面临申请破产保护,商店和超市纷纷关门。人们无法买到所需的生活用品,只能依靠摩洛国设立在城内交通干道的军事检查站发放的救济粮勉强度日。 However even if this moment store opens the door, they cannot buy anything. 不过就算此刻商店开门,他们也买不到任何东西。 With defeat of Philippines, the Philippines peso censured the scrap paper in one night, a bill of maximum face value even could not trade one volume of toilet papers. With this relative, USD and RMB become the hard currency of occupied area. In addition, cigarette and tampon, on Black Market also quite popular. 随着菲国的战败,菲国比索在一夜之间贬成了废纸,一张最大面值的钞票甚至换不来一卷厕纸。与此相对的,美元软妹币则成为了占领区的硬通货。除此之外,香烟和卫.生巾,在黑市上也相当的受欢迎。 Ten USD, even is several chocolate, or one package of self-heating military provisions, can change a young girl beginning. Night. One bag of powdered milk or one pack of cold remedy, can buy a female chastity dignity. 美元,甚至是几块德芙巧克力,亦或者一包自热军粮,就能换走走一位少女的初.夜。一袋奶粉或者一盒感冒药,就能买走一位贞.洁烈.女的尊严。 Even if the Star Ring Trading discipline is strict, Prefect regarding actions of soldier in personal time, basically also turns a blind eye. So long as does not delay standing guard, so long as does not snatch with the spear/gun, business that your sentiment I hope, no one will interfere. 哪怕星环贸易的军纪严明,长官对于士兵在私人时间里的所作所为,基本上也都是睁一只眼闭一只眼。只要不耽误了站岗,只要不是用枪去抢,你情我愿的买卖,没人会去干涉。 Let alone, from another perspective, this might as well in complete matter. 更何况,从另一个角度来看,这未尝不是在“做好事儿”。 ...... …… After seizing Manila, Jiang Chen first convened the Philippines domestic incumbent party, selected obedient Representative and politician, snatches before United Nations meets formed the Philippines interim government, the administration of occupied area will throw in the hand of interim government completely. 占领马尼拉后,江晨第一时间召集了菲国国内的在野党,选出了听话的议员与政客,抢在联合国开会之前组成了菲国过渡政府,将占领区的行政事务全部扔到了过渡政府的手中。 United Nations headed by western nations, is certainly impossible to recognize the legitimacy of interim government. 以西方国家为首的联合国,当然不可能承认过渡政府的合法性。 However there is no egg to use, Jiang Chen then ordered the recently established interim government to do two matters. 但是这并没有什么卵用,江晨紧接着便命令新成立的过渡政府做了两件事。 The first matter, gives up before permanently, government to south China sea improper Sovereignty statement. And the Scarborough detachment of shoal from the western military region's jurisdiction, and changes the name to it on the official map as yellow. Rock Island, namely name of China side. 第一件事,永久放弃前政府对南华国海不正当的主权声明。且将斯卡伯勒浅滩从西部军区的管辖中移除,并在官方地图上将其更名为黄.岩岛,即华方的命名。 The second matter, the disarmament 40,000, the army retains few light weapons and light vehicles, the reorganization establishment is constitution army, namely military police officer. Replaces is disbanded the police officer organization to exercise the law enforcement power in the occupied area, maintains temporary Constitution that the interim government formulates. 第二件事,裁军四万,陆军保留少量轻武器和轻型载具,重组成立为宪兵团,即军事警察。代替被解散警察机构在占领区内行使执法权,维护过渡政府制定的临时宪法 Gives up news one of the Sovereignty statement, immediately is protested by Philippines domestic populace. But relative, obtained the welcome in China aspect. 放弃主权声明的消息一出,立刻遭到了菲国国内民众的抗议。而相对的,却是得到了华国方面的欢迎。 The second day of news announcement, the Philippines interim government then received an aid of 500,000,000 US Dollar from China there. Meanwhile, the China aspect also affirmed highly Philippines interim government, in the positive contribution that restoring the regional situation on stably makes. 消息公布的第二天,菲国过渡政府便从华国那里收到了一笔5亿美金的援助。与此同时,华国方面还高度肯定了菲国过渡政府,在恢复地区局势稳定上做出的积极贡献。 Russia also indicated, approved the Philippines interim government, and urges the interim government soon to complete the stable internal stability, holds the election, regaining the peace is stable and so on...... 紧接着,俄国也表示,认可了菲国过渡政府,并督促过渡政府早日完成稳定国内局势,重新举行大选,恢复和平稳定云云…… In United Nations before setting up the Philippines interim government meets, Jiang Chen not only first completed forming of interim government, but also Wuchang in two often won over itself. Then even if the Western country tries to make an issue through United Nations, the request formed the Philippines interim government, in the Jiang Chen hand still at least had two opposite ballots. 联合国关于成立菲国过渡政府开会之前,江晨不但抢先完成了过渡政府的组建,还将“五常”里的“二常”拉拢到了自己这边。接下来就算西方国家试图通过联合国做文章,要求重新组建菲国的过渡政府,江晨手中也至少有了两张反对票。 As for coming from the Philippines domestic protest...... 至于来自菲国国内的抗议…… To be honest, how Jiang Chen does not care about these monkeys to protest. Even if they complained before the international media, oneself will portray the victim , the change they were the facts of invader. 老实说,江晨并不在意这些猴子们如何抗议。哪怕他们在国际媒体面前诉苦,将自己塑造成受害者,也改变不了他们才是侵略者的事实。 Let alone, these monkeys that day of occupying defeating, protest. The demonstration has not rested. At this moment entire Philippines is under the military control of Country of Moro, the raucous protest cannot raise what storm. 更何况,那些猴子们从占战败的那一天起,抗议.示威活动就没歇过。此刻整个菲国都处于摩洛国的军事管制之下,再激烈的抗议也掀不起什么风浪。 As for the second matter, becomes constitutionalism army to take over control of the Philippines public security, mainly to clean up the Philippines mess. Country of Moro is impossible to maintain the so large-scale garrison at Philippines, let alone United States will not agree, the finance of Country of Moro cannot bear. 至于第二件事,成立宪兵团接管菲国治安,主要是为了收拾菲国的烂摊子。摩洛国不可能一直在菲国保持如此大规模的驻军,别说美国不会同意,摩洛国的财政也负担不起。 These armies stay for one second to spend a lot of money in the foreign country, Star Ring Trading to start to withdraw troops one after another, only retained two military base in Manila, as well as one brigade military. 这些军队在外国多待一秒都得花不少钱,星环贸易已经开始陆续撤军,只在马尼拉保留了两座军事基地,以及一个旅的兵力。 ...... …… Neighboring Malacañang Palace Hilton Hotel, here by Jiang Chen at 2000 surely US Dollar floor prices, from selling off buys in the Hilton Group hand of poor|Fei asset, and transformed office of Star Ring Trading in Philippines. 邻近马拉卡南宫希尔顿酒店,这里已经被江晨以2000千万美金的地板价,从变卖在菲资产的希尔顿集团手中买下,并改造成了星环贸易菲国的办事处。 Besides more than ten diplomats, here is also stationed in 200 fully-armed soldier, ad hoc special commissioner who as well as Country of Moro sends out. Jiang Chen must process at some Manila also matters, happen to can live here temporarily. 除了十几名外交官之外,这里还驻扎着两百名全副武装的士兵,以及摩洛国派出的特遣专员。江晨马尼拉还有些事要处理,正好可以临时住在这儿。 Two days ago he lives in Philippines Presidential Palace Malacañang Palace, but Sea Lion Special Forces has given back to the interim government it now. 两天前他是住在菲国总统府马拉卡南宫内,但现在海狮特种部队已经将它还给了过渡政府。 „...... The peacekeeping forces have arrived in Leyte Island, at noon today the 12 point, our people have withdrawn from Tacloban City.” Stands in holographic screen, Ivan reported the recent situation in military affairs to him. “……维和部队已经抵达莱特岛,今天中午十二点,我们的人已经从塔克洛班市郊区撤出。”站在全息屏幕中,伊万向他汇报起了军务上的近况。 Very good, United Nations met finally Leyte Island this mess.” Jiang Chen by the chair, carried the coffee of Ayesha mixture to sip one personally, the smile said, how many people they did come?” “很好,联合国总算是将莱特岛这个烂摊子接过去了。”江晨靠在了椅子上,端起阿伊莎亲手调制的咖啡抿了一口,微笑道,“他们来了多少人?” 1000 person.” 一千人。” Jiang Chen nods, considering the Tacloban City Survivor population, similar that this number and he estimates. 江晨点了点头,考虑到塔克洛班市幸存者的人口,这个数字和他预想的差不多。 The Ivan expression somewhat starts to speak but hesitates, but is determined to ask finally. 伊万的表情有些欲言又止,可最终还是下定了决心问道。 Is entrusted with give United Nations Leyte Island completely really?” “将莱特岛完全托管给联合国真的好吗?” Why isn't good?” Jiang Chen said with a smile, present Leyte Island entire is a mess, if did not throw to United Nations, we must make the person on one's own side brave to radiate to help Philippines cultivate/repair power network. Manila, are many we unable to eat enough.” “为什么不好?”江晨笑道,“现在的莱特岛整个就是个烂摊子,如果不扔给联合国,我们还得让自己人冒着辐射去帮菲国电网。一个马尼拉已经够了,再多了我们也吃不下来。” No, I mean, if will investigate gives United Nations to manage completely, the Freemasonry that side can use the influence on International Tribunal, makes the unfair judgement to the findings......” “不,我的意思是,如果将调查完全交给联合国去办,共济会那边会不会动用在国际法庭上的影响力,对调查结果做出不公正的裁决……” Jiang Chen shakes the head, „, if according to the procedure/program, holds a court hearing from the evidence, you think when this judgement result does come out?” 江晨摇了摇头,“如果照程序,从调查取证到开庭审理,你以为这个裁决结果得什么时候出来?” At this point, Jiang Chen returned on the coffee cup the table, raised up three fingers. 说到这里,江晨将咖啡杯放回了桌上,竖起了三根手指。 Three years, need three years most quickly. Matter is serious, the link of evidence is also more complex. We have occupied the offensive, international community have the concept of first impressions are most lasting in the public opinion to this event. If they planned that attempts to pervert to the ruling, that must delay to be long the time of evidence as far as possible, increases more variables!” “三年,最快也要三年。事情越是重大,调查取证的环节也就越复杂。我们已经在舆论上占了先手,国际社会对这个事件已经有了先入为主的观念。如果他们打算对判决结果做手脚,那就必须将调查取证的时间拖得尽可能长,增加更多的变数!” Then Ivan opens mouth, however was broken by Jiang Chen quickly. “那么”伊万张了张嘴,然而很快被江晨打断了。 „, The issue came.” The smile looks at own subordinate, the Jiang Chen ten fingers before the table overlapping, quite said self-confidently, their lives, are so long?”( To be continued.) “那么,问题来了。”微笑地看着自己的部下,江晨十指在桌前交叉,相当自信地说道,“他们的寿命,还有那么长吗?”(未完待续。)
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