IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#833: Two seconds?

In Pentagon conference room, before the board, full house. At this moment sits here, is almost the core of United States power class. 五角大楼的会议室内,会议桌前座无虚席。此刻坐在这里的,几乎是美国权力阶层的核心。 Not only Ministry of National Defense Advanced official, White House politician also very rare visited this conference room. From Secretary of Defense the left hand of Ashton Carter entire , in descending order , are then President Hillary, her Chief of Staff, as well as White House National Security Adviser. 不只是国防部高级官员,白宫的政客也很罕见的造访了这间会议室。从国防部长阿什顿·卡特的左手边看全,依次是时任总统希拉里,她的幕僚长,以及白宫国家安全顾问 The atmosphere on board is very depressing, everyone's complexion is not attractive. 会议桌上的气氛很压抑,所有人的脸色都不怎么好看。 At this time, the gate of conference room shoved open, in the young male person hand that wore the western-style clothes pinched thick one pack of documents, the meteor stride was walking. 这时,会议室的门推开了,一名穿着西服的年轻男人手中捏着厚厚的一叠文件,流星大步地走了进来。 Morell, you were late.” Ashton Carter discontented say/way. 莫雷尔,你迟到了。”阿什顿·卡特不满道。 Sorry, printed these materials to spend some time...... my seat?” “抱歉,打印这些材料花了些时间……我的座位呢?” Now celestial being is a much less.” Sighed, Mr. Carter looked to the assistant of standing, moved a chair to come for Mr. Morell.” “今天人有点多。”叹了口气,卡特先生看向了站在旁边的助理,“替莫雷尔先生搬个椅子过来。” Good.” The assistant nods, turns around to walk toward out of the door. “好的。”助理点了点头,转身向门外走去。 Hillary exchanged the line of sight with her Chief of Staff, then looked to Ashton. 希拉里与她的幕僚长交换了视线,接着看向了阿什顿 Since the person have arrived in full, whether we could start?” “既然人都已经到齐,我们是不是可以开始了?” Sure,” Ashton nodded, looks to Morell, „, hurried to start, started from Guam Military Base that page.” “当然可以,”阿什顿点头,看向了莫雷尔,“那么,赶紧开始吧,从关岛军事基地那一页开始。” Good, wave ss.” Morell turns Guam Military Base report that page the document immediately, could not attend to without chair, stood in the table read, „July 24 , 3 : 00 am, the Star Ring Trading Dolphin-10 ballistic missile from west Pacific Ocean seabed Missile Silo lifted off, when the missile rose to the stratosphere, appeared in the deployment shortly on Guam Military Base THAAD anti-ballistic Artillery System......” “好的,波ss。”莫雷尔立刻将文件翻到了关岛军事基地的报告那页,也顾不上没椅子了,就这么站在桌边念了起来,“二十四,星环贸易海豚-10弹道导弹从西太平洋海底导弹井发射升空,在导弹上升至平流层时,短暂地出现在了部署在关岛军事基地萨德反导系统上……” Short appearance?” The eyebrow of Hillary selected, the fountain pen selected in the book gently, interrupted the speech of Morell, I want to know that this short, was actually several minutes?” “短暂出现?”希拉里的眉毛挑了起来,钢笔轻轻地在本子上点了点,打断了莫雷尔的发言,“我想知道这个短暂,究竟是几分钟?” Heard this inquiry, the Morell expression was awkward immediately, glanced own immediate superior Ashton one subtly. 听到了这个提问,莫雷尔的表情顿时尴尬了起来,微妙地瞟了自己的顶头上司阿什顿一眼。 However latter not associative compound, but did not say patiently. 然而后者并没有会意,只是不耐烦地说道。 President asked your question, do not lose our time.” 总统问你问题,别耽误我们的时间。” Is......” “是……” Morell nods hastily, looked hesitant to Hillary, after the table the moment, finally is determined the truth to tell present. 莫雷尔连忙点了点头,看向了希拉里,表犹豫了片刻后,最终还是下定了决心将真相告诉了在座的诸位。 Two seconds.” “两秒。” In conference room calm. 会议室内安静了下来。 Although continuously very calm, but this moment Morell felt one type dies the general silence. 虽然一直都很安静,但此刻莫雷尔却感到了一种死一般的寂静。 „...... Thanks.” Received the chair from the assistant hand, Morell relaxed, expressed gratitude low voice the sentence, sat on the chair. “……谢谢。”从助理手中接过了椅子,莫雷尔松了口气,小声道谢了句,坐在了椅子上。 That line of sight focuses in feeling, he was really one second does not want to withstand. 那种视线聚焦在身上的感觉,他真是一秒钟都不想承受下去了。 Continued on the board silent some little time, Hillary broke silent, looked that says to Ashton. 沉默在会议桌上持续了好一会儿,希拉里才打破了沉默,看向阿什顿开口说道。 „The budget of Ministry of National Defense insufficient you told me, does not need to resort to the small method in this conference.” 国防部的预算不够了你告诉我,没必要在这种会议上耍小手段。” Ashton is a face compels ignorant, has not recovered from two seconds of this number. 阿什顿则是一脸懵逼,还没有从两秒这个数字中回过神来。 Two seconds? 两秒? This is how possible! 这怎么可能! From Country of Moro War of Independence, Star Ring Trading forced United States to make the concession with the intercontinental ballistic missile, United States strengthened to the ABM deployment of Guam Military Base. Not only most advanced THAAD System deployment in Guam Military Base, but also to the original Patriot 3 air defense Artillery System radars updated...... 摩洛国独立战争时,星环贸易用洲际导弹迫使美国做出让步,美国就加强了对关岛军事基地的反导部署。不但将最先进的萨德系统部署在了关岛军事基地,还对原有的爱国者三防空系统的雷达进行了更新…… However now, the Guam Military Base head tells him, did they only observe for two seconds? 然而现在,关岛军事基地的负责人却告诉他,他们只观察到了两秒? Moreover is easiest in the missile by the radar contact, was intercepted easily, from the firing point rises to the boost phase of depressed trajectory! 而且还是在导弹最容易被雷达捕捉,最容易被拦截的,从发射点上升至低轨道的推进加速阶段! Sees the boss not to speak for a very long time, Morell thinks oneself need breaks through for the boss, therefore braces oneself to continue to say. 见上司久久不说话,莫雷尔认为自己有必要替上司解围,于是硬着头皮继续说道。 No, this and budget has no relations...... the Dolphin-10 counter- detection level to be very high. Not only we, our ally Japan simply had not even detected that Star Ring Trading used the ballistic missile......” “不,这和预算没有任何关系……海豚-10反侦测水平很高。不只是我们,我们的盟友日国甚至根本没有察觉到星环贸易使用了弹道导弹……” Actually you took the budget of 600 billion USD to do anything every year! How the missile of projectile small country special cannot hold.” A White House official cannot bear scold. “你们每年拿着六千亿美元的预算究竟干了些什么!怎么连个弹丸小国的导弹都特么的抓不住。”一名白宫官员忍不住骂道。 This cannot all blame us! We in research and development anti-missile technology, they similarly also in promotion ballistic missile technology!” “这不能全怪我们!我们在研发反导技术,他们同样也在升级弹道导弹技术!” hā hā, explained with the taxpayer!” 哈哈,和纳税人解释去吧!” „......” “……” On the board quarrelled one group, but Hillary that first opened the mouth, actually fell into at this time silent. 会议桌上吵成了一团,而最先开口的希拉里,此时却是陷入了沉默。 Shoots one with the intercontinental ballistic missile to a several hundred kilometers neighboring country, with hit the mosquito to have no difference from the cannon. Clearly, Star Ring Trading this act has ulterior motives. The visibility is the sword refers to Philippines, provoked the THAAD System detection ability actually. 用洲际导弹射一个相距不过几百公里的邻国,和用大炮打蚊子没什么差别了。很明显,星环贸易此举醉翁之意不在酒。明着是剑指菲国,实则挑衅了萨德系统的侦查能力。 If even discovered that the trail of missile cannot achieve, that not to mention anti-ballistic. 如果连发现导弹的踪迹都做不到,那就更别提反导了。 Hillary suddenly discovered pessimistically, EMP, was the ballistic missile technology, Star Ring Trading as if walks in United States front. 希拉里突然悲观地发现,无论是emp,还是导弹技术,星环贸易似乎都走在了美国的前面。 The Manila pitiful condition has proven the terrorist|terrifying lethality of EMP weapon to modern civilization. 马尼拉的惨状已经证明了emp武器对现代文明恐怖杀伤力。 Entire city returns Stone Age overnight, from the transportation to social Order, entire was destroyed. Does not have the pollution to remain, even not deceased person, the consequence that but has actually compared with killing several tens of thousands people also wants terrorist|terrifying. 整座城市一夜之间退回石器时代,从交通到社会秩序,整个被摧毁。没有污染残留,甚至不会死人,但所产生的后果却要比杀上数万人还要恐怖 If EMP in Los Angeles and Boston, even is the Washington sky detonation...... 如果emp洛杉矶波士顿,甚至是华盛顿上空引爆…… Hillary is unable to imagine, but a little can believe firmly. 希拉里无法去想象,但有一点是可以确信的。 The economy of the whole world, will therefore decline at least the 20 year. 整个世界的经济,都会因此衰退至少二十年。 Since Cuban Missile Crisis, United States National Security situation never so stern...... 古巴导弹危机以来,美国国家安全形势从未如此的严峻过…… Immediately increases the research and development budget of anti- EMP technology! I do not hope, when the EMP attack arrives after our heads, entire country active is only left over Tank and armored vehicle. Anti-ballistic Artillery System! THAAD is not good, we replace THAAD! In five months, I request Pentagon to draw up the solution! If not good, that changes players.” Hillary is staring at Ashton, with does not have the tone of least bit joke to say. “立刻增加反emp技术的研发预算!我不希望等到emp打击降临在我们的头上后,整个国家能动的只剩下坦克和装甲车。还有反导系统萨德不行了,那我们就换掉萨德!五个月内,我要求五角大楼拿出解决方案!如果不行,那就换人。”希拉里盯着阿什顿,用不带半点玩笑的语气说道。 The latter turned very quiet, the neck nodded stiffly. 后者屏住了呼吸,脖子僵硬地点了点头。 I guaranteed.” “我保证。” „, Today's conference ended.” Hillary stands up. “那么,今天的会议结束了。”希拉里站起身来。 Sees Hillary to plan to leave the table, has not completed the Morell hurried say/way of report. 希拉里打算离席,还没完成汇报的莫雷尔急忙道。 Wait, cyber security issue! About Star Ring Trading to the Philippines network attack, we sent out the cyber security expert long-distance to assist the Philippines government to defend “等等,还有网络安全问题!关于星环贸易在对菲国进行的网络攻击中,我们派出了网络安全专家远程协助菲国政府防御” Then lost right?” Hillary looks at Morell false smile, the wrinkles with narrowing the eyes the eye realized a seam, I do not want to listen to you to report my incompetent, I hope that you can draw up the solution as soon as possible!” “然后输了对吗?”希拉里皮笑肉不笑地看着莫雷尔,鱼尾纹与眯起的眼睛练成了一条缝,“我不想听你们汇报自己的无能,我希望你们能尽快拿出解决方案!” Was......” swallows a spit, Morell nodded to say stiffly. “是……”咽了口吐沫,莫雷尔僵硬地点头道。 Hillary looked to own Chief of Staff. 紧接着,希拉里看向了自己的幕僚长 „Under helps me adjust schedule, in the afternoon and evening's activity turns down, the rest of the time empty today. A while I must go to United Nations, the EMP weapon must be limited. Later I will go to Central Intelligence Agency, making Naomi Madden wait for me in Office.” “帮我调整下行程表,下午和晚上的活动都推掉,将今天剩下的时间都空出来。一会儿我得去一趟联合国,emp武器必须受到限制。晚些时候我会去一趟中情局,让内奥米·马登办公室等着我。” Good.” The Chief of Staff nod said. “好的。”幕僚长点头道。 Moreover, sends Manila John Kerry, we must chat with Jiang Chen.”( To be continued.) “另外,把约翰·克里派去马尼拉,我们必须和江晨谈谈。”(未完待续。)
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