IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#832: Awkward White House

This is impossible!” The Jews observer Kozinkin anger said, Israel does not have the nuclear weapon, impossible to provide the nuclear weapon to other country!” “这不可能!”犹太人观察员科佐金怒道,“以色列没有核武器,也不可能将核武器提供给他国!” Your former half a word words are lying, after I whether, half a word words also understand for......, inferior lie?” Appreciates on his face the angry expression, Jiang Chen smilingly was saying. “你的前半句话在说谎,我是不是可以将后半句话也理解为……嗯,蹩脚的谎言?”欣赏着他脸上愤怒的表情,江晨笑眯眯地说道。 Israel conceals the nuclear country, internationally this is almost the open secret. 以色列是匿核国家,在国际上这几乎是公开的秘密。 How at this time even if he denied again, as his only observer, does not have the persuasive power of least bit. 此时就算他再怎么否认,以他区区一名观察员的身份,也没有半点的说服力。 Observer Olivier Rooney from France coldly looks at Jiang Chen, said one word at a time. 来自法国的观察员奥利维尔·鲁尼冷冷地看着江晨,一字一顿地说道。 Very sorry, your interrogation is illegal, United Nations will not approve the illegal evidence. Only then guarantees the litigant in one's right senses, authenticity that we can determine this evidence. As for the conclusion of nuclear issue actually how qualitative, must conduct the evidence by the United Nations observer, after all evidence collect, holds a court hearing at a later date!” “很抱歉,你的审讯不合法,联合国不会认可非法的证据。只有确保当事人神志清醒,我们才能确定这段证据的真实性。至于核问题的结论究竟如何定性,得由联合国的观察员进行调查取证,在所有证据搜集完毕之后,择日开庭审理!” Facing Mr. Rooney ice-cold line of sight, Jiang Chen very indifferent smiling, spread out the hand to say. 面对鲁尼先生冰冷的视线,江晨只是很无所谓的笑了笑,摊开了手说道。 Right? Then you investigated freely, the video I have gotten up passed to online. Star Ring Trading will also begin to investigate to the event, and conducts the real-time track report in the official site.” “是吗?那么你们尽管调查好了,视频我已经上传到了网上。星环贸易同样会对事件展开调查,并在官网上进行实时的跟踪报道。” In a flash, the complexions of three observers all changed. Especially that Israel Ji's observer Kozinkin, expression really can take the Oscar comedy prize splendidly. 一瞬间,三名观察员的脸色全变了。尤其是那名以色列籍的观察员科佐金,表情精彩地简直能拿下奥斯卡喜剧奖。 Rooney became flushed the face, is pointing at Jiang Chen. 鲁尼涨红了脸,指着江晨 You, you are!” “你,你这是!” What is my?” Jiang Chen raised the chin, coldly gazes at Rooney, I believe United Nations is publicly fair as well as fair, then also please show your sincerity, making me see, this is one does not have the trial of color eyeglasses.” “我这是什么?”江晨扬起了下巴,冷冷地注视鲁尼,“我相信联合国的公开公平以及公正,那么也请拿出你们的诚意,让我看到,这是一场不带有色眼镜的审判。” The look rocked slightly, Rooney chose branched off this to he obviously disadvantageous topic. 眼神微微晃动了下,鲁尼选择了岔开这个对他明显不利的话题。 Immediately turns over to the United Nations court Aquino and Stark Marshal! This is the decision that the Moro-Philippine War ad hoc committee makes. They should by the United Nations courtroom trial, and determined whether guilty, rather than holds court to place on trial by some side of war alone!” “立刻将阿基诺斯塔克元帅移交联合国法庭!这是摩菲战争特别委员会做出的决定。他们应该由联合国法庭审判,并确定是否有罪,而不是由战争的某一方单独开庭审判!” Before standing the trial of international law, they first should stand the trial of Country of Moro people, the victor's of fight aggression trial to the war criminal!” Jiang Chen is staring at the eye of Rooney stubbornly, with did not allow to reject the tone that other, please note your excuse, this war is shoulders by Philippines unilaterally, its name was called to the poor|Fei counterattacking in self-defense war, rather than what bullshit Moro-Philippine War!” “在接受国际法的审判之前,他们首先应该接受摩洛国人民的审判,抗击侵略的胜利者对战犯的审判!”江晨死死地盯着鲁尼的眼睛,用上了不容拒绝的语气,“另外,请注意你的说辞,这场战争是由菲国单方面挑起,它的名字叫对菲自卫反击战,而不是什么狗.屁摩菲战争!” Was crushed by the Jiang Chen aggressive imposing manner, the muscle on Rooney face became the stone stiffly, the throat like inserting one group of cotton uncomfortable. The complexions of other two observers also quite ugly, they have not thought, Jiang Chen's responds unexpectedly such domineering. 江晨咄咄逼人的气势所压倒,鲁尼脸上的肌肉僵成了石块,喉咙就像塞上了一团棉花一样难受。其它两名观察员的脸色也相当的难看,他们没有想到,江晨的反应竟然会如此的强势。 Good long while, he pushes a few words. 好半天,他才挤出来一句话来。 Your words I will convey to United Nations.” “你的话我会向联合国转达。” In imposing manner, he cannot help but on short half. 气势上,他不由自主地就矮了半截。 I anticipated news that you bring back.” Jiang Chen puts out a hand, gave the hand signal of invitation to this entrance. “我期待你带回的消息。”江晨伸出手,对这门口做了个请的手势。 Rooney deeply looked at Jiang Chen one, managed the collar, leads another two observers, turns around to depart. 鲁尼深深地看了江晨一眼,理了理衣领,带着另外两名观察员,转身离去。 ...... …… Did not bluster, after video player, Jiang Chen above will then pass to the Star Ring Trading official site, and through the media that was controlled by Future Group, this not any rough stuff the interrogation video, reprinted in various large network platforms. 并非是虚张声势,当视频播放完毕之后,江晨便将其上传到了星环贸易的官网,并通过由未来人集团控制的媒体,将这段没有“任何暴力行为”的审讯视频,转载到了各大网络平台上。 After the interrogation video announced that international community immediately in an uproar. 审讯视频公布之后,国际社会顿时一片哗然。 Suddenly, Philippines and on suspicion to Israel of Philippines nuclearization, stood in the keenest struggle of public opinion. 一时间,菲国和涉嫌向菲国提供核武器的以色列,都站在了舆论的风口浪尖。 Russia and China condemned Aquino IV immediately. But Russia President Putin, expressed own view before the reporter frankly: Compared with President, the Aquino IV behavior looks like terrorist. 俄国华国在第一时间谴责了阿基诺四世。而俄国总统普金,更是直言不讳地在记者面前发表了自己的看法:比起一位总统,阿基诺四世的行为更像一名恐怖.分子 But strongly has previously condemned Country of Moro United States, therefore fell into the uncomfortable place in the public opinion. 而此前一直强烈谴责摩洛国美国,也因此在舆论上陷入了尴尬的境地。 Turns a deaf ear to Cagayan City bombing to Philippines, air raid to Star Ring Trading possible to cause the civilian casualty to impose to accuse. After the nuclear crisis, jumps to demand Star Ring Trading to withdraw troops with stern words immediately, when the Star Ring Trading large-scale airborne action is conducted expressed to the media shocking and unbelievable...... 菲国卡加延市炮击充耳不闻,对星环贸易的空袭“可能”造成平民伤亡而强加指责。核危机发生之后,又跳出来严词要求星环贸易立即撤军,并且在星环贸易大规模空降行动进行时向媒体表达了震惊和难以置信…… But now looks like, their a series is the armed intervention preheating program, and clown is equally funny. 而现在看来,他们这一系列为武装干涉预热的戏码,就和小丑一样滑稽。 Awkward, not only White House, Manila masses protesting. 尴尬的不只是白宫,还有马尼拉的抗议民众。 In order to revolt against invader, they formed the every large or small protest group spontaneously, through the violent or non-violent method, to seizing their Capital Country of Moro soldier throws the stone, ******, even is firecrackers and other explosive materials. 为了反抗侵略者,他们自发的组成了大大小小的抗议团体,通过暴力或者非暴力的手段,向占领他们首都摩洛国士兵投掷石块、******、甚至是鞭炮等爆炸物。 However after video announcement, their protests fall into the uncomfortable place immediately. 然而视频公布之后,他们的抗议活动立刻是陷入了尴尬的境地。 Such that nuclear bomb not such as Aquino IV declared, was abandoned by the bomber aircraft of invader, order of detonation nuclear bomb but by this them respected Mr. President, issued personally. 核弹并非如阿基诺四世所宣称的那样,是由侵略者的轰炸机扔下的,而是由这位他们所敬爱的总统先生,亲自下达的引爆核弹的命令。 ...... …… When facing the long spear/gun cannon of media, in the spokesman Jay Carney hand of White House is grasping the news draft, the expression is actually quite intense. 在面对媒体的长枪大炮时,白宫的新闻发言人杰伊·卡尼手中握着新闻稿子,表情却是相当紧张。 Star Ring Trading used the unusual medicine interrogation method when the interrogation, in the international human rights convention this is illegal. Moreover, the interrogation does not conform to the procedure/program, should launch to inquire to the discussing matters side by the United Nations court. Please understand that my meaning, I refer , anything must defer to the procedure/program. Investigation, evidence collection, holding court, if not defer to the procedure/program, our laws are useful?” 星环贸易在审问时使用了非正常的药物审讯手段,在国际人权公约中这是不合法的。另外,审讯本身不符合程序,应该由联合国法庭对涉事方展开问询。请你们理解我的意思,我指的是,任何事都得按照程序来。调查,取证,开庭,如果不按照程序,我们的法律还有什么用?” The person who writes the text him should not say that anything writes on the paper in detail, but reporters' inquiry actually quite cunning. 撰写发言稿的人并没有将他该说什么详细地写在纸上,而记者们的提问却又相当的刁钻。 Mr. Carney, you mean, the interrogation video that Star Ring Trading announced cannot keep a promise right?” The reporter of Times asked. 卡尼先生,请问你的意思是,星环贸易公布的审讯视频不能算数对吗?”泰晤士报的记者问道。 I did not have saying that my meaning merely was...... the graciousness...... the validity of White House question interrogation.” “我没有这么说,我的意思仅仅是……恩……白宫质疑审讯的合法性。” „What we want to know, actually the Tacloban City nuclear explosion is whose masterpiece, please directly answer our issues!” “可我们想知道的是,塔克洛班市的核爆究竟是谁的杰作,请正面回答我们的问题!” Not yet conclusion “目前尚未定论” Star Ring Trading had announced the interrogation video! We want to know is not view of White House to interrogating process, but is this matter, whether is the ghost who Jews does!” 星环贸易已经公布了审讯视频!我们想知道的不是白宫对审讯过程的看法,而是这件事,是否是犹太人搞的鬼!” Sufficed! Do not interrupt my words! I want to ask that your mother, does she have the junction the etiquette of your Britain gentleman. I said the conclusion, the White House aspect Jay Carney have not erupted at present finally, pointed at that to create obstacles for his reporter to scold unceasingly. “够了!不要打断我的话!我想问问你的母亲,她到底有没有交过你英国绅士的礼仪。我说目前尚未定论,白宫方面目前”杰伊·卡尼终于爆发了,指着那名不断刁难他的记者骂道。 However he just said, immediately then regret. 然而他刚这么说完,立刻便后悔了。 May be too late, next day his rude picture was framed in the title page of Times, and was joined to a paragraph of writing to explain. 可为时已晚,次日他失态的照片被定格在了泰晤士报的封面,并配上了一段文字说明。 When asked Tacloban City nuclear explosion is whether related with Israel, as well as Jewish Financial Group ignominious character whether acts when Moro-Philippine War, White House spokesman by stamp in sore spot, performance is not quite sane. Although White House evades the subject, but we are not difficult to see, perhaps behind this has the secretive secret facts......】 【当被问及塔克洛班市核爆是否与以色列有关,以及犹太人财团是否在摩菲战争中扮演的不光彩角色时,白宫新闻发言人被戳中了痛处,表现的相当不理智。虽然白宫对此避而不谈,但我们不难看出,这背后或许有着不可告人的隐情……】 The public opinion is fermenting. 舆论正在发酵。 However at this moment, White House could not have attended to these. 然而此刻,白宫已经顾不上这些了。 Had passed the 24 hour from Star Ring Trading airborne Manila, President and Chief of Staff one minute has not closed the eyes, calls the Ministry of National Defense Advanced official to hold ten several conferences continuously. 星环贸易空降马尼拉已经过去了二十四小时,总统幕僚长一分钟也没合过眼,召集国防部高级官员连续开了十数场会议。 Actually because of the Philippines situation. 倒不是因为菲国局势。 But because of that from seabed launch EMP......( to be continued.) 而是因为那枚从海底发射的emp……(未完待续。)
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