IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#831: Seizes Manila

Temporarily bunker situated in Malacañang Palace underground, about 500 meters in depth, may defend the nuclear strike. 临时掩体位于马拉卡南宫地下,五百,可防御核打击。 Original intention of the design for even under the panic stations, still being insufficient causes the Philippines government and director Artillery System is paralyzed, however at this moment, this underground bunker actually became Philippines to dig the good tomb for oneself. 其设计的初衷是为了即使在紧急状况之下,也不至于使菲国的政府和指挥系统陷入瘫痪,然而此刻,这座地下掩体却成了菲国为自己掘好的坟墓。 Sea Lion Special Forces that Garrett leads, launches the exchange of fire with the Philippines President guard's before Malacañang Palace square. 加雷特带领的海狮特种部队,与菲国总统卫队在马拉卡南宫前的广场上展开交火。 From starting to attack the last President guard soldier surrender, altogether only passed less than ten minutes. The staff in Presidential Palace surrender completely, both hands held to squat near the wall. 从开始突击到最后一名总统卫队士兵投降,总共只过去了不到十分钟的时间。总统府内的工作人员全部投降,双手抱头蹲在了墙边上。 Opened the radio life signal detection installment, Garrett soon found the entrance of underground bunker, bringing Sea Lion Special Forces to attack. 打开了射电生命信号探测装置,加雷特很快找到了地下掩体的入口,带着海狮特种部队攻了进去。 Almost has not encountered the resistance all the way, Ministry of National Defense Minister Stark Marshal and President Aquino IV surrendered. In the last room of underground bunker, knows game is as good as lost, virtue * matter adviser Moritz is hit by a bullet to commit suicide. 一路上几乎没有遇到抵抗,国防部部长斯塔克元帅总统阿基诺四世先后投降。在地下掩体的最后一座房间内,自知大势已去,德*事顾问莫里茨饮弹自尽。 10 : 00 am, Aquino IV depressed standing in front of the lens of camera, broadcasts to Philippines throughout in Presidential Palace, announced the surrender. 上午 10 点,阿基诺四世沮丧的站在了摄像机的镜头前,于总统府菲国全境广播,宣布投降。 Ten 30 minutes, Philippines ceases fire in the Bohol Island coastal artillery position officially. 十点三十分,菲国保和岛沿岸的炮兵阵地正式停火。 11 selects the 30 minute, makes the white flag in 14 th, 15 and 17 Mountain Brigade that the Mindanao Island north and Country of Moro battle one after another, hands over the arms to the Country of Moro 2 nd mountain division. 十一三十分,在棉兰老岛北部与摩洛国交战的第14、15、17山地旅相继打出白旗,向摩洛国第二山地师缴械投降。 11 selects the 40 minute, three masters of Philippines on Leyte Island also announces the surrender one after another, to defending stubbornly disarms in sea beach 5 th Mechanized Division. Afterward 5 th Mechanized Division sent out a group to receive the weaponry, while sent out one battalion, after equipping the exposure suit, went to Tacloban City to search Survivor. 十一四十分,菲国莱特岛上的三个师也相继宣布投降,向固守在海滩的第五机械化师缴械。随后第五机械化师一边派出了一个团去接收武器装备,一边派出了一个营,装备了防辐射服后前往塔克洛班市搜索幸存者 In 12 first two minutes, Country of Moro announced the war to end, this counterattacked in self-defense to fight to the poor|Fei by the failure of invader comes to an end! 十二点前两分钟,摩洛国宣布战争结束,这场对菲自卫反击战以侵略者的失败而告终! ...... …… Surrounded by suit sunglasses bodyguard, Jiang Chen and President Zhang pass through the special channel of airport shoulder to shoulder. 在一圈西装墨镜的保镖的簇拥下,江晨张总统并肩穿过机场的特殊通道。 Star Ring Trading has controlled Manila, now he needs to go to Philippines immediately, starts visits and discussions with the United Nations observer. Country of Moro is impossible to seize Philippines to be very long, he must use the limited time, is Star Ring Trading gains more benefits. 星环贸易已经控制马尼拉,现在他需要立刻前往菲国,与联合国观察员进行接触。摩洛国不可能占领菲国很久,他必须利用有限的时间,为星环贸易争取到更多的利益。 United States White House condemned us in the war use intercontinental ballistic missile, as well as large-scale EMP weapon. Claimed these weapons not only caused the damage that is hard to resume to Manila city power network, and caused the damage of Ruin nature to the civilian facility......” 美国白宫谴责我们在战争使用洲际弹道导弹,以及大规模emp武器。声称这些武器不但对马尼拉城市电网造成了难以恢复的损伤,并且对民用设施造成了毁灭性的伤害……” France, Germany and other countries condemned us 法国德国等国谴责我们” Condemnation did not need to report with me, what substantive movement did they have?” Jiang Chen is saying, while moved toward stopped on running up to Gulfstream g650. “谴责就不用和我汇报了,他们有没有什么实质性的动作?”江晨一边说着,一边走向了停在跑到上的湾流g650。 Temporarily did not have.” Zhang Yaping replied. “暂时还没有。”张亚平答道。 Temporarily did not have, in other words, planned , after the peace talks ended ? 暂时还没有,也就是说,打算等到和平谈判结束之后吗? Jiang Chen nods, has not said anything, took the lead to mount had entered the airplane that the runway took place. 江晨点了点头,没说什么,率先登上了已经进入跑道就位的飞机。 15 selects the 30 minute, is travelling by Jiang Chen and Gulfstream g650 airplane of Country of Xin politician, flew to Manila International Airport. 十五三十分,搭乘着江晨以及新国政要的湾流g650飞机,飞往了马尼拉国际机场 What stationed in this is Country of Moro 11 th Airborne Brigade as well as lands 1 st Armor Brigade that later. 驻扎于此的是摩洛国第11空降旅以及随后登陆的第一装甲旅 In order to avoid United Nations proposed the request that immediately withdraws troops, Jiang Chen ordered Philippines police officer Artillery System to dismiss evilly, simultaneously on grounds of moves seat opening the prison for the war criminal, released besides all criminals beside terrorist, drug abuser and kidnapper, and will seize being awaiting trial Congressman and Philippines senior government officials all closed/pass. 为了避免联合国提出立刻撤军的要求,江晨邪恶地下令菲国警察系统就地解散,同时以“为战犯挪位子”为由打开监狱,释放了除恐怖.分子毒枭、绑匪以外的所有罪犯,并且将抓捕待审的国会议员菲国政府高官全都关了进去。 Now, the entire Manila public security depends upon the Country of Moro army to maintain. 现在,整个马尼拉的治安都依靠摩洛国的军队来维持。 In this anarchy, Country of Moro can cease fire, but is impossible to withdraw troops. Only if United Nations deploys the one brigade peacekeeping forces to Luzon Island, but this obviously is not realistic. 在这种无政府状态下,摩洛国可以停火,但根本不可能撤军。除非联合国吕宋岛派遣一个旅的维和部队,但这显然是不现实的。 Jiang Chen ordered to Philippines President and Ministry of National Defense Minister uses Truth Serum, all secrets in belly spat clean. 紧接着,江晨下令对菲国总统国防部部长使用吐真剂,肚子里的所有秘密都吐了个一干二净。 ...... …… After Manila International Airport alit from the airplane, Sea Lion Special Forces received the trouble-free service. 马尼拉国际机场下了飞机后,海狮特种部队接过了安全工作。 Now on the avenue is very unsafe, once for a while has the overreaches oneself demonstrator to stand, throws the stone and to checkpoint soldier ******. In order to avoid being affected, Jiang Chen and an numerous Country of Xin politician have not taken the road, but rides Black Hawk Helicopter that comes to pick, flew to Malacañang Palace directly. 现在大街上很不安全,时不时的有自不量力的示威者站出来,向检查站士兵投掷石块和******。为了避免受到波及,江晨和一众新国政要没有走公路,而是乘坐前来接机的黑鹰直升机,直接飞往了马拉卡南宫 In the Malacañang Palace entrance, Jiang Chen saw the United Nations three specially appointed observers. 马拉卡南宫的门口,江晨见到了联合国的三名特派观察员。 The two are the Europeans, one is Jews. Peacekeeping soldier that two of standing wear Helmets, one is a black person, but another is Chinese. 其中两人是欧洲人,还有一名是犹太人。站在旁边的两名头戴蓝盔的维和士兵,一名是黑人,而另一名则是华国人 Jiang Chen can the obvious feeling, that carry 95 suddenly China peace-keeping soldier, looks fully to own vision is the respect. 江晨能明显的感觉到,那位端着“95突”的华国维和士兵,看向自己的目光满是崇敬。 Before several hours, oneself achieved them to have a dream thinks the dry/does matter. 就在数个小时前,自己做到了他们做梦都想去干的事儿。 Smiles to this compatriot in a friendly way, Jiang Chen arrived at the front of United Nations observer, extended the right hand politely. 对这位同胞友好地笑了笑,江晨走到了联合国观察员的面前,礼貌地伸出了右手。 Welcome.” “欢迎。” This is not your territory, welcome this word not to need.” That European said with English, but extended the right hand, Olivier Rooney, from France, is responsible for the United Nations observer of this event. These two are my assistant, Mr. Mangala, as well as Mr. Kozinkin.” “这不是你的领土,欢迎这个词就不必了。”那名欧洲人用英语说道,但还是伸出了右手,“奥利维尔·鲁尼,来自法国,负责此次事件的联合国观察员。这两位是我的助手,曼加拉先生,以及科佐金先生。” The desolateness of Mr. Rooney, Jiang Chen has not smiled again slightly, gave the hand signal of invitation to them, then first step walks toward the Presidential Palace direction. 没有再次鲁尼先生的冷淡,江晨微微笑了笑,对他们做了个请的手势,然后先一步向总统府的方向走去。 Arrived in Presidential Palace, Sea Lion Special Forces soldier goes forward, neatly after good military salute, handed in a uture cell phone the Jiang Chen's hand. 来到了总统府内,一名海狮特种部队士兵上前,干净利落地行了个军礼后,将一部uture手机递到了江晨的手中。 Pressed on the cell phone casually two, the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth brought back wiped the happy expression, threw the cell phone on the President Office table, then selected holographic screen. 在手机上随便按了两下,江晨嘴角勾起了一抹笑意,将手机丢在了总统办公室的桌上,然后点开了全息屏幕 Where is Mr. Aquino IV at? I need to confirm that he has not received the unfair treatment.” Rooney said. 阿基诺四世先生在哪?我需要确认他没有受到不公正的待遇。”鲁尼说道。 „It is not anxious, we make matter very civilization, compared with many of certain person civilization.” Jiang Chen beckons with the hand, the finger then selected on holographic screen, Mr. Aquino in the prison, closed/pass in his father's next door. However before seeing him, I hope that we can first look at a video together.” “不急,我们做事儿很文明,比某些人文明的多。”江晨摆了摆手,手指接着点在了全息屏幕上,“阿基诺先生就在监狱里,关在他父亲的隔壁。不过在见他之前,我希望咱们能先一起看一段视频。” Rooney knits the brows, just wants to reject, however the video has started to show. 鲁尼皱了皱眉,刚想拒绝,然而视频已经开始放映了。 In the picture, Sea Lion Special Forces soldier, is interrogating Aquino IV. Because the video is very long, the Jiang Chen finger drove on the screen, entered interrogation the nuclear weapon of core component about Tacloban City the picture quickly! 画面中,海狮特种部队士兵,正在对阿基诺四世进行审讯。由于视频很长,江晨手指在屏幕上拖动了下,将画面快进到了审讯的核心部分关于塔克洛班市的核武器! „...... Is the idea of Moritz. He told me, the air supremacy and made Sea Power in the Star Ring Trading hand, if wanted to win, must consider the way beyond war.” “……是莫里茨的主意。他告诉我,制空权和制海权都在星环贸易手中,如果想要胜利,就必须考虑战争之外的途径。” Therefore you did detonate nuclear bomb in Tacloban City?” soldier asked. “所以你们在塔克洛班市引爆了核弹?”士兵问道。 When asked when this issue, the Aquino IV expression twisted slightly in one, obviously he quite resisted regarding this issue. However Truth Serum to the drug efficacy is absolute, after soldier repeated an issue, a expression loosen on his face, replied very much confidently. 当被问及这个问题时,阿基诺四世的表情略微扭曲在了一起,显然对于这个问题他相当的抗拒。然而吐真剂对的药效是绝对的,士兵重复了一遍问题后,他脸上的表情一松,很坦然地答道。 Yes, he told me, so long as detonated the weapon of mass destruction in Tacloban City, United Nations all permanent members will not sit by and do nothing. So long as its frame on Country of Moro and Star Ring Trading, the winner of this war is we.” “是的,他告诉我,只要在塔克洛班市引爆大规模杀伤性武器,联合国的所有常任理事国都不会坐视不管。只要将其栽赃摩洛国星环贸易身上,这场战争的赢家就是我们。” Hears here, three observer complexion simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform change. 听到这里,三名观察员脸色齐齐一变。 Jiang Chen detected this very much keenly, however his anything had not said that but smiles, continued to look at the picture on holographic screen. 江晨很敏锐地察觉到了这点,然而他什么都没说,只是笑了笑,继续看着全息屏幕上的画面。 But you lose now.” soldier said with a smile. “但你们现在输了。”士兵笑道。 Yes.” Aquino replied. “是的。”阿基诺答道。 Good, then last issue.” soldier turned one page the book on table, then opens the mouth to ask, where does nuclear bomb come?” “好的,那么最后一个问题。”士兵将桌上的本子翻了一页,接着开口问道,“核弹是从哪里来的?” Regarding this issue, the lip of Aquino twitched, displayed compared with also to strongly resist a moment ago. 对于这个问题,阿基诺的嘴唇抽动了下,表现出了比刚才还要强烈的抗拒。 However that soldier has not paid attention, but raised the volume, repeated. 然而那名士兵对此没有理会,只是抬高了音量,重复了一遍。 Where does nuclear bomb come?” 核弹是从哪里来的?” These words were ordinary like the spell, beat open the Aquino psychological defense line. 这句话如同魔咒一般,敲开了阿基诺的心理防线。 Secret that this cannot say absolutely, because of the Truth Serum drug efficacy, was shaken the reveal clean. 这个绝对不能说的秘密,也因为吐真剂的药效,被抖露的一干二净。 Israel.” 以色列。” Ended the video, in Presidential Palace in an uproar.( To be continued.) 视频到此结束,总统府内一片哗然。(未完待续。)
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