IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#830: Code number: Punish

Action code-named Punish. 行动代号为惩戒 Operational mission simple controls Philippines Presidential Palace, Congress, the Supreme Court and Ministry of National Defense, to wait for the critical facility very much, seizes war criminal Aquino IV, Ministry of National Defense Minister Stark Marshal, as well as military adviser Moritz from Germany. 作战任务简单控制菲国总统府国会、最高法院、国防部、等重要设施,抓捕战犯阿基诺四世,国防部部长斯塔克元帅,以及来自德国的军事顾问莫里茨 By Country of Moro is set out a 3000 person scale enhancement Airborne Brigade, Star Ring Trading sets out the 2000 person scale Airborne Brigade as well as to put up the drone attack group that hummingbird comprised of 8000, launches the large-scale airborne combat to Philippines capital Manila City. 摩洛国出动一支三千人规模的加强空降旅,星环贸易出动两千人规模的空降旅以及一支由八千蜂鸟组成的无人机攻击群,对菲国首府马尼拉市展开大规模空降作战。 The time is only the 24 hour. 时间只有二十四小时。 In July day 3 : 00 am, the Dolphin 10 ballistic missiles lifted off in west Pacific Ocean seabed Missile Silo from the deployment, detonated in the Luzon Island middle air zone. The attack covered most Luzon Island, the Manila comprehensive power cut, the transportation was paralyzed thoroughly. 七月日凌晨3点,海豚十弹道导弹从部署在西太平洋的一处海底导弹井发射升空,在吕宋岛中部空域引爆。打击覆盖了大半个吕宋岛,马尼拉全面停电,交通彻底陷入瘫痪。 Afterward, Aurora-20 flies to the air zone, as well as 5 35 launches the fierce combat with 10 of lift-off 22, captures the Manila above air supremacy thoroughly. 随后,极光20飞抵空域,与升空的十架22以及五架35展开激战,彻底夺取马尼拉上空的制空权。 Sea Lion Special Forces lands Luzon Island later, and other anti-aircraft Artillery System conducts the infiltration to destroy to Patriot 3, put down the path for Unit airborne. 海狮特种部队随后登陆吕宋岛,对爱国者三等防空系统进行渗透破坏,为空降扫平了道路。 When all are ready, the two brigades airborne soldier embarks from the Davao Port airport, arrives in sky over Luzon Island in 5 : 00 am, started this named Punish large-scale airborne combat. 当一切准备就绪,两个旅空降兵从达沃港机场出发,于凌晨5点抵达吕宋岛上空,开始了这名为“惩戒”的大规模空降作战。 Those who are the paratrooper to deliver mission is 30 IL-76 transport aircraft. 担任伞兵投送任务的是30架伊尔76运输机。 From long before, Jiang Chen through Natasha, at the 20 million USD unit price, ordered this type of giant transport plane from Russia, with conduct the rapid deployment to the combat unit. Although that side Last of Days has a easier-to-use airplane to use, but these things stay in the blueprint temporarily, at present the Future War Industry capacity is not enough to realize the large-scale mass production temporarily. 从很早以前,江晨就通过娜塔莎,以两千万美元的单价,从俄罗斯那边订购了这种大型运输机,用以对作战单位进行快速部署。虽然末世那边有更好用的飞机可以用,但那些东西暂时都停留在图纸上,目前未来人军工的产能暂时不足以实现大规模的量产。 In order to reduce the civilian casualty, Jiang Chen will battle the time of starting to decide especially in the night. 为了减少平民伤亡,江晨特地将作战开始的时间定在了夜间。 Before the 12 : 00 pm, is the deadline of United Nations to warring parties. So long as disintegrates Philippines to direct Artillery System before 12 : 00 pm, seizes Philippines President and half Congressman, forcing it to sign the surrender agreement immediately, the war then can come to an end. 十二之前,就是联合国对交战双方的最后期限。只要在十二之前瓦解菲国指挥系统,抓捕菲国总统和半数国会议员,迫使其立刻签署投降协议,战争便可以宣告结束。 By defeat of Philippines, realizes both sides to cease fire! 菲国的战败,实现双方停火! The bellow of engine, the cold wind blows outside the steel cabinet flap flap makes noise. 引擎的轰鸣声,冷风在钢铁机壳外刮的猎猎作响。 Is backing on the ice-cold engine room, in the IL-76 transport aircraft, two rows sit fully-armed soldier neatly. 背靠着冰冷的机舱,伊尔76运输机内,两列整齐地坐着全副武装的士兵 Jet black exoskeleton armed the tooth them, the black glass on digit helmet, is passing dense murderous aura. 漆黑的外骨骼将他们武装到了牙齿,数字头盔上的墨色玻璃,透着森森然的杀气。 The fuselage vibrated violently , the nose raises slightly upwardly. The signal light grading in engine room lightens, that only pointed at opened out the insurance neatly, then opened behind nylon buckle. 机身猛烈的抖动了下,机头微微向上扬起。机舱内的信号灯次第点亮,那一只只手指整齐地拨开了保险,接着挑开了身后的尼龙扣。 At this moment, had arrived at the Manila sky. 此刻,已经到达了马尼拉的上空。 Prefect arrived at the center of engine room, puts out a hand to draw is cancelling the link, stands there steadily, is making the final mobilization. 长官走到了机舱的中央,伸手拉着勾环,稳稳地站在那里,做着最后的动员。 Monkeys detonated nuclear bomb in oneself city, now, we grasp press down the person of button. The landing, confirmed the position, the locking target, opened fire, with killing of spear/gun, do not shoot the civilians! Advances toward the mission goal, is such simple! Now, inspection of equipment, preparation!” “猴子们在自己的城市引爆了核弹,现在,我们去抓按下按钮的人。着陆,确认位置,锁定目标,开枪射击,拿枪的干掉,别射平民!向着任务目标推进,就是这么简单!现在,检查装备,准备出发!” Responded his is the uniform roar. 回应他的是整齐划一的吼声。 Does not need to mobilize, everyone is high-spirited. 根本无需动员,所有人士气高昂。 Philippines must dead in battle 431 brothers in nuclear explosion pays the price, the blood debt must the blood recompense! In the eye of each soldier, is glittering the ray of hatred. 菲国必须为阵亡在核爆中的431名弟兄付出代价,血债必须血偿!每一位士兵的眼中,都闪烁着仇恨的光芒。 The signal light is been green by the red revolutions, the front door of engine room opens slowly. 信号灯由红转绿,机舱的大门缓缓开启。 Above the cloud layer, howls, but two fighter aircraft. 云层上方,呼啸而过两架战机。 The air wave whirls around is injecting the engine room, by that matter level white clouds, can clear seeing, the anti-aircraft artillery tracer shell ground-to-air strafe, is driving away Aurora of wreaking havoc air zone unproductive. Not far away, Country of Moro 31 st Airborne Brigade has started the parachuting, chute bag piggy banks sky. 气浪翻卷着吹入机舱,透过那层层白云,可以清晰的看见,防空炮地曳光弹正对空扫射,徒劳地驱赶着肆虐空域的极光。不远处,摩洛国的第31空降旅已经开始跳伞,一朵朵伞包扑满了天空。 airborne Philippines Capital Manila, ended this war in 24 hours! 空降菲国首都马尼拉,在24小时内结束这场战争! Now! Jump! Quickly!” “现在!跳!快!” In the Prefect roaring sound, wore the exoskeleton soldier grading to leap to the engine room. 长官的咆哮声中,身着外骨骼士兵次第跃向了机舱外。 Unlike the Country of Moro paratrooper, about airborne to 200 meters altitude. Carries installs activate(d) in the exoskeleton back parachute approach, the flame blowout of quiet blue, the Star Ring Trading paratrooper cut off the back parachute, under the cushion of short distance rocket ejector, trod directly layer on layer/heavily in the cement the crown of road surface or tall buildings. 摩洛国的伞兵不同,空降左右的高度。挂载在外骨骼背后的缓降装置启动,幽蓝色的火光喷出,星环贸易的伞兵割断了背后的降落伞,直接在短途火箭喷射器的缓冲下,重重地踏在了水泥路面或高楼大厦的顶部。 The day the dawn, under tall buildings, the Manila residents had been screaming runs to run away. The transportation became one group when the first round of attack randomly, when the paratrooper starts airborne, entire city became one group randomly. Manila City police officer, discarded the firearms and night stick in hand, joined in the lineup of fleeing from calamity, dashed about wildly in the direction of underground station. 天已经蒙蒙亮,高楼大厦之下,马尼拉的市民们尖叫着奔跑逃窜。交通早在第一轮打击时就乱成了一团,当伞兵开始空降,整个城市更是乱成了一团。就连马尼拉市警察,也丢掉了手中的枪械和警棍,也加入到了逃难的阵容中,向着地铁站的方向狂奔。 Occasionally had Patriot that 1~2 that did not enlarge ones vision to pick up Pistol , drone locking that also quick took the lead to land killed. 偶尔有那么一两个不开眼的爱国者捡起了手枪,也很快就被率先着陆的无人机锁定击毙。 Any has weapon, will be regarded as the combatants! 任何持有武器者,都将被视作战斗人员! The Country of Moro paratrooper first lands, and catches up with from Manila launches the exchange of fire with the Philippines 11 th guard travel and Philippines anti-terrorism troops that immediately. The flame of explosion floods Manila main street and small alley, the armored vehicle of coming to anchor is abandoned at will in the roadside. 摩洛国的伞兵最先着陆,并立刻与从马尼拉附近赶来的菲国第11近卫旅、菲国反恐部队展开交火。爆炸的火焰充斥着马尼拉的大街小巷,抛锚的装甲车被随意地废弃在路边。 Star Ring Trading soldier after the landing, opens the holographic map on digit helmet immediately, by the formulation of Quantum Computer the recent assemble place and attack route by the direct-viewing mark on the holographic map, everyone was being entered the battle condition most in a short time. 星环贸易士兵在着陆之后,立刻打开了数字头盔上的全息地图,由量子计算机的制定了最近的集合地点和攻击路线被直观的标记在全息地图上,所有人都在最短时间内进入了战斗状态。 Rushes to the urban district to conduct the support Philippines soldier, instead becomes a side that deals with hastily. 赶往市区内进行支援的菲国士兵,反而成为了仓促应付的一方。 No one has thought, Star Ring Trading will put out the so radical and risky strategy, to Manila airborne two brigades, rather than focused on eliminating the guerrilla force on Mindanao Island directly. 谁也没有想到,星环贸易会拿出如此激进且冒险的策略,直接向马尼拉空降两个旅,而不是集中力量清除棉兰老岛上的游击队。 In the war, Star Ring Trading used Reptile Robot in the war for the first time, as the infantry firepower support platform, use short distance rocket and small caliber grenade falls in torrents the firepower to Philippines soldier. 在战争中,星环贸易首次在战争中使用了爬虫机器人,作为步兵火力支援平台,使用短途火箭和小口径榴弹对菲国士兵倾泻火力。 both sides launched the exchange of fire in market, bus stop, road, office building wait/etc. places, strives for the control of city main traffic artery. 双方在商场、公交车站、公路、办公楼等等地点展开交火,争夺城市主要交通干道的控制权。 The tactical situation is exceptionally frigid. 战况异常惨烈。 Because the fight happened in the city, moreover in Capital, Philippines is unable to support the frontline units with the artillery, can only dispatch stationed in nearby armored battalion, sends out Unit airborne of Tank and armored vehicle to Country of Moro eliminates. 因为战斗发生在城内,而且还是在首都,菲国无法用炮兵对前线部队进行支援,只能调遣驻扎在附近的装甲营,派出坦克和装甲车对摩洛国空降进行肃清。 However air supremacy in the hand of Star Ring Trading. 然而制空权在星环贸易的手中。 Facing the hail of bullets of dropping from the clouds, the Philippines ground unit is similar to the chicken under eagle claw to be common, can only running away in a panic. 面对从天而降的弹雨,菲国的地面单位就如同鹰爪下的小鸡一般,只能仓皇的逃窜。 So long as were marked on the map, quick will have a round of bomb or ammunition clip Aerial Artillery flies, its bang one pile of scrap copper and iron. 只要被标记在了地图上,很快就会有一发航弹或者一梭子机炮飞过来,将其轰成一堆废铜烂铁。 A Philippines armored vehicle to avoid locking of Aurora-20, backed up to crash in Philippines country bank directly. However the air-to-surface missile hit the goal as before, the flame of explosion exploded the fragment the entire bank front door. 一辆菲国的装甲车为了躲避极光20的锁定,直接倒车冲进了菲国国家银行。然而空地导弹依旧击中了目标,爆炸的火焰将整个银行大门炸成了碎片。 Casualties that to end the battlefield campaign as soon as possible, Star Ring Trading has had no way to haggle over the civilians. 为了尽早结束战场战役,星环贸易已经没法计较平民的伤亡了。 Enters the war by the mercenary soldier status in any case, finally is a scapegoat is also Country of Moro. 反正是以雇佣兵的身份参战,最后背锅的也是摩洛国 Let alone, Philippines government do not care 更何况,菲国政府自己都不在意 Besides putting in the one brigade military, Star Ring Trading also airdropped 1000 place Drone Hive to Manila, released total 8000 to put up Hummingbird Drone, programmed Group 16 Drone Swarm to eliminate the Philippines ground unit. 除了投入一个旅的兵力外,星环贸易还向马尼拉空投了一千无人机蜂房,释放了共计八千蜂鸟无人机,编程了16组无人机群菲国地面单位进行肃清。 These Drone Swarm seem the transit locust, a place visited piece in confusion. 这些无人机群就好似过境蝗虫,所过之处一片狼藉。 Overlooks the land from the outer space, entire Manila wreaked havoc by the fire probably is the same, the rocket of war has burnt City Center from the suburb, burnt the square before Presidential Palace Malacañang Palace, burns underground bunker that Aquino IV and other senior officials hid to be continued. 从太空俯瞰大地,整个马尼拉就好像被大火肆虐过一样,战争的狼烟一直从郊区烧到了市中心,烧进了总统府马拉卡南宫前的广场,烧进了阿基诺四世等高官躲藏的地下掩体未完待续。
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