IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#829: War that had not sacrificed

Phili side proposed that by the Mindanao Island actual control of northern areas that the guerrilla force seizes under Philippines, should manage by Phili side temporarily. But Leyte Island as battle disputed area, and was under the nuclear strike, should take over control by the United Nations peacekeeping forces, both sides draw back respectively one step, simultaneously withdraws army from Leyte Island 菲方提出被游击队占领的棉兰老岛北部地区处在菲国的实际控制之下,理应由菲方暂时管理。而莱特岛作为交战争议地区,并且遭遇了核打击,理应由联合国维和部队接管,双方则各退一步,同时从莱特岛上撤出军队” The military officer who that is responsible for transmitting the news has not said, Ivan immediately infuriated say/way. 那名负责传达消息的军官还没说完,伊万顿时火冒三丈道。 This does not draw back respectively one step! This is the plot of naked!” “这根本不是各退一步!这是赤果果的阴谋!” Compares in the Ivan anger, the Jiang Chen's expression to appearing tranquil many. 相较于伊万的愤怒,江晨的表情到显得平静的多。 He understood finally, Philippines delivers the guerrilla force to Mindanao Island, at all is not abandons the line of supply hits suicide the battle of attrition, but to formally form one type to the actual control of area. 他总算是明白了,菲国棉兰老岛投送游击队,根本不是什么抛弃补给线打“自杀式”的消耗战,而是为了形成一种形式上的对地区的实际控制权。 Again through the external factor, was acted by United States or United Nations, forces this war abort! 紧接着,再通过外因,由美国或者联合国出手,迫使这场战争强制结束! But this ceasefire line, the entire Mindanao Island north, will delimit Philippines! 而这道停火线,将会把整个棉兰老岛的北部,划到菲国这边! With the 3 masters of deployment opposite of Surigao Strait as the bait, tempts us to launch the Leyte Island landing operation to shut off the supplies of these 3 masters. Leaves behind the one brigade military in Tacloban City, hinders speed that we advance, after then we almost capture the Tacloban City control, the detonation hides, in City Center nuclear bomb finger builds on the chin, Jiang Chen is pondering, while said in a low voice. “用部署在苏里高海峡对面的三个师作为诱饵,引诱我方发动莱特岛登陆战以切断这三个师的补给。在塔克洛班市留下一个旅的兵力,阻滞我们推进的速度,然后当我们几乎夺取塔克洛班市控制权后,引爆藏在市中心核弹”手指搭在下巴上,江晨一边思考着,一边低声道。 The air supremacy in our hands, makes Sea Power also in our hands, from the beginning Philippines has not planned to win this war in the battlefield, but is the place of plan from battlefield decides the victory and defeat. If enters International Tribunal, was actually responsible for examining by United Nations is which side to use the nuclear weapon. 制空权在我们的手上,制海权也在我们的手上,从一开始菲国就没打算在战场上打赢这场战争,而是打算从战场之外的地方分出胜负。如果一旦进入国际法庭,由联合国负责审查究竟是哪方使用了核武器。 Clearly, if on the court, the sphere of influence broader Freemasonry obvious chance were bigger. 很明显,如果上了法庭,势力范围更广的共济会明显赢面更大。 But how regardless of the judgement result, Country of Moro to lose the Mindanao Island northern control. 而无论裁决结果如何,摩洛国都将失去棉兰老岛北部的控制权。 From the beginning, they plan to detonate this nuclear bomb! 从一开始,他们就打算引爆这枚核弹 United Nations gives us how much time.” Jiang Chen looked to the military officer of that pass on message. 联合国给我们多少时间。”江晨看向了那名传讯的军官。 24 hour.” That military officer said anxiously, „the observer statement that United Nations dispatches is strong, if we cannot reach the truce in the 24 hour, United Nations will be authorized the permanent member to force to involve regional situation 二十四小时。”那名军官紧张地说道,“联合国派遣的观察员表态非常强硬,如果我们不能在二十四小时实现停火,联合国将授权常任理事国强制介入地区局势” „Does the 24 hour cease fire? The war is they shoulders, now they say that must cease fire!” A military officer scolded. 二十四小时停火?战争是他们挑起的,现在他们却说要停火!”一名军官骂道。 Fuck special United Nations! This is unfair!” 法克特么的联合国!这不公平!” Shit! Our Country of Moro is impossible to accept such result! May not the military officer from Country of Moro scold absolutely. 谢特!我们摩洛国不可能接受这样的结果!绝对不可”来自摩洛国的军官骂道。 Now is not the complaint time.” The Jiang Chen's finger knocked the table layer on layer/heavily, broke the sound on direction table, the sharp vision has swept by direction table pair of eyes, „, we have the 24 hour.” “现在不是抱怨的时候。”江晨的手指重重地敲了敲桌子,打断了指挥桌上的声音,锐利的目光扫过了指挥桌旁的一双双眼,“诸位,我们还有二十四小时。” Thinks well, we can make anything with this 24 hour.” “好好想想,我们能用这二十四小时做些什么。” At this point, Jiang Chen, stretched out two fingers. 说到这里,江晨顿了顿,伸出了两根手指。 Generally speaking, the ceasefire only has two situations. both sides put down the weapon, returns to the ceasefire line. A side surrender.” “一般而言,停火只有两种情况。双方放下武器,退回到停火线之内。或者,其中一方投降。” „Is your meaning?” “您的意思是?” We go to Philippines Capital directly.” Jiang Chen finger on the holographic map, wiped off the attack route that outlined, drew a red fork in the Manila position directly, before the court sit of United Nations, the trial detonates the nuclear bomb war criminal!” “我们直接去菲国首都。”江晨手指点在了全息地图上,擦掉了原先勾画的进攻路线,直接在马尼拉的位置画了个红叉,“在联合国的法庭开庭之前,审判引爆核弹的战犯!” Before direction table, all military officers, turned very quiet suddenly, look at each other in blank dismay. 指挥桌前所有的军官,一时间都不由屏住了呼吸,面面相觑。 Continued silent for about a half minute, no one spoke a few words. 沉默持续了将近半分钟,没人说一句话。 This was too crazy.” Ivan cannot bear the opens the mouth, broke by the direction table on silence. “这太疯狂了。”伊万忍不住开口,打破了指挥桌旁上的沉默。 However unlike question that on his mouth raised, regarding plan that Jiang Chen proposed, in his eye is glittering frantically. 然而与他嘴上提出的质疑不同,对于江晨提出的计划,他的眼中闪烁着狂热的。 Yes, this is very crazy,” Jiang Chen nods, the hand patted on the direction table, the vision has swept from faces, squeezed out the last few words from the gap between teeth one word at a time, remembered to me, was they are first insane!” “是的,这很疯狂,”江晨点了点头,手拍在了指挥桌上,目光从一张张脸上扫过,一字一顿地从牙缝里挤出了最后一句话,“不过给我记住,是他们先疯掉的!” The Manila underground bunker, here is the temporary headquarters of Philippines Nation Army. 马尼拉的地下掩体,这里是菲国全国陆军的临时指挥部。 Because lost the air supremacy, to prevent Star Ring Trading Aurora-20 launches the air raid to Capital, Ministry of National Defense, Congress and Presidential Palace bring here temporarily, maintains the operation of army and government apparatus. 因为失去了制空权,为了防止星环贸易极光20首都发动空袭,国防部国会总统府都临时搬进了这里,维持军队与政府机构的运行。 Bastard! You special made anything! Is you do is right! You replied me!?” “混蛋!你特么的都做了些什么!是你们做的对不对!你回答我!啊?” Philippines Ministry of National Defense Minister Stark Marshal kicked aside the Office gate, goes forward two steps, seized the military adviser Moritz collar stubbornly. However the latter visits him indifferently, whatever the old person of this graying at the temples is clutching own collar stubbornly. 菲国国防部部长斯塔克元帅一脚踢开了办公室的门,上前两步,死死地揪住了军事顾问莫里茨的衣领。然而后者只是冷漠的看着他,任由这位两鬓斑白的老人死死地揪着自己的衣领。 I do not understand your meaning.” “我不明白你的意思。” Tacloban City nuclear explosion! Except for your Jews, but also who possibly puts out the nuclear weapon!” The fleck of saliva flies horizontally, Stark Marshal angry roaring. 塔克洛班市的核爆!除了你们犹太人,还有谁可能拿出核武器!”吐沫星子横飞,斯塔克元帅愤怒的咆哮道。 Please note your excuse,” military adviser Moritz from Germany is saying lightly, at the same time takes off from own collar his hand, has the country of nuclear weapon to have, public in possession of nuclear weapons, is secret in possession of nuclear weapons. Although does not have the evidence, but we can also assume that Country of Xin has the nuclear weapon.” “请注意你的说辞,”来自德国的军事顾问莫里茨淡淡地说着,一边将他的手从自己的衣领上摘下,“拥有核武器的国家有很多,无论是公开拥核,还是秘密拥核。虽然没有证据,但我们也可以假定新国拥有核武器。” Fart!” Stark shouted abuse, has the advantage, but also especially pulling out nuclear bomb? Trades 2000 people of travel with the 130,000 person, is the pig directs, impossible under this stupid and incredible decision!” “放屁!”斯塔克破口大骂道,“已经占据了优势,还特么的掏出核弹?用13万人去换2000人的旅,就是猪来指挥,都不可能下这种愚蠢而荒诞的决定!” But this is the fact, is nuclear bomb that the Star Ring Trading bomber aircraft abandons. We do not have the evidence, but they do not have. The air supremacy in their hands, nuclear bomb impossible to fall.” “但这就是事实,是星环贸易的轰炸机扔下的核弹。我们没有证据,但他们也没有。制空权在他们的手上,核弹不可能自己掉下来。” That is city! Also has city that the 100,000 civilians have not evacuated! I did not say these also with soldier of Country of Moro street fighting! That is the 100,000 person! 100,000 weaponless civilians!” Stark Marshal both eyes are red, the tooth almost bites. “那可是一座城市!一座还有十万平民尚未撤离的城市!我不说那些还在和摩洛国巷战的士兵!那可是十万人!十万手无寸铁的平民!”斯塔克元帅双目赤红,牙齿几乎咬碎。 But this is the war.” Moritz said lightly. “但这是战争。”莫里茨淡淡地说道。 In Office calm. 办公室安静了下来。 The chest of Stark Marshal is fluctuating fiercely, just like trapped/sleepy beast in a cage, the corners of the mouth and nostril overflow shout intermittently. 斯塔克元帅的胸口剧烈地起伏着,犹如一只笼中的困兽,嘴角与鼻孔溢出阵阵嘶吼。 United Nations will involve, 24 hour both sides cease fire, the peacekeeping forces take over control to suffer the nuclear strike Leyte Island. But the entire Mindanao Island north, will return to under the control of Philippines, actual control that because the guerrilla force forms to this/should region.” 联合国会介入,二十四小时双方停火,维和部队接管遭受核打击的莱特岛。而整个棉兰老岛的北部,都将回到菲国的控制之下,因为游击队对该区域形成的实际控制。” At this point, Moritz stopped, puts out a hand to reorganize under at present this old person's collar. 说到这里,莫里茨停顿了一下,伸手整理了下眼前这位老人的衣领。 Since matter has happened, I think that we best or arrange for everybody to give the same story.” “既然事情已经发生,我想我们最好还是统一口径。” Person who these died “那些死去的人” Without did not sacrifice the war that can win, I have asked you from the beginning, your consciousness actually many. Now I tell you, these compatriots who you died, wins this war necessary sacrifice.” “没有不牺牲就能打赢的战争,我从一开始就问过你,你们的觉悟究竟有多少。现在我告诉你,你们死去的那些同胞,都是打赢这场战争必要的牺牲。” Drop of cold sweat before the Stark volume falls, his lip shiver said. 一滴冷汗从斯塔克的额前滑落,他嘴唇颤抖地说道。 Your this lunatic cannot make you direct the Philippines army. I will apply to President, abolish your command jurisdiction!” “你这个疯子不能让你来指挥菲国的军队。我会向总统申请,撤销你的指挥权!” Command jurisdiction can give back to you, is only left over the 24 hour in any case. Country of Moro should start to the Mindanao Island northern guerrilla force counter-attacks crazily, at this time we only needed maintain to continued landing of Mindanao Island, as well as through the deployment in the Bohol Island artillery position, the support guerrilla force defends our fruits of victory “指挥权可以还给你,反正只剩下二十四小时。摩洛国应该会对棉兰老岛北部的游击队发动疯狂反扑,这时候我们只需要保持对棉兰老岛的持续登陆,以及通过部署在保和岛的炮兵阵地,支援游击队守住我们的胜利果实” At this moment, grating Alarm actually interrupted the Moritz words. 就在这时,刺耳的警报却是打断了莫里茨的话。 Moritz knit the brows slightly, looks to the entrance. 莫里茨微微皱眉,看向了门口。 What sound?” “什么声音?” Stark looked up to the ceiling of concrete, muttered. 斯塔克抬头看向了混凝土的天花板,喃喃道。 Is anti-aircraft Alarm “是防空警报 Air raid?” Moritz knits the brows to say. “空袭?”莫里茨皱眉道。 Has arrived in this, even if raids Manila is also useful? 都已经到这份上了,就算空袭马尼拉又有什么用? Why hoping does not know, Stark said such words. “但愿”不知为什么,斯塔克说出了这样的话。 However the intuition told him, perhaps matter was far from raiding that simple. To be continued. 然而直觉告诉他,事情恐怕远远没有空袭那么简单。未完待续。
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