IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#828: Second mushroom clouds

The mushroom cloud raises from Tacloban City, the halo of radiation illuminated the face of player and enemy. 蘑菇云从塔克洛班市上空升起,辐射的光晕照亮了敌我双方的脸。 At this moment, lies Philippines soldier after sandbag bunker, Country of Moro soldier that as Tank advances, stopped the finger that fastens tightly the trigger, will look at City Center that lightened sky. 这一刻,无论是趴在沙袋掩体后的菲国士兵,还是随着坦克推进的摩洛国士兵,都停下了扣紧扳机的手指,将目光投向了市中心的那片被点亮的天空。 The nuclear weapon let all resistances and attacks turned into the meaningless game. 核武器让一切抵抗和进攻都变成了毫无意义的游戏。 When the shock-wave has swept from the street, the enemy or the allied force, were steamed to blow the ashes by that scalding hot air wave 当冲击波从街道上扫过,无论是敌人还是友军,都被那灼热的气浪蒸吹成了灰烬 Here is the headquarters, after hearing, please reply “这里是指挥部,听到后请回答” „After zī zī hears, please reply 滋滋听到后请回答” Opened the fuzzy eyes, Zhang Feng closed tightly the pressure, but could not bear cough a blood. 睁开了模糊的双眼,张峰咬紧了压,但还是没忍住咳出了一口血。 At this moment his condition is not very wonderful, the surrounding acid slag broke to pieces place, on hand everywhere is the broken earthenware jar and soil, this moment whole person fell in the wooden cabinet. It seems like when the nuclear strike arrives, he threw into a flower shop by the shock-wave. 此刻他的状况很不妙,周围的玻璃渣碎了一地,手边到处都是破瓦罐与泥土,此刻整个人都陷进了木柜中。看来当核打击降临时,他被冲击波扔进了一家花店。 Outside the shatter display window, the armored vehicle reverses in the roadside, the turret entire is pared, on the fuel of overflow calmly is jumping the flame. 破碎的橱窗外,装甲车翻倒在路旁,炮塔已经被整个削去,溢出的燃油上静静地跳跃着火焰。 Too miserable 太惨了 Moved out of the way the stone that presses in the chest front armor, Zhang Feng stood from the ground difficultly. 挪开了压在胸前装甲的石块,张峰艰难地从地上站了起来。 The shock-wave sweeps across the street time, his chest probably running upon was the same by the truck. Has the protection of mechanical exoskeleton luckily, is several kilometers from the explosion center luckily, may not only otherwise was selected internal injury that simple. 冲击波席卷街道的时候,他的胸口就好像被卡车给撞上了一样。幸好有机械外骨骼的保护,幸好距离爆炸中心还有数公里,否者可就不只是受点内伤那么简单了。 „!” “咳!” Is supporting with rifle, one side Zhang Feng arrives, picked up own tactical helmet to put on. 步枪支撑着,张峰走到一边,捡起了自己的战术头盔戴上。 Here was 121 st squad we possibly was under the nuclear strike.” “这里是第121小队我们可能遭遇了核打击。” Here is the headquarters, after receiving, please organize the personnel immediately, withdraws the landing area.” “这里是指挥部,收到后请立刻组织人员,撤回登陆点。” Understood.” “明白。” Will nuclear bomb, why have nuclear bomb? 核弹,为什么会有核弹 Having victory in the hand, Star Ring Trading is obviously impossible to use this type of weapon of mass destruction. The air supremacy in the Star Ring Trading hand, the words, nuclear bomb should be Philippines establishes in Tacloban City in advance 胜券在握,星环贸易显然不可能使用这种大规模杀伤性武器。制空权在星环贸易手中,如此说来的话,核弹应该是菲国预先设置在塔克洛班市里的 But why will Philippines have nuclear bomb? 菲国为什么会有核弹 Moreover unexpectedly uses in own city?! 而且居然用在自己的城市?! Were they insane? 他们疯了吗? Zhang Feng does not think clearly. 张峰想不明白。 Only he can confirm, only then, that is his squad in the flash, the casualties more than half. Were under so the impact of terrorist|terrifying at city edge, then has broken in Country of Moro 5 th Mechanized Division in city, only feared that is more unfortunate than fortunate. 他唯一能够确认的只有一点,那就是他的小队在一瞬间,伤亡过半。处在城市边缘的自己都受到了如此恐怖的冲击,那么已经冲入城区内的摩洛国第五机械化师,只怕已经凶多吉少。 The Philippines army is retreating to Samar Island, Tacloban City is its road which must be taken. 菲国陆军正在向萨马岛撤退,塔克洛班市是其必经之路。 If not want to be captured, he must withdraw the landing area immediately. 如果不想被俘虏,他必须立刻撤回登陆点。 In one month, on Earth raised big small two groups of mushroom to say. 一个月内,地球上升起了一大一小的两团蘑菇云。 The Tacloban City nuclear explosion, globally raised was as good as a while ago the panic of Biochemical Crisis. 塔克洛班市的核爆,在全球范围内掀起了不亚于前段时间生化危机的恐慌。 Always, people have only felt the might of nuclear weapon in the movie. 一直以来,人们只在电影中感受过核武器的威力。 However at this moment, all these actually happened in the reality. Although merely is the few words on newspaper, with satellite aerial photography that wipes the scarlet highlight, but it has taken to shock of people actually to by far in all television work since Cold War period. 然而此刻,这一切却发生在了现实中。虽然仅仅是报纸上的只言片语,和卫星航拍的那一抹猩红色的亮点,但其带给人们的震撼却要远胜于从冷战时期以来的一切影视作品。 Yesterday evening, did Tacloban City have the nuclear nuclear explosion? Please under wait, I must under the confirmation the news release whether makes a mistake “昨日晚间,塔克洛班市发生核核爆?请等下,我得确认下新闻稿是否出错” According to the Phili side announcement data, first confirmed that the Death population has surpassed the 20,000 person, including 1. civilians who 30,000 has not evacuated, after is about two hours, this number was renovated by the 50,000 person. The specific information can in the Philippines government official site see, if Star Ring Trading stopped the network attack to Philippines.” “根据菲方公布数据,首批确认死亡人数已经超过2万人,其中包括一.3万未撤离的平民,不过两小时后这个数字就被5万人刷新。具体信息可以在菲国政府官网上看到如果星环贸易停止了对菲国的网络攻击。” Philippines President Office spokesman said, this nuclear explosion is Country of Moro so-called, but nuclear bomb origin Star Ring Trading. However Country of Moro gave the clearly opposite answer, accusing was Philippines detonated nuclear bomb in Tacloban City.” 菲国总统办公室新闻发言人称,这次核爆是摩洛国所谓,而核弹的来源正是星环贸易。不过摩洛国给出了截然相反的答案,指责称是菲国塔克洛班市引爆了核弹。” Nuclear weapon is in flood, some actually many countries beside the frame of nuclear non-proliferation convention, have the nuclear weapon illegally! We must end this unstable condition, this concerns on Earth the life of everyone” “核武器正在泛滥,究竟有多少国家在核不扩散公约的框架之外,非法持有核武器!我们必须结束这种不稳定的状况,这关乎到地球上每一位人的生命” After the nuclear explosion, 5 hours, the news proliferated the world in the flash. 核爆发生后五小时,消息在一瞬间扩散到了全球。 United States first announced a satellite picture, in the picture the Leyte Island position glittered suddenly a highlight, in Outer Space can clear seeing. But this picture that is photographed by the satellite, by major media as to the only picture of nuclear weapon might report. 美国首先公布了一段卫星画面,画面中莱特岛的位置骤然闪烁了一个亮点,在外层空间都可以清晰的看见。而这个由卫星拍摄的画面,也被各大媒体作为对核武器威力报道的唯一图片。 At present during the Tacloban City control is competing as before, moreover remains to have strong nuclear radiation, without the reporter can enter this/should region. 目前塔克洛班市的控制权依旧在争夺当中,而且残留有较强的核辐射,没有记者能够进入该区域。 really was insane! They took the nuclear weapon unexpectedly directly!” A fist thump on the table, the Ivan expression got angry ruthlessly fiercely said. 简直是疯了!他们居然直接把核武器拿了出来!”狠狠地一拳捶在了桌子上,伊万表情狰狞地怒道。 Was suspended one.” Jiang Chen knits the brows to say. “被摆了一道。”江晨皱眉道。 The 11000 Country of Moro army loses more than half, Star Ring Trading one brigade 2000 soldier, 431 people died in battle, 1107 people by wounds in varying degrees. 1.1万摩洛国陆军损失过半,星环贸易一个旅两千余名士兵,共431人阵亡,1107人受不同程度的伤。 At present, all combat units have withdrawn the landing area. 目前,所有战斗单位都已经撤回了登陆点。 Seized the opportunity, garrison troops of Philippines guarding on Leyte Island, with the firepower support of artillery, the position to Country of Moro and Star Ring Trading initiated counter-attacked crazily. Because the artillery deploys area the Leyte Island central foothill, and some massive anti-aircraft Aerial Artillery shields, brought very big difficulty for the air raid. 抓住了机会,菲国驻守在莱特岛上的守军,在炮兵的火力支援下,对摩洛国星环贸易的阵地发起了疯狂反扑。由于火炮均部署在莱特岛中部的山麓一带,且有大量防空机炮掩护,为空袭带来了很大的难度。 The deployment launched counterattacking bombing in two frigate of coastal area to the place artillery position, but has little effect concerned about the topographic factor. 部署在沿海地区的两艘护卫舰对地方炮兵阵地发起了反制炮击,但碍于地形因素收效甚微。 At this moment, in the headquarters for this matter being heavily engaged that discussed. Including Jiang Chen and Ivan, all military officer one night have not closed the eyes. 此刻,指挥部内为这事儿正讨论的不可开交。包括江晨伊万在内,所有军官都一夜没有合眼了。 Why they will have the nuclear weapon!? When did Philippines also become concealed the nuclear country?!” “他们为什么会拥有核武器!?菲国什么时候也成了匿核国家?!” Is Freemasonry? Israel is secret Nuclear-possessing Nation, if the Jews financial group has the sufficient influence in Israel, without the truth they do not get so far as the nuclear weapon.” “难道是共济会以色列是秘密拥核国家,如果犹太人的财团在以色列拥有足够的影响力,没道理他们弄不到核武器。” „But actually do they want to do?” “可他们究竟想干什么?” frame, frames, even, hauls in this Civil War United Nations!” Silent logistics Prefect Bakari has opened the mouth to say suddenly. 栽赃,陷害,甚至于,将联合国拉进这场内战!”一直沉默不语的后勤长官巴卡里突然开口道。 On the direction table calm, including Ivan and Jiang Chen, everyone looked at him. 指挥桌上安静了下来,包括伊万江晨在内,所有人将视线投向了他。 Reasonable.” “有道理。” Jiang Chen nods, Bakari such a few words, making him respond. 江晨点了点头,巴卡里这么一句话,让他反应了过来。 At this moment, a military officer entered the headquarters, walked to the direction table directly. 就在这时,一名军官进入了指挥部,径直向指挥桌这边走了过来。 „The Philippines aspect requests to cease fire, both sides return to the respective actual control region, waits for the United Nations findings.” 菲国方面要求停火,双方回到各自实际控制区域内,等待联合国调查结果。” Investigation? What investigates?” Jiang Chen knits the brows to ask. “调查?什么调查?”江晨皱眉问道。 Actually about was which side Lvxian to use the nuclear weapon.” That transmitting orders military officer complexion said ugly. “关于究竟是哪方率先使用了核武器。”那名传令的军官脸色难看地说道。 both sides accused are the opposite party used the nuclear weapon, but both sides had themselves is not absolutely impossible to use the reason of nuclear weapon. Country of Moro obviously had the advantage, impossible to abandon nuclear bomb on the body of person on one's own side. But Philippines occupies the disadvantage, but impossible to use nuclear bomb in own city, on own national. 双方都指责是对方使用了核武器,而双方都拥有自己绝对不可能使用核武器的理由。摩洛国明显占据了优势,不可能在自己人的身上扔下核弹。而菲国这边虽然占据劣势,但怎么也不可能将核弹用在自己的城市,自己的国民头上。 Moreover, the warring parties belong to the non-nuclear country. 另外,交战双方都属于无核国家。 In order to investigate the source of nuclear weapon, United Nations had held the emergency meeting, announced that will involve this Civil War. 为了调查核武器的来源,联合国已经召开了紧急会议,宣布将介入这场“内战”。 However at this moment, Jiang Chen realized a serious concern suddenly. 然而就在这时,江晨突然意识到了一个严重的问题。 Ceasefire that by the area that the Philippines guerrilla force does seize?” To be continued “停火那被菲国游击队占领的地区呢?”未完待续
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