IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#827: Sunrise that first raises

On early morning of July 22, Country of Moro 1 st Armor Brigade and Philippines 4 th Armor Brigade met in the suburbs of Tacloban City, launched the fierce exchange of fire. 七月22日凌晨,摩洛国第一装甲旅菲国第四装甲旅塔克洛班市郊区相遇,展开了激烈的交火。 Philippines altogether invests 70 Tank, 120 infantry combat vehicles, 10 self-propelled guns, as well as 30 voluntarily anti-aircraft artilleries. And the Tank unit includes 20 m1a1 Main Battle Tank, as well as various types of American armor. In addition, a strengthening support battalion provides the battlefield support. 菲国共投入70辆坦克,120辆步兵战车,十辆自行火炮,以及30辆自行防空炮。其中坦克单位包括有20辆m1a1主战坦克,以及各种美式装甲。除此之外,还有一个加强的支援营提供战场支援。 But the Country of Moro aspect, invested 60 Tank, 150 infantry car(riage)s, 20 self-propelled guns. And Main Battle Tank is mainly primarily t- 80, most Tank are camparatively poor t- 72. 摩洛国方面,投入了60辆坦克,150辆步兵车,20辆自行火炮。其中主战坦克主要以t-80为主,大部分坦克都是较为落后的t-72。 Although was short in the armored strength, but joining of Star Ring Trading armored force, reversed this aspect obviously. 可虽然在装甲力量上有所欠缺,但星环贸易装甲部队的加入,显然是扭转了这种局面。 The front armor is A shaped steel Hunting Tiger II, matching has Type-50 Electromagnetic Artillery, really in the battlefield is existence of Tank ground attack car(riage). Although independently developed Tank lacks by Researcher Last of Days to the experience of armored combat, but the leading science and technology filled weak area in the actual combat experience as before. 前装甲为a型钢猎虎ii,搭配有五十式电磁炮,在战场上简直坦克歼击车的存在。虽然由末世研究员自主研发的坦克缺乏对装甲作战的经验,但领先的科技依旧是填补了实战经验上的短板。 the m1a1 armor piercer can side the armor and turret merely to Hunting Tiger II causes the damage, but the m1a1 armor in the Type-50 Electromagnetic Artillery front, wants the ball angle is not being cunning, basically is the rhythms that a hairlace walks. m1a1的穿甲弹仅仅能对猎虎ii侧面装甲和炮塔造成损伤,而m1a1的装甲在五十式电磁炮的面前,只要着弹角度不是过于刁钻,基本上都是一发带走的节奏。 Meanwhile, before the both sides short distance contacts, the Star Ring Trading artillery troops take the lead to use Fireball-1, projected several hundred rounds of EMP rocket missile to the battlefield. 与此同时,在双方近距离接触之前,星环贸易的炮兵部队率先使用了“火球-1”,对战场投射了数百发emp火箭弹 However what is interesting, although the anti-drone equipment fart uses not to have, but Philippines from the anti- EMP weapon of United States purchase is actually unexpected effectiveness. 不过有趣的是,虽然反无人机设备屁用没有,但菲国美国采购的反emp武器却是意外的奏了效。 After Star Ring Trading here rocket missile lift-off, on the Philippines armor unit spouts the grey white smog immediately. 星环贸易这边的火箭弹升空后,菲国装甲单位上立刻喷出了灰白色的烟雾。 This type of smog by content and diameter special bubble constitution, in the white fog covers in the range formed simple and easy Faraday Cage, to wrapping the electronic device plays the effect on the EMP defense. 这种烟雾由含量、直径特殊的液滴构成,在白雾笼罩范围内形成了一个简易的“法拉第笼”,对包裹其中的电子设备起到了对emp防御的作用。 However this primitive anti- EMP method shortcoming is equally obvious. After the bubble attaches, the communication equipment of Tank and armored vehicle because of physics in the electromagnetic screen will malfunction some time. 不过这种原始的反emp手段缺点同样非常明显。被液滴附着后,坦克、装甲车的通讯设备会因为物理上的电磁屏蔽而失灵一段时间。 But has saying that on maintaining life is very effective. 但不得不说,就保命而言还是非常有效的。 At least this time, the poor|Fei * the team upward time is different, after suffering a Star Ring Trading round of EMP salvo, organization of entire master is hit not to have. After the armored force contact of Country of Moro and Star Ring Trading, at least also had certain hitting back ability. 至少这次,菲*队没有向上次一样,挨了星环贸易一轮emp齐射后,整个师的组织度都被打没了。在与摩洛国星环贸易装甲部队接触后,至少还具备了一定的还手能力。 But also merely is the hitting back ability. 但也仅仅是还手能力而已。 From sea beach to the Tacloban City road on, all the way is the Tank ruins that the crown gets angry. Has to belong to m1a1, there are to belong to t- 80 or t- 72, in this Tank war, altogether over a hundred Tank reimburses. And the majority belongs to Philippines, a few part belongs to Country of Moro. 海滩塔克洛班市的公路上,一路上都是顶部冒火的坦克废墟。有属于m1a1的,也有属于t-80或t-72的,在这场坦克大战中,一共有上百辆坦克报销。其中一多半是属于菲国的,还有一少部分是属于摩洛国的。 As for Star Ring Trading, the only battle loss was Hunting Tiger II is supported center the artillery merely the top sympathatic detonation, other Tank were most is broken the caterpillar band, or destroyed the turret, simply did not have directly by existence of m1a1 wrecking. 至于星环贸易,唯一的战损仅仅是一辆猎虎ii被支援火炮正中了顶部殉爆,其余的坦克最多是被打断了履带,或者是打坏了炮塔,根本没有直接被m1a1击毁的存在。 After solving Philippines 1 st Armor Brigade, ascended Country of Moro 5 th Mechanized Division of island to start full speed to go forward to Tacloban City. North Sea Lion Special Forces travels by Black Hawk Helicopter to go to blow up the road, prevents on Leyte Island retreating of Philippines garrison troops. 解决掉了菲国的第一装甲旅后,登岛的摩洛国第五机械化师开始全速向塔克洛班市前进。海狮特种部队搭乘黑鹰直升机前往北部炸毁公路,阻止莱特岛菲国守军的撤退。 Star Ring Trading put in the one brigade military to Leyte Island, with army grouping of participation landing operations, took the infantry car(riage) to advance the urban district peripheral zone fast, with defending stubbornly launched the fierce exchange of fire in this's Philippines army! 星环贸易莱特岛投入了一个旅的兵力,与参与登陆作战的部队编组,乘坐步兵车快速突进到了市区边缘地带,与固守在此的菲国陆军展开了激烈的交火! ...... …… In city most civilians have evacuated, is only left over few people not to withdraw with enough time. Tacloban City after EMP attack looks like a dead city. Rows of tall buildings like the tombstone, overlook silent are intruding warrior in city, under as well as that explosive material remains base and low sparks (Mars). 城市中绝大多数的平民已经撤离,只剩下少量的人还没来得及撤走。emp打击后的塔克洛班市就像是一座死城。一排排高楼如同墓碑,寂静地俯视着闯入城内的战士,以及那爆炸物残留下的卑微的火星 The after defense line of city surrounding was routed, Philippines soldier has started to evacuate to city, the preparation and Star Ring Trading launch the street fighting. 城市外围的防线被击溃后,菲国士兵已经开始向城市内撤离,准备与星环贸易展开巷战。 Walks by the Country of Moro armored vehicle, Zhang Feng is carrying Ripper Rifle, is sizing up all around window cautiously. 走在摩洛国的装甲车旁,张峰端着撕裂者步枪,小心翼翼地打量着四周的窗口。 Eight Hummingbird Drone float in the surroundings of armored vehicle, is standing guard possibly bazooka that stretches out from the window, or the explosive material that drops out from the roof. 八架蜂鸟无人机悬浮在装甲车的周围,警戒着可能从窗口伸出的火箭筒,或者是从楼顶抛下的爆炸物。 Suddenly, round of rocket missile towed to entrain the tail flame to flee to the armored vehicle, blew up hung in the armored vehicle left reactive armor. 突然,一发火箭弹拖拽着尾焰窜向了装甲车,炸毁了挂在装甲车左面的反应装甲。 Roof discovery enemy side Anti-tank squad!” “楼顶发现敌方反坦克小队!” 16 o'clock directions, wipe out them!” “十六点钟方向,打掉他们!” Firepower put behind the bunker, builds the light machine gun to divulge the firepower to that window of roof. Sees strikes inadequately, the opposite party retreats immediately. 火力手扑在了掩体背后,架起轻机枪向屋顶的那个窗口宣泄出火力。见一击不成,对方立刻撤退。 Goal starts to move!” “目标开始移动!” Installed to compel also to run! The mother, pursues to me!” Zhang Feng scolded, while issued the operating instructions through holographic screen, appointing two team members to go upstairs to eliminate that Anti-tank squad. “装了逼还想跑!妈的,给我追上去!”张峰一边骂道,一边通过全息屏幕下达了作战指令,指派了两名队员上楼肃清掉那支反坦克小队 But in the meantime, opposite street shot bullet(s) suddenly. 而就在此时,对面的街道突然射来了子弹 Crouches in hiding Philippines soldier after Shangdian Street, built the machine gun and rifle in hand, divulged the firepower toward Zhang Feng squad. Unexpected, stood suffered two spears/guns in the front rifle chest. However fortunately has the polythene armor to keep off, his life guaranteeing. 蹲伏在商店街后的菲国士兵,架起了手中的机枪和步枪,向着张峰小队宣泄出了火力。猝不及防之下,站在前排的步枪手胸口挨了两枪。不过所幸有聚乙烯护甲挡着,将他这条命给保了下来。 Hiding! Hides behind the bunker! Quickly!” “隐蔽!躲掩体背后去!快!” Fired two spears/guns toward opposite street, Zhang Feng by the cement wall back, marked the hostile target through drone. 向着对面的街道放了两枪,张峰靠在了水泥墙的背后,通过无人机标记了敌方目标。 Here is 121 st squad, the Tacloban City south city discovery enemy side army, it is expected that scale 40 person, request air raid support.” “这里是第121小队,塔克洛班市南部城区发现敌方部队,预计规模四十人,请求空袭支援。” Shooter-3 receives, after raiding for 2 minutes starts, please mark the enemy unit.” 射手-3收到,空袭二分钟后开始,请标记敌方单位。” Goal has marked!” “目标已经标记!” „...... Receives.” Circled in in the air Aurora-20 changed the direction, flew toward the target sector. “……收到。”一架盘旋在空中极光-20改变了航向,向着目标区域飞了过去。 Street central armored vehicle backs up, the top machine gun turret while is emitting the large flame to opposite Shangdian Street. 街道中央的装甲车一边倒车,顶部的机枪炮塔一边向对面的商店街喷吐着火舌。 The glass of store broke to pieces a heavy-caliber ammunition of place, tears down from the aluminium skeleton the cement blocks easily, the Philippines infantry squad stubbornly foot pin rod on the ground. 商店的玻璃碎了一地的大口径弹药,将水泥块轻而易举地从钢精骨架上撕下,将菲国步兵小队死死地钉在了地上。 Finished the communication, Zhang Feng swept on an arm the holographic screen air raid countdown, then carried rifle to find out the bunker, opened thermal imagery function on the telescopic sights, with the way of burst coordinated the suppression of armored vehicle, cleaning up to hide in bunker back Philippines soldier. 结束了通讯,张峰扫了眼手臂上全息屏幕的空袭倒计时,然后端着步枪探出了掩体,打开了瞄准镜上的热成像功能,用点射的方式配合装甲车的压制,清理躲藏在掩体背后的菲国士兵 The air raid countdown enulls! 空袭倒计时归零! In a flash, that Philippines soldier is hiding business street, seems storm transit to result, was ground by the hail of bullets of dropping from the clouds in the place. The dust unfolded to all around, blows places outside two street. When sees Aurora-20 to howl, but body Film Empress, Zhang Feng heard thundering of Aerial Artillery. 一瞬间,那条菲国士兵躲藏着的商业街,就好像风暴过境似得,被从天而降的弹雨碾碎在地。尘埃向四周铺开,吹到了两条街之外的地方。当看到极光-20呼啸而过的身影后,张峰才听到了机炮的轰鸣。 Lear!” “lear!” Zhang Feng roared a throat, is carrying rifle, from bunker. 张峰吼了一嗓子,端着步枪,从掩体中走了出来。 Shit, splashed ash of my face.” 谢特,溅了我一脸的灰。” You should rejoice, shoots your face is not other.” “你该庆幸,射你一脸的不是别的。” Hey fellow, let alone words of this type of not Jili!” “嘿伙计,别说这种不吉利的话!” Crawls in cement block back rifle, the body was standing with rifle, wiped scolded the face. 匍匐在水泥墩子背后的步枪手,用步枪支着身子站了起来,抹了把脸骂道。 Zhang Feng grins to smile, built to the ally the hand, then knocked knocking on the armored vehicle. 张峰咧嘴笑了笑,给战友搭了把手,然后在装甲车上敲了敲。 Continues to go forward.” “继续前进。” With the air raid support, all resistance forces are the paper tigers. When City Center takes, should still keep Philippines soldier in city by the Country of Moro armored strength to be divided thoroughly. Either discards the weapon and military uniform fits out the civilians, either waits for their was killed, or was captured! 在空袭支援下,一切抵抗力量都是纸老虎。等到市中心拿下,依然留在城里的菲国士兵将被摩洛国的装甲力量彻底分割。要么丢掉武器和军服装成平民,要么等待他们的就只有被击毙,或者被俘虏! But at this moment, distant place actually shines a light. 可就在这时,远方的却是亮起了一道光。 Zhang Feng narrowed the eye slightly, looked to that ray twinkle direction. 张峰微微眯起了眼睛,看向了那光芒闪烁的方向。 Similarly was attracted the attention by that light, nearby rifle muttered one. 同样被那道光吸引了视线,旁边的步枪手喃喃了一句。 Shit, that is anything......” 谢特,那是什么……” The nighttime sky was lightened, seems the sunrise to be the same.( To be continued.) 夜空被点亮,就好像日出一样。(未完待续。)
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