IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#826: Leyte Island landing operation

July 21 14 : 31, Country of Moro 1 st Armor Brigade advanced the Surigao area with 6 th Infantry Brigade, was received the command jurisdiction by the New Moon Island headquarters and starts to go on board 16 : 00, the Star Ring Trading spokesman announced to the media, will involve Country of Moro in the mercenary force form to the poor|Fei counterattacking in self-defense 17 games 30 minutes, is reprinting two brigades landing Fleet from the Surigao harbor, went round the Philippines deployment in the self-propelled Anfang artillery artillery formation of channel opposite shore deployment, went forward toward the Leyte bay area. 七月21日14时31分,摩洛国第一装甲旅与第六步兵旅开进苏里高地区,由新月岛指挥部接过指挥权并开始登船16时,星环贸易新闻发言人对媒体宣布,将以雇佣军的形式介入摩洛国对菲自卫反击战17时30分,转载着两个旅的登陆舰队从苏里高港口出发,绕开了菲国部署在海峡对岸部署的自行岸防炮炮兵编队,向着莱特湾地区前进。 While land army action, depended on the Quantum Computer strong operational capability, Star Ring Trading launched the network attack in entire aspect to Philippines. The data packet that massive have „” inscription rushes to the Philippines government website suddenly, not only replaced in Database all characters, and made the network server paralyze at ten minutes thoroughly. 在陆上部队行动的同时,依托于量子计算机强大的运算能力,星环贸易菲国展开了全方面的网络攻击。大量标有“”字样的数据包突然涌向菲国政府网站,不但替换数据库中了所有字符,并且在十分钟使网络服务器彻底瘫痪。 The President Aquino IV picture was changed into Hitler, the Philippines national flag replaced Swastika Flag. Including media, communication and transportation Artillery System, Philippines domestic 80 websites by Star Ring Trading cyber unit paralysis, to the poor|Fei ** the matter action had the tremendous impact, directly affected the war mobilization and support capability of Philippines. 总统阿基诺四世的照片被换成了希特勒,菲国的国旗替换成了万字旗。包括媒体、通信和交通运输系统在内,菲国国内80的网站都被星环贸易网络部队瘫痪,对菲**事行动造成了较大的影响,直接影响到了菲国的战争动员与支援能力。 17 : 32, ten Aurora-20 fighter aircraft arrive in sky over the target sector in advance, launched competition of air supremacy with 20 22 fighter aircraft that the Philippines aspect urgently lifts off. 17时32分,十架极光20战机先行抵达目标区域上空,与菲国方面紧急升空的二十架22战机展开了制空权的争夺。 Because the Philippines army under the aid of Rothschild Household, renewed 3 ground air-defense Facility including Patriot, the in the air tactical situation is exceptionally frigid. After paying 4 Aurora-20 prices, the Star Ring Trading air force at the astonishing exchange ratio, struck to fall 15 22 fighter aircraft, successfully captured the Leyte Island above air supremacy. 由于菲国陆军在罗斯柴尔德家族的援助下,更新了包括爱国者三在内的地面防空设施,空中战况异常惨烈。在付出了四架极光20的代价后,星环贸易空军以惊人的交换比,击坠了15架22战机,成功夺取了莱特岛上空的制空权。 20 : 19, one entire arranges Sea Lion Special Forces airborne in the Leyte Island middle mountainous area, with deploying the Philippines 4 th air defense camp of this place launches the night fighting, destroyed the 8 Patriot 3 air defense missiles of deployment area foothill, and kills 211 Philippines soldier with the coordination of drone. 20时19分,一整排海狮特种部队空降莱特岛中部山区,与部署此地的菲国第四防空营展开夜战,摧毁了部署在山麓一带的八台爱国者三防空导弹,并在无人机的配合下击毙共211名菲国士兵 After discovering Sea Lion Special Forces airborne, Philippines urgent reassigned a mountain division from the south defense line, rushes to the delivery point to support. 发现海狮特种部队空降后,菲国紧急从南部防线抽调了一支山地师,赶往交货地点支援。 20 : 32, starts to attack in the Country of Moro landing force that the Leyte bay completes grouping. Under the air raid and Steregushchiy-class of frigate Aurora-20 the suppression of Electromagnetic Naval Artillery, 6 th Infantry Brigade takes the landing craft, starts to attack Tacloban City southern sea beach 20时32分,在莱特湾完成编组的摩洛国登陆部队开始进攻。在极光20的空袭与守护级护卫舰电磁舰炮的压制下,第六步兵旅乘坐登陆艇,开始冲击塔克洛班市南部的海滩 The nighttime sky crack the startling thunderclap, Aurora-20 abandoned a bomb sky over Tacloban City together. 夜空炸响一道惊雷,极光20塔克洛班市上空扔下了一枚航弹。 After short air raid Alarm, entire city fell into died the general silence. Entire city covers under coverage of Electromagnetic Pulse, the fragmentary lights also pinched out, the Leyte Island east bank went black thoroughly. 在短促的空袭警报后,整个城市陷入了死一般的寂静。整座城市笼罩于电磁脉冲的覆盖之下,原本零星的灯火也被掐灭,莱特岛的东岸彻底陷入了黑暗。 What is responsible for defending this/should region is Philippines 2 nd Mechanized Division, after receiving navy invades Alarm, immediately goes to the frontline. The attack comes in time, in conducted resistance processing after the communication equipment and armored unit, this time they had not been disintegrated organization by simple. 负责防守该区域的是菲国第二机械化师,在接到海军入侵警报后,立刻奔赴了前线。打击如期而至,不过在对通讯设备以及装甲单位进行了对抗处理后,这次他们并没有被简单地瓦解组织度。 Is waiting for Star Ring Trading and Country of Moro, being doomed is a fierce battle. 等待着星环贸易摩洛国的,注定将是一场恶战。 With roaring of thundering and high sea of motor, the landing craft of first echelon starts to flush away to the Philippines position. Philippines has concrete Fortress in this place construction, on sea beach builds has the land mine of counter- personnel as well as hinders the armored force cone-shape concrete pile. 伴随着马达的轰鸣与怒涛的咆哮,第一梯队的登陆艇开始向菲国的阵地冲去。菲国在此地修建有混凝土堡垒,海滩上布设有反人员的地雷以及阻碍装甲部队的锥形混凝土桩。 Although the air force and navy region conducted bombing in waves, but the Philippines army impossible stupid to force in all military the trench obviously one time completely. Has soldier dead under Aurora-20 Aerial Artillery and bomb unceasingly, but quick then has soldier to reinforce to the defense line. 虽然空军和海军对此区域进行了轮番轰炸,但菲国陆军显然不可能愚蠢到将所有兵力一次全部塞进战壕中。不断地有士兵死在极光20机炮和航弹下,但很快便有士兵向防线增援。 Because adopted the loose formation, when the landing operations do not have Xin-Ma Joint Military Exercise relaxedness like that. 由于采取了松散阵型,登陆作战并没有新马联合军演时的那般轻松。 But where does not have the difficulty to go 但也没困难到哪去 In sea level static fearfulness, besides thundering of engine, Zhang Feng cannot hear any sound. 海面上静的可怕,除了引擎的轰鸣外,张峰听不到任何声音。 As the Star Ring Marine Team 11 th battalion, he and his squad was enrolled first in echelon, with Country of Moro 6 th Infantry Brigade 3 rd, 4 and 5 battalions of the defense lines that attacks Philippines. 作为星环海军陆战队第11营,他和他的小队被编入了第一梯次,与摩洛国第六步兵旅的第三、四、五营冲击菲国的防线。 This time is not the exercise, he also no longer is an ordinary team member, but by the captain status, participates in this war. 这次不是演习,他也不再是一名普通的队员,而是以队长的身份,参与到这场战争中。 Airborne, blasted out a dazzling flame, the orange red photo open fire lightens the Philippines position. 空中,炸开了一道刺目的火光,橙红色的照明火将菲国的阵地点亮。 The Star Ring Trading transport aircraft abandoned ten several coffin to result in Black Box toward the Philippines position. When these Black Box pound layer on layer/heavily after the Philippines position, these Philippines people have not responded, near the Black Box side window separates fiercely. 紧接着,星环贸易的运输机向着菲国的阵地扔下了十数枚棺材似得黑箱。当这些黑箱重重地砸在菲国的阵地上后,这些菲国人还没反应过来,黑箱侧面的窗口边猛地弹开。 With Death buzz the cry, several hundred hummingbird jump out from Drone Hive, attacked in the Drone Swarm way to Philippines 2 nd Mechanized Division position. 伴随着死亡的嗡鸣,数百架蜂鸟无人机蜂房中窜出,以无人机群的方式攻向了菲国第二机械化师的阵地。 Shit! father does not hit these bird gadget!” machine gunner is taking away the trigger stubbornly, to the 100 meter about drone strafe on sea beach, actually however to achieve, no one knows. 谢特!老子打不中这些鸟玩意儿!”机枪手死死地扣着扳机,对着一百米开外海滩上的无人机扫射,然而究竟达到没有,谁也不知道。 Not far away, these drone are shuttling back and forth on the first defense line, such as Death God is brandishing Sickle, harvests is hiding in bunker back Philippines soldier. In the distance of so being close, hits not facing these radically drone, the butt is on the contrary more effective than bullet(s). 不远处,那些无人机正穿梭在第一道防线上,如死神挥舞着镰刀,收割着躲藏在掩体背后的菲国士兵。在如此接近的距离,面对这些根本打不中的无人机,枪托反倒是比子弹更有效。 Opposite party drone lands sea beach, here must unable to withstand!” “对方无人机登陆海滩,我们这里要顶不住了!” Lies in sandbag back soldier helmet according to the head, exclaimed to this intercom loudly. 趴在沙袋背后的士兵头盔按在脑袋上,对这对讲机大声吼道。 „Are the idiots on first defense line doing! Opens 32 anti-drone Artillery System quickly! Quickly!” “第一道防线上的蠢货都在干什么!快把32反无人机系统打开!快!” Has opened! Damn! This gadget is basic, no matter uses!” “已经打开了!该死!这玩意儿根本不管用!” What?!” “什么?!” Distant place, flame twinkle in sand beach. 远处,火光闪烁在沙滩上。 The firepower that the concentrated fire comes quickly wanes, suddenly airborne Drone Swarm hit to be caught off guard Philippines soldier. Especially Philippines army from United States order 32 anti-drone Artillery System, when Hummingbird Drone that in facing this scurries about, has not affected unexpectedly slightly! 攒射而来的火力骤减,突然空降无人机群菲国士兵打了个措手不及。尤其是菲国陆军从美国订购的32型反无人机系统,在面对这乱窜的蜂鸟无人机时,竟然丝毫没有作用! Crawled soldier on landing craft to open the insurance, tightened the nylon buckle of helmet, prepared war! 匍匐在登陆艇上的士兵已经打开了保险,系紧了钢盔的尼龙扣,做好了战争的准备! Also remains 50 meters, emits drone!” “还剩50米,放出无人机!” Zhang Feng bellowed to be well-grounded simultaneously, knocks the arm fiercely to the chest front. 张峰大吼着地同时,猛地将手臂敲向了胸前。 drone springs from the scoop channel of exoskeleton chest, from landing craft four sides disperses. 无人机外骨骼胸口的凹槽弹出,从登陆艇的四面散开。 Jetty! Standing by!” “跳船!准备战斗!” Yes “是” An artillery explodes in the front five meters places of landing craft, almost throws off this skiff. Has neared the beach head, soldier has untied to tie up quickly in seat belt, turned into the sea from the side of landing craft. Transfers to a big way the mechanical exoskeleton power, flushes away toward the beach head. 一枚榴弹炮在登陆艇的前方五米处爆开,差点将这小艇掀翻过去。已经接近了滩头,士兵很快解开绑在身上的安全带,从登陆艇的侧面翻入了海中。将机械外骨骼的功率调至最大,向着滩头冲去。 The Country of Moro army had rushed to the beach head, with the support of Drone Swarm, launched with Philippines soldier to competition of defense line. 摩洛国的陆军已经率先冲上了滩头,在无人机群的支援下,与菲国士兵展开了对防线的争夺。 Also at this moment, Star Ring Trading two frigate also started the new round naval gun salvo. 也就在这时,星环贸易的两艘护卫舰也开始了新一轮的舰炮齐射。 quality bomb holds the orange yellow trajectory, raises dust piece by piece in Philippines 2 nd Mechanized Division position. 质量弹托着橙黄色的弹道,在菲国第二机械化师的阵地上扬起一片片的尘土。 When Zhang Feng brings squad is rushing to sea beach, the fight on sea beach basically had actually ended. 就在张峰带着小队冲上海滩的时候,海滩上的战斗却已经基本结束。 activate(d) Optical Stealth Sea Lion Special Forces after solving Patriot 3 air defense missiles, successfully got rid of besieging and pursuing of Philippines mountain division to block off, and after robbing vehicle, bridged over a 12 kilometer distance, attacked Philippines 2 nd Mechanized Division position from the rear area, the guidance air raid destroyed the 12 infantry car(riage)s in hiding, as well as 4 11 Main Battle Tank. 启动光学隐形海狮特种部队在解决了爱国者三防空导弹后,成功摆脱了菲国山地师的围追堵截,并在抢夺载具后,跨过十二公里的距离,从后方突袭了菲国第二机械化师的阵地,引导空袭摧毁了隐蔽中的12辆步兵车,以及四辆11主战坦克 The armored unit is seriously battered, soldier casualties more than half, Philippines soldier starts to retreat to Tacloban City. 装甲单位遭受重创,士兵伤亡过半,菲国士兵开始向塔克洛班市撤退。 No, do not kill me! I surrender!” “别,别杀我!我投降!” „! mama “啊!妈妈 The true battlefield many that the exercise is more brutal, when Zhang Feng brings squad to crash in the sea beach back trench, inside already a covered with blood piece. The stump residual limb breaks the wreckage combination of arm and drone together, lies down like the rags with the both eyes soulless corpse on the ground. 真正的战场远比演习残酷的多,当张峰带着小队冲进海滩背后的战壕,里面已经血肉模糊一片。残肢断臂与无人机的残骸混杂一起,与双目无神的尸体如碎布般躺在地上。 Has lost the fighting spirit Philippines soldier to lie on the ground, holds up both hands surrender. Also there is a tenacious person, hides in the corpse pile, after treating people are approaches, opens the hand grenade to perish together. 已经丧失斗志的菲国士兵趴在了地上,举起双手投降。也有顽强的人,藏在尸体堆中,等待人接近后拉开手榴弹同归于尽。 After killing one turned the butt to charge into own Philippines person, Zhang Feng branched out one person to stay here to detain the captive from squad, then leads the remaining team members the enemy that continued to pursue retreats. 在击毙了一名轮着枪托冲向自己的菲国人后,张峰小队中分出了一人留在这里看押俘虏,然后带着剩下的队员继续追击撤退的敌军。 The sea beach control takes, the military engineer demolished the Tank trap and Anti-tank land mine of deployment after sea beach, Country of Moro 1 st Armor Brigade starts to land. Following Country of Moro 5 th Mechanized Division has also boarded the transport ship, is going forward to the Leyte Island defense line. 海滩控制权拿下,工兵拆除了部署在海滩上的坦克陷阱与反坦克地雷后,摩洛国第一装甲旅开始登陆。后续的摩洛国第五机械化师也已经登上了运输船,正在向莱特岛的防线前进。 Meanwhile, the Star Ring Trading headquarters issued the new combat order. 与此同时,星环贸易指挥部下达了新的作战命令。 Must before the next day before dawn, take Tacloban City, the cross-ocean road that and north and Samar Island connect, shuts off the supplies of deployment Philippines army thoroughly north Leyte Island. To be continued. 务必在次日拂晓之前,拿下塔克洛班市,以及北部与萨马岛连接的跨海公路,彻底切断部署在莱特岛北部菲国陆军的补给。未完待续。
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