IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#825: Circuitous strategy

Philippines tore up the ceasefire agreement, this point in everyone's expected. 菲国撕毁了停战协议,这一点在所有人的意料之中。 However a little is actually stems from Star Ring Trading as well as Moro * the anticipation of side. 不过有一点却是出乎星环贸易以及摩洛*方的意料。 Philippines not from Mindanao Island north Surigao Strait landing, but chose crossed Bohol Sea, hastened to ground landing defense weak Cagayan City directly, simultaneously took the risk of catastrophic crash, airdropped entire Mountain Brigade to Mangabon Mountain, attacked from both sides the Cagayan City harbor from eastern and northern two directions. 菲国没有从棉兰老岛北部苏里高海峡登陆,而是选择了横渡保和海,直接抢滩登陆防御薄弱的卡加延市,同时冒着机毁人亡的风险,向芒阿邦山空投了一整支山地旅,从东、北两个方向夹攻卡加延市的港口。 „...... Here is Cagayan City military base, we encountered Philippines bombing!” “……这里是卡加延市军事基地,我们遭到了菲国炮击!” Headquarters have received, Aurora-20 has lifted off, is going to the goal air zone......” “指挥部已经收到,极光-20已经升空,正在前往目标空域……” The shell throws from the sea opposite shore, Philippines artillery position deployment on Bohol Island. From the intensity of opposite party firepower, Freemasonry got down the initial capital on Philippines obviously, rounds of artillery result to scatter with popcorn, really does not want the same money! 炮弹从海对岸扔来,菲国将炮兵阵地部署在了保和岛上。从对方火力的密集程度来看,共济会显然是在菲国身上下了血本,一发发榴弹炮就和爆米花似得撒过来,简直不要一样钱! Is carrying the US standard weapon, the Philippines army taking advantage of the shield of civil transport ship, breaks through the defense area that Country of Moro Brigade 13 was stationed from the Cagayan City harbor, forcing him to retreat backward. 端着美制武器,菲国陆军借着民用运输船的掩护,从卡加延市港口突破了摩洛国第13旅驻扎的防区,迫使其向后撤退。 Star Ring Trading in Cagayan City, although leaves leeway certain garrison, but the population was too few. Since the Biochemical Crisis event ended, Marine Team soldier stationed in this retreats one after another returning to homeland, or assigned to the Surigao area. 星环贸易卡加延市虽然留有一定的驻军,但人数还是太少了。自从生化危机事件结束后,驻扎于此的海军陆战队士兵就相继撤退回国,或者是调往了苏里高地区。 The Cagayan City combat unit only then 100 people, are only equivalent to a military of platoon. Although battlefield Commander reacted immediately, but the front width was too big, is not 100 people can fill up. 卡加延市的作战单位只有100人,只相当于一个排的兵力。虽然战地指挥官在第一时间做出了反应,但战线宽度实在太大了,根本不是100个人就能填满的。 Is divided into nine squad stationed in the local 102 nd row immediately, launched the exchange of fire in the Cagayan City west Philippines 21 st Infantry Brigade of city and breakthrough allied force defense line. In individual drone as well as rushes to the support under the coordination of Aurora-20, the 102 nd row made the Philippines army pay the serious price, what regretted, Cagayan City fell into enemy hands as before. 驻扎在当地的第102排立刻分成九个小队,在卡加延市西部城区与突破友军防线的菲国第21步兵旅展开了交火。在单兵无人机以及赶往支援的极光-20的配合下,第102排让菲国陆军付出了惨重的代价,不过遗憾的是,卡加延市依旧失守了。 ...... …… After receiving the Ivan call, Jiang Chen leaves Presidential Palace immediately, rode in a carriage to go to the wharf, transferred the speed boat to rush to New Moon Island. 接到伊万的电话后,江晨立刻离开了总统府,乘车前往了码头,换乘快艇赶往了新月岛 After arriving in Tatau, Jiang Chen arrived at the headquarters nonstop. 抵达岛上后,江晨马不停蹄地来到了指挥部。 When he arrives, in the headquarters has been busy at one piece, the staff shuttled back and forth in front of rows of computers, the liaison officer wears the earphone language fast to repeat the combat order that the higher authority is issuing fast, not frontline warrior connection air raid and information resources. 当他抵达的时候,指挥部内已经忙成了一片,工作人员穿梭在一排排电脑前,联络员则戴着耳机语速飞快地重复着上级下达的作战命令,并未前线战士连接空袭、情报资源。 Passed through a row of computer, Jiang Chen moved toward directly stood at the dead ahead direction table, exchanged views with the military officers and Staff Officer Ivan. Sees Jiang Chen, they stop matter on hand immediately, stood at attention good to him a military salute. 穿过了一排电脑,江晨径直走向了站在正前方指挥桌旁,与众军官、参谋交换意见的伊万。见到江晨,他们立刻停下了手边的事,立正对他行了个军礼。 Jiang Chen simple returned to a military salute, immediately asks beyond the shadow. 江晨简单地回了个军礼,立刻开门见山地问道。 Does not need to be overly courteous, frontline situation how?” “不必多礼了,前线的情况怎么样了?” Ivan with on laser pen point to direction table holographic screen, above was scanned the positional information of Philippines army by the air force. From the attack battleline of that arc, was clamped in the Country of Moro Brigade 13 situation is not wonderful, even had been in situation in imminent danger. 伊万用激光笔点向了指挥桌上的全息屏幕,上面由空军扫描出了菲国陆军的位置信息。从那道弧形的攻击阵线来看,被夹在其中摩洛国13旅情况非常不妙,甚至已经到了岌岌可危的地步。 „...... The Philippines army depends on the roadbed fortification to deploy the artillery position north Bohol Island, bombs us the base situated in Cagayan City. Cagayan City is Moro * the weakness of team air-defense force, they gave up having the air superiority directly, the centralized transport aircraft airdropped Mountain Brigade in Mangabon Mountain forcefully. Although is very risky, but has saying that they succeeded.” “……菲国陆军在保和岛北部依托路基防御工事部署炮兵阵地,炮击我方位于卡加延市的基地。卡加延市摩洛*队防空力量的弱点,他们直接放弃了取得空中优势,强行集中运输机在芒阿邦山空投了一支山地旅。虽然很冒险,但不得不说他们成功了。” Gave up acting with constraint of modern warfare, from the beginning will be placed in the position of asymmetrical side, Philippines this time previous time be more intelligent. If defers to the fighting method of collective army combat again, is placed the muscle of whole body on negotiation table, only feared share that the put in order master annihilates. 放弃了现代战争的矜持,从一开始就将自己摆在了不对称方的位置,菲国这次要比上次聪明多了。如果再按照集团军作战的打法,将全身的肌肉都摆在谈判桌上,只怕又是被整师歼灭的份。 At this moment, Philippine Army on holographic map also had the new movement. 就在这时,全息地图上的菲军又有了新的动作。 The two brigades military from Sulu Sea, registers the Country of Moro native place in Zamboanga City. But at this moment, Star Ring Trading two frigate respectively are located in east of Luzon Island and Samar Island the sea area, guards against the Philippines army to bridge over Surigao Strait. 两个旅的兵力从苏禄海出发,在三宝颜市登录摩洛国本土。而此刻,星环贸易的两艘护卫舰正分别位于吕宋岛萨马岛以东海域,提防菲国陆军跨过苏里高海峡。 Even lost made Sea Power and air supremacy, but the Philippines army as if calculates that Star Ring Trading air force and insufficiency in navy quantity, even has the powerful firepower, but is unable to protect the Mindanao Island two directions as before simultaneously. 即使是失去了制海权与制空权,但菲国陆军似乎算准了星环贸易空军、海军数量上的不足,即使是有着强悍的火力,但依旧无法同时保护棉兰老岛的两个方向。 Such tactic is quite risky. 这样的战术相当冒险。 Without making Sea Power and air supremacy, means that the army of thorough Country of Moro center is unable to obtain the effective supplies. However Philippines calculates weakness of Country of Moro and Star Ring Trading in quantity, prepared with continue deliver the military the way, launched to be approximate with Country of Moro at the battle of attrition of guerrilla warfare. 没有制海权和制空权,就意味着深入摩洛国腹地的军队无法获得有效的补给。然而菲国正是算准了摩洛国星环贸易在数量上的弱点,准备用持续投送兵力的方式,与摩洛国展开近似于游击的消耗战。 Very risky, but can actually make up for the disadvantage of equipping. 很冒险,但却能弥补装备上的劣势。 Shit! Can't I master them to buy such a pile of Tank for what? When decorates?” 谢特!我搞不懂他们买那么一堆坦克是为了什么?当摆设?” Directs the Philippines army definitely is not Stark Marshal, can issue this combat order, if not the lunatic, is the gambler.” A military officer cannot bear scold. “指挥菲国陆军的肯定不是斯塔克元帅,能下达这种作战命令的,如果不是疯子,就是赌徒。”一名军官忍不住骂道。 Our opponents are very likely come from Germany military adviser Moritz.” The department head in military situation place replied. “我们的对手很有可能是来自德国的军事顾问莫里茨。”军情处的处长答道。 Who regardless of our opponents are, we will punch very miserably them.” Jiang Chen selected two positions on the holographic map, then drew two cut-off rules ruthlessly, air supremacy and made Sea Power in our hands, now American is still looking on, we must before they decided peace-keeping ended this war. Since Philippines plans and me hits the consumption, then we go to Manila to catch the war criminal directly!” “无论我们的对手是谁,我们都会把他们揍得很惨。”江晨在全息地图上点了两个位置,然后狠狠地画下了两道分割线,“制空权和制海权都在我们手上,现在美国人还在旁观,我们必须在他们决定‘维和’之前结束这场战争。既然菲国打算和我打消耗,那么我们就直接去马尼拉抓战犯!” This war cannot drag, whatever if the Philippines mountain division engages in guerrilla warfare in Mindanao Island and Country of Moro, Future Mining the production of mining area will be interrupted by the guerilla activities without doubt. The world ore market was monopolized by Jews, the Future Group factory may depend upon the Mindanao Island ore transportation, if the raw material supply, Ange Island and Xin-Ma Special Region industrial capacity seriously will be affected! 这场战争不能一直拖下去,如果任由菲国山地师在棉兰老岛摩洛国打游击,未来人矿业的矿区的生产无疑会被游击活动中断。世界矿石市场被犹太人垄断,未来人集团的工厂可都依靠着棉兰老岛的矿石输送,如果原材料供应不上,安加岛新马特区的工业产能都会受到严重的影响! Looks that Jiang Chen in the position that on the holographic map marks, Ivan feels reckless dregs on chin, eagle results in the vision closely to lock in the total information image. 看着江晨在全息地图上标记的位置,伊万摸着下巴上的胡渣,老鹰似得目光紧紧锁定在全息图像上。 Passes through Surigao Strait directly, hastens to ground to land Leyte Island?” “直接穿过苏里高海峡,抢滩登陆莱特岛吗?” According to the Jiang Chen stroke two lines, the Country of Moro army with the support of Star Ring Trading, will land from Leyte province capital Tacloban City, will then shut off on Surigao Strait Leyte Island the supplies of Philippines army, simultaneously seizes to lead to Samar Island to wanting. 根据江晨划出的两条线,摩洛国陆军将在星环贸易的支援下,从莱特省首府塔克洛班市登陆,如此一来将切断驻扎在苏里高海峡以北的莱特岛菲国陆军的补给,同时占领通向萨马岛的冲要。 But waited to seize Samar Island, Philippines largest island Luzon Island will open its gateway, at the appointed time Philippines President except for going into exile in the overseas way, had no alternative again. 而等夺下了萨马岛,菲国第一大岛吕宋岛就将敞开它的门户,届时菲国总统除了流亡国外一途,再别无选择。 Right.” The Jiang Chen nod said. “没错。”江晨点头道。 Plan feasibility is very high.” The Ivan nod said. “计划可行性很高。”伊万点头道。 Lands the Philippines army of Mindanao Island local?” A military officer asked. “登陆棉兰老岛本土的菲国陆军呢?”一名军官问道。 Only can expect that the Country of Moro guerrilla force was better, air supremacy us, so long as they are not stupid, solves the Philippines guerrilla force is not difficult.” “只能期待摩洛国的游击队棋高一着了,制空权在我们这边,只要他们不蠢,解决掉菲国的游击队不难。” , Ivan looked to the military officers, said forcefully. 顿了顿,伊万看向了众位军官,铿锵有力地说道。 Immediately prepares the landing operations plan! Within three days, our flags, insert in the Tacloban City government building!” “立刻准备登陆作战方案!三天之内,把我们的旗子,插在塔克洛班市政府大楼上!” Yes!”( To be continued.) “是!”(未完待续。)
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