IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#824: The beginning of war( before dawn (3 - 5 am)!)

In the afternoon, Shatov returned to take the special plane of Russia military to return to Russia. In, Jiang Chen Sword Breaker-1 that in warehouse gave him specially, making him treat as sample belt/bring going back Kremlin to take a look. 当天下午,沙托夫返乘坐俄罗斯军方的专机返回了俄国。在走的时候,江晨特别将仓库里的那枚“碎剑者-1”送给了他,让他当做样品带回去让克里姆林宫的人瞧瞧。 As for Russian whether will return to original state through the reverse-engineering Sword Breaker-1 the technology, Jiang Chen is not worried about this issue. 至于俄罗斯人是否会通过逆向工程还原“碎剑者-1”的技术,江晨并不担心这个问题。 The technical gap is placed in that even if studies this to the Russian ten years Sword Breaker-1, they still not necessarily can rely on such more than ten limited samples, copies own EMP weapon. 技术鸿沟摆在那,就算是给俄罗斯人十年去研究这个“碎剑者-1”,他们也不见得能凭借那么十几枚有限的样品,仿制出自己的emp武器。 Let alone, Sword Breaker-1 coverage scope, only then 100,000 square kilometer EMP , is only equivalent to 1/4 State of California. On the Strategic Grade weapon, it on Jiang Chen is not considered as that very top gadget, can only be beginning generation of Strategic Grade EMP weapons. 更何况,碎剑者-1的覆盖范围只有10万平方公里的emp,只相当于四分之一个加利福尼亚州。就战略级武器而言,它在江晨手上并不算是很顶尖的玩意儿,只能算是初代的战略级emp武器。 At least these deployment in the seabed Dolphin-10 intercontinental ballistic missile, had to equip the EMP fight part of 1 million square kilometer rank. That is true kills greatly, calls it modern civilization killer is not overrated! 至少那些部署在海底海豚-10洲际导弹,其中就有装备了百万平方公里级别的emp战斗部件。那才是真正的大杀器,称之为现代文明的杀手也不为过! That side Kremlin has not made Jiang Chen wait for is very long, finished after the meeting of Mindanao Island third day, the Russia aspect related Jiang Chen on own initiative. Under the Natasha's invitation, Jiang Chen went to Russia Embassy 克里姆林宫那边并没有让江晨等待很久,从棉兰老岛的会面结束后的第三天,俄罗斯方面主动联系了江晨。在娜塔莎的邀请下,江晨前往了俄国大使馆 Those who made Jiang Chen accidental/surprised was, with unexpectedly is Russia that he contacted President Putin! 更令江晨意外的是,与他联络的竟然是俄国的的总统普金 Not unnecessary idle talk, after telephone connection, Putin directly entered the subject, set oneself here request. 没有多余的废话,电话接通后,普金直接进入了正题,提出了自己这边的要求。 20 Sword Breaker-1 fight part. If you are not willing to sell the related technology, I hope that you are at least open the arms sale window.” 二十碎剑者-1的战斗部件。如果你们不愿意出售相关技术,我希望你们至少开放军售窗口。” Does not have the issue. If you used up these 20 Sword Breaker-1, I can sell to your 20 EMP fight parts by the low price again. However I have a request, that sends out our special commissioners to your there. We at least must confirm, we gave you gift to use in the battlefield or the exercise, rather than reimbursement in laboratory.” Jiang Chen said. “没问题。如果你们用完了这20枚碎剑者-1,我可以以较低的价格再卖给你们20枚emp战斗部件。不过我有个要求,那就是向你们那里派出我们的专员。我们至少得确认,我们送给你们的‘礼物’是用在了战场或演习中,而不是报销在了实验室里。”江晨说道。 How many low is price?” Putin asked. “较低的价格是多少?”普金问道。 340,000,000 ruble.” 3.4亿卢布。” Hears the Jiang Chen's offer, the expression on Putin face is somewhat surprised. 听到江晨的报价,普金脸上的表情有些意外。 Because of the price, 340,000,000 ruble is equivalent to 5,000,000 USD actually not, compares fragmentation effect that it creates, this price is also the justice. Makes Putin be that what truly is surprised, Jiang Chen proposed that the settlement currency uses ruble. 倒不是因为价格,3.4亿卢布相当于500万美元,相比起它造成的杀伤效果而言,这个价格还算是公道。真正让普金感到意外的是,江晨提出结算货币用卢布 If he did not remember incorrectly, previously discussed that with Country of Xin volume several arms sale contracts, used may be USD. 如果他没记错,此前与新国谈成额几笔军售合同,用的可都是美元 Doesn't use USD?” Putin asked frankly. “不用美元吗?”普金直率地问道。 Intuition told me, ruble will be very shortly after valuable.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “直觉告诉我,不久后卢布会很值钱。”江晨笑道。 The short-term may fall, but the long-term point looked, will be at least more valuable than the present. Reason that however Jiang Chen does that to is not completely because ruble has the appreciation expected, another main reason in inside. 短期或许会下跌,但长远点看,至少会比现在值钱。不过江晨之所以这么做的原因,到不完全是因为卢布有升值预期,还有另一层更主要的原因在里面。 Telephone that head, Putin smiled two. 电话那头,普金笑了两声。 hā hā, with the view of Chinese, taking advantage of your auspicious words.” 哈哈,用华国人的说法,借你吉言。” „Do it seems like our cooperation achieve?” The Jiang Chen corners of the mouth brought back wiped the happy expression. “看来我们的合作达成咯?”江晨嘴角不由勾起了一抹笑意。 Although cannot draw in the chariot the asp financial group of other side of the ocean, but actually success old russians winning over. The foundation is unable to exhibit the attitude of staying out to exert pressure on Country of Xin in Freemasonry of Europe again, the threat from East will directly be imminent their center. 虽然没能将大洋彼岸的asp财团拉上战车,但却成功的把老毛子给拉拢了过来。根基在欧洲的共济会再也无法摆出置身事外的态度对新国施压,来自东方的威胁将直接迫近他们的腹地。 Wish our happy cooperation.” The Putin smile said. “祝我们合作愉快。”普金微笑道。 happy cooperation!” 合作愉快!” ...... …… While Mindanao Island situation continually elevation of temperature, the Ukraine crisis intruded in the line of sight of global people again. As the Russia high-sounding talk increases troops the 100,000 army, deploys the Crimea peninsula as well as Russian and Ukrainian border, Europe of misfortune never come singly, stood again on the unstable and dangerous wave mouth. 就在棉兰老岛局势持续升温的同时,乌克兰危机再次闯入了全球人民的视线中。随着俄罗斯高调增兵10万陆军,部署克里米亚半岛以及俄乌边境,一波未平一波又起的欧洲,再次站到了风雨飘摇的浪口上。 This Russia person not only revealed the muscle strongly, but also displayed the imposing manner of exerting its utmost. Putin when facing reporter, reiterated Russia supports Russian to choose the destiny the standpoint of power, and acknowledged Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic validity for the first time. 这次俄国人不但强硬地亮出了肌肉,还表现出了势在必得的气势。普金在面对记者时,重申了俄罗斯支持俄罗斯人选择自己命运的权力的立场,并首次承认了顿涅茨克人民共和国卢甘斯克人民共和国的合法性。 So the action, greatly inspired without doubt also fought bravely in Donetsk City, as well as Civilian Armed of other areas. Has implemented since the ceasefire agreement, they and Ukraine government forces has never reached truce in the true sense. 如此举动,无疑是极大的鼓舞了还奋战在顿涅茨克市,以及其他地区的民间武装。从停火协议实施以来,他们与乌克兰政府军从未实现过真正意义上的停火。 Western World in an uproar. 西方世界一片哗然。 No one has thought, Russia will make the so not sane behavior suddenly. 谁也没想到,俄罗斯会突然做出如此不理智的行为。 European Union committee held the emergency meeting, simultaneously the next day, the France , Germany, Poland and other 11 countries issues to state one after another, if the Russia army dares to bridge over Russian and Ukrainian border, will be regarded as to the provocation of United Nations charter. 欧盟委员会就此召开了紧急会议,同时于次日,法、德、波兰十一国相继发布声明,如果俄罗斯的军队敢跨过俄乌边境,将被视为对联合国宪章的挑衅。 But the response is most intense, is United States of Pacific Ocean other shore. 而反应最为强烈的,还是太平洋彼岸的美国 The White House spokesman declared, if Russia bridges over Russian and Ukrainian border, NATO may also set the record for the precedent that the non-member friendly country dispatches troops. Meanwhile, Hillary President also in the media interview disclosed newly to suddenly sanction measure. 白宫新闻发言人宣称,如果俄罗斯跨过俄乌边境,北约也将可能创下为非成员友好国出兵的先例。与此同时,希拉里总统也在被媒体采访中透露了新的对俄制裁措施。 However also some analysts commented, whether this time sanction measure can be effective, actually NATO whether will break this precedent, these checks cashed in or not can be discussed. 不过也有分析人士评论称,这次的制裁措施是否能够奏效,北约究竟是否会打破这个先例,这些支票兑现与否都有待商榷。 Because Turkey erupts the Civil War reason, * the army controlled the big piece territory east Turkey, causes from Europe to Azerbaijan south corridor shut off. 由于土耳其爆发内战的缘故,*军在土耳其东部控制了大片领土,导致从欧洲通往阿塞拜疆的“南部走廊”被切断。 Has saying that in Freemasonry promotes in the plan of secularization Turkey hastily, because sudden launching an attack of Russia in Ukraine issue, this Civil War instead becomes a big faulty stroke in handwriting. Shuts off because of the cause of war as a result of the southern corridor, natural gas supply pressure sharp increase of Europe, with this relative, Europe regarding imports the natural gas the demand to rise from Russia suddenly. 不得不说,在共济会仓促推行世俗化土耳其的计划中,由于俄罗斯乌克兰问题上的突然发难,这次内战反而成为了一大败笔。由于南部走廊因战争原因而切断,欧洲的天然气供应压力剧增,与此相对的,欧洲对于从俄罗斯进口天然气的需求骤然上升。 If European Union joins newly to suddenly sanction measure that United States advocates, natural gas anemia European Union will instead become the biggest loser. 如果欧盟加入美国倡导的新对俄制裁措施,天然气“贫血”的欧盟反而会成为最大的输家。 Even if Freemasonry intends to promote European Union to resist with Russia in the Ukraine issue, but from the practical significance, they also relies on the industry of Europe the natural gas that imports from Russia. 即使是共济会有意推动欧盟乌克兰问题上与俄罗斯对抗,但从现实意义上来讲,他们在欧洲的产业同样依赖于从俄国进口的天然气。 Russia launches an attack suddenly, without doubt disrupts their strategic layouts. 俄罗斯突然发难,无疑是打乱他们的战略布局。 But at this moment, in Country of Xin Presidential Palace, Jiang Chen is discussing with Zhang Yaping in the Madagascar issue. 而此刻,在新国总统府内,江晨正与张亚平讨论在马达加斯加的问题。 yesterday, Zhang Yaping just finished diplomatic visit that goes to Madagascar, and yielded the good result. 就在昨天,张亚平刚结束了前往马达加斯加的外交访问,并且取得了不错的成果。 „The Madagascar aspect agreed that starts a more thorough cooperation with us in the economic and trade. If we are willing to aid them to reconstruct Mayotte power network, and provides the 1,000,000,000 USD aid loan, they will agree contracts the Madagascar northern mining area to us...... there was the Arrowhead Company asset, but after nuclear bomb crisis, was confiscated as the national asset.” 马达加斯加方面同意与我方在经贸领域展开更深入的合作。如果我们愿意援助他们重建马约特电网,并提供10亿美元的援助贷款,他们将同意把马达加斯加北部的矿区承包给我们……那里原先是属于箭头公司的资产,不过核弹危机后被没收为国家资产。” Does not have the issue, agrees with his condition.” Jiang Chen said. “没问题,同意他的条件。”江晨说道。 At this moment, a telephone hit suddenly. 就在这时,一个电话突然打了过来。 The Jiang Chen point opens holographic screen, looked at caller, is Ivan hits. Stemming from the politeness, he then looked to President Zhang. 江晨点开全息屏幕,看了眼来电人,是伊万打来的。出于礼貌,他接着看向了张总统 Minded that I do answer a telephone?” “介意我接个电话吗?” Did not mind.” Zhang Yaping beckons with the hand. “不介意。”张亚平摆了摆手。 Jiang Chen takes the cell phone, arrived at the President Office window, connected the call. 江晨拿着手机,走到了总统办公室的窗边,接通了电话。 Hey?” “喂?” Is the Philippines person! They began!” “是菲国人!他们动手了!” Although early some expectations, but when really this moment approaches, the Jiang Chen's heart twitched fiercely two. 虽然早有预料,可真当这一刻来临,江晨的心脏还是猛地抽动了两下。 War, eventually eruption!( To be continued.) 战争,终究还是爆发了!(未完待续。)
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