IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#823: Weapon and League

The time then arrived in mid July quickly, although one year of Four Seasons is in the summer, but is located in south of the equator line after all, this time in the past Koro Island will be in the heat some. 时间很快便到了七月中旬,虽然一年四季都是夏天,但毕竟位于赤道线以南,往年这时候的科罗岛还是会热上一些。 Since Natasha disclosed to Jiang Chen, Freemasonry will dispatch Gatekeeper to go to Asia, Jiang Chen then reduced the unnecessary journey. Although was not worried that some people can pose the threat in this islands to oneself, but at the strong request of Ayesha, he placed on this matter the heart slightly. 自从娜塔莎江晨透露,共济会将派遣“守门人”前往亚洲,江晨便减少了不必要的出行。虽然并不担心有人能在这座岛屿上对自己造成威胁,但在阿伊莎的强烈要求下,他还是稍稍将这件事放在了心上。 Meanwhile, Specter Agent also to so-called Gatekeeper began to investigate. However what regrets, not all matters can depend upon the technical simple crude solution. So far, Specter Agent was unable to lock the Gatekeeper status. 与此同时,幽灵特工也对所谓的“守门人”展开了调查。不过遗憾的是,并不是所有事都能依靠科技简单粗暴的解决。到目前为止,幽灵特工还没能锁定守门人的身份。 Future Group withdrew the industry of Europe, the European Union economy cast the shadow because of Local Protectionism, Star Ring Trading aerospace moved frequently as before, Turkey Civil War is continuing as before, but the Mindanao Island situation also started to deteriorate gradually...... 未来人集团撤走了欧洲的产业,欧盟经济因为地方保.护主义而蒙上了阴影,星环贸易航天活动频繁依旧,土耳其内战依旧在继续,而棉兰老岛的局势也开始渐渐恶化…… Philippines and Moro that Mindanao Island confronts * team, atmosphere already anxiously to condition of being ready to be set off. Did not say exaggeratingly, the next second might erupt into the war, but the reason possibly was only rifle of some sentry forgets to close the insurance. 棉兰老岛对峙的菲国摩洛*队,气氛已经紧张到了一触即发的状态。毫不夸张的说,很可能下一秒就会爆发战争,而原因可能只是某位哨兵的步枪忘了关保险。 But in the public opinion, both sides does not have the parsimonious bickering. 而在舆论上,双方也丝毫没有吝啬口水战。 Aquino IV accuses Santos, * serious, adopted the unfair treatment to the Philippines person who on Mindanao Island is occupied by, as well as has not relieved the wartime regulations is to despising of human rights. But Santos accuses in turn, is several thousand armies of Aquino IV deployment in the border, does not relieve the wartime regulations to him the opportunity. The Mindanao Island people must take up the weapon, the aggression of resistance possibly arrival. 阿基诺四世指责桑托斯,*严重,对棉兰老岛上居住的菲国人采取了不公正的待遇,以及迟迟未解除战时条例是对人权的蔑视。而桑托斯则反过来指责称,是阿基诺四世部署在边境上数万陆军,不给他解除战时条例的机会。棉兰老岛人民必须拿起武器,对抗可能到来的侵略。 The discerning people can see, this is Philippines is drumming up support for the war. 明眼人都能看出,这是菲国在为战争造势。 ...... …… Mindanao Island northern Davao Port, accompanied by more than ten wear mechanical exoskeleton bodyguard, Jiang Chen went down the Gulfstream private plane. Stands by him besides a bodyguard, Ayesha of suit and dress shoes, the electronic sunglasses back eye, has been taking a fast look around the edge in airport evenly. 棉兰老岛北部的达沃港,在十余名穿着机械外骨骼的保镖的陪同下,江晨走下了湾流私人飞机。站在他旁边的除了一众保镖外,还有一身西装革履的阿伊莎,电子墨镜背后的眼睛,一直均匀地扫视着机场的边缘。 Goes to Mindanao Island under the present situation, Jiang Chen is not travels certainly, but to make a deal with Russia. 在如今的形势下前往棉兰老岛,江晨当然不是来旅游的,而是为了与俄国达成一笔交易。 The motorcade that Santos sends received staying State Visitor Hotel him, 3 : 00 pm, Jiang Chen with went to south Mindanao Island a warehouse that similarly belonged to Star Ring Trading, Shatov met with Officer Russia. 桑托斯派来的车队将他接待到了下榻的国宾酒店,下午 3 点,江晨与同样前往了棉兰老岛南部的一座属于星环贸易的仓库,与俄罗斯军官沙托夫进行了会面。 This tall and powerfully built Russian, the face or the manner seem have the tensity, after seeing Jiang Chen, extended the right hand neatly. 这位身材魁梧的俄罗斯人,无论是面孔还是举止都显得十分有张力,在见到江晨后,干净利落地伸出了右手。 Sees you very much happily. Under introduced oneself, my name was very long, according to the linguistic habit of Chinese you can call my Mr. Shatov, or Lieutenant Colonel Shatov.” “很高兴见到您。自我介绍下,我的名字很长,按照华国人的语言习惯您可以称呼我沙托夫先生,或者沙托夫中校。” Came as a surprise to Jiang Chen's, Chinese Language of this Russia person is very good, even also has the voice of northeast region. 出乎了江晨的预料,这位俄国人的汉语很好,甚至还带着点东北地区的口音。 After he has shaken hand, Jiang Chen also made self introduction of simple. 与他握过手后,江晨同样做了个简单的自我介绍。 Jiang Chen, Star Ring Trading Chairman of the Board.” 江晨,星环贸易董事长。” Shatov nods, said beyond the shadow. 沙托夫点了点头,开门见山地说道。 Heard that you planned makes the pen transaction with us, Kremlin attaches great importance. Then, are actually your propositions?” “听说贵方打算与我们做笔交易,克里姆林宫对此非常重视。那么请问,贵方的提议究竟是?” Increases two divisions to enter the Crimea peninsula, I hope that you can exert pressure on European Union in the Ukraine issue.” Jiang Chen said. “增派两个师进入克里米亚半岛,我希望你们能在乌克兰问题上对欧盟施压。”江晨说道。 Shatov gawked, he has not expected will obviously set this offensive request. Ukraine is bottom line of NATO in Eastern European issue, if Russia continues to go forward, is very likely the powder keg of ignition entire Eastern Europe. 沙托夫愣了下,他显然没有料到将会提出这种唐突的要求。乌克兰北约在东欧问题上的底线,如果俄罗斯继续前进,极有可能点燃整个东欧的火药桶。 Does not serve the NATO and other Western country of the Russia front impact the interests, but, Russia will not similarly want to wrestle with the foe now in the same place. After all regardless of which perspective, if really erupts into the war, the chance of Russia army is not big. 俄罗斯正面碰撞不符合北约等西方国家的利益,但同样的,俄罗斯也不会希望现在就与仇敌扭打在一起。毕竟无论从哪个角度来看,如果真的爆发战争,俄罗斯军队的赢面都不算大。 Brzezinski Comrade had said that loses Ukraine Russia unable to become Great Nation. I do not believe that you will be willing to let go this rare opportunity, moreover now this opportunity on swayed in your front.” Jiang Chen looks at the eye of Shatov, suddenly smiles, first did not say this, we chatted the reward.” 布热津斯基同志曾经说过,失去乌克兰俄罗斯将成不起大国。我不相信你们会舍得放弃这个百年难遇的机会,而且现在这个机会就摆在你们的面前。”江晨看着沙托夫的眼睛,突然笑了笑,“先不说这个,我们来谈谈报酬。” With all due respect, your proposition will perhaps not establish.” Shatov replied reluctantly. “恕我直言,你的提议恐怕不会成立。”沙托夫无奈地答道。 That is uncertain.” Jiang Chen is saying, hit the sound to refer to nearby bodyguard. “那可不一定。”江晨说着,对旁边的保镖打了响指。 That understands the bodyguard conference, to walks soldier of hand warehouse. simple confessed after two, that two standing guard soldier has turned around, opened the front door of warehouse quickly. 那明白保镖会议,向把手仓库的士兵走去。简单地交代了两句后,那两名站岗的士兵转过身,很快拉开了仓库的大门。 Dry aura heads on, is looking at the black warehouse, the Shatov slightly knitting the brows head. 一股干燥的气息扑面而来,望着黑黢黢的仓库,沙托夫微微皱了皱眉头。 Along with me comes.” Jiang Chen shows a faint smile, which warehouse takes the lead toward to walk. “随我来。”江晨微微一笑,率先向哪个仓库走去。 Shatov hesitant, follows to walk up. 沙托夫犹豫了一下,也跟着走上前去。 It seems like from outside, this warehouse is very common, when enters the warehouse, he actually discovers in this warehouse to be much bigger accidentally/surprisingly. Quick soldier turned on the lamp, top incandescent lamp shiny of internal space photo. Shatov is narrowing the eye, saw that lies down in the warehouse central gadget alone. 从外面看上去,这座仓库很不起眼,不过当走进仓库内部,他却意外的发现这仓库里面大得惊人。很快士兵打开了灯,顶部的白炽灯将内部的空间照的锃亮。沙托夫眯着眼睛,看到了那个孤零零躺在仓库中央的玩意儿。 „Is this?” Shatov walked to go forward, puts out a hand to knock the thing of that round tubular. “这是?”沙托夫走上前,伸手敲了敲那个圆管状的东西。 Still remembered last month Madagascar Island?” The Jiang Chen smile said. “还记得上个月发生的马达加斯加岛事件吗?”江晨微笑道。 The Shatov pupil contracted slightly, took back the hand. 沙托夫瞳孔微微收缩,收回了手。 „Is this nuclear weapon?” “这是核武器?” No, this is conventional weapon.” Jiang Chen said with a smile, while arrived at side the installment of this round tubular, „, but, his might is just more astonishing than the nuclear weapon, particularly regarding modern society.” “不,这是常规武器。”江晨一边笑着说道,一边走到了这个圆管状的装置旁边,“但只不过,他的威力比核武器还惊人,尤其是对于现代社会而言。” When Jiang Chen said these words, Shatov had not responded suddenly was what meaning. After but he chews repeatedly, his look suddenly becomes quite splendid, the finger shivered. 江晨说出这句话的时候,沙托夫一时间还没有反应过来是什么意思。可当他反复嘴嚼过后,他的神色骤然变得相当精彩,手指都颤抖了起来。 Is it possible that...... is it possible that this is, Electromagnetic Pulse weapon!” “莫非……莫非这就是,电磁脉冲武器!” Right, we called it EMP, moreover was Strategic Grade EMP, compared with that Mayotte Island used slightly greatly.” Jiang Chen smiled nod , the finger is selecting on this circular pipe, „the Sword Breaker-1 fight part, may install on the intercontinental ballistic missile. Only needs such a round, can discard in the 100,000 square kilometer without the difference the unshielded electronic device, moreover does not leave behind any pollution.” “没错,我们称它为emp,而且是战略级emp,比马约特岛用上的那个稍微大点。”江晨微笑着点了点头,手指在这根圆管上点了点,“碎剑者-1的战斗部件,可装在洲际导弹上。只需要这么一发,就能无差别废掉10万平方公里内无保护的电子设备,而且不留下任何污染。” Here the words, Jiang Chen stopped the thread of conversation, looked stiffly to there motionless Shatov, the smile said. 把话说到了这里,江晨打住了话头,看向了僵在那里不动的沙托夫,微笑道。 Now, you also think that my proposition can't establish?” “现在,你还觉得我的提议不会成立吗?” „...... Are you willing to sell to us the technology of this weapon?” “……你愿意把这个武器的技术卖给我们?” We never sell the technology, but our very being glad sell products. 10 Sword Breaker-1 fight parts, should enough you use.” Jiang Chen said. “我们从不出售技术,但我们很乐意出售产品。十枚碎剑者-1的战斗部件,应该够你们用了。”江晨说道。 The EMP weapon in any country is the weapon in laboratory, however besides the high altitude nuclear explosion, no one studies environmental protection temporarily Electromagnetic Pulse excitation mechanism. If this Sword Breaker-1 really has is so powerful, its existence that Jiang Chen said that will reverse the Russia army thoroughly when the aspect of facing NATO lacking in resonance. emp武器在任何国家都属于实验室中的武器,然而除了高空核爆之外,暂时无人研究出来“环保的”电磁脉冲激发方式。如果这个碎剑者-1真有江晨所说的那么强大,它的存在将彻底扭转俄罗斯军队在面对北约时底气不足的局面。 „...... I am unable to your explicit answer, but I to the Kremlin instruction.” Shatov replied discretely. “……我无法给你明确的答复,但我会向克里姆林宫请示下。”沙托夫谨慎地答道。 Does not have the issue, I will anticipate next time with you will meet, can obtain the good news.” Jiang Chen smiles was saying.( To be continued.) “没问题,我期待下次与你见面的时候,能得到好消息。”江晨微笑着说道。(未完待续。)
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