IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#822: Has the victory and loss mutually

publicly upright and grand Future Group encounters Waterloo|failure in European Union, this news raised outrageously the big wave in the international community. The Wall Street investors have even completed the preparation that takes over Future Group in the European asset, however the next choice of Future Group actually came as a surprise to everyone. 风头正盛未来人集团欧盟遭遇滑铁卢,这则新闻在国际社会上掀起了悍然大波。华尔街的投资客们甚至都已经做好了接手未来人集团在欧资产的准备,然而未来人集团的下一步选择却是出乎了所有人的意料。 Laid off the 30 ten thousand staff directly, all businesses besides Future Bank suspends, and issued the working visa of Country of Xin to the 10,000 many staff. 直接裁了三十多万员工,除了未来人银行外所有业务暂停,并向一万多名员工发了新国的工作签证。 Under the real estate as for Future Group name, the patent that as well as these command major company drool, the plan that Future Group has not handed over slightly. Future Group has not given up re-entering the ambition of Europe obviously very much, but strategic retreats. 至于未来人集团名下的地产,以及那些令各大公司垂涎的专利,未来人集团也丝毫没有转手的打算。很显然未来人集团并没有放弃重回欧洲的野心,只是战略性撤退而已。 Some analysts estimated that the attitude that because European Union develops rapidly after a sudden turn to Future Group at the end of June, reaches as high as 11,300,000,000 USD to the direct economic losses that Future Group causes. 有分析人士估计,因为欧盟在六月底对未来人集团急转直下的态度,对未来人集团造成的直接经济损失高达113亿美元 However relative, iron core expels the market Future Group all products, the price that European Union pays is also quite astonishing. Future Heavy Industry production solid state Lithium Air Battery in cost or performance, by far strong in Daimler Group, masses, Reno and other cities oversize vehicle manufacturers. Also therefore, in pure electric vehicle battery, Future Heavy Industry holds the European market almost 70% market shares. 不过相对的,铁了心地将未来人集团所有产品赶出市场,欧盟所付出的代价也是相当惊人。未来人重工生产的固态锂空气电池无论是在成本还是性能上,都远远强于戴勒姆集团、大众、雷诺等大型汽车制造商。也正是因此,在纯电动汽车电池这块,未来人重工占有着欧洲市场几乎70%的市场份额。 However now, the Future Heavy Industry product does not export to European Union. Therefore however person who is out of work, but that batch that not only Jiang Chen cuts. Steps in the factory that the electric car produces much, is facing a difficult issue. 然而现在,未来人重工的产品已经不向欧盟出口了。为此而失去工作的人,可不只是江晨裁掉的那一批。不少涉足电动车生产的工厂,都面临着一个严峻的问题。 Walks? Remains, looks for the substitute commodity? 是走?还是留下来,寻找代替品? Including Rulka Motor Company that Jiang Chen control stock, many small-scale automobile manufacturer has chosen the factory moves to has escaped Britain of Europe, or is Switzerland, Norway close to the European market, but not country in European market. 包括江晨自己控股的鲁尔卡汽车公司在内,不少中小型汽车厂商已经选择将工厂搬迁到已经脱欧的英国,或者是瑞士挪威等临近欧洲市场,但并不在欧洲市场之内的国家。 In the European country outside 27 member nation, business normal operation of Future Group, although this market is no better compared with the weak. 二十七个成员国之外的欧洲国家,未来人集团的业务还是正常运行的,虽然这点市场比鸡肋强不到哪里去。 Superficially, on European Continent, the confrontation of Future Group and Freemasonry has been at leeward. However confrontation in other areas, evenly matched of Future Group actually performance, even exceeds faintly partly plans. 表面上看,在欧洲大陆上,未来人集团共济会的交锋已经处在了下风。然而在其它地区的交锋,未来人集团却表现的势均力敌,甚至隐隐胜过半筹。 North America and South America market, because the asp financial group makes a move to protect, shock effect of Jewish Financial Group on the Future Group industry is not too big. But Asia, is always the Freemasonry strength weak place. Freemasonry cannot amount to something in the influence weak basis of China development, has Liu Family to look let alone. 北美南美市场,由于asp财团出手保护,犹太人财团未来人集团产业的冲击影响不算太大。而亚洲,一直以来都是共济会力量薄弱的地方。共济会华国发展的势力弱的根本上不了台面,更何况有柳家在看着。 As for eastern South Asia, Freemasonry only has a strategic pivot. 至于东南亚,共济会只剩下一个战略支点。 That is eagerly through Philippines that the attachment strong presence rises. 那就是急于通过依附强大势力崛起的菲国 ...... …… While Freemasonry opens up an offensive, Jiang Chen has not been idling. 就在共济会展开攻势的同时,江晨这边也没有闲着。 Arrowhead Company becomes the target of universal detestation in Madagascar, Star Ring Trading with Madagascar Congress as well as out of office Liberal Party had the contact, initiated the impeachment to current President Lajona, accused it incompetent while in office, as well as tolerated Arrowhead Company and dark forces colludes, even the secret had the nuclear weapon wait/etc.. 箭头公司马达加斯加成为了过街老鼠,星环贸易这边则与马达加斯加国会以及在野的自由党取得了联系,对现任总统拉乔纳发起了弹劾,指责其在执政期间的无能,以及纵容箭头公司与黑势力勾结,甚至秘密持有核武器等等。 This argument really is impregnable. 这个论点简直无懈可击。 Regardless how Lajona gives the speech, demonstrator who comforts the temper tantrum, is unable and Arrowhead Company washes white for oneself. 无论拉乔纳如何发表演讲,安抚情绪失控的示威者,也无法为自己和箭头公司洗白。 In the opinion warfare, Star Ring Trading here found entered the tree farm at the night when it happened, because inhales the fire fighter who the excessive radioactive dust suffers from the cancer, at the 10,000 US Dollar cost, filmed a moving people to tears documentary film. 在舆论战中,星环贸易这边找到了事发当晚进入林场,因为吸入过量放射尘而患上癌症的消防员,以一万美金的成本,拍摄了一段催人泪下的纪录片。 Lies down on the hospital bed, the black person young fellow of suffocation, speaks that evening all with the tone off and on. 躺在病床上,奄奄一息的黑人小伙,用断断续续地语气讲起了当晚发生的一切。 At that time we received the order to go to the scene of fire to support. I and my brothers think, is only ordinary forest fire.” “当时我们接到命令前往火场支援。我和我的兄弟都以为,只是一次普通的森林大火。” Until we arrived at the scene, we realized the gravity of issue. Surrounding is not police officer, but is the army. The space has the helicopter, but is not that the fire prevention uses, but is the military helicopter.” “直到我们到达了现场,我们才意识到了问题的严重性。包围现场的不是警察,而是军队。天上有直升机,但不是消防用的那种,而是军用直升机。” Although is wary about the mission detail, but orders to order. Urged by higher authority, we wore the chemical-proof suit, holding the equipment to enter the scene of fire.” “虽然对任务的细节心存疑虑,但命令就是命令。在上级的催促下,我们穿上了防化服,托着设备进入了火场。” Smooth that very fire suppresses, but more forwards, I more thought where some are not right. This does not seem like the ordinary forest fire, the trim woods like had wreaked havoc by the storm.” “大火扑灭的很顺利,但越是向前,我越是觉得哪里有些不对劲。这不像是普通的森林大火,整片树林就像被风暴肆虐过一样。” At this moment, Jamie asked me suddenly: Hey, fellow, you felt, the flavor of this air is a little sweet, looks like the rust?” “就在这时,杰米突然问我:嘿,伙计,你有没有觉得,这空气的味道有点甜,就像是铁锈?” At that time I have not known this means anything, I also teased with him with a smile. Until afterward...... afterward......” “当时我还不知道这意味着什么,我还笑着和他打趣。直到后来……后来……” Here, the black person young fellow has choked with sobs. 说到了这里,那黑人小伙已经泣不成声。 Inhaled the excessive radioactive dust, can smell the rust taste, has almost been able to announce a death penalty of person. Enters tree farm Extinguishing Fire fire fighter altogether 1000, but in these 1000 fire fighters, half of people died in half a month time one after another. 吸入了过量的放射尘,以至于能闻到铁锈味儿,差不多已经可以宣布一个人的死刑了。进入林场灭火的消防员一共有1000名,而这1000名消防员中,有一半的人在半个月的时间内相继死去。 But living the person, basically also lay down Hospital, is unable to live like the normal person again. 而活着的人,基本也躺进了医院,无法再像正常人那样生活。 This documentary film was placed the home page of Future 1.0 news panel, but, that black person young fellow lies down in the picture that on the hospital bed suffocates, then appeared in the protesting crowd hand-held slogan. 这段记录片被放在了未来人1.0新闻面板的首页,而紧接着,那个黑人小伙躺在病床上奄奄一息的照片,便出现在了抗议人群手持的标语中。 Under public opinion of boiling, Lajona President before the Congress impeachment becomes effective, announced taking the blame and resigning voluntarily, as well as Madagascar will hold ahead of time the election. 迫于沸腾的民意,拉乔纳总统国会弹劾生效之前,自觉地宣布了引咎辞职,以及马达加斯加将举行提前大选。 At this time, Liberal Party that Star Ring Trading supported stood in the front of public. Faced is supporting own voter, leader Sangweni breaks off the finger to count Arrowhead Company to all that Madagascar Island brought, and put forward own campaign program. 这时,星环贸易所支持的自由党站在了公众的面前。面对着支持自己的选民,领导人桑维尼掰着指头细数了箭头公司马达加斯加岛带来的一切,并提出了自己的竞选纲领。 Had a look at American to make anything in our homelands! Poor, the violence, the crime, the war, currently also has nuclear bomb! No matter I Lajona and these rich people made anything to trade, now I say no!” “看看美国人都在我们的家园里做了什么!贫穷,暴力,犯罪,战争,现在还有核弹!我不管拉乔纳和那些有钱的人做了什么交易,现在我说不!” The cheers from each time speech, and result of opinion poll demonstration, Liberal Party becomes the Madagascar incumbent party almost not to have the suspense. After he mounts the stage, he will then abolish Madagascar and Arrowhead Company all contracts, cramps out from Africa this stinger thoroughly. 从每次演讲现场的欢呼声,以及民调显示的结果,自由党成为马达加斯加执政党几乎已毫无悬念。等他上台之后,他便将废除马达加斯加箭头公司的一切合约,彻底将这根毒刺从非洲南端拔去。 When the situation is steady, Star Ring Trading will then replace Arrowhead Company, becomes the new military contractor stationed in Madagascar. 等到局势平稳下来,星环贸易便会取代箭头公司,成为驻扎在马达加斯加的新的军事承包商。 This poor islands preserve has rich chrome tanning, graphite and aluminum vanadium earth, mica, nickel, Carbonization silicon and other minerals, simultaneously takes world gem museum and world crystal reserves' third Great Nation, Madagascar has the Treasure Island reputation. The resources regarding Future Heavy Industry, it may be said that quite attractive. 这座贫穷的岛屿储藏有丰富的铬、石墨、铝钒土、云母、镍、碳化硅等矿物,同时作为“世界宝石博物馆”和世界水晶蕴藏量第三大国,马达加斯加更是有着金银岛的美誉。其资源对于未来人重工来说,可谓是相当的诱人。 Especially the Carbonization silicon, this produces one of the some graphene material raw materials for industry, is Mindanao Island and Papua Island relatively deficient minerals. 尤其是碳化硅,这可是生产部分石墨烯材料的工业原料之一,同时也是棉兰老岛巴布亚岛相对缺乏的矿产。 Naturally, these reasons are also only next, the Jiang Chen main goal, is Arrowhead Company and Freemasonry influence, wipes out from this islands thoroughly! In order to retaliate Freemasonry in the hostile act of European to Future Group, as well as cuts off it the manpower resources from Madagascar! 当然,这些原因都还只是其次,江晨主要的目的,还是将箭头公司以及共济会的势力,从这座岛屿上彻底拔除!以报复共济会在欧洲对未来人集团的敌对行为,以及断绝其来自马达加斯加的兵源! Only can say, this first round of confrontation, both sides have the victory and loss mutually.( To be continued.) 只能说,这第一轮交锋,双方互有输赢。(未完待续。)
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