IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#821: Large-scale lay-off

The Future Group building, Jiang Chen such as arrived at company to go to work in the past same. Net 未来人集团大厦,江晨如往常一样来到了公司上班。网 Had passed for two weeks from that four soldier funeral, on Koro Island had at least returned tranquilly, at least passenger who comes in the island to travel, could not have felt some time past that tense atmosphere. What is only different, the security near airport and wharf was strengthened. Patrol drone that nearby Future Building is stationed, also enhanced to usual two times. Future Heavy Industry in the hiring, the weapon factory in Ange Island industry park, the production line has kept turning. 距离那四名士兵的葬礼已经过去了两个星期,至少科罗岛上已经回归了平静,至少前来岛上旅游的旅客,已经感受不到了前些时候那紧张的氛围。唯一不同的是,机场和码头附近的安保被加强了许多。未来人大厦附近驻扎的巡逻无人机,也提高至了平时的两倍。未来人重工一直在招人,安加岛工业园内的兵工厂,生产线一直转个不停。 Entered Jiang Chen's Office, Xia Shiyu placed table of corners/horns one pack of documents gently. 走进了江晨的办公室,夏诗雨将一叠文件轻轻地放在了桌角。 Last month the company financial statement came out, doesn't plan to look?” “上个月公司财报出来了,不打算看下吗?” Told me or lost/carrying on line.” “告诉我是正的还是负的就行了。” Last month company total earning 4,700,000,000 USD, compared slid last month 13.7%. Next month if the condition is unable to be improved, may slide about again 4- 5 points,” at this point, Xia Shiyu, then said, after all, we lost the entire Europe.” “上个月公司总营收47亿美元,较上月同比下滑13.7%。下个月如果状况无法得以好转,可能会再度下滑四-五个点左右,”说到这里,夏诗雨顿了顿,接着说道,“毕竟,我们失去了整个欧洲。” Jiang Chen took up the financial statement to read under. 江晨拿起财报翻看了下。 What good suggestion do you have?” “你有什么好的建议?” To European branch company lay-off.” Xia Shiyu said without hesitation. “对欧洲分公司裁员。”夏诗雨毫不犹豫地说道。 Possibly will cause the brain drain.” Jiang Chen does not approve this viewpoint. “可能会造成人才流失。”江晨并不认同这个观点。 High levels as well as technical personnel retain the normal pay, basic unit staff leave without pay, this will cut a big expenditure for us. I did not deny that Future Group truly can raise these staff, but if we lose the European market for a long time, we must make a longer-term plan. Even does not remove temporarily closes European branch company, only retains an office maintains the patent and trademark, entire enterprise high-level relocation to Penglai City or Koro Island Headquarters.” “高层以及技术人员保留正常薪资,基层员工停薪留职,这将为我们削减一大笔开支。我不否认未来人集团确实能养得起这些员工,但如果我们长期丧失欧洲市场,我们就必须做更长远的打算。甚至不排除暂时关闭欧洲分公司,只保留一座事务所对专利和商标进行维护,将整个企业高层搬迁至蓬莱市科罗岛总部。” Judgment of Xia Shiyu not wrong. 夏诗雨的判断没有错。 She bases on the judgment that Future Group CEO makes. If European Union committee iron core must oppose with Future Group, then Future Group will be unable to take a single step forward in the European market . Moreover the method of basically not having counter-attacked. 她是基于未来人集团eo作出的判断。如果欧盟委员会铁了心地要与未来人集团作对到底,那么未来人集团在欧洲市场将寸步难行,而且基本上没有反击的手段。 This internationally has the precedent to follow. 这在国际上是有先例可循的。 2013 in the second half of the year, European Union committee once conducted the double zed investigation to 3 China photovoltaic enterprises. Even if the decision enough deficient legal basis of European Union, were still contrary to free trade mental that the Western country has advocated at that time, but the sanction decided ultimately to be implemented. 13年下半年,欧盟委员会曾对三家华国光伏企业展开双反调查。即便当时欧盟的决定足够的缺乏法律依据,也有违西方国家所一直倡导的自由贸易精神,但制裁决定最终还是得到了执行。 Affected by this, 3 photovoltaic enterprises are forced to withdraw confuse the p agreement, and was levied 47% high tariffs. After the judgement result comes out, abundant with ReneSola two photovoltaic enterprises, announced that will no longer produce goods from China Europe, shifts to China , Japan and South Korea central core of market. 受此影响,三家光伏企业被迫退出迷p协议,并被征收47%的高额关税。裁决结果出来后,中盛和昱辉两家光伏企业,宣布将不再从华国出货欧洲,将市场的重心转向华、日、韩三国。 If resistance from policy aspect, then the enterprise has no means. 如果阻力来自政策面,那么企业根本没有任何办法。 Since must walk sooner or later, was inferior simple that cuts your several 100,000 people directly, leads the executive and technician racket. 既然早晚要走,不如走的干脆,直接裁掉你几十万人,带着高管和技术人才拍拍屁股走人。 Sees Jiang Chen not to make the decision, Xia Shiyu sighs, then said. 江晨没有做出决定,夏诗雨叹了口气,接着说道。 „...... The present stage, Future Biology nutrition mixture is accepting the investigation of European Food Safety Authority ( efsa ), one week later the findings will come out. From the current situation, although Tao Ming holds the news arrange/cloth meeting continuously, declared that nutrition mixture does not have the least bit issue, even drinks two bottles at the scene continually, but the findings perhaps will be finally disadvantageous to us.” “……现阶段,未来人生物营养合剂正在接受欧洲食品安全局(efsa)的调查,一周后调查结果会出炉。从目前的形势来看,虽然陶明连续召开新闻布会,宣称营养合剂没有半点问题,甚至当场连喝两瓶,但最终调查结果恐怕会对我们不利。” If before, perhaps Jiang Chen will pat the table station to come, first greeted the ancestors of two European Union committees, at matter of decision lay-off. 如果是以前,江晨恐怕会拍着桌子站前来,先问候两句欧盟委员会的祖先,在拍板裁员的事儿。 The calmness of accident/surprise however now, he displays. 不过现在,他表现的意外的冷静。 Although the result is the same. 虽然结果是一样的。 Under Country of Xin visa to executives and technical personnel, family settlement fee. Is willing to follow the change of station, the wages raise 2 o %. It is not willing to follow the change of station, first has two years of paid false.” “给高管和技术人员下新国签证,还有安家费。愿意跟随工作调动的,工资上调2o%。不愿意跟随工作调动的,先放两年带薪假。” The Country of Xin tax rate and Europe of tall Shuigao benefits is different, even if the wages maintains unchanged, these immigrants go to the Country of Xin European staff, can attain is higher than much wages in European work. 新国的税率与高税高福利的欧洲不同,哪怕是工资维持不变,这些移民前往新国的欧洲员工,也能拿到比在欧洲工作高得多的工资。 The deep breath the one breath, Jiang Chen stopped the moment, ten fingers on desktop overlapping. 深呼吸了一口气,江晨停顿了片刻,十指在桌面上交叉。 Besides Future Bank, various group child company in European Union 31. the 50,000 basic unit staff, cuts completely!” “除未来人银行外,集团各子公司欧盟的31.5万基层员工,全部裁掉!” The 50,000 staff, every month Future Group was only the wages close to 1,000,000,000 USD. The lay-off could be the potluck in the capitalist country, on Yu Daode Future Group will not receive any accusation. 5万员工,每个月未来人集团光是工资就接近1o亿美元了。裁员在资本主义世界里算得上是家常便饭了,于道德上未来人集团不会受到任何指责。 However European Union various countries only feared that meets does not feel better, after all all of a sudden were many 30 tens of thousands unemployment population, even if shares on various countries not to feel better. The high welfare state is so, the person of unemployment may probably raise by the government. 不过欧盟各国只怕会不太好受,毕竟一下子多了三十几万失业人口,即使是分摊到各国头上也不怎么好受。高福利国家就是如此,失业的人可都得由政府来养着。 „...... First waits and sees as for Britain temporarily.” Jiang Chen then said. “至于英国……暂时先观望吧。”江晨接着说道。 Britain is not in European Union, has not responded Freemasonry temporarily to the butcher knife that Future Group wields. However if Britain also follows to act to Future Group, Jiang Chen is also indifferent, the European market he has given up in any case. 英国已经不在欧盟之内,也暂时没有响应共济会未来人集团挥下的屠刀。不过如果英国也跟着对未来人集团出手,江晨也无所谓,反正欧洲市场他已经放弃了。 At least before Freemasonry gives way, he does not plan to return. 至少在共济会垮掉之前,他是不打算回归。 Yes.” “是。” Xia Shiyu nodded, turns around to leave Office. 夏诗雨点头,转身离开了办公室 ...... …… European Union committee eats to the heart's content the pain to butcher Future Group to be just luxurious, the discerning people can look, European Union iron core must copy Jiang Chen in Europe family/home. However in efsa to first three days that the nutrition mixture security findings come out, Future Group suddenly announced that affiliated industry withdraws from Europe comprehensively, abrogates 31. the 50,000 staff, only retains two respectively to be located in France and Germany office, handles the remaining issues in law...... 欧盟委员会大快朵颐地痛宰未来人集团正酣,明眼人都能看得出来,欧盟就是铁了心地要抄江晨在欧洲的“家”。然而就在efsa对营养合剂安全性调查结果出炉的前三天,未来人集团突然宣布旗下产业全面撤出欧洲,裁撤31.5万员工,仅保留两个分别位于法国德国的事务所,处理法律上的遗留问题…… After receiving this news, how is meeting the discussion next step under the European Union committee of blade to Future Group, immediately calm. 当接到这则消息后,正在开会讨论下一步如何对未来人集团下刀的欧盟委员会,顿时安静了下来。 Business special commissioners you present have a look at me, I have a look at you, opens mouth, quite a while no one said a few words. 在座事务专员们你看看我,我看看你,张了张嘴,半天没人说出一句话来。 Sits in the position of board, now as before European Union chairman Juhnke hesitates Lin Ling long time, pinched the fountain pen to select the minute book, broke on the board to silence. 坐在会议桌的位,现仍欧盟委员会主席容克沉吟林玲半晌,捏着钢笔点了点记录本,打破了会议桌上对的沉默。 „Does discussion also need to continue?” “讨论还需要继续吗?” „...... Lay-off? 320,000? Were they insane?” Business special commissioner's from Germany unbelievable to this news performance. “……裁员?三十二万?他们疯了?”来自德国的事务专员对这个消息表现的难以置信。 After all a three points of Future Group staff strongly in Germany, if this news is conclusive. Then in the previous second, the Germany home added 100,000 vagrants. 毕竟三分之一未来人集团的员工集中在德国,如果这个消息确凿。那么就在前一秒钟,德国国内又添了十万无业游民。 It seems like they real.” Special Commissioner France looked at the watch, then closed the fountain pen to cover with the notebook, looked like the conference to finish ahead of time, was we won, Future Group clamped the tail to run from Europe...... thanked heaven and earth, this difference matter ended finally.” “看来他们是真的。”法国专员看了看表,然后合上了钢笔盖和笔记本,“看来会议可以提前结束了,是我们赢了,未来人集团夹着尾巴从欧洲跑了……谢天谢地,这差事儿总算是结束了。” A series of investigations of Future Group, he casts the affirmative vote the time also faced a big pressure. 未来人集团的一系列调查,他投赞成票的时候也是面对了不小的压力。 The people are not good to deceive like they seem like. The series of actions of European Union committee, obviously have this intense Local Protectionism color. Perhaps the entrepreneurs were glad to see to be short of such a competitor, but in these had in the favorable impression people eye to Future Group, when this behavior did not investigate the China photovoltaic enterprise like them was popular. 民众并不像他们看上去的那样好糊弄。欧盟委员会的一系列举措,明显带有这强烈的地方保.护主义色彩。或许企业家们乐得见到少了这么一个竞争对手,但在那些对未来人集团有好感的民众眼里,这种行为并不像他们调查华国光伏企业时那么得人心。 After all the average person will not contact the photovoltaic equipment every day, but will actually certainly use the uture cell phone every day, as well as world only one by one Neural Access equipment Phantom Helmet. 毕竟一般人不会每天都接触到光伏设备,但每天却一定会使用uture手机,以及世界唯一一神经接入设备幻影头盔 Even this is inciting of Freemasonry, but needs to withstand the public opinion pressure is actually the committee members of these voting, as well as each committee member back government of casts the affirmative vote. 即便这是共济会的授意,但需要去顶住舆论压力的却是这些投票的委员,以及每名投赞成票的委员背后的政府。 Then the conference dismisses.” “那么会议解散。” The special commissioners leave the table in abundance, although won, but why does not know, on everyone's face no happy expression. 各国专员纷纷离席,虽然赢了,但不知道为何,所有人的脸上都没有什么愉快的表情。 When leaves the conference site, Germany business special commissioner Framont made two phone calls, hits to Mr. President, hits in the Freemasonry old friend. When he returns to Germany, only feared that some he is busy...... 在离开会场的时候,德国事务专员弗拉蒙打了两个电话,一个是打给总统先生,一个是打给在共济会的老朋友。等他回到德国,只怕有的他忙的…… Although won right, but Framont always had planted defeated the misconception. 虽说是赢了没错,可弗拉蒙总有种被打败了的错觉。 Certainly is the misconception.( To be continued.) 8 一定是错觉。(未完待续。)八
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