IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#820: Developing rapidly after a sudden turn

What issue?” The Natasha eyebrow selects. “什么问题?”娜塔莎眉毛一挑。 \ { \{ ? ? Reminded is too overdone, was the order of KGB I did, did you act presumptuously the decision that made?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “提醒我做的太过火,是克格勃的命令,还是你擅自行动做出的决定?”江晨笑着说道。 Natasha is at a loss for words for a while. 娜塔莎一时语塞。 The atmosphere in room is somewhat subtle, after silent moment, she opens the mouth to say slowly. 房间内的气氛有些微妙,沉默了片刻后,她缓缓地开口道。 In previous and contact of KGB Minister of Intelligence, Minister once used ally word on Future Group. I analyzed according to the existence information, it is necessary to make the reminder to your behavior......, if lost your ally, our days will not feel better very much.” “在上次与克格勃情报部长的联络中,部长未来人集团曾使用了盟友这个词。我根据现有情报判断,有必要对你的行为作出提醒……如果失去了你这个盟友,我们的日子也不会很好过。” Listens to the Natasha's words, Jiang Chen almost to smile to make noise. 听完娜塔莎的话,江晨差点笑出了声来。 This is nothing? When did russians also understand proud tender the art? From meets Natasha in Ukraine to the present at first, he first time to her inferior concealed felt interesting. 这算什么?毛子们什么时候也懂傲娇的艺术了?从在乌克兰最初遇到娜塔莎到现在,他还是第一次对她蹩脚的掩饰感到了有趣。 What do you smile?” Natasha knits the brows to say. “你笑什么?”娜塔莎皱眉道。 No, suddenly thought that some...... the graciousness,” Jiang Chen coughed gently, restrained the rash expression, this/should selects to treat this matter earnestly.” “没什么,就是突然觉得有些……恩,”江晨轻轻咳了下,收敛了轻率的表情,“该认真点对待这件事儿。” Should better so.” Natasha, then said, Freemasonry sent out Gatekeeper, he should arrive at Asia now.” “最好如此。”娜塔莎顿了顿,接着说道,“共济会派出了守门人,他现在应该已经到达亚洲了。” What is Gatekeeper?” Jiang Chen asked. 守门人是什么?”江晨问道。 We are not very clear,” Natasha shakes the head, we only know that Gatekeeper has, some are responsible for assembling the arrangement of conference site, inside and outside some favor dominates the front door of conference site, some proclaimed for the recruit. About his representative meaning, having a view is to hold sharply the sword of sheath, there is a view is to guard the gateway of eye of entire knowledge. Regardless what he is representing is anything “我们也不是很清楚,”娜塔莎摇了摇头,“我们只知道守门人有很多,有的负责集会会场的布置,有的利于内外把持会场的大门,有的则为新会员颁。关于其代表的含义,有种说法是持锋利的出鞘之剑,也有说法是看守全知之眼的门户。无论他代表着的是什么” Possibly is not gives me the membership certificate, right?” Jiang Chen interrupted with a smile. “都不可能是来给我会员证的,对吗?”江晨笑着插嘴道。 Right.” Natasha nods. “没错。”娜塔莎点了点头。 He is a killer, is bank, or is General, either is only soldier, even is only a declaring war attitude. 他是杀手,还是银行家,或者是将军,亦或者只是一名士兵,甚至只是一种宣战的态度。 Grasps sharply the sword of sheath, if this meaning, calling it cleaning up perhaps is more appropriate? 手持锋利的出鞘之剑,如果属于这层含义的话,称之为“清理者”或许更恰当些? Jiang Chen looks at out of the window to prune the branches and leaves drone, so wants to say. 江晨看着窗外修剪枝叶的无人机,如此想道。 ...... …… The Madagascar nuclear issue continues the yeast, besides domestic ebullition Anti-America mood, the protest that continues to explode in Antananarivo shows. Prestige parade. People lift up high are pursuing Arrowhead Company, even pursues the slogan of United States enterprise, the Mayotte Island the tragedy of massacre and native nuclear explosion, puts the blame on the plot of United States carelessly. 马达加斯加的核问题持续酵,除了国内沸腾的反美情绪外,还是在都塔那那利佛持续爆的抗议示.威游.行。人们高举着驱逐箭头公司,甚至是驱逐美国企业的标语,将马约特岛的惨案与本土核爆的惨剧,草率地归咎于美国的阴谋。 Reporter bb clarifies itself repeatedly is British, finally obtained the interview demonstrator, but not hit opportunity. bb记者一再澄清自己是英国人,终于获得了采访示威者而不被打的机会。 Is the pirate who American attracts! They brought about the retaliation of Beledweyne warlord remnant party in the Somalia policy! The fly will pursue the bowel movement to walk forever, expels Madagascar Island the United States enterprise!” “是美国人引来的海盗!他们在索马里的政策招致了贝莱德文军阀残党的报复!苍蝇永远会追着大便走,把美国企业赶出马达加斯加岛!” Why will Arrowhead Company have the nuclear weapon? Actually did they regard what our countries? Africa arsenal? We can also believe them!” “为何箭头公司会拥有核武器?他们究竟把我们的国家当成了什么?非洲军火库吗?我们还能相信他们吗!” Tumbles out Madagascar Island......” “滚出马达加斯加岛……” The young people are shouting loudly the slogan in French, surrounded the United States embassy and Arrowhead Company station, burns the stars and stripes. Now island the military gate house on each Arrowhead Company, is forced temporarily to be closed, the United States embassy also has to rest industry closes. 年轻人用法语高喊着口号,包围了美国使馆和箭头公司的驻地,焚烧星条旗。现在岛上的每一座箭头公司的军事哨所,都被迫暂时关闭,美国使馆也不得不休业闭馆。 Although the Madagascar Island network popular rate is not high, space that but may operate for Future Group is still big. Once some public opinion formed the wind direction, and there is a love. The flag of country principle makes this/should wind direction be able to stand firmly, then this Hurricane can easy was operated, not rational blows all. 虽然马达加斯加岛的网络普及率不高,但可供未来人集团操作的空间依旧不小。一旦某种舆论形成了风向,并且有爱.国主义的大旗使该风向站得住脚,那么这股飓风将能轻而易举的被操纵,并毫无理性的刮走一切。 Under the home and Congress pressure, favored also has to change the past strategy with Madagascar President Lajona that Freemasonry cooperated, urging Arrowhead Company to evacuate from Madagascar. 迫于国内以及国会的压力,倾向于与共济会合作的马达加斯加总统拉乔纳也不得不改变了以往的策略,督促起箭头公司马达加斯加撤离。 But at the same time, in Koro Island Jiang Chen, started preparation that steps up to this war. 而与此同时,远在科罗岛江晨,也开始了加紧对这场战争的准备。 Since KGB can guess correctly that is he does, then CIA will also unable to guess correctly. 既然克格勃能猜到是他干的,那么ia同样不会猜不到。 United States has not read the indictment, because they do not have the evidence to prove this point directly. Or United States Intelligence Department, is doubtful of this deduction. Compares Country of Xin, Israel secret in possession of nuclear weapons has been the open secret. 美国没有就此提出指控,因为他们没有证据能够直接证明这一点。或者说,就连美国情报部门本身,也对这个推论心存怀疑。相比起新国来说,以色列秘密拥核早就已经是公开的秘密。 We will protect you in the industry of North America and South America, but Europe...... was extremely sorry, our abilities are limited.” “我们会保护你们在北美南美的产业,但是欧洲……非常抱歉,我们的能力有限。” The Rocky sound is very polite, even is rejecting, still being hard lets the person has not quickly and so on mood. 洛奇的声音很有礼貌,即使是在拒绝,也难以让人产生不快之类的情绪。 Might as well, has added on busy.” The Jiang Chen tone naturally said. “无妨,已经帮上大忙了。”江晨语气自然地说道。 Will be rejected regarding own request, Jiang Chen is not surprised, after all counted on that the merchant stressed the integrity, counted on that they were loyal are ****. 对于自己的请求会被拒绝,江晨并不感到意外,毕竟指望商人讲诚信还可以,指望他们讲义气就是****了。 But must say that does not have disappointedly, that is impossible. 但要说一点失望都没有,那是不可能的。 Obviously, although formed an alliance earlier, but the ap financial group hopes that Future Group holds the post of foot soldier attendant character. Before the situation has not decided the victory and defeat is indifferent to another's plight, regardless of which side drops down, the other side will also certainly the vitality damage severely, how this result is not owes to them. 很显然,虽然早些时候就结成了联盟,但ap财团更希望未来人集团担任马前卒这个角色。在局势没有分出胜负之前隔岸观火,无论哪一方倒下,另一方也必将元气大伤,这种结果对他们来说怎样都不算亏。 ap is willing to provide the asylum to Future Group in the industry of Americas, such result is not too bad. ap愿意对未来人集团在美洲的产业提供庇护,这样的结果也不算太坏。 However this also means, Future Group fears in the industry of Europe will face the serious loss, but there present Jews supreme headquarters. 不过这也就意味着,未来人集团在欧洲的产业恐将面临惨重的损失,那里现在可是犹太人的大本营。 Really has not come as a surprise to Jiang Chen's. 果然没有出乎江晨的预料。 After four soldier funerals ended the second day, Future Group in European branch company receives the inquiring letter that about Anti-Monopoly Investigation Committee Member European Union delivered, requests Future Technologies to the Virtual Reality Artillery System Kaiyuan, enabling the Internet enterprise in Europe to enter the market fairly. 就在四名士兵的葬礼结束后的第二天,未来人集团驻欧洲分公司接到了欧盟委员送的关于反垄断调查的问询函,要求未来人科技虚拟实境系统开源,使欧洲的互联网企业能够更公平进入市场。 But Future Group response regarding this is also very intense. 未来人集团对此的反应也很强烈。 In receiving the Anti-Monopoly Investigation same day, Future Group Headquarters announced that will suspend providing the service of Virtual Reality Network to the European Union country. 于接到反垄断调查的当日,未来人集团总部宣布将暂停向欧盟国家提供虚拟实境网络的服务。 Quantum Communications Satellite that but unlike previous time in the United States decision, Star Ring Trading shoots starting from last year, has been able to achieve the degree of global reach now. In name Future Group suspended providing the Virtual Reality Network service to the European Union country, but the European can pass as before ****** the node, connected Virtual Reality Network. 只不过与上次在美国的决策不同,星环贸易从去年开始射的量子通讯卫星,现在已经能够做到全球覆盖的程度。名义上未来人集团暂停了对欧盟国家提供虚拟实境网络服务,但欧洲人依旧可以通过******的节点,接入虚拟实境网络 Only if European Union confiscates all Europe in others helmet, but this obviously is not realistic. Phantom Helmet after more than two years of show/unfolds, reached the country to have the good market share in Europe, even if European Union committee forbids Phantom Helmet to sell in Europe, in a short time is unable to have the influence on Future Technologies in the business of Europe as before. 除非欧盟没收所有欧洲人家中的头盔,但这显然是不现实的。幻影头盔经过两年多的展,在欧洲等达国家已经拥有了不俗的市场占有率,就算欧盟委员会禁止幻影头盔在欧洲销售,短时间内依旧无法对未来人科技在欧洲的业务造成影响。 The wages photo, class on as usual, this is Future Technologies in European branch company present situation. But ****** this Africa northernmost population 1000 ten thousand small countries, Phantom Helmet access actually broke through 200,000,000 within several days. 工资照,班照常的上,这就是未来人科技在欧洲分公司的现状。而******这个非洲最北端的人口不过一千多万的小国,幻影头盔接入量却在数日内突破了2亿 Besides the loss large amount of tax revenue, European Union committee of Freemasonry leadership has not asked for any advantage. 除了损失巨额的税收之外,共济会主导的欧盟委员会没有讨得任何的好处。 However on the other hand, solid state Lithium Air Battery of European Union to Future Heavy Industry proposed the double zed investigation. This action almost and other pure electric vehicle company compels to go bankrupt Rulka, the battery that because their affiliated brand pure electric cars use, all imports from Future Heavy Industry. 不过另一方面,欧盟未来人重工的固态锂空气电池提出了双反调查。这一举措几乎将鲁尔卡等纯电动汽车公司逼得破产,因为他们旗下品牌纯电动车使用的电池,全都是从未来人重工进口的。 But regarding such result, the Jiang Chen's approach is very simple, made Rulka Motor Company switch off the factory in Europe directly, constructed Xin-Ma Special Region the factory. 而对于这样的结果,江晨的做法很干脆,直接让鲁尔卡汽车公司关掉了欧洲的工厂,将厂建到新马特区 The trade friction gradually escalates, Future Heavy Industry Robot Little Gem and Dragoon Type-1 core and other products also encountered the investigation of the environmental body, the human rights organization and European Union committee one after another. Under pulling strings of Freemasonry, these organization team Future Group issued the traffic ticket of sky-high price. 贸易摩擦逐渐升级,未来人重工机器人小琳龙骑兵1型芯等产品也相继遭到了环保机构、人权组织、欧盟委员会的调查。在共济会的指使下,这些组织队未来人集团开出了天价的罚单。 These are grasping court summon police officer, is a father is to do your countenance. 那些手持着法院传票的警察,全都是一副老子就是要搞你的嘴脸。 Jiang Chen is very clear, Future Group had lost Europe.( To be continued.) 8 江晨很清楚,未来人集团已经失去了欧洲。(未完待续。)八
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