IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#819: Two funerals

Next morning, in the Koro Island public cemetery, Jiang Chen by the Star Ring Trading Chairman of the Board status, attended four funeral that died in battle soldier. ?<?<( 次日清晨,在科罗岛的公墓,江晨星环贸易董事长的身份,出席了四名阵亡士兵的葬礼。?<?<( Star Ring Trading to consigning for shipment the ship conducted the report by the pirate hijacking, and expressed that the hostage has been rescued completely, all pirates had been killed at the scene. Four Star Ring Trading bodyguards died in line of duty, Jiang Chen attended four soldier funerals personally, and handed over Medal of Honor and pension personally in hand that died in battle the soldier family member. 星环贸易对托运船遭海盗劫持事件进行了报道,并表示人质已经全部获救,所有海盗都已经被当场击毙。四名星环贸易保镖因公殉职,江晨亲自出席了四名士兵的葬礼,并将荣誉勋章和抚恤金亲自交到了阵亡士兵家属的手中。 At the funeral, after Jiang Chen read the mourning word, to media simple on the pirate kidnaps the consignment ship event list the speech. 在葬礼上,江晨念完了哀悼词后,面向媒体简单地就海盗劫持托运船事件表了讲话。 „...... Star Ring Trading will not compromise to any evil force, absolutely , can never. Put in many sacrifices, utilized what method, regardless of provoked from other pirate anything, we will spare nothing to protect our nationals.” “……星环贸易不会向任何恶势力妥协,绝对,也永远不会。无论是付出多少牺牲,无论是运用何种手段,无论挑衅来自海盗还是别的什么,我们都将不惜一切代价保护我们的国民。” „...... Makes us keep firmly in mind, these were the peace sacrifice Warrior.” “……让我们牢记,那些为和平而牺牲的勇士。” Under the stage broke out the applause. 台下响起了掌声。 The word ended, the reporter goes forward immediately, extended the microphone. 言结束,记者立刻上前,将话筒伸了过来。 Mr. Jiang Chen, regarding Arrowhead Company Director-General Mr. Smith pointed out that has connection about the Madagascar nuclear explosion and Star Ring Trading, as Star Ring Trading sensible long you have what view?” 江晨先生,请问对于箭头公司总裁史密斯先生指出的,关于马达加斯加核爆炸与星环贸易存在关联一事,身为星环贸易懂事长的您有何看法?” Regarding the word of creating a scene, I have no view. Moreover event list any comment that in this sad day, I do not want nothing to do with Star Ring Trading. However if Arrowhead Company executive is interested, I recommend him to go to the Koro Island mental specialized hospital to go to therapy.” “对于无理取闹的言,我没有任何看法。而且在这个悲伤的日子,我也不想就与星环贸易无关的事件表任何意见。不过如果箭头公司老总感兴趣,我推荐他前往科罗岛精神病院接受治疗。” In the crowd heard several points of well-meaning laughter. 人群中传来了几分善意的笑声。 Although knows at the funeral smiles is not quite appropriate, but Jiang Chen's words these foreign reporters amusing. 虽然知道在葬礼上笑不太合适,但江晨的话还是把这些外国记者们给逗乐了。 Obviously, they do not believe that between Star Ring Trading and nuclear bomb are correlated. After all Country of Xin grasps Civilian Nuclear Technology also few months, even if disregards the Civil Grade nuclear technology and span between the army grade nuclear technologies, and changes into the heavy-water reactor Koro Island Nuclear Power Station all Light Water Reactor secretly, in the time is impossible to sufficiently collect manufactures plutonium that” the nuclear weapon needs. 很显然,他们也不相信星环贸易核弹之间存在关联。毕竟新国掌握民用核技术还没几个月,就算无视掉民用级核技术与军用级核技术之间的跨度,并且把科罗岛核电站的所有轻水反应堆都偷偷换成重水反应堆,时间上也不可能凑够制作核武器需要的“钚”。 People like to believe, is Arrowhead Company in the nuclear weapon of Madagascar deployment. 人们更愿意相信,是箭头公司马达加斯加部署的核武。 As for this behind whether has inciting of United States, this was unknown. 至于这背后是否有美国的授意,这就不得而知了。 In the emerald-green lawn, the guard of honor sets up the spear/gun and chest front, opens fire three at the sky. 翠绿色的草坪上,仪仗队立枪与胸前,向天空鸣枪三声。 Under people crowd around, changes the coffin of Country of Xin national flag to be lifted into the tomb to bury. The military band played the grave and spirited national anthem, under dying in battle soldier family member's wail, appears especially solemn and stirring. 在人们簇拥下,改着新国国旗的棺材被抬入墓地下葬。军乐团奏响了庄重而激昂的国歌,在阵亡士兵家属的哭泣声下,显得格外的悲壮。 The ceremony almost ended, if continues to stay here, only feared that must deal with these reporter's endless interviews. Jiang Chen nods to Ayesha, then turns around to walk toward his private car. The bodyguard of accompanying kept off that restoring the old black sedan to go far away for him. 仪式差不多结束了,如果继续留在这里,只怕还得应付那些记者没完没了的采访。江晨对身旁的阿伊莎点了点头,然后转身向他的座驾走去。随行的保镖替他挡下了那辆复古的黑色轿车远去。 ...... …… White House or Pentagon, have not scratched the bottom precedent for the private military contractor. 无论是白宫还是五角大楼,都没有替私人军事承包商擦屁.股的先例。 The White House news word person states categorically does not know the circumstances of the matter, simultaneously to the public indicated investigates rigorously Arrowhead Company in the beautiful asset and ensure the United States native place does not have by the nuclear weapon of government control, can also be almost stopped by the pursuing responsibility that the public knows. 白宫的新闻言人一口咬定不知情,同时向公众表示严查箭头公司在美资产,确保美国本土不存在不受政府控制的核武器,能被公众所知晓的追责差不多也就到此为止了。 Under as for the continuing effect of this incident, mean of Internet under Future Group adds fuel to the flames as before, continually yeast. 至于这次事件的后续影响,依旧在未来人集团旗下网络媒体的有意推波助澜下,持续地酵着。 But at this moment, in Germany State of Bavaria suburb Manor, the Freemasonry member is holding the assembly of secret. 而此刻,远在德国巴伐利亚州郊区的庄园内,共济会的成员正在举行着秘密的集会。 The today of even if in Internet highly reaching, they are maintaining the tradition of mysticism similarly, depends upon the ancient doctrine to maintain Covenant that wins in the bloodlines. 即使是在互联网高度达的今天,他们同样保持着神秘主义的传统,依靠古老的教条维系着胜于血脉的盟约 Sits before the circular board, sits Mr. white who reigns to wear the long gown of religious master of ceremonies, with the painful and dignified tone, read this beginning moon's orbit. 坐在圆形的会议桌前,坐在位的白老人穿着宗教司仪的长袍,用沉痛而庄严的语气,念出了这段开场白道。 Two days ago, in Madagascar Island, we lost two compatriots.” “两天前,在马达加斯加岛,我们失去了两位同胞。” Three-time member Mr. Ferrener, as well as 32 member Evans, their deaths regarding Freemasonry are the serious losses. We for will not be hated hoodwink the eyes, we will not let off each foes who absolutely kill our compatriots.” “三度会员费伦尔先生,以及三十二度会员埃文斯,他们的死对于共济会而言是沉重的损失。我们不会为被仇恨蒙蔽双眼,我们也绝对不会放过每一位杀害我们同胞的仇敌。” Future Group will certainly pay the price for their stupidities.” 未来人集团必将为他们的愚蠢付出代价。” As Punish, I proposed, sending out Gatekeeper to go to Asia.” “作为惩戒,我提议,派出守门人前往亚洲。” At this point, that old person, looked to Carmen that sits in the left side seat. 说到这里,那位老人顿了顿,看向了坐在左侧席位的卡门 Rothschild Household new family lord, do you have the opinion?” 罗斯柴尔德家族的新家主,请问您有意见吗?” A 12 line of sight looked to oneself, the Carmen expression and had no change, by smiled to say on the chair. 十二道视线看向了自己,不过卡门的表情并没有什么变化,靠在椅子上微笑道。 No opinion, Mr. Honored Lord.” “没有任何意见,尊主先生。” Rothschild Household has many friends, but in the face of the benefit of most core, no one can be called is the friend. 罗斯柴尔德家族有很多朋友,但在最核心的利益面前,没有任何人能称得上是朋友。 The old person nods, placed on the right hand the table, on that withered finger, the golden yellow ring flashes sparkingly under the halo of candle. 老人点了点头,将右手放在了桌子上,那干枯的手指上,金黄的戒指在蜡烛的光晕下闪闪亮。 „, Starts to vote.” “那么,开始投票吧。” A 13 hand placed on the table, represented 13 household of Old World power core, the full-price ticket is adopting unanimously the Honored Lord proposal. 十三支手放在了桌上,代表着旧世界权力核心的十三家族,全票一致通过了尊主的提案。 The old person nods satisfied, then looked to the entrance. 老人满意地点了点头,接着看向了门口。 Stands in the entrance man slightly chin, turned around to vanish by the entrance that covered dark, like has not come. 站在门口的男人微微颔,转身消失在了被黑暗笼罩的门口,就像不曾来过一样。 The old person took back the line of sight. 老人收回了视线。 Since the war has started, then, makes us the ceremony finally.” “既然战争已经开始,那么,就让我们将仪式进行到最后。” Everyone raised the right hand, in the ancient Hebrew, repeated that to be repeated the pledge that 10,000 spread gravely. 所有人举起了右手,用古老的希伯来语,庄重地重复了那被重复一万遍的誓言。 The candle on wall is glittering intermittently. 墙壁上的蜡烛忽明忽暗地闪烁着。 Taking advantage of that pale yellow ray, 13 toward on ring, performs all inscribes 33 this number. 借着那昏黄的光线,十三支朝上的戒指,尽皆铭刻着三十三这个数字。 ...... …… Has passed for three days from the consignment ship hijacking, Jiang Chen such as sat in the study room in villa in the past same, reads book that has not been reading. 距离托运船劫持事件已经过去了三天,江晨如往常一样坐在别墅的书房内,翻看着没看完的书。 At this time, the entrance heard the Natasha's knock. 这时,门口传来了娜塔莎的敲门声。 So will be why clear as for Jiang Chen, that is because Ayesha knocks on a door each time the same as the kitty light......, if the kitty will knock on a door. 至于江晨为什么会这么清楚,那是因为阿伊莎每次敲门都向猫咪一样的轻……如果猫咪会敲门的话。 Come.” “请进。” Jiang Chen sighed, is saying, while forced in the bookmark the book, then placed table of corners/horns conveniently. 江晨叹了口气,一边说着,一边将书签塞进了书中,然后随手放在了桌角。 Natasha buried the stride to walk, such as of Jiang Chen expectation, then raised that matter beyond the shadow. 娜塔莎埋着大步走了进来,如江晨预料的那样,开门见山地便提起了那件事儿。 You do was too overdone.” “你做的太过火了。” Overdone?” Jiang Chen smiles, set out from the chair, arrived at the window of study room, in South Pole, they sent entire one battalion Elite to besiege me, that little while they may not have to consider what did was overdone.” “过火?”江晨笑了笑,从椅子上起身,走到了书房的窗边,“在南极的时候,他们派了整整一个营精锐围攻我,那会儿他们可没考虑过自己做的是不是过火了。” The war had started, not only the war in bullet(s) significance. 战争早就开始了,不只是子弹意义上的战争。 If which side thinks naively both sides can coexistent, that called the true weakness. The new world must the Nirvana in the flame of Old World, Freemasonry or the ap financial group will become the Future Group enemy finally, but most ancient should most predecease. 如果哪方天真的以为双方能够共存,那才叫真正的幼稚。新世界必须在旧世界的火焰中涅槃,无论是共济会还是ap财团最终都会成为未来人集团的敌人,只不过最古老的应该最先死去。 Kidnaps the consignment ship? Stupid probe. Acts from the interests of Future Group most edge, in the situation of Jiang Chen compromise, takes away the building block of this building little, and gradually reaches the benefit of core the hand...... 劫持托运船?只是个愚蠢的试探罢了。从未来人集团最边缘的利益出手,在江晨妥协的情况下,一点点拿走这座大厦的积木,并逐渐将手伸向更核心的利益…… However Jiang Chen does not plan to compromise, from the beginning is. 然而江晨并不打算妥协,从一开始就是。 The Natasha eyebrow selects. 娜塔莎眉毛一挑。 „Is the Madagascar matter really you?” 马达加斯加的事果然是你?” I may anything not say.” Jiang Chen shrugs, looks at drone of out of the window construction garden, smiles was saying. “我可什么都没说。”江晨耸了耸肩,看着窗外修建花园的无人机,微笑着说道。 „......” “……” Natasha is staring at the Jiang Chen's back speechless, does not know that at this moment should say any good. 娜塔莎无言地盯着江晨的背影,不知道此刻该说些什么好。 She does not know that actually he is self-confident the card in hand in hand will not be losing absolutely, caused blind being proud because of the present achievement. Once many people think oneself can defeat that ancient alliance, but these once stood in the talent of historical intersection, all advanced to the abyss of hell finally. 她不知道他究竟是自信着手中的底牌绝对不会输,还是因为如今的成就而导致了盲目的自负。曾有很多人认为自己能够战胜那个古老的联盟,但那些曾站在历史十字路口的天才,无一不最终迈向了地狱的深渊。 From Napoleon to Hitler, only on the war, they without doubt is the talents. 拿破仑希特.勒,单就战争而言,他们无疑都是天才。 Can answer me an issue?” “可以回答我一个问题吗?” Looks the inverted image that in the window and Natasha superposes, Jiang Chen has not turned around, somewhat asked- towering 看着窗户中自己与娜塔莎重合的倒影,江晨没有转身,有些突兀地问道- ( July last day, under everyone inspection the ticket warehouse, the brothers of monthly ticket requested earnestly to throw to me! Tomorrow is before dawn (3 - 5 am) explodes as before, I first rolled the symbol.)( To be continued.) 8 (七月的最后一天了,大家检查下票仓,还有月票的兄弟恳请投给我吧!明天依旧是五更爆,我先滚去码字了。)(未完待续。)八
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