IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#818: The complementary waves of tactical nuclear explosion

In Office completely silent. \ {[ <( 办公室内鸦雀无声。\{[<( President Lajona and Ministry of Electricity steadily already completely stiff there. 总统拉乔纳电力部长已经完全僵在了那里。 Continued silent for a half minute, President shivered to sit on the seat, the finger rubbed the forehead. 沉默持续了半分钟,总统颤抖着坐回了位子上,手指搓了搓额头。 Sorry, I have not possibly listened clearly, you again......” “抱歉,我可能没听清楚,你再……” The Ministry of National Defense Minister language repeated fast. 国防部部长语飞快地重复了一遍。 Is tactical nuclear bomb. Explodes in Arrowhead Military Company Headquarters, the entire coast was exploded stretch of ruins...... nearby forest to be on fire, our fire fighters has entered the tree farm to put off the fire. Fortunately, their Headquarters are far from the city, has not presented the civilian casualty. At present we have not announced to the media......” “是战术核弹。在箭头军事公司总部爆炸,整个海岸被炸成了一片废墟……附近的森林起火,我们消防员的已经进入林场扑灭大火。所幸的是,他们的总部距离城区较远,没有出现平民伤亡。目前我们还没有向媒体公布……” Some little time, Lajona accepted this fact finally, sighed, had a headache said. 好一会儿,拉乔纳总算是接受了这个事实,叹了口气,头疼地说道。 „The civilians in scattered forest nearby villages and small towns, nuclear bomb beforehand is pressing, has at least resulted in tonight.” “疏散森林附近村镇的平民,核弹的事先压着,至少得过了今晚。” But these fire fighters......” Ministry of National Defense Minister said difficultly. “可是那些消防员……”国防部部长艰难地说道。 Country will remember their contributions.” “国家会记住他们的贡献。” Is......” Ministry of National Defense Minister nods, complexion ugly left Office. “是……”国防部部长点了点头,脸色难看的离开了办公室 „The reason that continues to investigate the Mayotte Island power cut, with the status of Arrowhead Company internecine strife......” the Lajona deep breath the one breath, said to Ministry of Electricity Minister, you first go busy.” “继续调查马约特岛停电的原因,还有与箭头公司火拼者的身份……”拉乔纳深呼吸了一口气,对电力部部长说道,“你先去忙把。” Yes.” “是。” Ministry of Electricity Minister nods, turned around to sneak off very much simply. 电力部部长点点头,很干脆地转身溜走了。 ...... …… Truth will out. 纸包不住火。 Jiang Chen disembarks in Koro Island, returning to the villa to go right to sleep, after a sleep/felt wakes up, outside had kicked up a fuss the day for the matter of nuclear weapon. 江晨科罗岛下了船,回到别墅倒头就睡,一觉醒来之后,外面已经为核武器的事吵翻了天。 Although is tactical nuclear bomb, the kill zone is not broad, but levels military base to have more than enough to spare. 虽然是战术核弹,杀伤范围并不广,但抹平一座军事基地还是绰绰有余。 North Madagascar the news of bitter experience tactical nuclear bomb attack, had brushed the screen on the international panel. But the name of Arrowhead Company this personal military contractor , the time appeared in the line of sight of public. 马达加斯加北部遭遇战术核弹打击的新闻,已经在国际面板上刷了屏。而箭头公司这家私人军事承包商的名字,也次出现在了公众的视线当中。 Is employed in United States them, once went to other country to carry out mission that United States does not facilitate acts directly repeatedly. For example the important person rescues, the anti-terrorist action, stages the coup d'etat wait/etc. a series to see the light, or must not exposed to the light mission. 受雇于美国的他们,曾多次前往别国执行美国不方便直接出手的任务。比如要员营救,反恐行动,策划政变等等一系列见得光,或见不得光的任务 But now, all these expose in the public eye. 而现在,这一切都暴.露在了公众眼中。 Moreover why Arrowhead Company will have tactical nuclear bomb this matter in Madagascar military base, the Madagascar domestic and foreign media conducted the consistent condemnation to this registration in United States military company. Suddenly, because of this nuclear bomb, the international community has raised the difficult situation. 而且就为何箭头公司马达加斯加军事基地会拥有战术核弹这件事,马达加斯加国内外媒体对这家注册于美国的军事公司进行了一致谴责。一时间,因为这枚核弹,国际社会已经掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Why nuclear bomb will be imported our homes! Our home also many nuclear bomb, without knowing the circumstances of the matter was brought by these American!” «Madagascar Cable TV» “为什么一枚核弹会被运进我们的国内!我们国内到底还有多少枚核弹,在不知情的情况下被这些美国人带了进来!”《马达加斯加有线电视》 Arrowhead Company all behaviors are the private behavior, the White House aspect expressed that does not know the circumstances of the matter. About the media inquired about why when Arrowhead Military Company will have the nuclear weapon, the White House news word person used the shocking and unbelievable these two words. But the Madagascar nuclear weapon event, once again exposes the military outsourcing strategy that Democratic Party more than ten years promoted how stupidly......” «Washington Post» 箭头公司的一切行为均是私人行为,白宫方面对此表示不知情。关于媒体问及箭头军事公司为何会持有核武器时,白宫新闻言人使用了震惊和难以置信这两个词。而马达加斯加核武器事件,再次暴露了民.主党十多年来推行的军事外包策略是多么的愚蠢……”《华盛顿邮报 „The South Africa government solemnly protested that United States deploys the behavior of nuclear weapon in Africa in all forms, and to personal will have the nuclear weapon possibly to cause terrorism to promote to express worried. At present African Union is holding the emergency meeting in the Ethiopia African Union convention center, and started the dialogue on the Madagascar nuclear issue and White House aspect......” «South African Morning Post» 南非政府严正抗议美国非洲以一切形式部署核武器的行为,并对私人持有核武器可能会造成恐怖.主义升级而表示了担忧。目前非盟在在埃塞俄比亚非盟会议中心召开紧急会议,并就马达加斯加核问题与白宫方面展开了对话……”《南非早报 „The Arrowhead Company word said, the nuclear weapon is not company has, but is related with Star Ring Trading. But when was inquired about the evidence, the Arrowhead Company news word person actually evades the subject. Regarding the Arrowhead Company proofless indictment, the Star Ring Trading aspect used the absurd this word to respond, and interrogated that Arrowhead Company proposed the logic of this indictment.” «Hong Kong Daily» 箭头公司言称,核武器并非为公司持有,而是与星环贸易有关。但被问及证据时,箭头公司新闻言人却又避而不谈。对于箭头公司毫无证据的指控,星环贸易方面使用了荒谬这个词进行回应,并质问箭头公司提出这种指控的逻辑。”《香江日报 All messed up. 全都乱套了。 First lives in the Mayotte Island internecine strife. 先是生在马约特岛的火拼。 In Officer Arrowhead Company of dying Mangala side, presently international most wanted terrorist Zaid corpse. At present has confirmed, Mangala is Zaid kills, but the reason did not know temporarily. 在身亡的箭头公司军官曼加拉的旁边,现了国际通缉犯扎伊德的尸体。目前已经证实,曼加拉扎伊德所杀,而原因暂不得知。 Clue analysis that according to the scene stays behind, as well as some scene Attacker corpses are revealed as the Somalia pirate, this attack is determined as the Somalia pirate and Arrowhead Company internecine strife finally. But after the attack lives five hours, the Somalia government announced, with the coordination of Israel Intelligence Department, Somalia government forces completed organized encircling of foothold to the pirate who Zaid led. 根据现场留下的线索分析,以及现场部分袭击者的尸体被证实为索马里海盗,这次袭击事件最终被定性为索马里海盗与箭头公司的火拼。而就在袭击生后五小时,索马里政府宣布,在以色列情报部门的配合下,索马里政府军完成了对扎伊德所领导的海盗组织据点的围剿。 Relates the Arrowhead Company behind Jews background, very difficult not to make people link this two events. 联系起箭头公司身后的犹太人背景,很难不让人将这两次事件联系在一起。 About the Mayotte Island large-scale electronic device damage, the expert makes many speculations at present, but actually cannot reach a concrete conclusion. Having the guess is the sunspot activity and earth magnetism phenomenon, some people speculations are Arrowhead Company study the new-style weapon on Mayotte Island...... 关于马约特岛大规模电子设备损毁,目前专家只是做了很多推测,但却没能做出一个具体的定论。有猜测是太阳黑子活动与地磁现象,有人则猜测是箭头公司马约特岛上研究新式武器…… No one relates only with on Star Ring Trading in Pacific Ocean it together. 唯独没有人将其与远在太平洋上的星环贸易联系到一起。 Although Star Ring Trading used EMP rocket missile in the Mindanao Island campaign, once had carried out the region EMP attack to the Philippines 6 army, but the range or the intensity, are unable and phenomenon relation on Mayotte Island it. Let alone, the EMP weapon is the laboratory stage in various countries, can produce the weapon of wide region Electromagnetic Pulse effect, at present only then the high altitude nuclear explosion can realize. 虽然星环贸易棉兰老岛战役中使用了emp火箭弹,曾对菲国六军进行过区域emp打击,但无论是范围还是强度,都无法将其与马约特岛上的现象联系。更何况,emp武器在各国都是属于实验室阶段,能产生广域电磁脉冲效果的武器,目前只有高空核爆能实现。 However the gamma value on Mayotte Island all normal, the nuclear explosion lives in military base of Arrowhead Company in Madagascar Island. 然而马约特岛上的伽马值一切正常,核爆只是生在箭头公司马达加斯加岛军事基地 As for that nuclear explosion, Arrowhead Company is unable to give the explanation. 而至于那场核爆,箭头公司至今无法做出解释。 tactical nuclear bomb is the Jiang Chen's masterpiece right, moreover he loads into the Seawater Desalination Platform interior personally. 战术核弹江晨的杰作没错,而且还是他亲手装进海水淡化平台的内部。 However two people knows this besides Arrowhead Company and Jiang Chen, does not have any evidence can show. 然而除了箭头公司江晨两人知道这点外,根本没有任何证据能够证明。 Not to mention because of the center at explosion, Star Ring Trading Seawater Desalination Platform the exploded steel even melted the molten iron, sank unable to fish in dregs. Draws back the 10,000 step saying that even proved nuclear bomb hides on Seawater Desalination Platform, but why others Seawater Desalination Platform your here? 且不说因为处在爆炸的中心,星环贸易海水淡化平台已经被炸的连钢铁都熔成了铁水,沉在海里渣都捞不出来。退一万步讲,就算证明了核弹是藏在海水淡化平台上,可为什么人家的海水淡化平台会在你这里? This is indecipherable. 这根本无法解释。 All evidence, were taken into the tomb because of the Zaid death. 所有的证据,正是因为扎伊德的死而被带进了坟墓。 Even if Arrowhead Company plans to have no consideration for face, told all media and reporters, the Star Ring Trading consignment ship was father sends people to kidnap, but never expected that they hid nuclear bomb in Seawater Desalination Platform and so on, still no one believe their nonsenses. 就算箭头公司打算撕破脸,告诉所有媒体和记者,星环贸易的托运船是老子派人劫持的,但是没想到他们在海水淡化平台里藏了核弹云云,也没人会相信他们的胡言乱语。 Zaid died on Mayotte Island, died in military officer Mangala side, the clue broke thoroughly in this. Was the Zaid leader pirate attacked Arrowhead Company in the Mayotte Island station, simply did not have the least bit to relate with Star Ring Trading. 扎伊德死在了马约特岛上,死在了军官曼加拉的旁边,线索彻底断在了这。是扎伊德领导海盗袭击了箭头公司马约特岛的驻地,与星环贸易根本没有半点关系。 Moreover after the event lives ten hours, Star Ring Trading announced to the media the consignment ship was kidnapped, and Star Ring navy cross India ocean completes the fact of rescue. All reporters saw, when the consignment ship opens the Koro Island harbor, behind is tying up Seawater Desalination Platform...... 而且就在事件生后的十个小时,星环贸易向媒体公布了托运船遭劫持,以及星环海军印度洋完成营救的事实。所有记者都看到了,当托运船开回科罗岛港口的时候,后面拴着一台海水淡化平台…… Only can pouch in the belly by the tooth of knocking down, this is the present situation that Arrowhead Company faces at this moment. 被打落的牙齿只能吞进肚子里,这就是箭头公司此刻面临的现状。 However Jiang Chen knows, hides will definitely not endure to swallow the tooth in secret Freemasonry, they will definitely make anything. 然而江晨知道,躲在幕后的共济会肯定不会忍着将牙齿吞进去,他们肯定会做些什么。 At least the attention of shift international community...... 至少转移国际社会的注意力…… Threw the newspaper in one side, Jiang Chen sipped the coffee that Ayesha carried, then made the phone call to Country of Moro President Santos. 将报纸丢在了一边,江晨抿了口阿伊莎端来的咖啡,然后将电话打给了摩洛国总统桑托斯 He has not opened the mouth, Santos was first asked on the contrary anxiously. 他还没开口,桑托斯反倒是先紧张地问了起来。 „Is Africa that matter you do?” 非洲那事儿是不是您干的?” The ally has the nuclear weapon, this is a serious big good news, however Jiang Chen did not plan discussed obviously on this issue. 盟友持有核武器,这可是个不得了的大喜讯,然而江晨显然是不打算就这个问题多谈。 This does not need you to manage.” Jiang Chen does not have the direct reaction his issue, strengthens the defense of northern border, although I have been emphasizing this matter, but I have to emphasize now one time. Because, has made war.” “这不用你管。”江晨没有直接回答他的问题,“加强北部边境的防御,虽然我一直在强调这件事,但现在我不得不在强调一次。因为,已经开战了。” Makes war?” Santos was shocked. “开战?”桑托斯愣住了。 Right.”, Jiang Chen then said, Mindanao Island is the frontline that Freemasonry and Future Group fight, you best a psychology prepare.” “没错。”顿了顿,江晨接着说道,“棉兰老岛将是共济会未来人集团交手的前线,你最好有个心理准备。” This view also really makes some people fires big.” The Santos forced smile said. “这种说法还真是让人有些火大。”桑托斯苦笑道。 Matter that but this does not have the means that” Jiang Chen sipped a coffee, then said at a moderate pace, „, if you also want to continue to work as this Dictator, then you must fight with them. If you do not want to work as, please remember that ahead of time said one with me.” “但这都是没有办法的事儿,”江晨抿了口咖啡,不紧不慢地接着说道,“如果你还想继续当这个独裁者,那么你就得和他们打。如果你不想当了,也请记得提前和我说一声。” Santos deep breath one breath. 桑托斯深呼吸了一口气。 I know how should do......” “我知道该怎么做……” Very good, then Star Ring Trading forever is your backing.” “很好,那么星环贸易永远是你的后盾。” „...... Thanks.” “……谢谢。” Is impolite.”( To be continued.) 8 “不客气。”(未完待续。)八
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