IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#817: Troy's Horse

Towed Seawater Desalination Platform that snatched from Star Ring Trading there, the steamboat that arming transformed to move to the Madagascar Island northwest corner harbor slowly. \ { \ { <([[[ 拖着从星环贸易那里抢来的海水淡化平台,武装改造的轮船缓缓驶向了马达加斯加岛西北角的港口。\{\{<([[[ The terminal of jungle and mountain range, there is situated with Madagascar Fortress that is incompatible with poorly. In the big cement wall, stopping ten several birds and black hawks, even is being the Apache armed helicopter. In addition, in the garage is stopping m1114 and m2a3 infantry combat vehicle number, even was many US Military in military base of overseas. 丛林与山峦的末端,那里坐落着一座与马达加斯加的贫穷所不符的堡垒。高大的水泥墙内,停着十数架小鸟、黑鹰、甚至是阿帕奇武装直升机。除此之外,车库里停着的m1114与m2a3步兵战车数量,甚至是过了不少美军在海外的军事基地 That was covered up Patriot that 3 the thing hides to lead the catapult car, is showing the Arrowhead Company military and political influence. 还有那被遮掩物所藏匿的爱国者三导弹射车,更是彰显着箭头公司的军事以及政治影响力。 So arming of terrorist|terrifying even can subvert a small country easily, really does not seem like the strength that the general private military contractor has probably. 如此恐怖的武装甚至能轻而易举地颠覆一个小国,简直不像是一般私人军事承包商可能拥有的战力。 Because strength received dreading of United States government, even if Freemasonry has the good influence in the United States political circle, their military base still can only construct in the overseas, probably backward Africa, or is Chaos South America and so on place. 正是因为本身的实力受到了美国政府的忌惮,即使是共济会美国政界拥有不俗的影响力,他们的军事基地也只能建在海外,像是落后的非洲,或者是混乱南美之类的地方。 The freighter enters port, wears the military officer of desert color army cap, following putting down staircase, from freighter. But near harbor, a being balding middle-aged man who wears the western-style clothes, is away from puts out a hand far away, welcomed cheerfully. 货轮入港,头戴沙漠色军帽的军官,顺着放下的楼梯,从货轮上走了下来。而港口边上,一名穿着西服的谢顶中年男人,隔着老远就伸出了手,乐呵呵地迎了上来。 hā hā hā, welcome, Colonel Ferrener.” 哈哈哈,欢迎,费伦尔上校。” Fortunate meeting, Mr. Evans.” Ferrener grips the hand that extended, swung swinging seriously up and down. “幸会,埃文斯先生。”费伦尔握住了伸来的手,郑重地上下摇了摇。 From the facial expression on this colonel face, he is respectful regarding this Mr. Evans. 从这位上校脸上的神情来看,他对于这位埃文斯先生非常恭敬。 This type respectful is not because of the social position, but was being restrained by a more ancient social class. 这种恭敬并不是因为社会地位,而是被一种更古老的阶级所约束着。 In Freemasonry, subordinate member facing higher authority member, must be symmetric by the teacher. Although to modern age, this stipulation already not by that strict execution, when the Freemasonry internal meeting, people will use teacher restoring the old polite name. 共济会中,下级成员面对上级成员时,须以导师相称。虽然到了现代,这个规定已经没有被那么严格的执行,只有在共济会内部的聚会时,人们才会使用到导师这个复古的尊称。 But this does not hinder the respect of Ferrener to at present this venerable. 但这并不妨碍费伦尔对眼前这位老先生的尊敬。 The ordinary member as Freemasonry, the rank of Ferrener is only 3 degrees. But stands in his opposite on the ring that old person who wears the western-style clothes, the right hand wears is actually carving 32 this numbers, in most Advanced 33 from the Scotland Faction do not miss a rank. 身为共济会的普通会员,费伦尔的等级只是三度而已。而站在他对面的这位穿着西服的老人,右手戴着的戒指上却刻着32这个数字,距离苏格兰派中最高级别33只差一个等级而已。 The military engineers board the steamboat, unloads from behind of consignment ship Seawater Desalination Platform. 工兵们登上轮船,将海水淡化平台从托运船的后面卸下。 Evans has no troublesome conduct, Ferrener to one side, handed over a cigar to him very much amiably with a smile simultaneously, and selected on one for oneself. 埃文斯没有什么麻烦的做派,很随和地笑着将费伦尔拉向了一边,同时向他递了一只雪茄,并为自己点上了一支。 Our native country has the long and narrow coastline, actually extremely lacks the fresh water. We once in the person negotiations of High-Xin Fresh Water, but they actually seem extremely parsimonious regarding the precious technology, we are very disappointed.” “我们的故国拥有狭长的海岸线,却极度缺乏淡水。我们曾于高新淡水的人谈判,但他们对于宝贵的技术却显得极为吝啬,我们很失望。” Here native country, referred to naturally is Israel. 这里的故国,指的自然是以色列 When speaking of very disappointed here, Evans spat smoke rings, grinned to smile, puts out a hand to pat the racket on the shoulder of Ferrener. 说到很失望这里时,埃文斯吐了口烟圈,咧嘴笑了笑,伸手在费伦尔的肩膀上拍了拍。 Is good because of us has one crowd of brave fellow, Future Group quickly then because of rejecting us regretted.” “不过好在我们有一群勇敢的伙计,未来人集团很快便会因为拒绝我们而懊悔。” Zaid must be finished, perhaps we must seek for the person who we make the dirty work.” Ferrener grins to say with a smile. 扎伊德得完蛋了,我们恐怕得重新寻找替我们做脏活儿的人。”费伦尔咧嘴笑道。 Must some people withstand the Future Group anger, Evans and Ferrener does not believe that they dare to begin to Freemasonry, then Future Group can retaliate, only has the Somalia pirate merely. 必须有人承受未来人集团的怒火,埃文斯费伦尔都不相信他们敢对共济会动手,那么未来人集团所能报复的,也仅仅只有索马里的海盗而已。 However on the other hand, who can Jiang Chen check behind-the-scenes criminal is uncertain. 不过话又说回来了,江晨能不能查到幕后黑手是谁还不一定。 Thinks of this, Evans smiles. 想到这,埃文斯笑了笑。 Shook the cigar, 1 inch cigarette ash fell near the shoes, Evans spat smoke rings, the profound vision looked like an eagle to that Seawater Desalination Platform direction. 抖了抖雪茄,一英寸长的烟灰掉落在了鞋边,埃文斯吐了口烟圈,如老鹰般深邃的目光望向了那座海水淡化平台的方向。 Zaid tomorrow evening, the Mossad person will intend to smash in the Somalia den him exactly, then waits for he himself to deliver. So long as insider Zaid dies, gives the Somalia government the merit of banditing suppression again, Future Group cannot find out any something that gives one away absolutely.” 扎伊德活不过明晚,摩萨德的人会出手将他在索马里的窝点端掉,然后等着他自己送上门来。只要知情者扎伊德一死,再把剿匪的功劳让给索马里政府,未来人集团绝对查不出任何马脚。” „A month later, Mediterranean fresh water company will go on the market in New York, and develops the market of Middle East officially. We will use the influence of petroleum market, robs the fresh water market share from Mediterranean Sea east bank to Persian Gulf Persian Gulf from the High-Xin Fresh Water hand.” “一个月后,地中海淡水公司将在纽约上市,并正式开拓中东地区的市场。我们会用石油市场的影响力,从高新淡水手中抢走淡水从地中海东岸到波斯湾地区的市场份额。” Was looking forward to the glorious future, the Evans corners of the mouth brought back wiped the happy expression, then looked to nearby Ferrener. 憧憬着美好的未来,埃文斯嘴角勾起了一抹笑意,接着又看向了旁边的费伦尔 Said, you do examine to ship out merchandise?” “说起来,你验过货没?” Also no, but this is consigns for shipment to the equipment of Red Sea deployment directly, should not have what quality problem.” Ferrener said with a smile. “还没有,不过这是直接托运到红海部署的设备,应该不存在什么质量问题。”费伦尔笑道。 First deploys to have a look, heard in any case this gadget moves to be very convenient.” Evans grins to say with a smile, the cigar referred to near the wharf position, just prepared to say anything to nearby soldier, but was quick he then to be attracted the attention by that light. “先部署看看,反正听说这玩意儿移动起来很方便。”埃文斯咧嘴笑道,雪茄指了指码头边的位置,刚准备对旁边的士兵说些什么,但很快他便被那道光吸引了视线。 In the sea level of not far away, that offshore platform starts brightly. 不远处的海面上,那座海上平台开始亮。 Just like the ray of entity, leaks off from the slit of mechanical shell, even if away from over a hundred meters away, can still feel that to tear the heat degree of flesh. 宛如实体的光线,从机械外壳的缝隙中漏出,即使是隔着上百米远,也能感受到那撕裂肌肤的热度。 The steel was melted the molten iron, the armored vehicle and helicopter under the glare, performed all removed the color. The cement flakes from the steel bar skeleton, such as the avalanche collapses generally broken. 钢铁被融化成了铁水,装甲车与直升机在强光下,尽皆褪去了颜色。水泥从钢筋骨架上剥落,如雪崩一般塌碎。 It is said that in the person Death instance, that second by infinite elongation, will be disappeared until the consciousness completely. 据说,在人死亡的瞬间,那一秒的时间会被无限的拉长,直到意识完全泯灭。 Before losing consciousness that instantaneous, Evans as if saw the sunrise. 在失去意识前的那瞬间,埃文斯仿佛看见了日出。 That so-called glorious future, in the halo of this sunrise, among the cigar with that fingers, was blown the ashes together. 那所谓美好的未来,就在这日出的光晕中,随着那指间的雪茄,一同被吹成了灰烬。 The shock-wave has swept the mountain forest, catches all emerald green black black. 冲击波扫过山林,将一切翠绿染上黢黑。 In that clear sea level, raised one group of mushroom to say...... 在那澄澈的海面上,升起了一团蘑菇云…… ...... …… „...... zī zī...... here is Raven 1 st, we have arrived in the Mayotte Island sky. Here darkness, fragmentary flame......” “……滋滋……这里是乌鸦一号,我们已经抵达马约特岛的上空。这里一片漆黑,只有零星的火光……” „...... Receives, is descending.” “……收到,正在降落。” After Jiang Chen and the others evacuated, four transport helicopters from the air base launching of Madagascar Republic, flew to the Mayotte Island above. 距离江晨等人撤离后,四架运输直升机从马达加斯加共和国空军基地起飞,飞抵了马约特岛的上方。 All contact channels shut off, after knowing entire Mayotte Island loses the contact, the Madagascar officials think that is a joke, after all the matter in the night, the issue sounds somewhat is also unthinkable. 所有联络渠道都被切断,当得知整个马约特岛失去联络后,马达加斯加的官员都以为是个玩笑,毕竟事在深夜,问题听起来又有些匪夷所思。 Until with the lapse of time, each department realized this paralysis toe, sending out the army to go to this islands investigation. 直到随着时间的推移,各个部门才意识到了这根瘫痪的“脚趾头”,派出了军队前往这座岛屿勘查情况。 6 army soldier take the transport helicopter to ascend 6 in the civilian hole, however actually saw the scene of sores all over the eye. 六军士兵乘坐运输直升机在平民窟登六,然而却看到了满目疮痍的景象。 On the wall everywhere is the bullet hole, and explosive material residual trace, the blood remains everywhere is, majority belong to the local dark forces and Arrowhead Military Company mercenary, naturally also has the part to be the civilians in slum. 墙上到处都是弹孔,以及爆炸物残留的痕迹,血留的到处都是,大多数都属于当地黑势力与箭头军事公司佣兵,当然也有部分属于贫民窟内的平民。 Is a pirate! They attacked us!” The black person boy who was saved called to shout still shaken. “是海盗!他们攻击了我们的!”被救下的黑人男孩惊魂未定地叫喊道。 On his arm can see that by the bloodstain that the stray bullet cuts, on the thigh is hung the scar of deep obvious bone, was lifted up the stretcher. 他的手臂上可以看到被流弹划破的血痕,大腿上挂着深可见骨的伤痕,被抬上了担架。 The scene became one group randomly, the weeping sound with yelling to become one piece noisily, takes the lead to ascend 6 rescue troops to have too many hot irons in the fire, to Headquarters report condition request assistance, wounded person who while the treatment can also be saved. 现场乱成了一团,哭声与叫喊嘈杂成一片,率先登六的救援部队忙得焦头烂额,一边向总部汇报状况请求支援,一边救治还有救的伤员。 ahhh......!” 啊啊……!” Do not move heedlessly, fellow, you will be good......” “别乱动,伙计,你会好起来的……” My leg!!” “我的腿!啊!” Who also has the bandage, helping me hand over comes together! Quickly!” “谁还有绷带,帮我递一块过来!快!” Meanwhile, in Madagascar Presidential Palace, the officials of various departments became one group randomly. President Lajona put on the suit outside the pajamas, then rushes to Office President, is contacting with the Arrowhead Company person anxiously, however telephone that is the busy signal. 与此同时,马达加斯加总统府内,各部门的官员乱成了一团。总统拉乔纳在睡衣外面套上了西装,便赶往办公室总统,正焦急地与箭头公司的人联系,然而电话那头一直是忙音。 Lajona hung up the telephone ruthlessly. 拉乔纳狠狠地挂断了电话。 At this time, Madagascar Ministry of Electricity Minister walked. 这时,马达加斯加电力部部长走了进来。 Mayotte Island lives the large-scale power failure! According to the accident diagnosis, various electric circuits presented the overburning in varying degrees. As for burning reason, at present temporarily not explicit......” 马约特岛生大规模断电!根据事故诊断,各处电路都出现了不同程度的烧毁。至于烧毁原因,目前暂时不明确……” Continues to check!” “继续去查!” Yes!” Seeing the President mood is very bad, Ministry of Electricity long does not dare the many words, after the nod, immediately turns around to prepare to go out. “是!”见总统心情很糟糕,电力部长也不敢多话,点头后立刻转身准备出门。 Wait!” “等等!” After Ministry of Electricity long was stopped by calling out, asked with the disturbed Heart of the Land sentiment. 电力部长被叫住后,怀着忐忑地心情问道。 What also has to tell?” “还有什么吩咐?” Called to me Ministry of National Defense Minister “把国防部部长给我叫来” At this moment, the gate was shoved open fiercely, trousers belt did not have to be good Ministry of National Defense Minister slightly is running, looks at Lajona in a fluster, the stutter said. 就在这时,门被猛地推开了,裤腰带都没系好的国防部部长小跑着走了进来,神色慌张地看着拉乔纳,结结巴巴地说道。 Nuclear......” “核……” What gadget?” Lajona knits the brows. “什么玩意儿?”拉乔纳皱眉。 The black face turned one group, Ministry of National Defense Minister with being about to cry the expression, said those words incoherently. 黑脸扭成了一团,国防部部长用快哭了的表情,语无伦次地道出了那句话。 Yes, is the nuclear, the nuclear weapon! North Madagascar Island, is attacked by tactical nuclear weapons!”( To be continued.) 8 “是,是核,核武器!马达加斯加岛北部,遭到战术核武器攻击!”(未完待续。)八
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