IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#816: Madagascar score

Whiz! 嗖! A wailing cuts the silent dim light of night.( <(?? 一声尖啸划破寂静的夜色。〔<(?? The bazooka bang on the steel armor, electric welding sparks (Mars) jumped out from the other aspect of that asv- 15 o combat car, the flame of sympathatic detonation entire raises the turret ascends the sky. The mercenary of dependence by armored vehicle was exploded lies in nearby thick patch of grass, tumbles runs away to the bunker. 火箭筒轰在了钢铁装甲上,电焊般的火星从那辆asv-15o轻型装甲车的另一面窜出,殉爆的火焰将炮塔整个掀上了天。依靠在装甲车旁的佣兵被炸趴在了一旁的草丛,连滚带爬地向掩体逃窜。 Because the steel armor is approximate in one not perfectly Faraday Cage, regarding passing through the electric field had the strong resistance, the attack range broad Strategic Grade EMP bomb is paralyzed it to hang communication transmit station outside compartment merely, has not burnt down the electronic component in armored vehicle. 因为钢铁装甲本身近似于一座不完美的“法拉第笼”,对于穿过的电场有较强的抗性,打击范围广的战略级emp航弹仅仅是瘫痪了其挂在车厢外的通讯电台,并没有烧毁装甲车内的电子元件。 It that however escapes, cannot continue to get down obviously luck. 然而逃过了一劫的它,显然没能继续幸运下去。 Sea Lion Special Forces that flashes before from the curtain of night, relies on Optical Stealth Module that K2 Exoskeleton is carrying, if invisible Specter is ordinary, walks randomly in the gunsmoke densely covered battlefield. But Arrowhead Company mercenary can only accept a challenge distressedly, all not protected electronic device had the breakdown, including night vision device and infrared telescopic sights that the night fighting uses. 从夜幕中闪现的海狮特种部队,凭借着k2外骨骼挂载的光学隐形模块,如不可视的幽灵一般,在硝烟密布的战场上游走。而箭头公司佣兵只能狼狈应战,一切未受保护的电子设备都出现了故障,包括夜战用的夜视仪和红外瞄准镜。 Meanwhile, Arrowhead Company in the Mayotte military base headquarters, became one group thoroughly randomly. 与此同时,箭头公司马约特军事基地的指挥部,也彻底乱成了一团。 A while attack from north, a while from the west, actually many however some of their enemy has not done to understand! Even because the radio expires, the alley and person on one's own side of two infantry squad outside slum hit. 一会儿进攻来自北面,一会儿来自西面,然而他们连敌人究竟有多少都没搞明白!甚至因为无线电失效,两个步兵班在贫民窟外的小巷和自己人打了起来。 Here is Mayotte military base, here is Mayotte military base, we were attacked! I Repeat, we were attacked! Damn!” Colonel Mangala fell the telephone ruthlessly on the table, grasped rifle from the table, ran out of out of the door. “这里是马约特军事基地,这里是马约特军事基地,我们遭到了攻击!重复一遍,我们遭到了攻击!该死!”曼加拉上校狠狠地将电话摔在了桌子上,从桌子旁边抓起了步枪,冲出了门外。 In base flame writings, sound of gunfire imminent military base barracks, here is not the long-term place, he must evacuate! 基地内火光大作,枪声已经迫近了军事基地的营房,这里已经不是久留之地,他必须得撤离了! If can remove...... 如果撤得掉的话…… Before ten minutes, startling thunderclap resounded through the Mayotte Island sky together. 就在十分钟前,一道“惊雷”响彻了马约特岛的上空。 Then is a large area of power cut. 紧接着便是大面积的停电。 Not only cuts power, the cell phone, computer and intercom...... all electronic products lost the function. 不只是停电,手机、电脑、对讲机……一切电子产品都失去了作用。 The transportation became one group randomly, even got on the brakes vehicle crooked bumping that malfunctioned in one. The vehicles on road all turned into the scrap, besides glass and door lock also active outside, any function lost the original function. As a result of a large area of short circuit, many fire backward places, even ignited the fire. 交通乱成了一团,连刹车都失灵的车子歪歪扭扭的碰在了一起。公路上的车辆全都变成了废品,除了车窗和门锁还能动以外,任何功能都失去了本来的作用。由于大面积的短路,不少消防落后的地方,甚至燃起了火灾。 A EMP bomb, making entire Mayotte Island return to Stone Age. 一枚emp航弹,让整座马约特岛回到了石器时代 Although before this bomb patronizes, the islands of this less than half Wanghai City size, where also without achieving goes. 虽然在这枚航弹光顾之前,这座不到半个望海市大小的岛屿,也没达到哪里去。 The combat of B Squad has started, the combat of A squad also starts in wharf! b小队的作战已经开始,a小队的作战也在码头处打响! In flash that EMP explodes, all light bulbs of civilian hole extinguished a cleanness, the entire wharf went black suddenly. The consignment ship in the EMP attack range, the lamp on deck extinguishes similarly suddenly. However soldier exoskeleton except for when the explosion lives Kartun beyond flash, influence that then has no again. emp爆炸的一瞬间,平民窟的所有灯泡都灭了个干净,整个码头骤然陷入了黑暗。托运船同样在emp打击范围之内,甲板上的灯骤然熄灭。不过士兵身上的外骨骼除了在爆炸生时卡顿了一瞬间外,便再无任何的影响。 Was Jiang Chen takes the lead the first spear/gun, killed stood in Zaid nearby Andry. Received the signal of attack, camouflages 6 corps soldier of pirate to lift ak47 in hand to open fire immediately, after hitting the spatial cartridge clip, loses directly in one side, then took up Ripper Rifle on hand to continue to open fire. 江晨率先开了第一枪,击毙了站在扎伊德旁边的安德里。接到了进攻的信号,伪装成海盗的六战队士兵立刻抬起手中的ak47开火,打空弹夹后直接丢在一边,接着抄起了手边的撕裂者步枪继续开火。 Several black person sentries in wharf were killed at the scene, the black person refugee in civilian hole is screaming running away, Arrowhead Company that side person was crouches in hiding distressedly behind the bunker, opened fire to counterattack toward the ship on. 在码头上的几名黑人哨兵当场被打死,平民窟中的黑人难民尖叫着逃窜,箭头公司那边的人则是狼狈地蹲伏在了掩体后面,向着船上开火还击。 Some of them are Arrowhead Company mercenary, some are employed in the Arrowhead Company peripheral personnel, some have the benefit contact with them Gangs and local bully. 他们有的是箭头公司佣兵,有的是受雇于箭头公司的外围人员,也有的是与他们存在利益往来的黑.帮和地头蛇。 Concentrated fire bullet(s) shuttles back and forth in the black black wharf, although these motley crew large number, but the marksmanship and tactic can be called are pulpy, where was victorious just participated in the Xin-Ma Joint Military Exercise Star Ring navy 6 corps. 攒射的子弹在黢黑的码头上穿梭,这些乌合之众虽然人数众多,但枪法和战术都称得上是稀烂,哪里打得过刚参加了新马联合军演星环海军六战队。 This created to Jiang Chen only troublesome, merely is rpg of several bang in cabin. However wants to attack and sink this several thousand tonner consignment ships by several rpg, can only say that these people were really naive. 唯一对江晨这面造成了点麻烦的,仅仅是几轰在船舱上的rpg。不过想凭借几rpg将这艘数千吨级的托运船击沉,只能说这些人实在是太天真了。 drone emitted, plunged black person soldier after bunker, raised foul wind and bloody rain. 无人机放出,扑向了掩体后的黑人士兵,掀起了一阵腥风血雨 soldier of navy 6 corps will throw over the gown on exoskeleton to tear off, jumps to the wharf, is carrying rifle opens fire, while entered the interior of slum. 海军六战队的士兵将披在外骨骼上的袍子扯下,向码头上跳去,端着步枪一边开火,一边杀入了贫民窟的内部。 Has weapon to kill! I Repeat, has weapon to kill!” captain Kramer of 6 corps exclaimed in the communication screen mileage loudly, simultaneously directed soldier to kill in three groups to Arrowhead Company the foothold that built in the slum. “持有武器者一律击毙!重复一遍,持有武器者一律击毙!”六战队的队长克拉默在通讯屏道里大声吼道,同时指挥士兵分三路杀向了箭头公司在贫民窟建立的据点。 Jiang Chen has not gone forth to battle personally, after the first spear/gun, then sat near the broad side, looked to the flame twinkle slum, when had the observer of battlefield campaign. Ayesha arrived at side, whatever the sea breeze dials randomly the silk of temple, calmly accompanies side him. 江晨没有亲自上阵,在开了第一枪之后,便坐在了船舷边上,望向了火光闪烁的贫民窟,当起了战场战役的旁观者。阿伊莎走到了旁边,任由海风拨乱着鬓角的丝,静静地陪在他身旁。 Since Zaid crawls from the deck cautiously, wiped the perspiration and blood on face, squeezed out several points of hollow laugh to Jiang Chen. 扎伊德小心翼翼地从甲板上爬起,抹了把脸上的汗与血,向江晨挤出了几分干笑。 „Do you, where you prepare on to put me to disembark?” “你,你准备在哪放我下船?” In here, but before then, I need you to do the last matter for me.” Jiang Chen smiles was saying. “就在这儿,不过在此之前,我需要你替我做最后一件事儿。”江晨微笑着说道。 From the Jiang Chen's smiling face, Zaid felt an anxiety faintly, but he said no that on that anxious because of anything, what after all at present this smiling is such genialness. 江晨的笑容中,扎伊德隐隐感到了一丝不安,不过他却说不上那不安是因为什么,毕竟眼前这位笑的是那样的和煦。 The tactical situation in civilian hole subsided gradually, from that sporadic sound of gunfire and resistance, has been able to listen to Arrowhead Company to be thin, if the destiny of gossamer. 平民窟内的战况渐渐平息了,从那零星的枪声与抵抗中,已经能够听出箭头公司细若游丝的气数。 Zaid follows behind Jiang Chen's, mounted the wharf, then arrived at a civilian hole tile-roofed house. 扎伊德跟在江晨的后面,登上了码头,然后来到了平民窟的一处瓦房边。 In the corner, he saw to be hit the both legs by bullet(s), Instructor Arrowhead Company who lost the action and Officer Colonel Mangala. This had participated in American of Iran-Iraq War, once put arms around shoulders with him has drunk together, but now actually depends like the dead dog there. 在墙角,他看见了被子弹打中双腿,失去行动力的箭头公司教官兼军官曼加拉上校。这位曾经参加过两伊战争的美国人,曾经与他勾肩搭背地一起喝过酒,而现在却像死狗一样靠在那里。 The whole body is the blood...... 浑身是血…… Unexpectedly is you...... Zaid.” Mangala is suppressing the final one breath, is pressing the wound on leg stubbornly, grins to say with a smile, „, really has not thought. It seems like Boss he fed the strip to raise not the ripe wolf!” “居然是你……扎伊德。”曼加拉憋着最后一口气,死死地按着腿上的伤口,咧嘴笑道,“没想到,真是没想到。看来老板他喂了条养不熟的豺狼!” Zaid has not gone to look at his eye. 扎伊德没有去看他的眼睛。 Although does pirate line, he has not cared about what glory and dignity, but killed so many friends, in his heart filled guilty. 虽然干海盗这行,他从没在意过什么荣耀与尊严,但害死了这么多朋友,他的心中还是充满了愧疚的。 Jiang Chen has not cared about them to use French to exchange anything, but gave a Zaid dagger. 江晨没有在意他们用法语交流着什么,只是递给了扎伊德一把匕。 Killed him, you are our companions.” “杀了他,你就是我们的同伴。” Zaid received the dagger, simultaneously Jiang Chen also lifted the muzzle, aimed at him. 扎伊德接过了匕,同时江晨也抬起了枪口,对准了他。 The information of this stance transmission is very clear. 这个姿态传递的信息很明确。 You do not kill him, you are our enemies! 你不杀了他,你就是我们的敌人! Come, looks at my eye, killed me!” Mangala both eyes are red, are being hard the neck, is staring Zaid stubbornly. “来啊,看着我的眼睛,杀了我!”曼加拉双目赤红,硬着脖子,死死地瞪着扎伊德 Knows dies, the Mangala choice dies happy. 自知是死,曼加拉选择死的痛快点。 Zaid swallowed a spit, is thinking in any case already Arrowhead Company and their secretly Boss offending, did not miss this human life. 扎伊德咽了口吐沫,想着反正已经将箭头公司和他们幕后老板给得罪死了,也不差这一条人命了。 Thereupon, he steeled one's heart, took up the dagger, wiped ruthlessly to the neck of Mangala. 于是乎,他心一横,抄起了匕,狠狠地抹向了曼加拉的脖子。 Meanwhile, he meditated sentence in the heart brothers, sorry.” 与此同时,他在心中默念了句“兄弟,对不起了。” However this internal monologue helium cannot walk. 然而这句内心独白氦没能走完。 Has delimited the flash of Mangala throat in his dagger, the blood from his chest blowout, sprinkled on his body of past friend. 就在他的匕划过曼加拉咽喉的一瞬间,鲜血从他的胸口喷出,洒在了他昔日朋友的身上。 Is his blood. 是他自己的血。 The strength starts to drain following the blood hole of chest, Zaid stands there, bent over, looks to own chest. 力量顺着胸口的血洞开始流失,扎伊德愣愣地站在那里,弯腰低头,看向了自己的胸口。 Jiang Chen dangled in the hand to brave the light smoke the muzzle, on the face to hang the ice-cold smiling face. 江晨垂下了手中冒着青烟的枪口,脸上挂着冰冷的笑容。 Zaid exhausts the final strength, has turned around, is staring at Jiang Chen stubbornly. 扎伊德用尽最后的力气,转过了身,死死地盯着江晨 That look as if in saying why?” 那眼神仿佛在说“为什么?” I have said that to me you are only an ant.” “我说过,对我来说你只是只蚂蚁。” Even the dog is not, how also possibly to match why the companion? 连狗都算不上,又怎么可能配成为什么同伴? Since he ordered to execute that four Star Ring soldier moment, was doomed he is not impossible to go on living. 从他下令处决那四名星环士兵的一刻起,就注定他不可能活下去了。 Everyone must die. 所有人都得死。 Pays the price for own behavior! 为自己的行为付出代价! Jiang Chen received the spear/gun superficially, gestures to nearby soldier neatly, then turned around to leave the alley. 江晨轻描淡写地收起了枪,对旁边的士兵干净利落地打了个手势,然后转身离开了小巷。 That soldier is understanding, walks up, a butt pounded ruthlessly on the face of Zaid, pounded to faint him. Then is clutching his collar, towed by him that military officer named Mangala, simultaneously the waist is conducting the arm Pistol , gave back to that dead colonel. 士兵会意,走上前去,一枪托狠狠砸在了扎伊德的脸上,将他砸晕了过去。然后揪着他的衣领,将他拖到了那位名叫曼加拉的军官旁边,同时将腰间挎着的手枪,还给了那名死去的上校。 Two people died in one, died of probably killing one another. 两人死在了一起,就好像是死于自相残杀。 Before the last consciousness annihilation of surviving, Zaid heard outside the alley absent-minded, floated such words. 在残存的最后一丝意识湮灭之前,扎伊德恍惚地听到了小巷外,飘来了这样的话语。 Drags out from the ship the body of that several pirate, gives them to put on the clothes, then loses here...... the corner of slum also throws, do not forget on ak to everyone. The movement is quick, the Madagascar government almost must respond, after five minutes, immediately evacuates!”( To be continued.) 8 “把那几名海盗的尸体从船上拖下来,给他们重新套上衣服,然后丢在这儿……贫民窟的角落也扔点,别忘了给每人上一把ak。动作要快,马达加斯加政府差不多要反应过来了,五分钟后立刻撤离!”(未完待续。)八
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