IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#815: Cannot say Chinese Language( before dawn (3 - 5 am)!)

The weather is late gradually. 天色渐晚。 North Mayotte Island, a consignment ship moveed to the fishing boat harbor of islands Northwest slowly. 马约特岛以北,一艘托运船缓缓地驶向了岛屿西北方的渔船港口。 Here backs on the civilian hole that Madagascar Republic is finding at everywhere, under rows of worn-out brick houses and shacks, the disease, crime and Death like these garbage bags, mix together in the dirty alley. Will go to here person to only have two types, one type is the thin poor person, one type is the sturdy murderer. 这里背靠着马达加斯加共和国随处可见的平民窟,一排排破旧的砖瓦房与窝棚下,疾病、犯罪、死亡如同那些垃圾袋,杂糅在肮脏的小巷中。会前往这里的人只有两种,一种是骨瘦如柴的穷人,一种是身强力壮的凶手。 The black person child sits near the wharf in threes and fours, curiously and line of sight will go to that consignment ship vigilantly, as well as behind consignment ship offshore platform. Although Arrowhead Company puppet will use this wharf, but they see the appearance so strange gadget for the first time. 黑人小孩三五成群地坐在码头边上,将好奇和警惕地视线投向那艘托运船,以及托运船背后的海上平台。虽然箭头公司人偶尔会使用这座码头,但他们还是第一次见到模样如此古怪的玩意儿。 Because of the arrival of this consignment ship, the chaotic wharf was chaotic. The clothes does not obstruct the black of body to depart in a hurry, several hang the cartridge clip nakedly, in the hand is copying ak black person mercenary the ghost is calling while jumped up the wharf, is making the hand signal to this freighter. 因为这艘托运船的到来,原本乱糟糟的码头更是乱了起来。衣不遮体的黑鬼匆匆离去,几个赤身挂着弹夹,手中抄着ak的黑人佣兵一边鬼叫着一边跳上了码头,然后对着这艘货轮打起了手势。 Three o'clock directions, the black of that belt/bring hat, he is the Arrowhead Company dark sentry post. Five o'clock directions, that to fellow that I beckon, is responsible for with the informer who we attach, the name is very long also the tongue-twister, did I call him Andry...... I to him to answer generally?” “三点钟方向,那个带帽子的黑鬼,他是箭头公司的暗哨。五点钟方向,那个正对我招手的伙计,是负责与我们接头的线人,名字很长也很绕口,我一般叫他安德里……我可以向他回话吗?” Expression naturally.” activate(d) Optical Stealth stands in his nearby Jiang Chen, said in a soft voice. “表情自然点。”启动光学隐形站在他旁边的江晨,轻声说道。 Good......” “好……” Zaid forced to squeeze out a ratio to cry also the ugly smiling face on the face, was not obvious under the sweep of night. 扎伊德勉强在脸上挤出了一个比哭还难看的笑容,不过在黑夜的笼罩下并不明显。 Person in Zaid and wharf launched the negotiation, soon was under the permission of docking. 扎伊德与码头上的人展开了交涉,很快便得到了停靠的许可。 The opposite party sent several sailors to embark, that was called the Andry black person to arrive by Zaid jubilantly, made an effort to pat his upper arm, on general the French with Madagascar Island said. 对方派了几名水手上船,那名叫安德里的黑人兴高采烈地走到了扎伊德旁边,使劲拍了他膀子一把,用马达加斯加岛上通用的法语说道。 Hey, fellow, this was a bulk bargain, a while handles you to ask the buddy to drink one cup.” “嘿,伙计,这可是笔大买卖,一会儿搞定了你可得请哥们儿喝一杯。” Resulted, when I confirmed the account was saying.” Pulled out in a cigar point from the pocket, Zaid said crassly, ship of attachment? Opens in this gadget your warehouses directly?” “得了,等我确认了账户在说。”从兜里掏出了一根雪茄点上,扎伊德骂骂咧咧地说道,“接头的船呢?把这玩意儿直接开你们的仓库里?” A while,” Andry tried to get close is saying, right, Bageri that fellow? How haven't I seen others?” “一会儿就到,”安德里套近乎的说着,“对了,巴盖里那家伙呢?我怎么没看到他人?” He handles the matter in Somalia, this mission has not taken him.” Zaid said. “他在索马里办事儿,这次任务没带上他。”扎伊德说道。 Hostage?” “人质呢?” Fed the fish.” Zaid cruel grinning smiles. “喂鱼了。”扎伊德残忍的咧嘴笑了笑。 The light from this smiling face, Andry then smelled that thick bloody taste, therefore flexure scratched the head, ridiculed to say. 光是从这笑容中,安德里便嗅到了那浓浓的血腥味儿,于是挠了挠头,讪笑道。 Hey, when I had not asked.” “嘿,当我没问。” Before two hours, frigate closes up with the consignment ship of slowing the tempo, Marine Team soldier of platoon boarded the consignment ship. But High-Xin Fresh Water staff and crew, then became the skiff to mount frigate. 两个小时前,护卫舰与放慢速度的托运船靠拢,一个排的海军陆战队士兵登上了托运船。而高新淡水的员工和船员,则都成小艇登上了护卫舰 The clothes that digs up from these pirates applies, at this moment carries ak to stand on the broad side, is Star Ring Trading Marine Team soldier. exoskeleton was hidden under the gown of rags winding solid, but Ripper Rifle hid in can attain on hand. 从那些海盗身上扒下来的衣服派上了用场,此刻端着ak站在船舷上的,都是星环贸易海军陆战队士兵外骨骼被严严实实地藏在了破布缠绕的袍子下面,而撕裂者步枪则是藏在了可以拿到的手边。 Jiang Chen slightly leaning leaning head, to side that captain Kramer that dresses up the pirate appearance said in a low voice. 江晨微微偏了偏头,对身旁那名打扮成海盗模样的队长克拉默低声道。 Cannot say Chinese Language.” “不许说汉语。” The red Caucasian robust man who that skin exposes to the sun grins to smile. 那皮肤晒的通红的白人壮汉咧嘴笑了笑。 Understood.”( Arab language) “明白。”(阿拉伯语) Jiang Chen nods, gestures to behind Ayesha. 江晨点头,对身后的阿伊莎打了个手势。 Two people activate(d) Optical Stealth, went into hiding again in the dim light of night. 两人再次启动光学隐形,隐匿在了夜色中。 The time passes very slowly, warrior in waiting has an experiencing one day like a year feeling. 时间过得很慢,等待中的战士有种度日如年的感觉。 Several sailors confirmed the safety on ship, as well as consignment ship following Seawater Desalination Platform, then returned to the bow. After confirming the situation, Andry stood by the broad side, by made several phone calls there continually. 几名水手确认了船上的安全,以及托运船后面的海水淡化平台,然后回到了船头。确认情况后,安德里站在船舷旁,靠在那里一连打了好几个电话。 Quick, in sea level a tonnage over 5000 tons freighters. 很快,海面上开来了一艘吨位在5000吨以上的货轮。 This freighter obviously after the re-equipping, the deck had/left the open area clear, is setting up two aircraft parking areas, above is stopping two Black Hawk Helicopter. Put on warrior of desert color camouflage clothing to jump the deck, Jiang Chen, Kramer, Zaid and the others the hearts also mentioned the throat. 这艘货轮明显经过改装,甲板被清出了空地,立着两座停机坪,上面停着两架黑鹰直升机。穿着沙漠色迷彩服的战士跳上来甲板,江晨克拉默扎伊德等人的心脏也提到了嗓子眼。 Had arrived at the most crucial time! 已经到了最关键的时刻! soldier that these go on board belongs to Arrowhead Company Elite obviously, if gives oneself away, the plan fail did not say, the consequence will be dreadful! 这些登船的士兵显然都属于箭头公司精锐,如果一旦露出马脚,计划失败不说,后果还将不堪设想! However, the weather is very fortunately dark, Jiang Chen has not shown slightly something that gives one away. Perhaps already with the reason that Zaid cooperates repeatedly, these Arrowhead Company soldier also relaxed vigilantly, but arrives at the stern from the bow, unloaded from the consignment ship the offshore platform, connected on oneself that freighter with the steel wire. 然而幸运的是,天色很暗,江晨这边没有露出丝毫马脚。或许是已经与扎伊德多次合作的缘故,这些箭头公司士兵也放松了警惕,只是从船头走到船尾,将海上平台从托运船背后卸了下来,用钢索连接到了自己那艘货船上。 Money?” Zaid said to that mercenary that and he contacts. “钱呢?”扎伊德向和他接触的那名佣兵说道。 Has projected on the account.” That mercenary said unemotionally. “已经打到账户上了。”那佣兵面无表情地说道。 Hears these words, Zaid relaxes secretly. 听到这句话,扎伊德暗暗松了口气。 He did not worry actually Arrowhead Company is black his money, he is thinking now what is only, must change to the Russia bank account money from Switzerland bank quickly. Places Europe always to make him feel uneasy money entire, after all heard that this Arrowhead Company shareholder is a European, moreover belongs to huge household. 他倒是不担心箭头公司黑他的钱,他现在想着的只是,得赶快将钱从瑞士银行中转到俄国银行的户头上。将钱放在欧洲总让他感觉不安全,毕竟听说这箭头公司的股东就是欧洲人,而且还属于一个庞大的家族 Completed cargo the delivery, Arrowhead Company mercenary returns to own ship immediately, starts to hold Seawater Desalination Platform return. Two days later this Seawater Desalination Platform will then be towed toward Europe, is studied structure by the Germany engineer. 完成了“货物”的交割,箭头公司佣兵立刻回到了自己的船上,开始托着到手的海水淡化平台返航。两天后这台海水淡化平台便会被拖往欧洲,由德国的工程师研究其中的构造。 The Arrowhead Company ship walked away, Zaid is pinching the fist was tighter. 箭头公司的船走远了,扎伊德捏着的拳头却是更加的紧了。 Because he knows, this ship walks, immediately should get up is playing. 因为他知道,这船一走,马上就该上正戏了。 Work finished, walks, we go to the island to drink one cup.” Andry hā hā is smiling, pats the shoulder of Zaid to say. “活儿都忙完了,走走走,咱们去岛上喝一杯。”安德里哈哈笑着,拍着扎伊德的肩膀说道。 You first go, my is a little dizzy.” Zaid is pinching the bridge of the nose bone, pretending the body is somewhat ill, wants to hurry to send him. “你先去吧,我头有点晕。”扎伊德捏着鼻梁骨,装作身体有些不适,想要将他赶紧打发走。 hā hā, you should not be seasick, fellow!” Andry said with a smile strangely. 哈哈,你该不会是晕船了吧,伙计!”安德里怪笑道。 Will the pirates be seasick? 海盗会晕船? This joke may really have the creativity. 这个笑话可真有创意。 Inserts funny dialog in two people, the consignment ship depends on approaches the harbor the time slowly. 就在两人插科打诨,托运船缓缓靠向港口的时候。 Under the shield of dim light of night, Aurora-20 arrived in the Mayotte Island sky quietly. 夜色的掩护下,一架极光-20悄然抵达了马约特岛的上空。 Shooter-1 has arrived in sky over the goal, requested that instructs......” 射手-1已抵达目标上空,请求指示……” Madagascar Republic that backward radar, regarding the Star Ring Trading fighter aircraft, really is equivalent does not garrison. Fully realized that Arrowhead Company had infiltrated Jiang Chen of Madagascar government, simply not to these black instruction tonight's actions. 马达加斯加共和国那落后的雷达,对于星环贸易的战机来说,简直相当于毫不设防。深知箭头公司已经渗透了马达加斯加政府的江晨,根本没有向那些黑鬼请示今晚的行动。 Also will never acknowledge the tonight's action. 也永远都不会承认今晚的行动。 The ear transmitted the report of pilot, Jiang Chen took out rifle from the back, simultaneously said in a soft voice. 耳边传来了飞行员的报告,江晨从背后取出了步枪,同时轻声说道。 Turns off a light for them.” “替他们关灯。” Receives.” “收到。” Cut off the communication, Shooter-1 proficiently opened the safe lid with the finger...... 掐断了通讯,射手-1熟练地用手指挑开了保险盖…… Then, thumb according to approaching that red bomb button. 接着,大拇指按向了那个红色的投弹按钮。 A post separates in the pitch-black bomb and Aurora-20 of underbelly, toward cloud layer extra dip. 一枚贴在机腹的黢黑色航弹与极光-20分离,向着云层加速坠落。 In contacting the flash of cloud layer, the bomb blasts open suddenly, the quiet blue electric light unfolds in the cloud layer, the energetic particle ejection, hits with the in the air oxygen and nitrogen atom, the trim cloud layer like the plate, projected the extremely strong instantaneous electric field toward entire Mayotte Island. 就在接触云层的一瞬间,航弹骤然炸裂,幽蓝色的电光在云层上铺开,高能粒子抛射,与空中氧、氮原子相撞击,整片云层如电极板,向着整座马约特岛投射了极强的瞬间电场。 Thundered?” “打雷了吗?” The in the air sound caused the idea of Andry, he takes off was burning the cigar, looks toward the sunny nighttime sky. 空中的响声引起了安德里的主意,他摘下了燃着的雪茄,向着晴朗的夜空看去。 Perhaps yes.” Zaid is saying ambiguously, spread out with Andry calmly. “或许是的。”扎伊德含糊地说着,不动声色地与安德里拉开了距离。 The light goes out suddenly, at night corroded the trim coast in the flash. 灯光骤然熄灭,黑夜在一瞬间侵蚀了整片海岸。 How fellow? Your complexion is not a little right “怎么了伙计?你的脸色有点不对劲” The Andry words saying half then stop suddenly, on his forehead, is printing a blood hole impressively. 安德里的话说道了一半便戛然而止,他的额头上,赫然印着一个血洞。 Zaid was not cruel enough to close the eye, held to squat very much simply on the ground. 扎伊德不忍心地闭上了眼睛,很干脆地抱头蹲在了地上。 fellow, was sorry that...... the brothers I have no recourse. 伙计,抱歉……兄弟我也是迫不得已。 Was resounded by the silencer depressing sound of gunfire. 被消音器压抑的枪声响起。 Slaughters has started!- 杀戮已经开始!- ( End of the month brothers, the baby shoe of bill have not waited, asking the bill to support! Moreover, the book friend who all subscribes can receive the light of big god, I thought this matter recently. If the words please do not help lead troublesome, asked!)( To be continued.) (月底了兄弟们,还有票票的童鞋都别等了,求票票支援!另外,全订的书友可以领取大神之光哦,我最近才想起来这事。如果不麻烦地话就请帮忙领下吧,拜托了!)(未完待续。)
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