IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#814: The weaponry has not fired off

„...... Kidnaps to carry the European industry machine tool China transport ship, attacks China in Djibouti Embassy, will start terrorist attack in Yemen to the dirty job that the local government will exert pressure on...... does not facilitate acts personally, the employer will give us to do generally. The reward is very full, the information has the safeguard, the mission risk is usually very low......” “……劫持载有欧洲工业机床华国运输船,袭击华国吉布提大使馆,在也门发动恐怖.袭击对当地政府施压……不方便亲自出手的脏活,雇主一般都会交给我们来做。报酬很足,情报有保障,任务的风险通常很低……” In black room of one bunch of lights, Zaid both hands tied their hands behind the back behind the chair, droops the head, both eyes is staring at the black black floor soulless. The mouth also holds the drool, this appearance had been injected Truth Serum obviously. 只有一束灯光的黑屋内,扎伊德双手被反绑在椅子背后,耷拉着脑袋,双目无神地盯着黢黑的地板。嘴边还衔着哈喇子,这副模样显然是被注射过吐真剂 By crime that he commits, conducted to interrogate and torture with Truth Serum is really cheap he. However Jiang Chen did not plan that wastes the time in these minor details, moreover behind also has a need for this fellow, therefore then on direct Truth Serum. 以他犯下的罪行,用吐真剂进行拷问实在是便宜他了。不过江晨并不打算在这些细枝末节上浪费时间,而且后面还用得着这家伙,所以便直接上了吐真剂 Who are your employers?” The Jiang Chen tone ice-cold asked. “你们的雇主是谁?”江晨语气冰冷地问道。 Employer has not disclosed the status, this is the convention......” “雇主没有透露身份,这是惯例……” Who is responsible for with the person who you attach is?” “负责与你们接头的人是谁?” Arrowhead Military Company.” 箭头军事公司。” Madagascar western Mayotte Island......” 马达加斯加西部的马约特岛……” The needed information has ascertained, Jiang Chen switched off the recording pen in nearby table, then gestures to Ayesha. 需要的情报都已经问清楚了,江晨关掉了一旁桌上的录音笔,然后对阿伊莎打了个手势。 The Ayesha associative compound, grasped the bucket to sprinkle to the face of this pirate chief. 阿伊莎会意,抓起水桶泼向了这名海盗头子的脸。 One bucket of cold water sprinkled on his face, choked the saliva, Zaid was coughing fiercely waking. 一桶冷水泼在了他的脸上,呛了口水,扎伊德猛地咳嗽着醒了过来。 What the dim ray makes him unable to see clearly to sit opposite of him is , can only see paint black rifle slantingly by the one side. 昏暗的光线让他看不清坐在他对面的是谁,只能看见一把漆黑色步枪斜靠在一旁。 You, you are......” “你,你是……” You do not need to know that who I am, we make the pen transaction.” “你不需要知道我是谁,我们做笔交易。” What trades?” “什么交易?” Leads my person to deliver. If the matter became, I can give your way out.” Jiang Chen said at a moderate pace. “带着我的人去交货。如果事成了,我可以放你一条生路。”江晨不紧不慢地说道。 You insane...... you know that who they are? Arrowhead Military Company, although is only the private military contractor, but the strength even can hang dozen of Madagascar 2. 20,000 regular army!” The Zaid look is rocking anxiously, shivering that the beard on chin non-stop, we will die......” “你疯了……你知道他们是谁吗?箭头军事公司,虽然只是个私人军事承包商,但实力甚至可以吊打马达加斯加二.2万正规军!”扎伊德的眼神不安地晃动着,下巴上的胡子不停的颤抖,“我们会死……” „Before the rejection, you first make clear.” Jiang Chen raised up a finger, smiles was saying, „, if you do not cooperate, you will die now.” “拒绝之前,你先搞清楚一点。”江晨竖起了一根指头,微笑着说道,“如果你不合作,你现在就会去死。” Pea-sized beads of sweat before the Zaid volume low, his expression struggled about to look, lowered the sound to say. 豆大的汗珠从扎伊德的额前低落,他表情挣扎着左右看了看,压低了声音道。 Why I believe that you will put me?” “我凭什么相信你会放了我?” Depends on you to me is only an ant.” Jiang Chen said lightly. “就凭你对我来说只是只蚂蚁。”江晨淡淡地说道。 Ant...... 只是只蚂蚁…… The corners of the mouth of Zaid twitched, was indisputable. 扎伊德的嘴角抽动了下,却无可辩驳。 Cooperation, or dies, makes your choice.” “合作,或者去死,做出你的选择。” No longer the attempt convinced him, Jiang Chen to Pistol on the chest cavity, then arrived at a moderate pace on his forehead. 不再尝试说服他,江晨不紧不慢地给手枪上了膛,然后抵在了他的脑门上。 Ice-cold of metal made the heart of Zaid mention the throat. 金属的冰冷让扎伊德的心脏提到了嗓子眼。 He has not wanted dead, he also has the more than 20 million USD blood money in the Switzerland deposit, this money enough he escapes to any country, starts the new life. Even if will face chasing down of Arrowhead Military Company as well as its behind influence after that also feels better dies in the sea inexplicably. 他还不想死,他在瑞士的存款还有两千多万美元的血钱,这笔钱足够他逃到任何一个国家去,重新开始新的生活。哪怕此后会面对箭头军事公司以及其背后势力的追杀,也好过就这么不明不白地死在海上。 „...... Cooperation.” “……合作。” Jiang Chen showed a faint smile, receives the spear/gun. 江晨微微一笑,收起了枪。 Wise choice.” “明智的选择。” After the cooperation achieves, Zaid was closed in the black room temporarily, is looked by drone. Because needs and that side Arrowhead Company confirms by him contacts, therefore Jiang Chen deregulates to him, and handed over in the intercom his hand. 合作达成后,扎伊德暂时被关在了黑屋内,由一架无人机看着。因为需要靠他与箭头公司那边确认联络,所以江晨给他松了绑,并将对讲机交到了他的手上。 Each a few words that you spoke will be recorded, if you dare to use what trick, drone will open fire automatically, let alone I have not warned you.” “你说的每一句话都会被录音,如果你敢耍什么花招,无人机会自动开枪,别说我没警告你。” Looks the appearance that Zaid that goes all out to nod, Jiang Chen closed the cabin door, and locks on the other side from outside. 看着扎伊德那拼命点头的样子,江晨关上了船舱的门,并从外面反锁。 The bloodstain on ship had been scrubbed cleanly by the hostages of rescue, but these corpses should the Jiang Chen's request, after the clothes and equipment all dig up, throws bottom of the cabin deadlocked, and spurted on the deodorizer inside the gate. 船上的血迹都已经被获救的人质们洗刷干净,而那些尸体则应江晨的要求,将衣服和装备全都扒下来后,扔在了船舱底部锁死,并在门内侧喷上了除臭剂。 These corpses he also has other using. 这些尸体他还有别的用。 Completes these, the High-Xin Fresh Water staff returned to own dormitory, without the mission crew also returned to the room. Although has not entered on the water drop starting from the morning, but experienced such matter after all, appetite that now they have not eaten food. 做完这些事后,高新淡水的员工都回到了自己的宿舍里,没有任务的船员也都回到了房间内。虽然从早上开始就滴水未进,但毕竟是经历了那样的事,现在他们都没有进食的胃口。 Ukraine beautiful woman Ulrika when after the cabin, that was rescued by Jiang Chen grasped him suddenly, ruthlessly to saving her Hero offered the fragrant kiss. However regarding her hopes that oneself can accompany her to return to the dormitory, when accompanies the suggestion of her a while in her side, because Jiang Chen does not have that mood, therefore turned down the great kindness of beautiful woman. 在经过船舱的时候,那名被江晨救下的乌克兰美女乌尔丽卡突然抱住了他,狠狠地向拯救她的英雄献上了香吻。不过对于她希望自己能陪她回宿舍,待在她身旁多陪她一会儿的暗示,江晨因为没有那个心情,所以婉拒了美人的盛情。 Then, she at the scene, did not know nothing about the Jiang Chen's status at that time. If knows stands before her is not the special troop, but is Group's Chairman of the Board, does not know her to be able, because own wishful thinking is red in the face. 说起来,她当时不在现场,对于江晨的身份还一无所知。如果知道了站在她面前的不是什么特种兵,而是集团的董事长,不知道她会不会因为自己的小心思而面红耳赤。 After all the foreigner looks at the face of Chinese, looks at the foreigner to be the same with Chinese. Even if Gates or is Jobs, bumped into on the avenue, if no one is pointing, Jiang Chen cannot recognize similarly. 毕竟外国人看华国人的脸,就和华国人看外国人一样。就算是盖茨或者是乔布斯,在大街上碰上了,如果没人指着的话,江晨同样是也认不出来。 Returned to Droplet, Jiang Chen established the automatic cruise pattern it, not near-earth did not hang in behind of consignment ship. 返回了“水滴”一趟,江晨将其设置成了自动巡航模式,不远不近地吊在了托运船的后面。 Roughly after two hours, the curtain of night has soon arrived, the pale yellow horizon flew two sunspots. 约莫两个小时后,夜幕已经快要降临,昏黄的天边飞来了两个黑点。 Two Black Hawk Helicopter in tandem flew, above was filled with Sea Lion Special Forces soldier. 两架黑鹰直升机一前一后地飞了过来,上面坐满了海狮特种部队士兵 In the cheers of hostages, these wore the soldier rope of black battle dress to fall in the deck, Garrett hung rifle in the exoskeleton back, toward waiting walked in Jiang Chen of bow. 在人质们的欢呼声中,这些身穿黑色作战服的士兵绳降在了甲板上,加雷特步枪挂在了外骨骼的背后,向着等候在船头的江晨走了过去。 Boss.” 老板。” Concerned about the status, Garrett smiled bitterly , the words swallows in the belly anything acts unreasonably and so on. 碍于身份,加雷特只是苦笑了下,将什么“太乱来”之类的话都咽回了肚子里。 Jiang Chen sized up under his equipment. 江晨打量了下他身上的装备。 „Is equipment K2-Type exoskeleton?” “装备都是k2型外骨骼吗?” Since previous time after South Pole was almost rolled extinguishes, Sea Lion Special Forces of new programming equipped K2-Type mechanical exoskeleton that is from the Last of Days Sixth Block ordnance machine shop. These exoskeleton can carry many module, including the optical image, with anti- EMP, ring-like Nitrogen Shield wait/etc., these is K1-Type exoskeleton cannot achieve. 自从上次在南极几乎被团灭之后,新编程的海狮特种部队就装备了产自末世第六街区军工厂的k2型机械外骨骼。这些外骨骼能够挂载更多的模块,包括光学影像,和反emp,环形氮气护盾等等,这些都是k1型外骨骼做不到的。 Yes.” The Garrett nod said. “是的。”加雷特点头道。 Very good, comes with me.” Jiang Chen nods, turns around to walk toward the cabin. “很好,跟我来。”江晨点了点头,转身向船舱内走去。 ...... …… This room is the crew cafeteria on ship, now was changed to the temporary headquarters. Fully-armed to soldier encircles, calm is waiting for the Jiang Chen's order. Several tables were put together in one, Jiang Chen unfolded a map on the table, then drew two lines with the symbol pen above, with encircles together. 这件房间原本是船上的船员食堂,现在被改成了临时指挥部。全副武装对的士兵围成一圈,安静地等候着江晨的命令。几张桌子被拼在了一起,江晨将一张地图铺开在了桌上,然后用记号笔在上面画了两条线,和一道圈。 Four soldier were executed by the pirate, behind-the-scenes criminal is Arrowhead Company, in the attack of South Pole is also they, just the new account old debt calculates together. One side the diplomatic issue first puts, the blood debt must the blood recompense, you understand my meaning.” “四名士兵被海盗处决,幕后黑手箭头公司,在南极的袭击也是他们,刚好新账旧账一起算。外交问题先放一边,血债必须血偿,你们明白我的意思。” warriors has not spoken, but Jiang Chen can feel that high morale. 战士们都没有说话,但是江晨能感受到那高昂的士气。 For ally revenge of dying. 为死去的战友复仇。 In order to take revenge! 为了复仇! „...... Combat plan simple, a team is led by me very much, disguises as the pirate to go to west of the Madagascar Mayotte Island harbor, delivers Seawater Desalination Platform. the B team is led by Garrett, rides Black Hawk Helicopter to arrive in north Mayotte Island to deploy in advance, then circles the coastline walk to go to trade the place. Both sides converging attack, wiped out them!” “……作战计划很简单,a队由我带队,假扮海盗前往马达加斯加以西的马约特岛港口,交付海水淡化平台。b队由加雷特带队,乘坐黑鹰直升机先行抵达马约特岛北部部署,然后绕海岸线步行前往交易地点。两面夹击,全歼了他们!” Saw Jiang Chen to say the words, pilot raised the objection. 江晨把话说完,飞行员提出了异议。 „The oil on our helicopter was insufficient, if returns to frigate to supply now, perhaps in time without enough time.” “我们直升机上的油不够了,如果现在返回护卫舰上补给,恐怕时间上来不及。” After making a long and wearisome journey, gasoline on helicopter just suffices the share on return frigate now, wanting the long-distance range to attack horse Yuete the island, the remaining that lubricate insufficiently radically. 经过长途跋涉,现在直升机上的汽油只是刚刚够返航护卫舰上的份,想要远距离突袭马月特岛,剩下的那点油根本不够。 In the warehouse on ship has the oil, after the operational conference ended, goes to the supplies.” “船上的仓库里有油,作战会议结束后去补给。” What consignment ship uses is the heavy oil, what black hawk need is No. 3 jet pilot said to the Jiang Chen popular science. “托运船用的是重柴油,黑鹰需要的是三号喷气”飞行员江晨科普道。 I said is No. 3 jet fuel, in the AUV that I take carries this kind of supplies, I have placed in it the stern left warehouse. Opens the door, I believe that you can see.” Jiang Chen simple said. “我说的就是三号喷气燃油,我乘坐的水下航行器中携带有这类补给,我已经将其放在船尾靠左侧的仓库里。打开门,我相信你能看到。”江晨简单地说道。 Looked at Jiang Chen one accidentally/surprisingly, that pilot nods. 意外地看了江晨一眼,那名飞行员点了点头。 Jiang Chen threw the symbol pen on the map, took a fast look around 12 warrior and four pilot one on the scene. 江晨将记号笔丢在了地图上,扫视了在场的十二战士与四名飞行员一眼。 Action code name: Trojan Horse, the issue asked quickly, no issue makes a sound.” “行动代号:特洛伊木马,还有问题赶快问,没问题就吱个声。” Is headed by Garrett, soldier on the scene throws out the chest to stand at attention, exclaimed uniform. 加雷特为首,在场的士兵挺胸立正,整齐划一地吼道。 Does not have the issue!” “没问题!” Supports a hand racket on map, the Jiang Chen big hand wields fiercely. 撑在地图上的手猛地一拍,江晨大手一挥。 That moves!” “那就动起来!” Responded his is the forceful reply, as well as trod the step of steel. 回应他的是铿锵有力的回答,以及踏碎钢铁的步伐。 Yes! Prefect!”( To be continued.) “是!长官!”(未完待续。)
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