IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#813: Rescue (Last Part)

You to which?” “你们到哪了?” Still in the international waters, is the 100 into the sea|nautical mile probably from Madagascar, six hours we can arrive at the latest! You felt relieved, we have thrown off Saudi navy, on Seawater Desalination Platform to the position finder also viewpoint, no one can find us now!” Zaid hā hā is smiling, flatters said. “还在公海上,距离马达加斯加还有大概一百海里,最晚六个小时我们就能到了!您就放心吧,我们已经甩掉了沙特海军,海水淡化平台上对的定位仪也观点了,现在没人能找到我们!”扎伊德哈哈笑着,讨好地说道。 That may not necessarily,” the person of telephone that head smile, then said with the hoarse sound, you be well careful the point. You understand, if this transaction is defeated, was not a contract finished can finish up.” “那可未必,”电话那头的人笑了笑,用嘶哑的声音接着说道,“你们还是小心点为好。你懂的,这次交易如果失败,可不是一句合约结束就能完事儿的。” Zaid turned very quiet, swallowed a spit quietly, said in a soft voice. 扎伊德屏住了呼吸,悄悄地咽了口吐沫,轻声道。 I understand.” “我明白。” Understands well.” “明白就好。” The opposite hung up the telephone. 对面挂断了电话。 Returned to the telephone stopper the pocket, Zaid to side bah spit, was drawing under the bolt ruthlessly, frightens the person in cabin in the future to shrink straightforward. 将电话塞回了兜里,扎伊德对着旁边呸了一口吐沫,狠狠地拉了下枪栓,吓得船舱里的人质直往后缩。 Mother, calls mental to come me, how Bageri that mixes the ball not to come back!” “妈的,都给我打起精神来,巴盖里那混球怎么还不回来!” Looks at the leader hot tempered appearance, stands four shooter by hostage look at each other in blank dismay, whispers to say with the local dialect of Africa tribe. 看着首领暴躁的样子,站在人质旁边的四名枪手面面相觑,用非洲部落的土话交头接耳道。 How was Old Boss this?” 老大这是怎么了?” Does not know, perhaps was suppresses to get angry.” “不知道,也许是憋上火了。” „, The let boss heard, otherwise he must your head twisting.” “嘘,被让头儿听见了,否则他非把你脑袋给拧下来不可。” What in that side did you whisper?” Heard anything, Zaid enlarged the voice to roar the sentence, the aggressive vision stared several master next eyes ruthlessly, frightens that several immediately to shut up, shook the head to say hastily. “你们在那边嘀嘀咕咕些什么?”听到了些什么,扎伊德放大了嗓门儿吼了句,凶悍的目光狠狠地瞪了几名手下一眼,吓得那几个喽啰立刻闭上了嘴,连忙摇头道。 No, no!” “没,没什么!” Took back the line of sight crassly, Zaid somewhat took a look at wall clock on the wall anxiously. 骂骂咧咧地收回了视线,扎伊德有些焦躁地瞅了眼墙上的挂钟。 Why does not know, he flusters at this moment at heart very much, has what not good matter to happen probably immediately to be the same. 不知道为什么,他此刻心里慌得很,就好像马上有什么不好的事要发生一样。 Shakes the head, expelled outside this strange feeling the brain, but at this moment, he heard an electric current buzz whining noise. The air in cabin under the function of special force field stabilized strangely, all sounds are similar to are cancelled the common disappearing shadow not to have the trace. 摇了摇头,将这奇怪的感觉赶出了脑子外,可就在这时,他听到了一丝电流的嗡鸣声。船舱内的空气在特殊力场的作用下诡异地稳定了起来,所有的声音都如同被抹去一般消影无踪。 Silence Equipment, only sells 10 credits in the Sixth Block weapon shop! 静默装置,在第六街区的武器店里只卖十信用点 What sound? 什么声音? However Zaid did not have to ponder with enough time carefully this issue, the ceiling then blasts out loudly, the smog flash overspread the entire cabin. He has not responded what's the matter, attacked fiercely the heavily damaged feeling of back of the head then to shut off his five feelings. 然而扎伊德还没来得及仔细思考这个问题,天花板便轰然炸开,烟雾一瞬间铺满了整个船舱。他还没反应过来是怎么回事儿,猛击后脑的重创感便切断了他的五感。 Almost is at the same time, the cabin front door was trampled, drone with a spear/gun, withstand/top the orange red spear/gun flame to rush. 几乎是同一时间,船舱的大门被一脚踹开,一架无人机与一条枪,顶着橙红色的枪焰闯了进来。 tú tú tú! 突突突 Jiang Chen takes away the trigger stubbornly, the muzzle is sweeping that several have been standing the pirate. 江晨死死地扣着扳机,枪口扫过那几名站着的海盗。 bullet|warhead jumps in the cabin, but quick then finished. 弹头在船舱内跳跃,但很快便结束了。 The entire movement all happened in one second, by Jiang Chen and Ayesha speed, these physical qualities slightly is higher than the pirate of average person merely, the opportunity of simply not having hit back. 整套动作全都发生在一秒内,以江晨阿伊莎的速度,这些身体素质仅仅略高于普通人的海盗,根本没有还手的机会。 Ayesha, goes to open the window.” 阿伊莎,去把窗户打开。” Good!” “好的!” Finished Optical Stealth Ayesha receiving the back rifle, arrived at the cabin, opened the window. 结束光学隐形阿伊莎步枪收到了背后,走到了船舱边上,拉开了窗户。 The sea breeze pours into from the entrance, quick then blew out out of the window the smog in room. 海风从门口灌入,很快便将屋内的烟雾吹出了窗外。 Looks at the ground dead corpse, several quality bad hostages, have started to cover mouth to retch at heart. Is good has not had the breakfast and lunch because of the pirate to them, even if now they want to vomit, cannot vomit the thing. 看着地上的死尸,几名心里素质差的人质,已经开始捂着嘴干呕了起来。好在海盗没有给他们吃早饭和午饭,现在他们就算是想呕,也呕不出东西来。 Looks at the two people in cabin, squatted the captain in hostage strong the courage, swallowed the mouth to go to the spit to ask. 看着船舱内的两人,蹲在人质中的船长壮了壮胆子,咽了口去吐沫问道。 You, are you Star Ring Trading people?” “你,你们是星环贸易的人吗?” hears word, Jiang Chen looked to him, grinned to smile, removes the mask on face. 闻言,江晨看向了他,咧嘴笑了笑,撤下来脸上的面罩。 You can believe that but you should call me Chairman of the Board.” “你可以这么认为,不过你应该叫我董事长。” In cabin completely silent. 船舱内鸦雀无声。 Including that captain, everyone opened the mouth, the eye stared the table tennis ball. 包括那名船长在内,所有人都张大了嘴,眼睛瞪成了乒乓球。 Chairman of the Board? Jiang Chen? Waits can be Jiang Chen why...... saves others? 董事长江晨?等等……为什么来救人的会是江晨 This feeling probably by the Taliban fighters got American, finally looked forward to eagerly the United States main strength life-saving, Special Forces captain that finally led to save others tore off the mask, actually revealed oneself Obama status...... 这种感觉就好像被塔里班武装抓住了的美国人,终于盼星星盼月亮地等来了美国大兵救人,结果带队救人的特种部队队长扯下面罩,却亮出了自己奥观海的身份…… Too Your Mother is out of sorts...... not, is too Your Mother was inconceivable! 尼玛的违和……不,是太尼玛的不可思议了! Information that because understands extremely in shocking, these hostages forgot cheering of being survivor of disaster. 因为了解到的情报太过于冲击性,以至于这些人质们都忘记了劫后余生的欢呼。 Without paying attention to these fell into the Chaos hostage, Jiang Chen swept eye their wounds, discovered after having no serious wound, then told to that captain. 没有理会这些陷入混乱的人质,江晨只是扫了眼他们身上的伤口,发现没有什么严重的伤之后,便向那名船长吩咐道。 Also active?” “还能动吗?” Can!” That beard stretch out captain nods to say hastily. “能!”那胡子拉碴的船长连忙点头道。 Leads your first mate to go to the captains cabin, maintains the present direction , to continue goes forward to the Madagascar direction.” “带着你的大副去船长室,保持现在的航向,继续向马达加斯加的方向前进。” Wha, what?” Captain thinks oneself misunderstood. “什,什么?”船长以为自己听错了。 Continues to the Madagascar direction goes forward, but also needs my I Repeat?” Jiang Chen repeated a say/way patiently. “继续向马达加斯加的方向前进,还需要我重复一遍吗?”江晨耐心地重复了一遍道。 But, is...... good.” The captain compromises nods. “可,可是……好吧。”船长妥协地点了点头。 Although does not know reason that Jiang Chen does that but he chooses to believe oneself Chairman of the Board. 虽然不知道江晨这么做的理由,但他选择相信自己的董事长 Remembers that do not open gps, under continues to stay the losing contact condition...... also to have the active High-Xin Fresh Water staff to get up, goes to turn on the position finder of offshore platform, now goes. Also, anyone of you know where the Star Ring Trading four bodyguards were bundled?” Jiang Chen observed the situation hostages eyes that squats in the corner, had not found that looks to the soldier person. “记得别打开gps,继续保持失联状态……还有能动的高新淡水员工起来下,去把海上平台的定位仪打开,现在就去。还有,你们谁知道星环贸易的四名保镖被捆在哪儿了?”江晨环视了蹲在墙角的人质们一眼,没有发现看起来向士兵的人。 Hears the Jiang Chen's issue, crew small sound said that has stood. 听到江晨的问题,一名已经站起来的船员小声道。 They......” “他们……” They?” “他们?” They had been executed......” “他们已经被处决了……” The temperature in cabin dropped suddenly. 船舱内的温度骤然下降了。 The Zaid bunch Ayesha lifted the head, looked to the Jiang Chen's back. 正在将扎伊德捆起来的阿伊莎抬起了头,看向了江晨的背影。 She can the obvious feeling, his mood very be at this moment bad. 她能明显的感觉到,此刻他的心情很糟糕。 The complexion gloomy fearfulness, Jiang Chen deeply inspires, turns around to go out of out of the door. 脸色阴沉的可怕,江晨深吸了一口气,转身走出了门外。 Brings Zaid, goes the warehouse under deck with me.” “带着扎伊德,跟我去甲板下的仓库。” Yes.” Ayesha nods, will bundle becomes Zaid of steamed rice dumpling anti- in the back, pursued toward out. “是。”阿伊莎点点头,将捆成粽子的扎伊德抗在了背后,向着门外追了上去。 Keeps the people in cabin to look at each other in blank dismay, does not know that at this time should be what to do good. 留在船舱内的众人面面相觑,不知道这时候该怎么办才好。 The captain stood, told that the injured person and women first return to the room to rest, other person parts clean the bloodstain on ship, first mate two and the others followed he to go to the captains cabin. 还是船长站了出来,吩咐受伤的人和女人都先回房休息,其余的人一部分去打扫船上的血迹,大副二副等人跟着他去船长室。 When the next staircase, Jiang Chen pressed by the ear, had the contact with on the headquarters in New Moon Island. 在下楼梯的时候,江晨在耳旁按了下,与远在新月岛上的指挥部取得了联系。 Coordinate has transmitted, Ivan, your side preparation how?” “坐标已经发送,伊万,你那边准备的怎么样了?” Sea Lion Special Forces travels by frigate to embark...... Boss, next time will leave like this, did that acts unreasonably!” Ivan smiles bitterly was saying. 海狮特种部队搭乘护卫舰已经出发……老板,下次别这样了,这么做太乱来了!”伊万苦笑着说道。 To be honest, even Ivan rather this ship entire by pirate slaughter, will not approve of Jiang Chen to bring agent to go on board to save others directly. Let alone was a consignment ship, was ten does not compare his finger to be important. If not Jiang Chen has embarked in the halfway, he said that anything will not agree with the Jiang Chen's plan. 说句心里话,就算是伊万宁可这艘船整个被海盗屠了,也不会赞同江晨带着一名特工直接登船救人。别说是一艘托运船了,就是十艘也比不上他一根手指头重要。如果不是江晨已经出发在半路,他说什么也不会同意江晨的计划。 Peculiar circumstance.” Jiang Chen simple replied, other, let Sea Lion that side person a bit faster, the weaponry has not fired off.”( To be continued.) “特殊情况。”江晨简单地答道,“另外,让海狮那边的人快点,仗还没打完。”(未完待续。)
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