IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#812: Rescue (First Part)

hey hey, small table, digs to the father the buttocks.([(?(] Right, this, small .sao goods......” 嘿嘿,小表子,把屁股给老子撅起来。〔[(?〔]对对对,就这样,小.sao货……” On the side of Bageri snort/hum the melody of hometown, thought aloud practices fraud, threw near on that pounded corona past gold/metal beautiful woman the ship parapet, while rifle by side, then took down the leather belt, bundled her hand in the flank of ship. 巴盖里一边哼着家乡的调子,一边自言自语地上下其手,将那个被砸晕过去的金美女扔到了船边的栏杆上,一边将步枪靠在了旁边,然后取下皮带,将她的手捆在了船的外侧。 That butt pounds is very heavy, the sound that even if this black person does is very big, the gold/metal beautiful woman of that wear work clothes has not waked as before. 那一枪托砸的很重,即便这黑人搞出来的动静很大,那穿着工作服的金美女依旧没有醒过来。 Sees only her jeans to damage, near the flocky crack revealed the snow white flesh. The minimum 36 packages in the shirt, because of pressing twisted the shape on the parapet. The golden silk was mounted by the bloodstain on the forehead, that can be called is the beautiful elegant face, is twisting because of the pain. 只见她牛仔裤已经破损,毛絮边的破口露出了雪白的肌肤。起码36包裹在衬衫内,因为压在栏杆上而扭曲了形状。金色的丝被血迹黏在了额头上,那张称得上是姣好的俏脸,正因为痛苦而扭曲着。 Ulrika from Ukraine, she has a beautiful name. She once thinks after fleeing from the hometown, finally can get rid of these cruel matters, has not actually thought that in this time risk-free going to sea, encountered so the terrorist|terrifying hell. 乌尔丽卡来自乌克兰,她有个美丽的名字。她曾以为逃离了家乡后终于能摆脱掉那些残忍的事,却没想到会在这次毫无风险的出海中,遭遇了如此恐怖的地狱。 Blurry, she felt the fetter in wrist/skill, opened the beautiful eyelash slowly. 迷迷糊糊中,她感受到了手腕上的束缚,缓缓地睁开了姣好的睫毛。 At this moment, Ulrika panic-stricken present, that black person has taken off him suddenly with own pants, is separating her both legs. 就在这时,乌尔丽卡突然惊恐的现,身后的那名黑人已经脱掉了他和自己的裤子,正在分开她的双腿。 Does not want!” “不要!” She is screaming hoarsely, tries to break out of his fetter, however two people strengths at all not in a rank, her resistance, not only not effective, instead aroused behind the beast of that black person. Desire. 她嘶声力竭地尖叫着,试图摆脱他的束缚,然而两人的力量根本不在一个级别上,她的抵抗非但没有奏效,反而激起了身后那名黑人的兽.欲。 Little darling is obedient, does not want to come under attack gives the father honestly. hey hey, puts with ease, do not move heedlessly, the father can make you comfortable immediately.” “乖乖听话,不想挨打就给老子老实点。嘿嘿,放轻松点,别乱动,老子马上就能让你舒服起来。” I asked you, do not do that I, I will pay the ransom money!” “我求求你,不要这么做,我,我会支付赎金!” Her entreaty only traded a ridicule of Bageri. 她的哀求只换来了巴盖里的一声嘲笑。 Ransom money?! Suffering extreme distress when I do you “赎金?呵!等我把你搞的死去活来” That inferior English stops suddenly, Ulrika feels suddenly, fetters in an behind strength fiercely loosen. 那蹩脚的英语戛然而止,乌尔丽卡突然感觉到,束缚在身后的力量猛地一松。 In a twinkling, the viscous and boiling hot liquid spurted on her neck. 霎时间,粘稠而滚烫的液体喷在了她的脖子上。 The whole person there, the stiff line of sight under moved slowly, in a flash, the pupil of Ulrika shrinks fiercely tightly. 整个人愣在了那里,僵硬的视线缓缓下移,一瞬间,乌尔丽卡的瞳孔猛地缩紧。 Is the blood! 是血! The blood soaked her collar! 鲜血浸湿了她的衣领! Flash that just prepared to scream in her, some people from covered her mouth behind. 就在她刚准备尖叫的一瞬间,有人从身后捂住了她的嘴。 When she loses sanely goes all out to struggle, that person gathered near her ear, lowered the sound to warn. 就在她失去理智地拼命挣扎的时候,身后那人凑到了她的耳边,压低了声音警告道。 Good young girl, I know that you plan to scream, but if you do not want to kill the people of entire ship, I urged you should better not to do that.” “好了小妞,我知道你打算尖叫,但如果你不想把整艘船的人都害死,我劝你最好还是别这么做。” That sound magnetic, blows very much near the ear somewhat itchy. 那声音很有磁性,吹在耳边有些痒痒的。 Knew that behind that person is rescues own, Ulrika gradually from frightening calm, by nods in that person of bosom slowly. 得知身后那人是来救自己的,乌尔丽卡逐渐从惊吓中冷静了下来,靠在那人的怀中缓缓地点了点头。 Very good, it seems like you calmed down.” “很好,看来你冷静下来了。” Jiang Chen loosened slowly the hand that covers her mouth, then let loose slowly was holding her hand. 江晨缓缓松开了捂住她嘴的手,接着缓缓放开了抱着她的手。 Proficiently pulled out the dagger, Jiang Chen cut off the leather belt of bunch in this Caucasian beautiful woman wrist/skill, then put out a hand, in the ear pressed under. 熟练地掏出了匕,江晨唰地割断了捆在这位白人美女手腕上的皮带,接着伸手在耳边按了下。 Ayesha, your side how?” 阿伊莎,你那边怎么样?” 1 ear.” The reply of Ayesha is very simple, brings very faint bloody taste. “1ear.”阿伊莎的回答很干脆,也带着一股很淡漠的血腥味儿。 Very good, you first move to the above of hostage room, me immediately good.” Then, Jiang Chen finished the communication. “很好,你先移动到人质房的正上方,我这边马上就好。”说完,江晨结束了通讯。 Ok.” “ok.” That side the earphone heard the charming bolt sound, Ayesha finished the communication, started to move to downstairs. 耳机那边传来了帅气的枪栓声,阿伊莎结束了通讯,开始向楼下移动。 The lifesaving ringside of stern, that black person falls down crookedly, on the neck is hanging together deeply the bloodstain, stared in the big eyes to write all over unbelievable panic-stricken. 船尾的救生圈旁,那名黑人歪倒在地上,脖子上挂着一道深深地血痕,瞪大的双眼中写满了难以置信的惊恐。 Moves out of the way from the body of that deceased person the line of sight, Ulrika looked that was covering to the whole body Jiang Chen that paints the black battle dress, with the disturbed mood, the low voice opens the mouth asked. 将视线从那死人的身上挪开,乌尔丽卡看向了全身覆盖着漆黑色作战服的江晨,怀着忐忑的心情,小声开口问道。 You, are you?” “你,您是?” If I am you, I will first wear the pants am speaking.” Jiang Chen raised rifle in hand, ridicules was saying. “如果我是你,我会先将裤子穿上在说话。”江晨提起了手中的步枪,揶揄着说道。 Ulrika face one red, rushes to draw the skirt-width of T-shirt, blocked from the ungraceful spot to move side of jeans, then squatted slowly, picked up own pants cautiously. 乌尔丽卡脸一红,赶忙拉着t恤的下摆,遮住不雅的部位移动到了牛仔裤的旁边,然后缓缓地蹲下来,小心翼翼地捡起了自己的裤子。 Put on 就在她穿裤子的这一会儿功夫,江晨已经从背后的无人机背包中放出了蜂鸟无人机,对着船外面扔了出去,接着将身子贴在了拐角处的墙壁上,手指轻轻拨开了步枪扳机旁的保险。 Was thrown outboard drone sway to adjust the direction, in contact sea front flash, pastes the sea level to speed away to go to the direction of ship central deck. 被扔出船外的无人机摇摇晃晃地调整了方向,在接触海面前的一瞬间,贴着海平面向船中央甲板的方向疾驰而去。 When do not move here.” Jiang Chen warned the sentence lightly, then builds rifle, starts to follow the wall to move. “待在这里别动。”江晨淡淡地警告了句,然后架起步枪,开始顺着墙边移动。 „Do you want to go to do?” Ulrika was worried that asked. “你要去干什么?”乌尔丽卡担心地问道。 Nonsense, naturally saves others!” “废话,当然是救其他人!” Wait, they have 30 many personally, your one person......” “等等,他们有三十多个人,你一个人……” Jiang Chen has not paid attention to her, pulled down the body, bypasses the iron staircase, moved a back of small-scale container. 江晨没有理会她,压低了身子,绕过铁质楼梯,移动到了一座小型集装箱的背后。 Can catch up with the kidnapped ships in such a short time, the whole world also only then the Jiang Chen's private car [The Droplet 1] can achieve. 能在如此短时间内追上被劫持的船只,整个世界也只有江晨的座驾“水滴一号”能够做到了。 For rescues the person and equipment, he can only go to one personally. 为了将人和设备都救回来,他只能亲自去一趟了。 Is relying on that terrorist|terrifying cruise, as well as radio life signal detection installment, after arriving in losing contact Coordinate, Jiang Chen locked the position of this consignment ship very much with ease, and went full speed ahead to pursue. 凭借着那恐怖的巡航度,以及射电生命信号侦测装置,在抵达了失联坐标之后,江晨很轻松地就锁定了这艘托运船的位置,并开足马力追了上来。 At this time day also not black, from consignment ship losing contact is about several hours. 此时天还没黑,距离托运船失联也不过数个小时。 After consignment ship, two people act separately, Ayesha went to the captains cabin, but Jiang Chen mounted the deck directly. On new K2-Type mechanical exoskeleton may carry Optical Stealth Module, two people probably invisible Specter on the ship were common, approached these bloodthirsty pirates by nature. 靠近托运船后,两人分头行动,阿伊莎去了船长室,而江晨则是直接登上了甲板。新型的k2型机械外骨骼上可挂载光学隐形模块,两人在船上就好像不可视的幽灵一般,靠近了这些嗜血成性的海盗。 Then, the previous rescue of hostages, was the three years ago matters. 说起来,上次营救人质,还是三年前的事了。 On the screen through arm, Jiang Chen operated Hummingbird Drone to circle in the deck the back of that several pirate, then selected the target to Hummingbird Drone. 通过胳膊上的屏幕,江晨操作着蜂鸟无人机绕到了甲板上那几名海盗的背后,接着给蜂鸟无人机圈定了攻击目标。 The finger rubbed on the trigger, his deep breath the one breath, was psychologically prepared, knocked the button of confirmation attack fiercely, simultaneously carried rifle to move sideways to leave the bunker, was deducting the trigger to the sight in red point. 手指在扳机上摩擦了下,他深呼吸了一口气,做好了心理准备,猛地敲下了确认攻击的按钮,同时端着步枪闪身离开了掩体,对着视域中的红点扣下了扳机。 tú tú tú! 突突突 The sound of gunfire is resounded by the silencer is constraining, the concentrated fire firepower network flash selected the blood splash on several pirates, except for that tide sound, in the entire deck only heard one short and weak metal collision sounds. 被消音器压抑着的枪声响起,攒射的火力网一瞬间在几名海盗身上点起了血花,除了那海涛声,整个甲板上只传来了一串短促而微弱的金属碰撞声。 Has not caused anybody's idea. 没有引起任何人的主意。 Jiang Chen glanced the map of right arm screen, is marked the red point extinguished six instantaneously. 江晨瞟了眼右臂屏幕的地图,被标记着的红点瞬间熄灭了六个。 In the deck is also left over 4 people, mainly distributes in the bow. Besides detaining the place of hostage, the 15 pirates in cabin, have died in the hand of Ayesha. 甲板上还剩下四个人,主要分布在船头。除了关押人质的地方外,船舱里的15名海盗,已经死在了阿伊莎的手上。 Then is the hostage room?” “接下来是人质房吗?” Thought aloud that is muttering, Jiang Chen gave Ripper Rifle to exchange the new cartridge clip simultaneously. 自言自语地喃喃着,江晨同时给撕裂者步枪换上了新的弹夹。 Ayesha, your side how?” 阿伊莎,你那边怎么样了?” Has laid aside Silence Equipment, demolishes bsp ;Very good, I pass immediately.” “已经放置静默装置,还有爆破bsp;“很好,我马上过去。” Took a look in a deck the other 4 goals, the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth brought back wiped to grin fiendishly, marked to give drone these scattered goals one by one, then to detaining hostage the direction of cabin walked.( To be continued.) 8 瞅了眼甲板上剩余的四个目标,江晨嘴角勾起了一抹狞笑,将这些分散的目标逐一标记给了无人机,然后向扣押人质的船舱的方向走去。(未完待续。)八
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