IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#811: The pirates kidnap

The telephone is Xia Shiyu hits, listens to her tone, as if very anxious. 电话是夏诗雨打来的,听她的语气,似乎非常的焦急。 Although has not opened the mouth, but Jiang Chen already from telephone that gravity that felt the matter. 虽然还没开口,但江晨已经从电话那头感觉到了事情的严重性。 „Be responsible for consigning for shipment the Seawater Desalination Platform consignment ship when entering the Arab sea is intercepted by the pirate, the 15 High-Xin Fresh Water staff as well as 35 crew on ship were kidnapped as the hostage, we had had the contact with the Saudi aspect, but at present kidnapped consignment ship has started to the Arab sea, the sea area west of Somalia lost the signal!” “负责托运海水淡化平台的托运船在进入阿拉伯海时遭到海盗拦截,船上的15名高新淡水员工以及35名船员被劫持为人质,我们已经与沙特方面取得了联系,但目前被劫持的托运船已经开离了阿拉伯海,在索马里以西海域失去了信号!” The High-Xin Fresh Water freighter was kidnapped, after hearing this news, Jiang Chen sat from the sand immediately straight. 高新淡水货轮被劫持,当听到这个消息后,江晨顿时从沙上坐直了起来。 Gives me the Coordinate of ships losing contact!” “把船只失联的坐标给我!” Wait a bit!” “稍等!” The telephone hangs up, has not waited for a half minute, Xia Shiyu already the signal of losing contact ships to Jiang Chen's. 电话挂断,没有等半分钟,夏诗雨已经将失联船只的信号到了江晨的这边。 Confirmed the Coordinate of losing contact ships, Jiang Chen has the contact with Ivan immediately. 确认了失联船只的坐标,江晨立刻与伊万取得了联系。 High-Xin Fresh Water consignment ship and Seawater Desalination Platform encounter the militants to kidnap, the place Coordinate that the ships vanish finally I have gotten up pass to the server of headquarters. I order you, immediately sends out the rescue ship to go to the goal sea area, saves to me!” 高新淡水托运船和海水淡化平台遭到武装分子劫持,船只最后消失的地点坐标我已经上传到指挥部的服务器了。我命令你,立刻派出搜救船只前往目标海域,把人给我救回来!” Yes! Prefect!” Ivan replies immediately. “是!长官!”伊万立刻答道。 After mission told, Jiang Chen immediately from the sand sets out. 任务吩咐下去后,江晨立刻从沙上起身。 Sees Jiang Chen to change the clothes, Ayesha that walks from the staircase, walked toward him. 见到江晨换衣服,正从楼梯上走下来的阿伊莎,向着他这边走了过来。 Can go out?” “要出门吗?” Right,” threw the pajamas in one side, Jiang Chen changed a shirt, our ships were kidnapped in the Arab sea, I go to New Moon Island now immediately. Ayesha, troubled you to drive.” “没错,”将睡衣丢在了一边,江晨换上了一身衬衫,“我们的船在阿拉伯海被劫持了,我现在得立刻去新月岛一趟。阿伊莎,麻烦你开车了。” I change the body clothes.” “我去换身衣服。” The words saying, Ayesha turned around to vanish in the stairway. 话说完,阿伊莎转身消失在了楼梯口。 Opened the door of villa, Jiang Chen went to the garage directly, when he arrived at the garage, traded Ayesha of clothes first he one step to sit on that Lamborghini, skilled earth movement automobile. 推开了别墅的门,江晨径直去了车库,当他到达车库的时候,换好衣服的阿伊莎已经先他一步坐在了那辆兰博基尼上,熟练地动了汽车。 After Jiang Chen pulls open the vehicle door sits, the vehicle immediately goes out starting off. 江晨拉开车门坐上去后,车子立刻出门上路。 On the road, he telephones to Natasha, making her be late in the evening. 在路上,他给娜塔莎打了个电话,让她晚上晚点回来。 Made the telephone call, Jiang Chen looked at the scenery that out of the window is flying, the brow tightened gradually. 挂了电话,江晨望着窗外飞逝的景物,眉头渐渐紧锁了起来。 The High-Xin Fresh Water consignment ship was kidnapped by the pirate, this absolutely is a serious concern. Seawater Desalination Platform of ships consignment, is the 50 hostages on ship, makes him be hard not to worry. 高新淡水的托运船被海盗劫持,这绝对是个严重的问题。无论是船只托运的海水淡化平台,还是船上的五十余名人质,都让他难以不为之担忧。 However said, Jiang Chen somewhat is a little unexpected actually. Usually High-Xin Fresh Water dispatches on the ship of overseas, bodyguards stationed in four Star Ring Trading, although has not equipped drone and heavy weapon, but resists the common pirate should not to have the least bit issue. 不过说真的,有一点江晨倒是有些始料未及。通常高新淡水派往海外的船上,都会驻扎四名星环贸易的保镖,虽然没有装备无人机和重武器,但对抗一般的海盗应该是没有半点问题。 However now vanishes from the map until the ships, Future Group realizes to have problems, these must have the fishy! 然而现在直到船只从地图上消失,未来人集团这边才意识到出了问题,这其中必有蹊跷! At this moment, Jiang Chen thought of anything suddenly. 就在这时,江晨突然想到了什么。 turn back.” 调头。” Ayesha not hesitant, immediately is hitting steering wheel turn back. 阿伊莎没有犹豫,立刻打着方向盘调头 Goes?” “去哪?” Koro Island south wharf. We do not go to New Moon Island, goes to Coconut Fruit Island.” 科罗岛南部码头。我们不去新月岛,去椰果岛。” ...... …… In the India ocean, is turned toward the direction navigation of Madagascar Island by the consignment ship that the pirate kidnaps. Several wear black-clothed, the hand is mid-level the ak pirate to stand in the bow, looks at that High-Xin Fresh Water staff, under sending under escort that a pirate who grasps rifle, boarded the ship following the link arm from the offshore platform. 印度洋上,被海盗劫持的托运船正向着马达加斯加岛的方向航行。几名身着黑衣,手中端着ak的海盗站在船头,看着那名高新淡水的员工,在一名手持步枪的海盗的押解下,顺着连接臂从海上平台那边登上了船。 That arrived at the staff of back to be pale by the muzzle, was pushed and pulled drove in the cabin. 那名被枪口抵着背的员工脸色苍白,被连推带搡地赶进了船舱内。 These pirates regarding the High-Xin Fresh Water consignment ship quite familiar, they not only will set sail, but also knows that in Seawater Desalination Platform is loaded with the position finder. Is pointing at his pirate with the spear/gun, compelled him to turn off the position finder a moment ago. 这些海盗对于高新淡水的托运船相当的熟悉,他们不但会开船,还知道海水淡化平台中装有定位仪。身后用枪指着他的这名海盗,刚才就是逼着他去关了定位仪。 Controlled the captains cabin of consignment ship, closed the position finder of offshore platform, the entire ship vanished from the Future Group map. Even if Saudi navy catches up to rescue, no one can find them! 控制了托运船的船长室,关闭了海上平台的定位仪,整艘船就从未来人集团的地图上消失了。哪怕是沙特海军赶来救援,也根本没有人能找到他们! On that corridor that he passes through, can see after that simple scours , under remains the bloodstain. 在他经过的那条走廊上,能够看到那简单擦洗后残留下的血迹。 These bloodstains belong warrior that resists the pirate, but they have been lacerated the throat to throw into now. 那些血迹属于抵抗海盗的战士,只不过他们现在已经被割破喉咙扔进了海里。 They do not die of the muzzle of enemy, but dies of revolting of person on one's own side. In the sailor on consignment ship ambushes the informer of pirate, in these four Star Ring Trading soldier with approaching when the pirate ship exchanges fire, the informers of more than ten pirates kidnapped to hide from the average person in cabin at the same time, side takes the cutting tool in kitchen, after faced these four warrior to move the attack...... 他们不是死于敌人的枪口,而是死于自己人的叛变。托运船上的水手中埋伏有海盗的线人,在这四名星环贸易士兵与靠近的海盗船交火时,十余名海盗的线人一边劫持了躲在船舱内的普通人,一边拿着厨房里的刀具,从后面对那些四名战士动了袭击…… Stands in the cabin, keeps pirate chief Zaid of full beard, disdain swept eye these to shrink the person in corner trembling, looks that they rustlinged to shake under the intimidation of partner muzzle, the corners of the mouth twisted the mouth sidewise wiped the happy expression. 站在船舱内,留着大胡子的海盗头子扎伊德,不屑地扫了眼那些战战兢兢缩在墙角的人,看着他们在同伙枪口的恫吓下瑟瑟抖,嘴角不由咧开了一抹笑意。 Bageri, should not be scared, keeps these children, we can also gain together the ransom money again.” 巴盖里,别把人吓着了,留着这些小朋友们,咱们还可以再赚一道赎金。” hā hā! Behind big with our ship buys ** gets up, how much money can these soft eggs change? Might as well make two to come the bloodletting to play, I have not seen the shark to eat the person for a long time.” Bageri laughs dissolutely, he said used English intentionally, frightened the expressions on these hostages faces more panic-stricken. 哈哈!和我们船后面的大买**起来,这些软蛋们能换个多少钱?不如弄两个过来放血玩玩,我都好久没见过鲨鱼吃人了。”巴盖里放肆地大笑,他说的时候故意用了英语,吓得那些人质们脸上的表情更加惊恐了。 Mosquito again slightly is also the meat.” Zaid grins to say with a smile. “蚊子再小也是肉。”扎伊德咧嘴笑道。 The Madagascar Island order on under mysterious buyer, asked for the 500,000,000 USD sky-high price to High-Xin Fresh Water Seawater Desalination Platform, started them to stop to take by force the plan of merchant ship the year ago, planned since the implementation with single-hearted devotion this in view of the Future Group robbery. 马达加斯加岛上的神秘买家下的订单,对高新淡水海水淡化平台开出了5亿美元的天价,从年前开始他们就停掉了一切打劫商船的计划,专心策划实施起这场针对未来人集团的劫案。 A hostage supported to extort 1 oo ten thousand USD, the 30 many hostages also on oo ten thousand USD, compared the 500,000,000 USD income, but was an odd change. Let alone, exchanges the hostage also to have risk that runs upon the muzzle. 一名人质撑死了能勒索个1oo万美元,三十多名人质也就oo万美元而已,相比起5亿美元的收入,只不过是个零头而已。更何况,交换人质还有撞上枪口的风险。 Jokes aside, if did not dread that in angering Future Group, Zaid has ordered to execute to feed the fish these hostages. 说真的,如果不是忌惮于惹怒未来人集团,扎伊德早就下令将这些人质处决喂鱼了。 yīng yīng yīng......” 嘤嘤嘤……” Received excessive frightening, 受到了过度的惊吓, What to cry? hā hā, comes, lifts to take a look at......” Bageri to father the face to smile cruelly, walks up, tucked up the bangs of that gold/metal beautiful woman with the muzzle. When sees that cries the elegant face of tears person, immediately blew a whistling, „. Old Boss, this little girl very grows is pretty, you looked, our brothers suppressed such for a long time......” “哭什么?哈哈,来来来,把脸给老子抬起来瞧瞧……”巴盖里残忍地笑着,走上前去,用枪口撩开了那金美女的刘海。当看到那哭成泪人的俏脸时,顿时吹了个口哨,“啧。老大,这妞长得还挺靓的,你看,咱兄弟们都都憋了这么久……” Hurried to solve to roll.” Zaid does not beckon with the hand patiently. “赶紧解决完了滚回来。”扎伊德不耐烦地摆了摆手。 Bageri is his marksmanship is best, subordinate who also most can hit loyally, the only shortcoming was too lascivious. However now the ship has started out the Arab sea, even if Saudi navy knows that their positions, could not catch up mostly, they still two in the international waters grasp let alone scurry about blindly. 巴盖里是他枪法最好,最忠诚也最能打的手下,唯一的缺点就是太好色了。不过现在船已经开出了阿拉伯海,就算是沙特海军知道他们的位置,多半也是赶不上了,更何况它们还在公海上两眼抓瞎地乱窜。 The matter became half in any case, he is also disinclined to scold oneself subordinate. 反正事儿都成了一半了,他也懒得去数落自己的手下。 After all just like Bageri said that the brothers suppressed are too long. 毕竟正如巴盖里所说的,弟兄们都憋太久了。 In the cabin resounded cheered the whistling sound, several blacks shouted loudly lead wisely, then a face smiled to depend to these hostages obscenely, pleasing to the eyes female lifeform that colorless looked. 船舱内响起了欢呼地口哨声,几名黑鬼纷纷高呼领英明,然后一脸淫笑地向那些人质靠了过去,无色自己看的顺眼的雌性生物。 Bageri on, others are first waiting to me, this is the business of 500,000,000 US Dollar, did this ticket we to be able natural half a lifetime! Who must especially harmed the proper business, father must collapse his skull personally!” 巴盖里先上,其他人给我等着,这可是5亿美金的买卖,干了这票咱们都能潇洒个半辈子了!谁要特么的误了正事,老子非亲自崩了他的脑壳不可!” Although these pirates somewhat are anxious lust that releases the lower part, but led throwing the words here, they must repress that unbearably anxious evil thought that the response cheered the sound. 虽然这些海盗们都有些猴急着泄下半身的欲.望,但领都把话给撂在这儿了,他们也只得按耐住那急不可耐的邪念,响应地欢呼了声。 Asked you, let off me !” “求求你,放过我吧,呜!” That gold/metal beautiful woman entreated and resists desperately Bageri provoking anger, that black person robust man direct butt flung, knocked on the forehead of that gold/metal beautiful woman, pounded to faint her. 那个金美女拼命地哀求与抵抗把巴盖里给惹恼了,那个黑人壮汉直接一枪托甩了过去,磕在了那金美女的脑门上,将她砸晕了过去。 The greedy green eye swept in that wonderful graceful stature, Bageri hey hey wiped on her with a smile the oil, no matter then also she were dies lives, entrained her collar to go out of out of the door. 贪婪的绿眼睛在那妙曼的身材上扫了一眼,巴盖里嘿嘿地笑着在她身上揩了把油,然后也不管她是死是活,拽着她的衣领走出了门外。 Then how she will face the brutal treatment, has not needed to talk too much. 接下来她将面临怎样残酷的待遇,已经无需多言。 Squats the hostage in corner, looks the colleague who helplessly is constantly together was left out of the door, actually can only hold to squat helplessly there, is enduring remorse and humiliation in heart. Several female compatriot calves keep shivering, body unceasingly to male coworker and husband's body relieving, because they have noticed, in the room several other pirates looked that to line of sight that oneself that harbors evil intentions. 蹲在墙角的人质,眼睁睁地看着朝夕相处的同事被脱出了门外,却只能无能为力地抱头蹲在那里,忍受着心中的自责与屈辱。几名女同胞腿肚子不停地颤抖,将身子不断地向男同事、丈夫的身后缩着,因为她们已经注意到了,屋子里其它几名海盗看向自己那不怀好意的视线。 Even they still know, this pitiful security sense, is unable to take to their slight securities......( to be continued.) 8 即使她们也知道,这点可怜的安全感,根本无法带给她们丝毫的安全……(未完待续。)八
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