IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#810: The ambition of Philippines army

Greenpeace trouble Jiang Chen to was listens to Zhang Yaping saying that but has not cared. 绿色和平的麻烦江晨到是听张亚平说了,但并没有放在心上。 The opposite party also know obviously the Star Ring Trading bodyguard is not affable, has not been setting sail dry/does the stupid matter of impact offshore platform, but does the parade in the embassy entrance, in the international opinion stirs the excrement stick...... actually not to have many people serious them. 对方显然也知道星环贸易的保镖不是好惹的,没有在干开船冲击海上平台的蠢事儿,只是在使馆门口搞搞游行,国际舆论上搅屎棍……其实没多少人把他们当回事儿。 Since without disturbing the normal work of Future Group, Jiang Chen would have no to go to pay attention to these small matter trivially. In comparison, a more important matter waits for him to process, for example day by day tense Mindanao Island situation. 既然没有干扰到未来人集团的正常工作,江晨也就没有去理会这些琐屑“小事儿”。相比之下,还有更重要的事等着他去处理,比如说日趋紧张的棉兰老岛局势。 Is coordinated by United States Ministry of National Defense, has gone out of the laboratory with Lockheed Martin Company jointly developed ks- 32 vehicle-borne anti-drone Artillery System, officially begins the production. As Project Flytrap the main force equipment, this ks- 32 anti-drone Artillery System can conduct the information to suppress to radius 500 meters drone, forced landing including Future Group Beta Series row individual drone. 美国国防部牵头,与洛克希德马丁公司合作研发的ks-32型车载反无人机系统已经走出实验室,正式投入生产。作为“捕蝇计划”的主力装备,这款ks-32反无人机系统能够对半径500米的无人机进行信息压制,迫降包括未来人集团beta系列在内的单兵无人机 The Philippines army becomes Lockheed Martin Company first about Project Flytrap customer, first contributed 11,000,000 USD to purchase 1000 ks- 32 anti-drone Artillery System, for equipping frontline units. 菲国陆军成为洛克希德马丁公司的首个关于“捕蝇计划”的客户,首批斥资1100万美元采购了1000台ks-32反无人机系统,用于列装前线部队。 Follow-up buying plan also 8000, Philippines works hard, prepares to equip this type of anti-drone equipment on each fierce-tempered horse, armored vehicle and Tank, to cause Star Ring Trading drone tactic invalid. 后续采购计划还有8000台,菲国可谓是下足了功夫,准备在每一台悍马、装甲车、坦克上装备这种反无人机设备,以使星环贸易无人机战术无效化。 Meanwhile, Philippines also purchased 5 sets of Patriot 3 surface-to-air missile Artillery System, including 357 pa- 3 missile and 5 test ball and corresponding radar equipment and promotion suite frames, to deal the air superiority that Aurora-20 establishes. 与此同时,菲国还购进了五套爱国者三地对空导弹系统,包括357枚pa-三导弹和五枚测试弹以及相应的雷达设备和升级套件架,以应对极光-20建立的空中优势。 Although China deployed Patriot 3 missile Artillery System to express the protest regarding United States in Philippines, but has not affected the implementation of this arms sale. 虽然华国对于美国菲国部署爱国者三导弹系统表示了抗议,但并没有影响这次军售的实施。 Moreover, heard that Philippines also aims at previous time is under the EMP rocket missile attack in Mindanao Island, caused the headquarters and subordinate division headquarters completely loses the case of contact to analyze, introduced the world's most advanced EMP region protective equipment from European Laboratory. 另外,听说菲国还针对上次在棉兰老岛遭遇emp火箭弹打击,导致指挥部与下级师部完全失去联络的案例进行了分析,从欧洲实验室中引进了全球最先进的emp区域防护装置。 Obviously, this newly appointed Aquino IV, regarding regaining Mindanao Island wins. 显然,这位新上任的阿基诺四世,对于收复棉兰老岛可谓是志在必得。 Country of Moro President Santos General obviously compared with many that Jiang Chen must worry, Philippines intensified the border detection effort to start from July, he in keeping telephoning with Jiang Chen, requested reinforcements to Star Ring Trading. 摩洛国总统桑托斯将军显然比江晨要着急的多,从七月份菲国加大了边境侦查力度开始,他就在不停地和江晨这边通电话,向星环贸易求援。 We should make first move and get control! If they rallied the army, we will put in a bigger sacrifice!” “我们应该先发制人!如果等他们重整了陆军,我们将付出更大的牺牲!” Is preemptive in the tactic right, but we cannot do that strategically.” Sits in the study room, Jiang Chen is curling upwards one leg on the other, shook the head to deny the proposition of Santos. “在战术先发制人没错,但战略上我们不能这么做。”坐在书房里,江晨翘着二郎腿,摇头否定了桑托斯的提议。 According to «America-Philippines Joint Defense Treaty», if Country of Moro takes the lead to provoke the war, without doubt will draw in the Philippines chariot from the Pacific Ocean opposite shore United States, was equal to center Philippines below bosom. This Aquino IV clearly has many of brain compared with his predecessor, has not concealed the thought that oneself resort to violence in the strategic plan slightly, the goal is to provoke Country of Moro takes the lead to launch the attack. 根据《美菲共同防御条约》,如果摩洛国这边率先挑起战争,无疑将把美国太平洋的对岸拉上菲国的战车,等于正中了菲国的下怀。这个阿基诺四世显然比他的前任有脑子的多,在战略部署上丝毫没有掩饰自己动武的念头,目的就是为了挑衅摩洛国这边率先发动进攻。 Only when this war is aggressive war time, the Joint Defense Treaty will not become effective. In other words, Country of Moro must wait for Philippines first to fire this first spear/gun patiently, can avoid the worst case scenario. 只有当这场战争属于“侵略战争”的时候,共同防御条约才不会生效。也就是说,摩洛国必须耐心等待菲国先开这个第一枪,才能避免最坏的情况。 But “可是” I need you keep calm, does Mr. Santos, you understand my meaning?” Jiang Chen interrupted his words, said at a moderate pace. “我需要你保持冷静,桑托斯先生,你明白我的意思吗?”江晨打断了他的话,不紧不慢地说道。 After hearing the Jiang Chen's words, Santos the issue of full belly, the pressure goes back forcefully, the unwilling heart said. 听到江晨的话后,桑托斯将满肚子的问题,强行压力回去,不甘心地说道。 Yes.” “是。” Also good,” Jiang Chen nods, sat straight the body from the chair, how many are the present Country of Moro army scale?” “还不错,”江晨点了点头,从椅子上坐直了身子,“现在摩洛国的陆军规模是多少?” Altogether 50,000.” Santos replied. “一共五万。”桑托斯答道。 The Mindanao Island population altogether has 1000 eight 1 million, at its backward industry and economic level, can support the army of 50,000 person, as well as two Mechanized Brigade, suitable is not easy. It seems like this Santos has not drunk to eat the meat place all day **, some achievement on army. 棉兰老岛人口总共有一千百万,以其落后的工业、经济水平,能够支撑起五万人的陆军,以及两个机械化旅,已经相当的不容易了。看来这个桑托斯也并没有整天喝酒吃肉地**,在军队上还是有些作为的。 Recruits the reserve duty to enlist, again expansion of armaments 20,000. The issue of equipment I will solve for you, this you do not need to be worried.” “征召预备役入伍,再扩军两万。装备的问题我会替你解决,这个你不用担心。” What Star Ring Trading walks is the elites route, Future War Industry production the demand of weapon having no way satisfied Country of Moro. However is good because of the relations of Jiang Chen and Russia is good, does the cheap munitions through Natasha from Russia is not the difficult matter. 星环贸易走的是精兵路线,未来人军工生产的武器没法满足摩洛国的需求。不过好在江晨俄罗斯的关系不错,通过娜塔莎俄国那边搞到便宜的军火并不是什么难事儿。 After making the Santos telephone call, Jiang Chen found Natasha, ordered 40,000 from Russia ak- 12 assault rifle, as well as 10,000 box of ammunition, as well as mortar and rpg- 7 bazooka and other infantry support equipment, for supporting Country of Moro newly-organized Infantry Division. 挂了桑托斯的电话后,江晨找到了娜塔莎,从俄国那边订购了4万把ak-12突击步枪,以及1万箱弹药,以及迫击炮、rpg-火箭筒等步兵支援装备,用于支援摩洛国新编步兵师 Altogether the 1,500,000,000 USD arms sale, it may be said that is the reasonable price. 总共15亿美元的军售,可谓是价格公道。 The contract completed signing at the scene, it seems like that side Russia had expected, Jiang Chen will ask them to purchase these equipment. 合约当场就完成了签订,看来俄罗斯那边已经料到了,江晨会找他们购买这些装备。 Received the contract, Natasha then asked the drone matter to Jiang Chen freely spoken. 收起了合同,娜塔莎顺口便向江晨问起了无人机的事。 „Does Beta Series arrange in order drone as if to come under the influences of ks- 32 anti-drone Artillery System?” beta系无人机似乎会受到ks-32反无人机系统的影响?” Jiang Chen knows that Natasha is caring about anything, does not care beckons with the hand to say. 江晨知道娜塔莎在关心什么,不在意地摆了摆手说道。 Civil-type drone, sold to your is Type Beta-3B, belongs to paramilitary use drone, is equipped with the anti-interference equipment. Only if approaches to the ks- 32 100 meter scopes in, will otherwise not receive this vehicle-borne anti-drone Artillery System influence.” 民用型无人机而已,卖给你们的是beta-3b型,属于准军事用途无人机,内置有抗干扰设备。除非是接近到ks-32一百米的范围内,否则是不会受这款车载反无人机系统影响的。” I felt relieved.” Natasha said smilingly. “那我就放心了。”娜塔莎笑盈盈地说道。 The Russia imaginary enemy is NATO, if United States Project Flytrap were confirmed effectively, without doubt will hit to weaken Kremlin to arrange in order the drone interest in Beta Series. Introduces the beta drone leader as Russia, Natasha is not naturally willing to see, own merit was regarded a joke internally. 俄罗斯的假想敌是北约,如果美国捕蝇计划被证实有效,无疑会打打削弱克里姆林宫beta系无人机的兴趣。作为俄方引进beta无人机的牵头人,娜塔莎自然是不愿意看到,自己的功劳在国内被当成一个笑话。 After signing the contract, Natasha indicated that must go to Embassy, therefore then goes out. 签完合约后,娜塔莎表示要去一趟大使馆,于是便出了门。 Sees the time also early, idled somewhat bored Jiang Chen to take a Champagne from the refrigerator, by turned on the wrist watch on the sofa conveniently, assigned out the total information panels, since selected the browser to brush the scarf. 见时间还早,闲着有些无聊的江晨从冰箱里取了一支香槟,靠在沙发上随手打开了腕表,调出全息面板,点开浏览器刷起了围脖来。 Then, since Liu Yao helps he registered the scarf number, he has almost not used. For sometime he gave company operation team to handle the account number actually, but Future Technologies made Future Group afterward, he has not made the operation team person handle this account number again. 说起来,自从柳瑶帮他注册了个围脖号之后,他就几乎没怎么用过了。有一段时间他倒是将账号交给了公司的运营团队去打理,不过后来未来人科技做成了未来人集团,他也就没再让运营团队的人打理这个账号了。 Thinks carefully, previous time sends the scarf, seemed one year ago matter. 仔细想想,上次发围脖,似乎都是一年前的事儿了。 Opened the scarf account number, Jiang Chen noticed own fans to break 9000 unexpectedly ten thousand, as for that long string private letter number, was makes one be flabbergasted. 打开了围脖账号,江晨注意到自己的粉丝居然破了九千万,至于那一长串私信数,更是令人咋舌。 Scratching, am I so internally hot?” “擦,我在国内有这么火吗?” Jiang Chen touches the chin, seriously pondered this issue very much. 江晨摸了摸下巴,很认真地思考起了这个问题。 Also in his mind, goes to Xiangjiang that time, because was divulged the traveling schedule, causing a group of reporter to encircle, there are two goes to Wanghai City tryst Liu Yao mm, has not basically brought to the attention. 在他印象中,也就去香江的那次因为被泄露了行程,导致一大群记者围了上来,有两次去望海市私会柳瑶mm,也都基本上没有引起外界的注意。 Shakes the head, threw this issue in one side, Jiang Chen following searched for in the list to look hotly, unexpected discovery Seabed Farm these four characters are on the list unexpectedly. 摇了摇头,将这个问题扔在了一边,江晨顺着热搜榜上望去,意外的发现“海底农场”这四个字竟然上了榜。 It seems like Greenpeace Organization does the wind to do some rain advantage there, no one paid attention, Seabed Farm that Future Group has not deliberately propagandized, actually becomes the topic in the network, was makes Jiang Chen be somewhat surprised. 看来绿色和平组织在那里搞风搞雨还是有些好处的,原本没什么人关注,未来人集团也没怎么刻意去宣传的海底农场,在网络上竟然成为了话题,也是让江晨感到了有些意外。 The new wolf official also invited some domestic University Professor, Seabed Farm made a pretending to be serious explanation to this specially. 新狼官方还请来了国内某大学教授,专门对这个“海底农场”做了一番煞有介事的讲解。 However in the Jiang Chen preparation point opens has a look actually this expert has which respected opinions, a telephone actually hits came- 不过就在江晨准备点开看看这位专家究竟有哪些高见时,一个电话却是打了过来- ( Tomorrow then erupts!)( To be continued.) (明天接着爆发!)(未完待续。)
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