IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#809: Greenpeace

The graphene partition board also has the thin film, from the plant production of Xin-Ma Special Region, the technology content high spot, passes Industrial Grade 3D Printer again directly. 石墨烯隔板还有薄膜,都是从新马特区的工厂生产的,科技含量再高点的,直接通过工业级3d打印机 Has been busy at work in early July on this, the 400,000 mu seabed planter area development completed half, over ten thousand seabed planter unit even shop/spread came the meter/rice in water depth 100 seabed. By that matter delicate and solid graphene thin film, can see in the training trough a that platoon row of emerald-green adult plant, is shining under the weak led light source is growing prosperously. 就这样一直忙活到了7月初,40万亩的海底种植区开发完成了一半,上万座海底种植单元平铺在了水深一百来米的海底。透过那层纤弱而结实的石墨烯薄膜,可以看到培养槽中一那排排翠绿色的植株,正在微弱的led光源照耀下欣欣向荣地生长着。 Altogether ten offshore platforms distribute in this/should sea area, in each platform is based in the 12 staff, as well as two Star Ring Trading bodyguard who is responsible for the trouble-free service. Each offshore platform must manage over a thousand planter units, seemingly somewhat reluctantly, but is actually not so. 一共有十座海上平台分布于该海域,每座平台上常驻十二名工作人员,以及两名负责安全工作的星环贸易保镖。每座海上平台得管理上千座种植单元,看上去似乎有些勉强,但实则不然。 The water spray, applies fertilizer, sows seeds and trains the trough soil replacement wait/etc. a series of work, can complete through the planter unit automatically. Only then encounters few situations, needs the staff to operate the submersibles to launch. 洒水、施肥、播种、培养槽土壤更换等等一系列工作,都是可以通过种植单元自动完成的。只有遇到少量突发情况,才需要工作人员开着潜水器下水。 Surrounding waters because of oxygen of these planter unit emissions, but turns oxygen-rich condition that the matters concerned school of fish grew. For does not waste such a excellent fishery, Jiang Chen planned the marine fishery the above of this planter area, the construction floating-type cultivation base, raised the sardine, salmon and cod, and lobster and other marine product market common varieties, simultaneously made fish oil and other sideline products. 周围的水域因为这些种植单元排放的氧气,而变成了事宜鱼群生长的富氧环境。为了不浪费这么一座绝佳的渔场,江晨又将这种植区的上方规划成了海上渔场,建设浮动式养殖基地,饲养沙丁鱼、三文鱼、鳕鱼、以及龙虾等海货市场常见的品种,同时生产鱼油等副产品。 Because of the reason of oxygen-rich condition, the growth speeds of these fries compared with want quick many of wild breeding, meat quality will also be tastier, is easier to accumulate the fat. 因为富氧环境的缘故,这些鱼苗的发育速度要比野生放养的要快的多,肉质也会更鲜美,更容易积累脂肪。 Moreover, the excrement of these schools of fish can also collect through the specific installation, as natural organic fertilizer! 另外,这些鱼群的粪便还可以通过特殊设备收集起来,作为天然的有机肥! The farm and fishery complement one another, this is also the so-called circulation agriculture. 农场与渔场相辅相成,这也正是所谓的循环农业。 In this year's in mid August, in the Country of Xin agricultural market fair, can see to be from the vegetables of Country of Xin local at earliest. But most arrives late the end of this year, the Country of Xin grain market will reverse zero exit|to speak, from grain import Great Nation, turns into the granary on Pacific Ocean at one fell swoop! 最快在今年的八月中旬,新国的农贸市场上,就能看到产自新国本土的蔬菜。而最晚到今年年底,新国的粮食市场就将逆转零出口的局面,一举从粮食进口大国,变成太平洋上的粮仓! United States doesn't Cargill sell the farm? 美国嘉吉不卖农场? Smiling, little master I am not rare! 笑,小爷我还不稀罕! However regarding such aspect, sun day E company of Australia was not glad to see. 然而对于这样的局面,澳洲的sun日e公司并不是那么乐得看到。 Monopolized the entire Australian paddy rice market, as well as sun day E of most agriculture in the Asia competitor, only then Thailand and Vietnamese these two countries. However now braves Xin Ocean Agriculture to start in seabed to grow vegetables, this obviously is not a good start. 垄断了全澳洲稻米市场,以及大半个农产品市场的sun日e在亚洲的竞争对手,只有泰国、越南这两个国家而已。然而现在又冒出来一个新海农开始在海底种菜,这显然不是一个好的开始。 They were quite optimistic about the Country of Xin farm market, after all the Country of Xin cultivated area and population are not proportional completely, resists the impact resistance ability of global grain market price fluctuations is almost zero, way that however now, Country of Xin actually shocks by this making one, got rid the dependency on the Australian agricultural product, was really makes the sun day E company high level be hard to accept. 原本他们可是相当看好新国的农场品市场的,毕竟新国的耕地面积和人口完全不成正比,对抗全球粮食市场价格波动的抗冲击能力几乎为零,然而现在,新国却是以这种令人大跌眼镜的方式,摆脱了对澳洲农产品的依赖,实在是令sun日e公司的高层难以接受。 In Xin Ocean Agriculture announced the construction fishery above Seabed Farm, carried out three-dimensional agriculture at the same time, United States Cargill company convened Board of Directors to discuss, discussed that had uncertainties about the Asia agricultural market fair the counter measures. 就在新海农宣布在海底农场上方修建渔场,推行“立体化农业”的同时,美国嘉吉公司召开了董事会议,商讨关于亚洲农贸市场出现变数的应对措施。 Conference after start, on the board then debates unceasingly. The United States Cargill company shareholder is very numerous and disorderly, although real policy-maker, only then that 1~2, but this conference actually cannot exclude these competent shareholders. 会议从开始后,会议桌上便争论不休。美国嘉吉公司的股东很庞杂,虽然正真决策者只有那么一两个,但这种会议却不能将那些够资格的股东排除在外。 Not only Seabed Farm, heard that they also plan to construct Seabed Pasture!” “不只是海底农场,听说他们还打算修建海底牧场!” On this crowd of islands breaks off the coconut fruit monkey, will they be the plan the entire west Pacific Ocean epicontinental sea will turn into the farming?” “这群海岛上掰椰果的猴子,他们是打算将整个西太平洋的浅海都变成耕地吗?” We must find the way to prevent them!” “我们必须想办法阻止他们!” But Country of Xin is a country, can't we convince Congress to interfere with them?” “可新国是一个国家,我们总不能说服国会去干涉他们吧?” „Do the resources that we can utilize what have?” “我们能动用的资源有什么?” United States Ministry of Agriculture? The rank is completely insufficient!” 美国农业部?级别完全不够!” With dumping! We can crush their Seabed Farm with the low-cost grain!” A shareholder is knocking the table loud say/way with the knuckle. “用倾销!我们可以用低价粮食挤垮他们的海底农场!”一位股东用指节敲着桌子大声道。 „Very difficult! If Future Group iron core must enter the agricultural market, they will not care to owe this money! By their financial resource and influences, at least is also and a Boston Financial Group rank......” “很难!如果未来人集团铁了心地要进军农业市场,他们根本不会在乎亏这点钱!以他们的财力和影响力,至少也是和波士顿财团一个级别……” The conference conducts here, accidental/surprised calm. 会议进行到这里,意外的安静了下来。 Yes, how to say again this Future Group is also and a Boston Financial Group rank, although abd four big company have the financial group the shadow that invests in the back, but United States Cargill is privatization company, prime assets also in Asia, among interest relations with major financial groups not that close, market value only in 40-50,000,000,000 USD. 是啊,再怎么说这未来人集团也是和波士顿财团一个级别的,虽然abd四大公司都有财团在背后投资的影子,但美国嘉吉是私有化公司,主要资产也都在亚洲,与各大财团之间的利益关系没有那么的紧密,市值只在400-500亿美元之间。 How many 100 billion above Future Group with market value fights the price war, isn't this all right to look to pull out? 和市值几千亿以上的未来人集团打价格战,这不是没事找抽吗? Even if others make the high tech, ingredient that market value many have the equivalent height, but casual goes out to mortgage with the asset, no bank is willing to reject such a wealthy and powerful family. Only if the United States government thinks that it is necessary making a move, otherwise they look for having no way of Future Group, really has a joke backfire. 即便人家做高科技的,市值多少有虚高的成分,但随随便便拿点资产出去抵押,没哪家银行舍得拒绝这么一个大户。除非美国政府认为有必要出手,否则他们自己去找未来人集团的没法,简直是自讨没趣。 The CEO arm of Cargill company supports the table, the finger is rubbing the bitter volume brow repeatedly. 嘉吉公司eo胳膊撑着桌子,手指反复揉着酸涩额眉头。 If we had known this result, Your Mother sells considering as finished that 400,000 mu farm of now initially! Instead north the Australian state is not the fertile land, fertile land centralized in the east and south, now was good, if Country of Xin enters the grain market, they must be sheared one in the Asia market share. 早知道如今这个结果,尼玛当初就把那40万亩的农场卖了算了!反正在澳州北部又不是什么肥沃的土地,肥沃的土地都集中在东部和南部,现在好了,如果新国进入粮食市场,他们在亚洲的市场份额又得被割走一块。 Seabed Farm? 海底农场 The Country of Xin territorial waters area was really scary, this seabed cultivated area, left imagination space of people too big. 新国的领海面积实在是太吓人了,这海底的耕地面积,留给人们的想象空间太大了。 ...... …… Yesterday morning, we received the United Nations sea protection organization circular, Greenpeace Organization sued us, thinks that we seriously affected to disrupt the Pacific Ocean ecological environment in the seabed project. Professor of United States Colombia University biological research school supported this viewpoint, claimed that according to mathematical model analysis that he establishes, this 400,000 mu seabed farming possibly affects completely to change the local school of fish living habits, thus triggers the wide scope the sea ecological disaster.” “昨天上午,我们收到了联合国海洋保护组织通告,绿色和平组织起诉我们,认为我们在海底的工程严重影响破坏了太平洋的生态环境。美国哥伦比亚大学生物研究学院的教授支持了这一观点,声称根据他建立的数学模型分析,这40万亩的海底耕地可能影响彻底改变当地鱼群生活习性,从而引发大范围的海洋生态灾难。” Moreover, Greenpeace Organization in the United States State of California Embassy entrance held the parade in Country of Xin, grasps the ipad broadcast sea protected record piece, protested that the Country of Xin government despises the behavior of nature.” “另外,绿色和平组织新国美国加利福尼亚州大使馆门口举行了游行,手持ipad播放海洋保护纪录片,抗议新国政府藐视大自然的行为。” In Presidential Palace, is facing the report of secretary Zhang Yaping has a headache. 总统府内,张亚平头疼的面对着秘书的报告。 How does Greenpeace...... brave Greenpeace?” 绿色和平……怎么又冒出来个绿色和平?” Initial period of Greenpeace Organization when Cold War aimed at opposing nuclear test the civil rights organization, but from non-violent has evolved the model of anti- civilization organization now. Why as for said? In their eyes, Conghua learns the transgenic, all industries are „the devil element, must eliminate ; From the apple computer to the tuna canned food and mineral water bottle, is poisonous brings harm to ten thousand years of useless thing entirely harmfully. 绿色和平组织初期只是在冷战时以反对核试验为目的的民权组织,但现在已经从非暴力演变成了反文明组织的典范。至于为什么这么说?在他们眼里,从化学到转基因,所有工业都是“魔鬼的元素”,必须消灭;从苹果电脑到金枪鱼罐头和矿泉水瓶,统统是有毒有害贻害万年的无用东西。 Was entangled by these people, any country and organization will have. 被这些人缠上了,任何国家和组织都会感到头疼。 Compared once to entangle Future Group that unknown Blue Dolphin international organization, this Greenpeace wanted without doubt organized, wanted difficult to deal with many. Now Greenpeace absorbed predecessor the lesson, bypasses Future Group this unyielding person, exerts pressure on the Country of Xin government directly. 相比起曾经缠上未来人集团的那个名不见经传的蓝海豚国际组织,这个绿色和平无疑要有组织,也要难对付的多。现在绿色和平吸取了“前人”的教训,绕过未来人集团这根硬骨头,直接对新国政府施压。 Although superficial, but after all is various troubles! 虽然不疼不痒,但总归是各种麻烦! This group ate to the full supported is being all right dry/does Holy Mother, they do not know that in this world some people are still starving?” Ruthlessly fell the document on the table, Zhang Yaping scolded indignantly. “这帮吃饱了撑着没事干的圣母,他们难道不知道这个世界上有人还在挨饿吗?”狠狠的将文件摔在了桌子上,张亚平愤愤地骂道。 Actually truly what he wants to scold is Jiang Chen, does something to he clean up each time. 其实他真正想骂的是江晨,每次搞些事儿都得他来擦屁股。 After calming down, Zhang Yaping said to secretary. 冷静下来后,张亚平秘书说道。 Looks for my Chief of Staff, this matter we inner-party must meet.” “把我的幕僚长找来,这事儿我们党内得开个会。” Yes!”( To be continued.) “是!”(未完待续。)
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