IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#807: Covers the farm in the sea!

Your how long didn't have?” “你都多久没回来了?” Lies on the Jiang Chen's chest, Sun Jiao sighed spookily, spat the breath gently the warm breath, with finger in his chest front drawing a circle circle, quite complaint small sound said. 趴在江晨的胸膛上,孙娇幽幽地叹了口气,轻轻吐息着温热的鼻息,用手指在他的胸前画着圈圈,颇为怨念地小声道。 Is sorry......” “抱歉……” I do not listen to you saying that was sorry!” “我不要听你说抱歉!” Sun Jiao bit the mouth in the Jiang Chen shoulder ruthlessly, looks at his sore fierce expression, tittered to smile to make noise. 孙娇狠狠地在江晨肩头咬了口,看着他疼的龇牙咧嘴的表情,不由噗嗤地笑出了声来。 Sometimes I am thinking, actually three years ago, we only have a villa time, such life is also good.” “有时候我在想,其实三年前,我们只有一栋别墅的时候,那样的生活也挺好的。” Saying, Sun Jiao is sighing, stands up from failure to lie on the bed, two arm the chin, is looking at the Jiang Chen's profile crazily, the lip such as sleep talking is resulting is opening and closing, „. Moreover, always felt that...... that time you were more lovable.” 说着,孙娇叹了口气,翻了个身趴在床上,两只胳膊支着下巴,痴痴地望着江晨的侧脸,嘴唇如梦呓似得开合着,“而且,总感觉……那时候的你更可爱些。” But...... lovable anything.” Before Jiang Chen volume, braved the heavy line, regarding the man, this was not the commendatory term.” “可……可爱什么的。”江晨额前冒起了黑线,“对于男人而言,这可不是褒义词。” Hee hee, I know.” Sun Jiao spits the tongue, the lip angle bloomed heartfeltly wiped the happy expression, I felt, you compared with had the manly flavor at that time.” “嘻嘻,我知道啦。”孙娇吐了吐舌头,唇角由衷地绽放了一抹笑意,“我就是感觉,你比当时更有男人味了。” Looks at the Sun Jiao petty action, Jiang Chen said mischievously with a smile. 看着孙娇的小动作,江晨促狭地笑着说道。 Said, you currently have the woman taste more than before actually.” “不过说起来,你现在倒是比以前有女人味儿多了。” What, didn't you before saying me have the daughter taste?” The Sun Jiao willow eyebrows raise up, beat a Fist Dao in the Jiang Chen chest discontentedly. “什么嘛,你这是在说我以前没有女儿味儿?”孙娇柳眉竖起,不满地在江晨胸口捶了一拳道。 Far more than does not have, results in bandit, is really more valiant than the man? 何止是没有,和个土匪似得,简直比男人还彪悍好吗? Naturally, these words Jiang Chen was saying at heart, has not said. 当然,这句话江晨只是在心里说了说,并没有说出来。 However said, initial time, perhaps also Sun Jiao that wild nature charm attracted him. 不过说真的,最初的时候,或许也正是孙娇身上那野性的魅力吸引了他。 That present? Actually you liked past me, is present I?” Sun Jiao rubbed the arm to lie side Jiang Chen's, smilingly asked. “那现在呢?你究竟喜欢过去的我,还是现在的我?”孙娇蹭着胳膊趴在了江晨的身边,笑眯眯地问道。 Likes.” Jiang Chen said with a smile without hesitation. “都喜欢。”江晨毫不犹豫地笑道。 Also is really the greedy fellow!” “还真是贪心的家伙!” „Isn't hā hā, good?” 哈哈,不好吗?” ...... …… Ray unhealthy pale yellow of out of the window, on the face of people actually could not however have seen that dispirited gloom as before. In main street and small alley, the scavenger form goes on a trip in a hurry as before, which day of tragic death but no one will actually be worried about again in the mouth of foreign-species. Wanghai City passed the most difficult 20 remaining years of life, now had welcomed the Order first year. NAC will rule here, brings permanent peace and prosperity for here. 窗外的光线依旧不健康的昏黄,然而人们的脸上却已经看不到了那颓废的阴暗。大街小巷中,拾荒者们的身影依旧行色匆匆,但却没人会再去担心哪天惨死于异种之口。望海市度过了最艰难的二十余年,现在已经迎来了秩序的元年。na将统治这里,为这里带来永久的和平与繁荣。 On the table is suspending the dazzling cuisine, is apron Yao Yao in a line of sight in pairs greedy cat, carried vegetables of pot delicacy to cook the meat. 餐桌上摆着琳琅满目的菜式,系着围裙姚姚在一双双馋猫的视线中,端上了一锅美味的蔬菜炖肉。 These vegetables and pork all are from end the Garden of Eden farm, the meat that on the fruits and vegetables and clone pig that although in this numerical control planter tower pick shear cannot say that is the delicacy, but eats actually to make people feel the heartfelt happiness. 这些蔬菜和猪肉全都产自末伊甸园的农场,虽然这种数控种植塔上摘下来的蔬果和克隆猪身上割下来的肉都称不上是美味,但吃起来却能让人感到由衷的幸福。 On whole piece table, perhaps only then this rice and table salt, have the cooking oil, is „” import of Jiang Chen from present world that side. 整张桌子上,或许只有这米饭、食盐、还有食用油,是江晨从现世那边“进口”的了。 On the dining table, Jiang Chen asked to Lin Ling in the issue of marine construction farm. 饭桌上,江晨林玲问起了在海上修建农场的问题。 In marine construction farm? What...... you said is Seabed Farm? Although this type of thing has, but the significance is not very big, after all the Pan-Asia Cooperation arable land resource is rich, only then the part gains the supplies not convenient seabed facility to form a complete set small-scale Seabed Farm.” Is chewing the delicious meal, Lin Ling while said with the ambiguous sound. “在海上修建农场?哦……你说的是海底农场吗?这种东西虽然有,但意义不是很大吧,毕竟泛亚合作的耕地资源丰富,只有部分获取补给不方便的海底设施才会配套一个小型海底农场。”一边嘴嚼着可口的饭菜,林玲一边用含糊的声音说道。 That side Jiang Chen elder brother does not have many eats?” Yao Yao is crooked the small head to ask. 江晨哥哥那边不是有很多吃的吗?”姚姚歪着小脑袋问道。 Because many people need to eat meal, therefore the grain was insufficient.” Jiang Chen favored to drown to rub Yao Yao beautiful hair, said with a smile. “因为有很多人需要吃饭,所以粮食不够了哦。”江晨宠溺地揉了揉姚姚的秀发,笑着说道。 Although is not very clear reason, but found the clue make is very really comfortable, Yao Yao narrowed the eye happily, the issue will throw after the brain. 虽然不是很明白其中的缘由,但被摸头真的真的很舒服,姚姚不由开心地眯起了眼睛,将刚才的问题抛在了脑后。 The Xiaorou index finger is arriving at the lower lip, offered a stupid idea for Jiang Chen very much earnestly. 小柔食指抵着下唇,很认真地替江晨出了个馊主意。 „The stock of Tank also has many, moved part in the past not on the line?” 坦克的库存还有不少,挪一部分过去不就行了吗?” Tank cannot work as the food to eat.” The Jiang Chen perspiration said. 坦克又不能当饭吃。”江晨汗道。 Can snatch!” Will be eating the spareribs of delicacy, Sun Jiao while interrupted not completely indifferently. “可以抢!”一边将啃着美味的排骨,孙娇一边满不在乎地插嘴道。 Sweat, this sisters two concepts are so how violent. 汗,这姐妹两的观念怎么都这么暴力。 Forget it, I do not want to recycle waste in two world.” Jiang Chen spits the mortise ruthlessly. “得了吧,我可不想在两个世界捡破烂。”江晨狠狠地吐槽道。 At this moment, Lin Ling that has eaten meal earnestly interrupted suddenly. 就在这时,一直埋头吃饭的林玲突然插嘴道。 Seabed Farm...... this aspect after all is not my strong point, I have no means. However why don't you ask the White Whale Investigation Station person? Should they be this expert in aspect?” 海底农场……这方面毕竟不是我的强项,我也没什么办法。不过你为什么不问问白鲸考察站的人?他们应该是这方面的行家吧?” Lin Ling such remarks, Jiang Chen immediately at heart Fuck Me. 林玲此话一出,江晨顿时在心里卧槽了一句。 Right, White Whale Seabed Investigation Station person not in a seabed type of vegetable/dish? How these people forgetting? 对啊,白鲸海底考察站的人不就是在海底种的菜吗?咋就把那些人给忘了呢? ...... …… Since signed the trade agreement after Sixth Block, White Whale Investigation Station starts to provide the paid escort agreement to the Sixth Block merchant, is maintaining from Wanghai City to the Japan Island of Kyushu, as well as bypasses Yizhou Island to go to the trade routes of places of hundred more. 自从与第六街区签订了贸易协定后,白鲸考察站就开始向第六街区的商人提供有偿的护航协议,维系着从望海市日国九州岛,以及绕过夷州岛前往百越之地的商路。 In order to with needing the merchant contact of escort service, White Whale Investigation Station on that street of Sixth Block market entrance, set up an office. While handling business, holds concurrent jobs function that fulfills the embassy. 为了方便与需要护航服务的商人联络,白鲸考察站第六街区市场门口的那条街上,设立了一个事务所。在办理业务的同时,也兼职履行使馆的职能。 After the lunch, the whole family tidied up the tableware together, Jiang Chen should the request of Yao Yao, held Little Loli to rest a while afternoon nap. 午饭后,一家人一起收拾了碗筷,江晨姚姚的要求,抱着小萝莉睡了一会儿午觉。 Almost to 3 : 00 pm, Jiang Chen went to Sixth Block, found near the Outer Circle market based in this's Wu Yue, raised the Seabed Farm matter to him. 差不多到了下午 3 点,江晨去了一趟第六街区,在外圈的市场附近找到了常驻在此的吴岳,向他提起了海底农场的事。 Seabed Farm? Do you need the technology in that aspect to do?” After listening to the Jiang Chen's words, Wu Yue visits him to ask bewilderedly. 海底农场?你们需要那方面的技术干什么?”当听完江晨的话后,吴岳莫名其妙地看着他问道。 White Whale Investigation Station truly has Seabed Farm in Pacific Ocean seabed, because of the reason of shortage of energy, the output ratio of farm is very low, or White Whale Investigation Station will not import so many canned food from Sixth Block every month. 白鲸考察站太平洋海底确实拥有一座海底农场,但因为能源短缺的缘故,农场的产出效率很低,要不白鲸考察站也不会每个月从第六街区进口这么多罐头了。 However the Wu Yue curious place here, this NAC has Garden of Eden this type of flamboyant thing obviously, why also to have the idea of Seabed Farm? 然而吴岳好奇的地方就在这里,这na明明有伊甸园这种牛逼的东西,干嘛还去打海底农场的主意? Research need, the price is open to discuss. However should this Seabed Farm technical data, not be the difficult matter to you?” Jiang Chen asked. “研究需要,价格好商量。不过这海底农场的技术资料,对你们来说应该不是什么难事吧?”江晨问道。 Sees Jiang Chen not to plan to explain, Wu Yue shrugs, does not have to ask again. 江晨不打算解释,吴岳耸了耸肩,也就没再多问。 Truly isn't the difficult matter, how the words of price...... one ton beef canned food? How after all these materials said again also has certain value, besides Seabed Investigation Station, will rarely have the unit to store up “确实不是什么难事,价格的话……一吨牛肉罐头如何?毕竟这些资料再怎么说也是有一定价值的,除了海底考察站以外,很少有单位会储存” Deal.” Jiang Chen beckons with the hand to say. “成交。”江晨摆了摆手说道。 Seeing Jiang Chen complies is so quick, Wu Yue was happy when also somewhat regretted, if we had known Your Mother reported toward the high spot the price! 江晨答应地这么快,吴岳高兴之余也是不由有些后悔,早知道尼玛就把价格往高点报了! However since the transaction has achieved, he has not said anything again, fed in observation station the news through the communicator. How long Jiang Chen has not waited for here, observation station that side person transmitted the correlation data pack of Seabed Farm. 不过既然交易已经达成,他也就没再说些什么,通过发信器将消息传回了考察站江晨没在这里等候多久,考察站那边的人就将海底农场的相关数据打包发送了过来。 Downloaded in the data the wrist watch, Jiang Chen took out a check very much refreshedly, signed one line of characters above, after Wu Yue confessed that can take this check went to the NAC's granary to draw out one ton beef canned food, then turns around to leave the White Whale Investigation Station office.( To be continued.) 将数据下载到了腕表中,江晨很爽快地取出了一张支票,唰唰地在上面签下了一行字,向吴岳交代可以拿着这张支票去na的粮仓支取一吨牛肉罐头后,便转身离开了白鲸考察站的事务所。(未完待续。)
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