IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#806: The purchase is blocked

Three days later, the applicants broke through surely. 三天后,报名人数突破了千万。 Without the immigration of threshold, first received Africa and welcome of Middle East poverty-stricken people. These more or less contacted the network, is longing for people of outside world happy life, seems especially warm in the registration. 没有门槛的移民,首先受到了非洲、中东地区穷苦人民的欢迎。那些或多或少接触了网络,又渴望着外面世界美好生活的人们,在报名的时候显得格外热情。 However Jiang Chen fell short of the anticipations of these people obviously. 不过江晨显然是辜负了这些人的期待。 Person who regarding coming from the volunteer in backwardness area, the extreme discretion of Star Ring Trading performance, almost the entrant selection from Africa area, has not rarely had Middle East obtains the interview qualifications. 对于来自落后地区的志愿者,星环贸易表现的极为谨慎,几乎没有来自非洲地区的报名者入选,鲜有中东地区的人获得面试资格。 Because of the racial discrimination, totally is the public security and other factor of actually not the considerations. The habits and customs and religious custom, even are the cuisine, these probably bring the hidden danger for colonizing, the entrants who to reduce the risk in this aspect, any have the denial opinion to the secularization are unable to obtain the interview qualifications. 倒不是因为种族歧视,完全是出于治安等方面因素的考虑。生活习惯、宗教习俗、甚至是饮食文化,这些都可能为殖民带来隐患,为了降低这方面的风险,任何对世俗化采取否定意见的报名者都无法获得面试资格。 After the interview result comes out, Liu Qingpeng cannot believe, only had Highschool Diploma to be successfully selected unexpectedly?! 面试结果出来后,刘庆鹏连自己都不敢相信,只有高中学历的自己居然成功入选了?! The happiness comes too suddenly, he then drew in the factory several to relate the good co-worker to go out on the same day excitedly to drink the liquor, next day then to the head resignation in factory, then had own status information to go to Country of Xin Embassy, attained working visa that went to Koro Island. 幸福来得太突然,他当天便兴奋地拉着厂里几个关系好的工友出去喝了顿酒,第二天便向厂里的负责人辞职,然后带着自己的身份信息去了新国大使馆,拿到了前往科罗岛的工作签证。 Is towing the suitcase, alit from the airplane at the Koro Island airport, was quick he then to see China , Pakistan that were responsible for sending and picking up the volunteer. 拖着行李箱,在科罗岛的机场下了飞机,很快他便看到了负责接送志愿者的中巴。 On the minibus is in the majority by the person of Asian descent, even his fellow villager. Also there is much to sit from Europe, United States and Russia person on the vehicle, because of language barrier, he sized up these foreigner several eyes curiously, not with they many exchanges. 中巴车上以黄种人居多,甚至还有他的老乡。也有不少来自欧洲、美国俄罗斯的人坐在车上,不过因为语言不通,他只是好奇地打量了这些洋鬼子几眼,没有和他们过多的交流。 The minibus drove a ferryboat, later the ferryboat then arrived on Ange Island, then delivered to by the training center volunteer community them by the minibus. 中巴车开上了一艘渡轮,随后渡轮便开到了安加岛上,接着由中巴车将他们送到了训练中心旁的志愿者小区。 From now on, they will live here, accept in 4 hours of facility to train every day, as well as 4 hours of VR training. 从今往后,他们将生活在这里,每天接受四小时场馆内培训,以及四小时的vr培训。 Six months later, they will act according to respectively the performance in training, is divided into the different kinds of work in a factory to conduct specialized training. A year later, their status will be put on regular status from the temporary worker, although as before is the volunteer, but could be accurate astronaut. 六个月后,他们将根据各自在训练中的表现,分成不同的工种进行专门化的培训。一年后,他们的身份将从临时工转正,虽然依旧是志愿者,但已经可以算是准航天员了。 The construction of Space Elevator can launch with Moon Colonization Plan synchronously, one year later Star Ring Trading changes selects 200 people from these volunteers, as first batch of Colonist that goes to Moon, take this stirring interstellar to colonize the first step! 太空电梯的修建会与月球殖民计划同步展开,一年后星环贸易变回从这些志愿者中选出200人,作为第一批前往月球殖民者,迈出这震撼人心的星际殖民第一步! ...... …… After Space Elevator completion, in space station needs massive astronaut. 太空电梯竣工后,空间站中需要大量的航天员 Before Space Elevator plans activate(d), this Astronaut Training Center began construction. On the one hand to provide the space station staff to Star Ring Trading, then on the other hand to conduct aerospace training of foundation to the Country of Xin national, at least must achieve to adapt to the Zero Gravity circumstances the degree! 早在太空电梯计划启动之前,这座航天员培训中心就开始动工了。一方面是为了向星环贸易提供空间站的工作人员,另一方面则是为了对新国国民进行基础的航天培训,至少得做到适应无重力环境的程度! Currently has the 30,000 famous volunteer to arrive in Country of Xin to be trained, although started the cooperation with Future Tourism, but entire aerospace training center is still losing money. According to the estimate of finance department, this month aerospace training center deficit probably in 8,000,000 USD to 10,000,000 USD.” “目前已经有3万名志愿者抵达新国接受培训,虽然与未来人旅游展开了合作,但整个航天培训中心依旧处于亏损状态。根据财务部的估算,本月航天培训中心的赤字大概在800万美元1000万美元之间。” „Does one year owe 1 hundred million?” “一年亏掉一个亿吗?” When hears the report of Xia Shiyu, Jiang Chen's expression not big change. 当听到夏诗雨的汇报时,江晨的表情并没有多大的变化。 The aerospace project is a bottomless pit, he has been ready that the earlier period was in arrears, 1000 hundred million owes, will he also care about this only one hundred million? 航天项目是个无底洞,他早就做好了前期亏钱的准备,一千多亿都亏出去了,他还会在乎这区区一个亿吗? „The budget of training center maintains unchanged, but makes that side Wei Yun try to find the solution, can look make this aerospace training center many in travelling in this aspect under the display. Did not strive for assuming responsibility for own profits and losses, do not owe fiercely was good, I did not have other request.” 培训中心的预算维持不变,不过让卫允那边多想想办法,看看能不能让这航天培训中心多在旅游这方面上多发挥下。不求自负盈亏,别亏的太厉害就行了,我也没别的要求了。” I can say with him.” The Xia Shiyu nod said. “我会和他说的。”夏诗雨点头道。 Moreover, progressed with the Australia sun day E company negotiations how?” Placed the matter that the astronaut trains one side, Jiang Chen asked another problem that he cared about, that will be future Space Elevator space station and food supply of Moon colonizing base. “另外,和澳大利亚sun日e公司谈判进展的怎么样了?”将宇航员培训的事放在了一边,江晨问起了他关心的另一个问题,那就是未来太空电梯空间站月球殖民基地的粮食供应。 Sun day E company refused us about purchasing the proposition of northern Australia farm, even if we asked for 11% premiums. According to sun day E that side was responsible for disclosing with the person who we negotiated, this decision was that side parent company United States Cargill makes.” “sun日e公司拒绝了我们关于收购澳洲北部农场的提议,即便我们开出了11%的溢价。根据sun日e那边负责与我们谈判的人透露,这个决定是母公司美国嘉吉那边做出的。” It is well known, the global 80 percent grain market was controlled by abd four big company. These four company respectively are United States adm and United States Bunge and United States Cargill, as well as France Louis Dreyfus. It can be said that the global food prices are basically decided by these four company. 众所周知,全球百分之八十的粮食市场被abd四大公司所控制。这四家公司分别为美国adm、美国邦吉美国嘉吉、以及法国路易达孚。可以说,全球粮食价格基本上是由这四家公司决定的。 The people with high aspirations are not difficult to discover, three company belong to United States, can say that the global grain market basically is comes under the control of United States. Although United States had never announced the grain market must use USD to settle accounts, but the meter/rice in global person bowl, has not left the control of United States. 有心人不难发现,其中三家公司都属于美国,可以说全球粮食市场基本上是置于美国的控制之下。虽然美国从未宣布过粮食市场必须使用美元结算,但全球人碗里的米,从来都没有离开过美国的掌控。 20 2004 soybean crises, the China squeezing enterprise collective falls to the enemy, American to just joined on WTO less than three years of Chinese painful trade class. To more than ten years later today, the China soybean cultivation industry has not gotten strength back from the past crisis. 2004年大豆危机,华国压榨企业集体沦陷,美国人给刚加入世贸组织不到三年的华国人上了一节沉痛的“贸易课”。一直到十多年后的今天,华国大豆种植业都没有从当年的危机中缓过劲来。 Before 2004, but China one of the soybean primary output Great Nation. 要知道,04年之前,华国可是大豆主要产出大国之一。 Now is not barbarous Victorian Times, the battlefield between countries does not depend on acting recklessly of real swords and spears, through using market not visible lever, even can achieve thing that the nuclear weapon cannot achieve. 现在已经不是野蛮维多利亚时代了,国与国的战场早已不靠真刀真枪的蛮干,通过利用市场这根看不见的杠杆,甚至能做到核武器都做不到的事。 Orbital Space Station or the Moon base, is hard to achieve the self-sufficient industry is only the food production. Even if the water used cultivated the way that air/Qi cultivated to achieve, was difficult to control its high production cost. 无论是轨道空间站还是月球基地,唯一难以做到自给自足的产业就是粮食生产。哪怕用水培、气培的方式做到了,也难控制其高昂的生产成本。 Had Space Elevator, transports the cost of grain greatly to reduce to Outer Space, but is hard to shake off the controls of abd four company from the source as before. 有了太空电梯,向外层空间输送粮食的成本会大大降低,但从源头上依旧难以摆脱abd四家公司的控制。 At present, the Country of Xin grain basically relies on imports from Australia, if Jiang Chen resorts to arms to USD when the time comes, United States that has no consideration for face will begin to strike Country of Xin in the grain market without a doubt. 目前,新国的粮食基本上依赖于从澳洲进口,如果到时候江晨美元动刀,撕破脸的美国毫无疑问会在粮食市场上动手敲打新国 Completely relies on Country of Xin that imports from the grain to the production of dairy products, does not garrison in the grain market. 从谷物到乳制品的生产完全依赖进口的新国,在粮食市场上可谓是毫不设防。 The price fluctuations international market reduce to the lowest method, only then, that is achieves itself to produce, since the importer turns into the exporter! Even if this rice is not long from the Koro Island land, in the overseas farm that must control from Country of Xin its enterprise is long. 将国际市场的价格波动缩减到最低的方法只有一个,那就是做到自己生产,从进口国变成出口国!哪怕这大米不是从科罗岛的土地上长出来,也得是从新国本国企业控制的海外农场中长出来。 Achieves the self-sufficiency of food production, regarding the Star Ring Trading future development, it may be said that will be important! Therefore Jiang Chen told Xia Shiyu, to monopolizing sun day E company of Australia grain exports proposed plan of asset purchase, hopes that can purchase north Australia from his hand a 400,000 mu farm. 做到粮食生产的自给自足,对于星环贸易日后的发展来说,可谓是至关重要!所以江晨吩咐夏诗雨,对垄断澳大利亚谷物出口的sun日e公司提出了资产收购的预案,希望能从其手中收购澳大利亚北部40万亩的农场。 However is very regrettable, holding sun day E company United States Cargill is not willing to give up the farm in hand, although a 400,000 mu farm of only occupied sun day E company to have a very small part in farming. 然而很遗憾,控股sun日e公司美国嘉吉并不愿意放弃手中的农场,虽然40万亩的农场只占sun日e公司持有耕地中的很小的一部分。 Contacts with the United States Cargill aspect?” “和美国嘉吉方面接触呢?” They are not willing to discuss.” Xia Shiyu shakes the head to say. My suggestion registers child company in Australia, through purchase farm of child company from the hand of Australian farm operator...... the cost and efficiency, although doing that are not proportional, but the difficulty definitely compares from daring the greatest danger to be much smaller.” “他们根本不愿意谈。”夏诗雨摇头道。“我的建议是在澳洲注册子公司,通过子公司从澳洲农场主的手中收购农场……虽然这么做的成本和效率不成正比,但难度肯定比从虎口拔牙要小得多。” As one of the Asia granaries, Australia Agriculture is quite mature, will not have the farm operator to be willing to sell the farm in hand, after all the farmers in many Australia took this as to live for generations, lost the farm they unable to find other live did. 作为亚洲的粮仓之一,澳洲农产品市场相当成熟,根本不会有农场主愿意出售手中的农场,毕竟不少澳洲的农民世世代代都是以此为生的,失去了农场他们也找不到别的活干。 Only if Future Group asks for very high premium, otherwise they will not nod. 除非未来人集团这边开出很高的溢价,否则他们根本不会点头。 Jiang Chen also worries suddenly. 江晨一时间也是犯了难。 Country of Xin this place anything is good, was the area is small. At that time chose the base time he to without consideration was so far, is thinking the economic globalization, had money to lack anything to be able in any case to buy, however and other present trays big he discovered, matter simple that was far from him imagining initially. 新国这地方什么都好,就是面积小了点。当时选择根据地的时候他到没考虑那么远,想着反正经济全球化,有钱缺啥都能买到,然而等现在盘子大了他才发现,事情远远没有他当初想象的那么简单 Bother of real Your Mother, if can change into the land several thousand square kilometers territorial waters well on...... wait/etc.! 尼玛的烦,要是能把几千平方公里的领海换成陆地就好了……等等! Thought of here, the Jiang Chen's eye shone immediately. 想到了这里,江晨的眼睛顿时亮了起来。 Covered the farm in marine not on the line?( To be continued.) 把农场盖在海上不就行了?(未完待续。)
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