IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#805: Astronaut Training Center

The Ange Island southern seashore, here is situated special astronaut to train the 7 oo mu area, occupied southernmost a Ange Island corner/horn sea cliff. 1/3 facilities on the road, but 2/3 facilities are located in the sea. 安加岛南部的海边,这里坐落着一座特殊的航天员培训7oo亩的占地面积,占据了安加岛最南端的一个角海崖。三分之一的设施位于路上,而三分之二的设施则位于海中。 The graphene insulation irised out one to occupy a land area of a 4 oo many mu water trough in the sea, the sea water and sea water in no liquid exchange this water trough, the interior was divided two sub-areas by the graphene insulation. Through the change district sea water salt content, enabling the sea water buoyancy to counter-balance with the gravity, to simulate the gravity-free environment in outer space, as well as Moon surface Low Gravity environment. 石墨烯隔层在海上圈出了一个占地4oo多亩的水槽,这个水槽中的海水与外界海水无液体交换,内部被石墨烯隔层分割成了两个区块。通过改变分区海水含盐量,使得海水浮力能与重力相抵消,以模拟太空中的失重环境,以及月球表面的低重力环境。 The underwater construction has to simulate space station, outer space Living Area, the testing cabin, the core cabin. The training project covered from space walk, works in the core cabin, again to operating the work boat completes the recycling of outer space wreckage 437 outer space activities. 水下建设有模拟空间站,太空生活区,实验舱,核心舱等。培训项目涵盖了从太空行走,到核心舱工作,再到操作工作艇完成太空残骸的回收等共437个太空活动项目。 And a 1 o 3 project is foreign, the Country of Xin nationals or the foreign visitors may admission User Experience, but other 335 projects have certain secrecy, the staff who are trained are participable. 其中1o3个项目对外公开,无论是新国国民还是外国游客都可入场体验,而其余的335个项目则具有一定的保密性,只有接受培训的工作人员才可参与。 The facility the sidereal revolution is free open to the public on Saturday, except for having the guardian takes care of the child to come to here to play, the social practice activities of public school organization, only charge few admission ticket fees then to enter the stadium. It is not just open to the home boy, the passenger who comes the Country of Xin traveling may also through paying the 1 oo USD admission, holds the feeling of tourist passport admission User Experience weightlessness. 场馆周六周天免费向公众开放,除了有家长带着小孩来这里游玩,还有公立学校组织的社会实践活动,只收取少量的门票费即可入场。并非只向本国人开放,来新国旅游的旅客也可通过缴纳1oo美元的入场费,持旅游护照入场体验失重的感觉。 However considering spacesuits expensive price, the staff who are trained may equip. But other tourists, then can only use the simulation spacesuits User Experience space environment. 不过考虑到宇航服昂贵的价格,只有接受培训的工作人员才可装备。而其他的游客,则只能够使用仿真宇航服体验太空环境。 Entire training center investment 2,500,000,000 USD, as one of the Star Ring Trading space programs, is allocated funds to undertake construction by the Space Elevator project section, most may admit the 8 ooo famous tourist as well as training simultaneously. On the scale and openness, here without doubt is the world's largest aerospace training center. 整座培训中心投资共25亿美元,作为星环贸易太空计划之一,由太空电梯项目部拨款承建,最多可同时接纳8ooo名游客以及培训者。就规模和开放程度而言,这里无疑是全球最大的航天培训中心 Future Group just like the aerospace enterprise by the personal project, made a Nation Grade project. Except that greatly the bill threw into outer space bottomless pit, but also through oneself in the influence of Country of Xin political circle, released the policy of a series of stimulation aerospace industry show/unfolds. 未来人集团俨然将航天事业由私人工程,做成了一个国家级的项目。除了将大把的钞票扔进了太空这个无底洞中,还通过自身在新国政界的影响力,推出了一系列的刺激航天产业展的政策。 For example the aerospace industry is exempted from tax, aerospace volunteer immigration policy...... 比如航天产业免税,航天志愿者移民政策…… If the astronaut in global which country is highest proportion, after for several years, belongs to Country of Xin inevitably. 如果说全球哪个国家的宇航员比例最高,数年之后必然非新国莫属。 ...... …… Liu Qingpeng from China Fujian, is one of the aerospace volunteer immigration policy beneficiaries. 来自华国福建刘庆鹏,正是航天志愿者移民政策的受益人之一。 Three months ago, he but who also works in Fujian, saw a special advertisement from the news of Future 1. o push. 三个月前,还在福建打工的他,从未来人1.o推送的新闻中看到了一条特别的广告。 Star Ring Trading promulgates Moon Colonization Plan, collects the volunteer to the world!】 星环贸易颁布月球殖民计划,面向全球募集志愿者!】 This advertisement lets he remembered for several years ago spae outer space company announcement Mars Colonization Plan, in future 2015 to 2020, the United States spae company plan will escort to Mars Colonization 80,000 volunteers, the volunteer in sparks (Mars) has gotten up on the self-sufficient life...... 这条广告让他想起了几年前spae太空公司公布的火星殖民计划,在未来15年2o年,美国spae公司计划将8万名志愿者送往火星殖民,志愿者将在火星上过上自给自足的生活…… Sounds very Xuanhuan. 听起来很玄幻 After all close Moon colonizing has not been completed, let alone had 55 oo ten thousand kilometers sparks (Mars) with the Earth point blank range. But it according to the plan of spae- company promulgation, each volunteer needs to self-provide the 5 o ten thousand USD travel expenses. 毕竟近在咫尺的月球殖民都没完成,更别说与地球最近距离都有55oo万公里的火星了。而其根据spae-公司颁布的计划,每名志愿者需要自筹5o万美元的旅费。 This is Mars Colonization Plan, to rather is a distinctive numerous plans. 与其说这是一项火星殖民计划,到不如说是一场别具一格的众筹。 However Star Ring Trading the advertisement, was makes his eyeball mount stubbornly on the screen, cannot move to the half a point. 不过星环贸易的这则广告,却是让他的眼球死死地黏在了屏幕上,移不开半分。 All volunteers only need sign a security agreement, devotes to the aerospace enterprise voluntarily, can join in the aerospace project. All project participants, in passes after the official site registration, then goes to the embassy application special job visa to enter a country, joins our enterprises.】 【所有志愿者只需签一份安全协议,自愿献身航天事业,便可投身于航天项目中。所有项目参与者,在通过官网报名通过后,即可前往使馆申请特殊工作签证入境,加入我们的事业。】 After arriving in Country of Xin, the lodging and dining of volunteer are provided by the Star Ring Trading aspect, every day the training time is 8 hours, 4 hours are completed in Star Ring Astronaut Training Center, the surplus 4 hours may train in the sleep time through Phantom Helmet, other time may arrange by the volunteer. The training time may consults after the volunteer and political instructor arranges, the training facility will entire day open.】 【在抵达新国后,志愿者的住宿、餐饮由星环贸易方面提供,每天训练时间为八个小时,其中四个小时在星环航天员培训中心完成,剩余四个小时可通过幻影头盔在睡眠时间进行培训,其余时间可由志愿者自行安排。训练时间可由志愿者与指导员协商后安排,训练场馆将全天开放。】 Besides the package board and lodging, Star Ring Trading for the volunteer provides every month the lowest 4 oo USD wage, operating time full one year later will also be put on regular status, may the working visa replacement be the immigrant visa, the wage different will also raise according to the kind of work in a factory to 6 oo- oo USD.】 【除了包食宿外,星环贸易还将为志愿者提供每月最低4oo美元的薪水,工作时间满一年后转正,可将工作签证更换为移民签证,薪水也将根据工种不同上调至6oo-oo美元不等。】 Attention: If the midway should, therefore terminates an agreement, the terminating an agreement visa will be cancelled, repatriates. If after being put on regular status , the volunteer terminates an agreement unilaterally, will undertake certain fine, company will regard the circumstance to be serious or not decides whether further investigates its liabilities for breach.】 【注意:如果中途应故解约,解约者签证将被吊销,遣送回国。如果转正后志愿者单方面解约,则将承担一定的罚款,公司将视情节严重与否决定是否进一步追究其违约责任。】 Colonization Plan thinks Moon firmly, Star Ring Trading Detector has advanced, for exploring the Moon geology information, seeks for the moon ice large-scale reservoir.】 【个殖民计划确认为月球,星环贸易探测器已经先行出,用于勘探月球地质信息,寻找月球冰的大规模储集层。】 【The first step of humanity colonizing outer space, we are anticipating your joining!】 人类殖民太空的第一步,我们期待着您的加入!】 To be honest, after reading this advertisement, Liu Qingpeng heart movement. 老实说,当看完这则广告之后,刘庆鹏心动了。 the 4 oo USD monthly salary is truly low, what after all this move is the volunteer, rather than what regular staff. Truly those who let his heart movement is, goes to the working visa of Country of Xin, as well as one year later is put on regular status the qualifications of immigration! 4oo美元的月薪确实很低,毕竟这招的是志愿者,而不是什么正式职工。真正让他心动的是,前往新国的工作签证,以及一年后转正移民的资格! Since Penglai City completion, Country of Xin tightened the immigration policy, now before wanting to attain the Country of Xin green card already not, was so easy. The labor market the approach is saturated, is still short besides the high-tech personnel, betrayed the Highschool Diploma following labor it to provide, the Country of Xin government first satisfied certainly the employment problem of home boy. 自从蓬莱市竣工之后,新国就收紧了移民政策,现在想要拿到新国的绿卡已经没以前那么容易了。劳动力市场已经趋近饱和,除了高科技人才依旧短缺外,出卖高中学历以下的劳工本国就能提供了,新国政府当然是优先满足本国人的就业问题。 Old Liu is the plan worked to deposit a money in Fujian, then does the working visa, immigrates to the Country of Xin that side. Finally finally late one step, when he applied to get visa, the Embassy staff gave him two choices. 原本老刘是打算在福建打工存点钱,然后搞个工作签证,移民到新国那边去。结果最后还是晚了一步,当他申请签证的时候,大使馆的工作人员给了他两个选择。 Either goes to Star Ring Trading to become a soldier, either provides the graduate student above school record proof. 要么去星环贸易当兵,要么提供研究生以上的学历证明。 This result really makes him not know whether to laugh or cry. 这个结果真是让他哭笑不得。 Became a soldier he unable to have that pain, the school record high words he will not work in the factory, both conditions could not satisfy, he also can only with scenery pleasant Koro Island say that sees again. 当兵他吃不了那个苦,学历高的话他也不会在工厂里打工了,两个条件都满足不了,他也只能和风光宜人的科罗岛说再见了。 However now, a brand-new opportunity was actually placed in his front! So long as the registration joins Star Ring Trading Moon Colonization Plan, can have the immigration Country of Xin opportunity as aerospace volunteer. 然而现在,一个崭新的机会却是摆在了他的面前!只要报名加入星环贸易月球殖民计划,就能够以航天志愿者的身份获得移民新国的机会。 Although that immigrant Moon always makes him feel somewhat disturbedly, who knows that anything Colonization Plan really implements, must be many years later matters. Works for a year to be put on regular status, in the evening pulls out for 4 hours to come out to train, during the daytime sits the point to hold concurrent jobs anything, one month gains three 4000 USD issues not to have. Moreover this Star Ring Trading also provides food, made how much money to save! 虽然那个移民月球总让他觉得有些忐忑,但谁知道等那什么殖民计划真的实施,都得是多少年后的事了。工作一年就能转正,晚上抽四个小时出来培训,白天坐点兼职什么的,一个月赚个三四千美元一点问题都没有。而且这星环贸易还包吃住,赚了多少钱都能省下来! After deciding, he fills in the material in the Star Ring Trading official site immediately, applied for the qualifications of volunteer. 打定主意后,他立刻在星环贸易官网上填写了资料,申请了志愿者的资格。 However when he closes the official site page, his line of sight has swept top right-hand corner the screen unknowingly, on the statistical column of applicants. 不过就在他关闭官网页面的时候,他的视线不经意地扫过了屏幕右上角,报名人数的统计栏上。 Applicants: 451 【报名人数:451】 When sees this number word-time, Liu Qingpeng held breath immediately cold air, the excitement was cool immediately half. 当看到这个数字时,刘庆鹏顿时倒吸了一口凉气,原本激动的心情顿时凉了一半儿。 So many people register, will really elect me?( To be continued.) 8 这么多人报名,真的会选上我吗?(未完待续。)八
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