IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#808: Xin Ocean Agriculture establishment!( Four asked ticket!)

The Seabed Farm design proposal does not calculate that specially complex, at the Country of Xin industrial level, coordinates that two Industrial Grade 3D Printer that moves to the present world, can definitely complete the production in Ange Island Industrial Park Zone. 海底农场的设计方案并不算特别的复杂,以新国的工业水平,配合那两台挪到现世的工业级3d打印机,完全可以在安加岛工业园区完成生产。 The design proposal that although White Whale Investigation Station provides is small-scale Seabed Farm, the principle of but designing is actually same, through the deduction of Quantum Computer, changes to the large size it Seabed Farm is not the difficult matter. 虽然白鲸考察站提供的设计方案是小型海底农场,但设计的原理其实都是一样的,通过量子计算机的推演,将其改成大号的海底农场也不是什么难事。 After Jiang Chen the data passes to the No. 27 Sanctuary researcher, without two days of time, that side passed on the large-scale Seabed Farm design proposal. 江晨将数据传给27号避难所的研究员后,没等个两天的功夫,那边的就将大型海底农场的设计方案传了回来。 The entire design proposal is divided into two parts, aquatic and underwater. 整套设计方案分成两个部分,水上和水下。 The aquatic part, anchors the offshore platform that the transport ship unloads cargo for the diver life and submersibles, this no special technique content. 水上的部分,就是供潜水员生活、潜水器停靠、运输船卸货的海上平台,这个没什么特别的技术含量。 The core of entire design proposal, is in this underwater part! 整个设计方案的核心,正是在这水下的部分! Completely has the exterior structure of graphene material build, all around is the circular fence that the hardened graphene partition board builds, the crown is the graphene material aerocyst, the middle fills the gas, looks from afar like one flat and wide yurt. 完全有石墨烯材料搭建的外部结构,四周是硬化石墨烯隔板砌成的圆形围墙,顶部是石墨烯材料的气囊,中间填充有气体,远远地望去就像一座扁而宽的“蒙古包”。 architecture that this „the yurt results in is the Seabed Farm planter unit, the radius is about 45 meters, the area is about 10 mu. On the wall is equipped with the connecting pipe, may make among each planter units connect mutually. 这座“蒙古包”似得的建筑便是海底农场的种植单元,半径约为45米,面积约为十亩。墙壁上设置有连接管,可使各个种植单元之间相互连通。 Besides the connecting pipe, on the wall is also equipped with the member to exchange the membrane, may plant the carbon dioxide that the separation dissolves from the sea water, and discharges the oxygen of plant metabolism production outward. 除了连接管,墙壁上还设置有分子交换膜,可从海水种分离溶解的二氧化碳,并向外排放植物代谢生成的氧气。 The planters of all adult plants „the yurt are completed in this, these planter unit biospheres, the interior is also installed with the sensor probably, may provide the real-time data to monitor terminal in the offshore platform, such as temperature, pH, temperature, carbon dioxide concentration. 所有植株的种植都在这座“蒙古包”内完成,这些种植单元就好像一座座生物圈,内部还安装有传感器,可向海上平台中的监控终端提供实时数据,如温度、ph值、气温、二氧化碳浓度等。 As for illumination that the plant growth needs, is provided by the led light source. Because the wave length of led light source can conduct the active control, the lettuce that Seabed Farm delivers can become according to the need crisply and is softer, eats even to be able the crops of land planter more delicious than! 至于植物生长所需的光照,则由led光源提供。由于led光源的波长可以进行有效控制,海底农场产出的莴苣可以根据需要变得更脆、更软,吃起来甚至可以比陆地种植的作物更加美味! Brought after the material that No. 27 Sanctuary reorganized, Jiang Chen to return to the present world nonstop, immediately passes to the material Future Group Database, then found Xia Shiyu, oneself about constructing the plan of Seabed Farm told her. 带着经过27号避难所整理的资料,江晨马不停蹄地回到了现世,立刻将资料传到了未来人集团数据库中,然后找到了夏诗雨,将自己关于修建海底农场的计划告诉了她。 After a face compels to listen ignorant Jiang Chen's planned, Xia Shiyu dumbfounded repeated the sentence. 一脸懵逼地听完了江晨的计划后,夏诗雨傻眼地重复了句。 Seabed Farm?” 海底农场?” This seems like, couple days ago two people still purchased the matter of Australia Farm at the discussion, this two days does not see, Chairman of the Board opened the door saying that with her we did not purchase the farm of Australia person, we opened up wasteland the farm. 这就好像,前几天两个人还在讨论收购澳洲农场的事儿,这才两天不见,董事长推开门就和她说咱们不收购澳大利亚人的农场了,咱们自己开荒种地。 Where plants? 种在哪儿? seabed! 海底 This what and what? 这都什么和什么啊? „Under wait/etc., you first make me reorganize,” Xia Shiyu is rubbing the brow, Jiang Chen the words that spoke a moment ago manages the principle in the brain, then opens the mouth to ask, what new gadget was the Future Group laboratory studies? Seabed Farm? How under seabed to farm? Plants the kelp?” “等等,你先让我整理下,”夏诗雨揉着眉头,在脑中将江晨刚才说的话都理了理,然后开口问道,“是未来人集团的实验室又研究出什么新玩意儿了吗?海底农场海底下怎么种地?种海带吗?” Hears the Xia Shiyu issue, Jiang Chen holds the volume. 听到夏诗雨的问题,江晨不禁扶额。 This he slowed down the language fast, and adjusted the total information concept map in Database, said with Xia Shiyu again. 这回他放慢了语速,并且将数据库中的全息概念图调了出来,重新和夏诗雨讲了一遍。 Listens to Jiang Chen's to explain, did clear Xia Shiyu finally, the eye also shone gradually. 听着江晨的讲解,总算搞明白的夏诗雨,眼睛也是渐渐亮了起来。 Although she did not know about agricultural aspect very much, but as transnational Group's CEO, she to the sense of smell in market is quite keen! Immediately, her principle was clear about this Seabed Farm market value! 虽然她对农业这方面不是很了解,但身为一名跨国集团的eo,她对市场的嗅觉可是相当灵敏的!在第一时间,她就理清楚了这海底农场的市场价值! Then, Future Group marched the plan of grain market to make a final decision. 就这样,未来人集团进军粮食市场的计划就这么敲定了下来。 Registers child company named Country of Xin Xin Ocean Agriculture Limited Company, abbreviated Xin Ocean Agriculture, is controlled stock by the Future Group capitalization. 注册子公司名为新国海洋农业有限公司,简称新海农”,由未来人集团全资控股。 But after Xin Ocean Agriculture was established, that side Country of Xin Presidential Palace then approves the document immediately, divided into the seabed planter area north a Ange Island 400,000 mu sea area, contracted Xin Ocean Agriculture by each mu 100 USD price. Because is Country of Xin to the agriculture, Future Group does not need for this 400,000 mu sea area payment land tax, only to pay 40,000,000 USD to use one time permanently. 新海农成立后,新国总统府那边立刻便批下了文件,将安加岛以北的40万亩海域划为了海底种植区,以每亩100美元的价格承包了新海农。由于是新国对农业,未来人集团无需为这40万亩的海域缴纳地税,只需一次性支付4000万美元便可永久使用。 The sea area water depth of this contract between 100-120 meter, the seabed topography is quite gentle, the seabed volcanic activity and ocean current movement are quite stable, and treasure trove that not large-scale school of fish activity, really customizes for Jiang Chen! 这片承包的海域水深在100米到120米之间,海底地势较为平缓,海底火山活动以及洋流运动较为稳定,且无大型鱼群活动,简直就是为江晨量身定做的宝地! Moreover according to Future Mining conducts the conclusion that the seabed geologic prospecting reaches, in the bottom mud of this sea area the azotic phosphorus potassium abundance is high, is the rich nutrition silt, after processing of simple, may be the farm crops to need the manure. 而且根据未来人矿业进行海底地质勘查得到的结论,这片海域的底泥中所含氮磷钾丰度较高,属于富营养泥沙,经过简单的处理后,可作为农场作物所需肥料。 After Country of Xin sea agriculture company was established, immediately brings in the line of sight of domestic and foreign innumerable attention. Some person of surprised, some people suspected , some people of unbelievable, what are more is curious! The especially those territory area is small, the grain relies on the maritime country that imports extremely, was full of the interest in the seabed planter concept that this Xin Ocean Agriculture put forward! 新国海洋农业公司成立后,立刻引来了国内外无数关注的视线。有人惊讶,有人怀疑,也有人难以置信,但更多的还是好奇!尤其是那些领土面积较小,粮食极度依赖进口的海洋国家,对这新海农提出的海底种植概念更是充满了兴趣! After all these countries often some are the territorial waters area, if can turn into the farming this broad territorial waters, that these eat the islands people of high price grain import, really are having a dream must smile to awake! 毕竟这些国家往往有的是领海面积,如果能将这广阔的领海变成耕地,那这些吃着高价进口粮食的岛屿人民,简直做梦都得笑醒! Naturally, in view of the fact that Xin Ocean Agriculture has not constructed the overseas plan the farm temporarily, even if they have a dream smile to awake, this Seabed Farm does not have the relations of wool with them. 当然,鉴于新海农暂时还没有将农场建到国外的打算,就算他们做梦都笑醒,这海底农场也和他们没有毛的关系。 In fact, the seabed planter is not flashy but lacking substance joke, in 2015, the Italy ocean coral reef group had once proposed the concept of seabed planter, and takes Nemo Garden to name as this/should project, conducts the planter work through the way of balloon in seabed. 实际上,海底种植并非华而不实的噱头,早在15年的时候,意大利的大洋珊瑚礁集团就曾提出过海底种植的概念,并以“尼莫花园”为该项目命名,通过气球的方式在海底进行种植作业。 Underwater the constant temperature of because of the water body maintaining helps the plant growth, this is the enormous superiority that most land farms do not have. Although will say the crops in underwater by greatly the fluent impact, but will also feel better on the ground is nipped by the insect . Moreover the land severe weather will also be many. 水下因水体维持的恒定温度非常利于植物生长,这是大部分陆地农场并不具备的巨大优势。虽然说作物在水下会受到巨大的水流冲击,但也好过在地上被虫子咬,而且陆上恶劣天气也不少。 Moreover was the carbon dioxide. 另外就是二氧化碳了。 Once some people dissolved through the oceanic cycle and carbon dioxide in the Artillery System simulation of sea water confirmed that approximately 40% carbon dioxides that the fossil fuel produced by oceanic absorption, therefore the sea may be regarded as on Earth the biggest carbon dioxide basin. Therefore under sea the carbon dioxide of high potency to plant like hitting steroid, making them grow rapidly. 曾有人通过海洋循环以及二氧化碳溶于海水的系统模拟证实,化石燃料产生的约40%的二氧化碳会被海洋吸收,因此海洋可被视为地球上最大的二氧化碳水池。所以海下高浓度的二氧化碳对植物就像打了类固醇一样,使它们迅速地生长。 Did not say exaggeratingly, in this Seabed Farm the mature cycle of crops, most may reduce 50% compared with the conventional way! 毫不夸张的说,这种海底农场中作物的成熟周期,最多可比传统方式缩短50%! Just, to the present, Nemo Garden this project has been the laboratory stage. Xin Ocean Agriculture jumps at this time suddenly , indicating oneself have mastered the technology of seabed large-scale planter land crops, looked like in others without doubt is somewhat unthinkable. 只不过,一直到现在,“尼莫花园”这个项目都处在实验阶段。新海农此时突然跳出来,表示自己已经掌握了海底大规模种植陆地作物的技术,在其它人看来就无疑是有些匪夷所思了。 Even many media after learning of this news, hesitant, where unexpectedly will report on the entertainment panel. 甚至有不少媒体在得知这个消息后,犹豫了一番,居然将报道安在了娱乐面板上。 The concept that however this also no wonder, Xin Ocean Agriculture put forward after all was advanced, the public could not compare other domains regarding the attention in agricultural, although these newspaper office media also believed the Future Group scientific and technical strength, but could not bear talk to tease. 不过这也难怪,毕竟新海农提出的概念过于超前,公众对于农业方面的关注又比不上其它领域,虽然这些报社媒体也相信未来人集团的科技实力,但还是忍不住动动嘴皮子调侃一下。 After all, hasn't your put out the end product? 毕竟,你这不还没拿出成品来嘛? But regarding these reports, Jiang Chen does not care slightly. 而对于这些报道,江晨也是丝毫都不在意。 little master I will hit your faces in any case when the time comes, why to care about your media what to pinch now?( To be continued.) 反正小爷我到时候都会打你们的脸,何必在意你们这些媒体现在哔哔些什么捏?(未完待续。)
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