IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#804: Inquiring of Outer Space Division

This month I had received at least 13 protests, has from the private enterprise, there are to come from the country, United Nations.” Saying, Zhang Yaping threw one pack of documents on the tea table, sighed to sit on the Jiang Chen opposite sofa, aerospace activity about Star Ring Trading.” “这个月我已经收到了至少13则抗议,有来自私人企业的,也有来自国家的,还有联合国的。”说着,张亚平将一叠文件扔在了茶几上,叹了口气坐在了江晨对面的沙发上,“关于星环贸易航天活动。” Reason that they protested?” Unlike the Zhang Yaping headache, Jiang Chen by the sofa, asked with a smile. “他们抗议的理由?”与张亚平的头疼不同,江晨靠在了沙发上,笑着问道。 Orbital issue.” Zhang Yaping said, they think Star Ring Trading in the project of synchronous orbit development, has threatened the satellite of activity seriously on synchronous orbit.” “轨道问题。”张亚平说道,“他们认为星环贸易同步轨道开展的工程,已经严重威胁到了活动在同步轨道上的卫星。” „The synchronous orbit perimeter must be more than 2 20,000 kilometers, I think that such protest creates a scene purely. We in the legitimate area that the Outer Space track enjoys, is at least equivalent to our land areas, including our territorial waters!” Jiang Chen said not completely indifferently. 同步轨道周长得有二2万多公里,我认为这样的抗议纯粹是无理取闹。我们在外层空间轨道享有的合法面积,至少得与我们的国土面积相当,包括我们的领海!”江晨满不在乎地说道。 I also believe that moreover I am also such to the protest side reply.” Zhang Yaping sighed, came from the United Nations Outer Space Division inquiring letter somewhat to be troublesome. They worried that our work site will turn into the space trash because of the breakdown finally, causes the serious accident. The Outer Space Division aspect hopes that we can at least explain the project content, to eliminate the worry of all governments “我也是这么认为,而且我也是这么向抗议方回复的。”张亚平叹了口气,“不过来自联合国外空司的问询函则有些麻烦。他们担心我们的工地最终会因为故障而变成太空垃圾,导致严重的事故。外空司方面希望我们能够至少对工程内容进行说明,以消除各国政府的顾虑” Graceful secretary walked, poured into one cup of Blue Mountain Coffee for two people, then left President Office very much sensibly. 身材窈窕的秘书走了过来,为两人泡上了一杯蓝山咖啡,然后很懂事地离开了总统办公室 After Office turns into two people, Jiang Chen approached the tea table with a smile, lowered the sound. 办公室重新变成两个人后,江晨笑着凑近了茶几,压低了声音。 How wants me to teach you to do?” “要我教你怎么做吗?” appreciate further details.” Zhang Yaping lets go to say reluctantly. 愿闻其详。”张亚平无奈地摊手道。 „A character, drags.” “一个字,拖。” Drags?” “拖?” Right, dragging!” Jiang Chen smilingly carried the coffee cup, approached the mouth to sip the mouth, indicated to coordinate to investigate, while and stipulated with various policies the procedure/program of catarrhs. The United Nations procedure/program at the years position cycle, you drags its 1~2 year, our people were also busy at work in the outer space!” “没错,拖着!”江晨笑眯眯地端起了咖啡杯,凑近嘴边抿了口,“一边表示会配合调查,一边用各种政策和规定将卡他们的程序。联合国的程序都是以年位周期,你拖它个一两年,我们的人也在太空上忙活完了!” So long as 1~2 year?” The Zhang Yaping surprise looks at Jiang Chen slightly. “只要一两年?”张亚平略微诧异地看着江晨 As Country of Xin President, he can be one of the Space Elevator plan insider. Looked to the project detail that he disclosed from Jiang Chen how this did not seem like the project that the 1~2 year can complete. 作为新国总统,他算得上是太空电梯计划的知情人之一。从江晨向他透露的工程细节上看,这怎么都不像是一两年能够完成的工程。 Jiang Chen puts down emptied the coffee cup, raised up two fingers, smiles was saying. 江晨放下了空了的咖啡杯,竖起了两根指头,微笑着说道。 Most two years. Two years later the elevator will finish, at the appointed time we will lead Country of Xin border Order. You only need to coordinate me, calm has waited for this most crucial period.” “最多两年。两年后我们的电梯就会完工,届时我们将主导新国秩序。你只需要配合我,安静地等过这段最关键的时期。” Obtains the affirmative answer after Zhang Yaping President there, Jiang Chen has the satisfactory smiling face, left Country of Xin Presidential Palace. 张亚平总统那里得到肯定的答复后,江晨带着满意的笑容,离开了新国总统府 Next day, Country of Xin replied United Nations, will coordinate the United Nations research process, is the United Nations Outer Space Division observer prepares the related procedure. 次日,新国回复了联合国,将配合联合国的调查程序,为联合国外空司的观察员准备相关手续。 But according to Country of Xin a series of laws, prepares these procedures to take 2 work months. 而根据新国的一系列法律,准备这些手续需要二个工作月的时间。 Right, is 2 work months, is not the working day. 没错,是二个工作月,不是工作日。 The Country of Xin working efficiency, lets the United Nations person very much, or made American drop eyeglasses. These United Nations observers after arriving in Country of Xin, absolutely does not have the means to start the work, because the procedure does not have. 新国的办事效率,很让联合国的人,或者说让美国人跌了把眼镜。这些联合国的观察员在抵达新国后,完全没办法展开工作,因为手续没有下来。 Two months later 至于两个月后嘛 Star Ring Trading will prepare the documents of two trucks, making these observers verify slowly. 星环贸易这边会准备好两卡车的文件,让这些观察员慢慢审核。 One side the disturbance that is initiated by the Outer Space construction first places, Jiang Chen previous time the matter that told the Ayesha investigation has the result. 外层空间施工引发的风波先放在一边,江晨上次吩咐阿伊莎调查的事已经有了结果。 According to going to Somalia activity the news of Specter Agent report, is responsible for maintaining the Somalia Beledweyne area Order military contractor, is the registration in Madagascar Island Arrowhead private military strategist company. 根据前往索马里活动的幽灵特工汇报的消息,负责维持索马里贝莱德文地区秩序的军事承包商,是注册于马达加斯加岛箭头私人军师公司 Unexpectedly is old nemesis. 居然是老冤家 Arrowhead Company this name, Jiang Chen the first time is not heard. 箭头公司这个名字,江晨已经不是第一次听到了。 From happened at the Koro Island kidnapping attempted event to the attack of South Pole earliest, is by this personal military contractor behavior of registering in the Africa south island country (Japan). Does not need to investigate his back shareholder, has the solid evidence to show that this company is Freemasonry board game piece hand/subordinate. 从最早发生在科罗岛的绑架未遂事件到南极的袭击,都是由这家注册在非洲南部岛国的私人军事承包商所为。根本不用调查其背后的股东,已经有确凿的证据能够证明这家公司共济会手下的棋子。 In that time is employed at the Philippines kidnapping in name, Country of Xin had once lodged the protest through the diplomatic channel to Madagascar Republic. The answer that however obtains is actually suitable being perfunctory, the local government central government, adopted the behavior of harbor regarding Arrowhead Military Company. 早在那次名义上受雇于菲国的绑架事件时,新国就曾通过外交途径向马达加斯加共和国提出过抗议。然而得到的答复却是相当的敷衍,无论是当地政府还是中央政府,对于箭头军事公司都采取了包庇的行为。 Is controlling Country of Xin Order like Star Ring Trading, this Arrowhead Company in the way of benefit exchange, is also controlling the economy and political arena of Madagascar Republic. As one of the world's most non- developed areas, Rothschild Household buying had gone to here very much obviously. 就像星环贸易掌控着新国秩序一样,这家箭头公司同样以利益交换的方式,左右着马达加斯加共和国的经济和政坛。作为全球最不发达地区之一,罗斯柴尔德家族很显然已经“买”下了这里。 Considering that avoids causing complications, Star Ring Trading had not investigated that its following responsibility, was only Punish employment side Philippines. 考虑到避免节外生枝,星环贸易没有追究其后续责任,只是惩戒了雇佣方菲国 From what we know now this matter, as if no surface to seem like that simple. Early at that time, Freemasonry projected 现在回过头来看这件事,似乎并没有表面看上去那么简单。早在那时候,共济会就将主意打到了江晨身上,只不过当时江晨并未察觉到这点,只是将绑架事件简单地定性为了菲国的报复行为。 „Are they doing?” Sits before the desk in study room, Jiang Chen asked to Ayesha. “他们在干什么?”坐在书房内的书桌前,江晨阿伊莎问道。 Cairns drugs manufacture company, this company invested 5,000,000 USD to establish Pharmaceutical Factory in the Beledweyne area, for penicillin, HB vaccine that and other medicines producing the Somalia refugee needed, assistance United Nations conducts the humanitarian assistance we in their Pharmaceutical Factory to discover other things.” 凯恩斯制药公司,这家公司贝莱德文地区投资500万美元成立了一家制药厂,用于生产索马里难民所需的青霉素、乙肝疫苗等药物,协助联合国进行人道主义救援不过我们在他们的制药厂发现了一些别的东西。” Stands Ayesha before desk puts out a hand, wielded above the desktop, switch over the picture on holographic screen. 站在书桌前的阿伊莎伸出手,在桌面上方挥了下,切换了全息屏幕上的画面。 That is a warehouse, from the altitude should be the drone photography. In the institute in warehouse can see to wear the Caucasian of hygienic clothing/taking, can see to wrap/sets of the body armor security, entrance not far away is squatting several Somalia blacks, they seem like waiting for anything, 那是一间仓库,从高度来看应该是无人机拍摄的。仓库的院内可以看见身穿卫生服的白人,也可以看见套着防弹衣的保安,门口不远处蹲着几名索马里黑人,他们像是在等候着什么, „Is this?” Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly. “这是?”江晨微微皱眉。 Warehouse of Cairns drugs manufacture company in Beledweyne area, but was investigated after by us discovered, this is a laboratory. Moreover, our people searched the Somalia Ministry of Commerce file, this laboratory has not filed.” Saying, Ayesha put out a hand to switch over the next picture, this was our drone after picture that filmed. In the picture, the researcher of Cairns drugs manufacture is analyzing the blood of these laboratory technicians.” 凯恩斯制药公司贝莱德文地区的仓库,但经我们调查后发现,这是一间实验室。另外,我们的人搜索了索马里商务部的档案,这间实验室并没有进行备案。”说着,阿伊莎伸手切换了下一张图片,“这张是我们的无人机靠近后拍摄到的画面。画面中,凯恩斯制药的研究员正在对这些实验者的血液进行化验。” Then?” “然后呢?” Investigates after us, these participation laboratory technicians have a common feature.” Saying, Ayesha looked to Jiang Chen, said with the affirmative tone, they were Survivor of viral epidemic outbreak region.” “经过我们调查,这些参与实验者都有一个共同的特点。”说着,阿伊莎看向了江晨,用肯定的语气说道,“他们都是病毒疫情爆发区域的幸存者。” They in the vaccine of research virus? We should not study to be right to this thing.” Jiang Chen knits the brows to say. “他们在研究病毒的疫苗?不对这东西我们应该已经研究出来了才对。”江晨皱眉道。 „On April 13, specific installations from Mogadishu port discharge of Somalia, and left behind filing in the customs. Our agent when tracing this equipment discovered that is a Gene Sequencing equipment that is from Germany.” “4月13日,有一台特殊设备从索马里摩加迪沙港口卸货,并且在海关留下了备案。我们的特工在追查这台设备时发现,那是一台产自德国基因测序设备。” Carries on Gene Sequencing the Jiang Chen's finger to strike the desktop to the series virus immune gently. “对系列病毒免疫者进行基因测序么”江晨的手指轻轻敲打着桌面。 In study room quiet, Ayesha put out a hand to switch off holographic screen, stood in the one side, calmly is waiting for the Jiang Chen's instruction. 书房内静悄悄的,阿伊莎伸手关掉了全息屏幕,站在了一旁,静静地等候着江晨的吩咐。 Long time, Jiang Chen opens the mouth to say. 良久后,江晨开口道。 Is staring at them, without causing them paying attention, does their research results as far as possible. I want to know, actually the Freemasonry person does want to do what?” To be continued. “盯着他们,在不引起他们注意的情况下,尽可能搞到他们的研究成果。我想知道,共济会的人究竟想干些什么?”未完待续。
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