IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#803: Flickers Pentagon

State of Virginia Arlington County of Washington Special Region Southwest, here is situated global area biggest single body office building Pentagon. Here is the United States Sea, Land, and Air three services heart, is dispatching operation that 1245 military base that distributes in the world. 华盛顿特区西南方的弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿县,这里坐落着全球面积最大的单体办公楼五角大楼。这里是美国海陆空三军的心脏,调度着分布于全球的1245座军事基地的运行。 At this moment, in spacious Office, the Ministry of National Defense purchase and manages policy office Director Scheide Wesselberger to face the two documents before this desk, deeply frowns is striking the desktop with the finger. 此刻,在一间宽敞的办公室内,国防部采购与采办政策局局长谢依德·韦斯格伯正面对这办公桌前的两份文件,眉头紧锁地用手指敲打着桌面。 Country of Xin equips the intellectualized individual drone action massively, as well as performance of Hummingbird Drone in military exercise, has brought to the attention of United States Ministry of National Defense. United States Ministry of National Defense Minister one week ago found him to talk, hopes that he and has the arms company relation of cooperation with the military, the tender produces model of an individual weapon that is similar to Hummingbird Drone, as well as can counterattack the equipment of this drone effectively! 新国大规模列装智能化单兵无人机的举措,以及蜂鸟无人机在军演中的表现,已经引起了美国国防部的注意。美国国防部部长一周前找到来他谈话,希望他和与军方存在合作关系的军火公司联系,招标生产一款类似于蜂鸟无人机的单兵武器,以及能够有效反制这种无人机的装备! This equipment is best is portable, may adapt to the entire terrain, particularly drone displays the space biggest city terrain! 这种装备最好是便于携带,可适应全地形,尤其是无人机发挥空间最大的城市地形! Two company participation competitive tenders, one is Raytheon Company, another is Lockheed Martin Company. 有两家公司参与竞标,一家是雷神公司,另一家是洛克希德马丁公司 These two arms company backgrounds are big, the former is the industry of Boston Financial Group holding, but the latter belongs to California Financial Group. An expensive reliability is but high, another cost actually has many uncertainties inexpensively...... 这两家军火公司的来头都不小,前者是波士顿财团控股的产业,而后者则属于加利福尼亚财团。一个价格昂贵但可靠度高,另一个成本低廉却存在很多不确定因素…… However in the final analysis, Hummingbird Drone actually whether to lose because of the radio jamming affects, they did not have the means to know. 不过说到底,蜂鸟无人机究竟是否会因为无线电干扰而失去作用,他们还没办法知道。 At this moment, his secretary passed through a row of desk to arrive at his side, was placed a newspaper on his desk. 就在这时,他的秘书穿过了一排办公桌走到了他的旁边,将一份报纸摆在了他的办公桌上。 Scheide looked at secretary one puzzled, picked up this «Washington Morning paper», slightly knit the brows to that by in addition emphatically the report of symbol. 谢依德困惑地看了秘书一眼,拾起了这份《华盛顿早报》,微微皱眉地向那个被加了着重记号的报道。 【When...... Russia when with Future Heavy Industry conducts the arms trade negotiations, chooses Type Beta-3B military to supply drone, but has not chosen Hummingbird Drone that may support the infantry frontline combat. According to some anonymous informed sources, Russia cancelled the Hummingbird Drone purchase plan , because Hummingbird Drone obtains the loophole in the security.】 【……俄方在与未来人重工进行军火贸易谈判时,选择了beta-3b型军用补给无人机,而没有选择可支援步兵前线作战的蜂鸟无人机。据某不愿透露姓名的知情人士透露,俄方之所以取消了蜂鸟无人机购买计划,是因为蜂鸟无人机在安全性上取得漏洞。】 We when testing Hummingbird Drone combat capability discovered, hummingbird does not imagine is so powerful, at least when facing the anti-drone spear/gun, its performance is quite clumsy......” 【“我们在测试蜂鸟无人机作战性能时发现,蜂鸟并非想象中的那么强大,至少在面对反无人机枪时,它的表现极为笨拙……”】 The anti-drone spear/gun, the strict sense is not firearms, but is an individual portable ray weapon. This thing various countries have are studying, western-style pastry Military Academy several years ago developed a model of special anti-drone spear/gun, in front of then Ministry of National Defense Minister, succeeded in forcing one ************ landing. 反无人机枪,严格意义上来说并不是一种枪械,而是一种单兵可携带式的射波武器。这种东西各国都有在研究,早在几年前西点军校就研制出了一款特殊的反无人机枪,在时任国防部部长面前,成功迫使一架************降落。 But the cost is only 150 USD! 而成本只有150美元 By theory, the Lockheed Martin Company design proposal has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with this type of anti-drone spear/gun! Similarly uses the ray interference technique, but the latter interference area is broader, and interferes with the effect stronger! 在原理上,洛克希德马丁公司的设计方案与这种反无人机枪有异曲同工之妙!同样是采用射波干扰技术,只不过后者干涉区域更广,且干涉效果更强! Saw this report, Scheide jumps immediately. 看到这则报告,谢依德立刻跳了起来。 Contacts with the Lockheed Martin Company person! Ministry of National Defense needs a more detailed design proposal, and enclosed equipment unit price! Let them prepare to come out in three days, I need with the official discussions of other departments under!” “联系洛克希德马丁公司的人!国防部需要一款更详细的设计方案,并附上装备单价!让他们在三天之内准备出来,我需要和其它部门的官员讨论下!” Yes!” His secretary nod said, immediately turns around to depart. “是!”他的秘书点头道,立刻转身离去。 Reads that newspaper, Scheide is rubbing the finger cheerfully repeatedly. 看着那份报纸,谢依德乐呵地反复摩擦着手指。 Hummingbird Drone? The name of our defense project, is named as catches Feng is not right! Is Project Flytrap! Looks at your hummingbird, how when the time comes under our anti-drone equipment, to scurry about like only the headless fly! 蜂鸟无人机是吧?那我们这项军工开发项目的名称,就定名为捕蜂不对!是“捕蝇计划”!看你们的蜂鸟,到时候如何在我们的反无人机设备下,像只无头苍蝇一样乱窜! ...... …… „...... Lockheed Martin Company success competitive tender, project code-named Project Flytrap.” “……洛克希德马丁公司成功竞标,项目代号为‘捕蝇计划’。” When Ayesha told the Jiang Chen's time this news, Jiang Chen really stood from the chair happily, hugged her to kiss one ruthlessly. 阿伊莎将这则消息告诉江晨的时候,江晨简直高兴地从椅子上站了起来,抱着她狠狠地亲了一口。 What Russia cancels the purchase of Hummingbird Drone? Star Ring Trading has not planned to sell from the beginning! 什么俄罗斯取消蜂鸟无人机的采购?星环贸易从一开始就没打算卖! As for so-called „some are not willing to disclose name informed sources , is completely Russia a play that coordinates Star Ring Trading to perform. But develops the price of this play, then first supplies the Russian 5 drone terminals free, as well as necessary Type Beta-3B drone. 至于所谓的“某不愿透露姓名知情人士”,也完全是俄方配合星环贸易这边演的一出戏。而演这出戏的代价,则是免费先供应俄方五台无人机终端,以及配套的beta-3b型无人机 1,750,000 USD, this money Jiang Chen can pull out. 175万美元而已,这点钱江晨还是掏得起的。 Loosened cheeks crimson Ayesha, Jiang Chen walked back and forth several in the study room, wielded under the fist excitedly. 松开了脸颊绯红的阿伊莎,江晨在书房内来回走了好几圈,兴奋地挥了下拳头。 If the Lockheed Martin Company success competitive tender, the Philippines army might become his first customer very much. At the appointed time if Phili side tears up the ceasefire agreement, our soldier in so-called that the battlefield facesAnti-Drone Equipment, even might as well a water gun! ” “如果洛克希德马丁公司成功竞标,菲国陆军将很有可能成为其第一家买主。届时如果菲方撕毁停火协议,我们的士兵在战场面对的所谓“反无人机装备”,甚至还不如一把水枪!” Lockheed Martin Company is impossible to get so far as the Hummingbird Drone sample, can only based on circulate Beta Series on market to arrange in order the drone achievement to test the target of weapon. Without a doubt, based on civil drone that in modern drone foundation develops, Beta Series will definitely come under the influence of this/should weapon. 洛克希德马丁公司不可能弄到蜂鸟无人机的样品,只能基于已经流通到市面上的beta系无人机作为测试武器的标靶。毫无疑问,基于现代无人机基础上发展的民用无人机,beta系肯定会受到该武器的影响。 However was extremely sorry, Hummingbird Drone uses arranges in order the drone entirely different technology with Beta Series! 然而非常抱歉,蜂鸟无人机采用的可是和beta系无人机截然不同的技术! In the afternoon, Jiang Chen went to Ange Island. 下午,江晨去了一趟安加岛 Previous time he confessed that during Ange Island Industrial Park Zone In-charge Zhong Wei mission, has been implementing. Future War Industry separates after Future Heavy Industry, will help a Future Heavy Industry better participation in the international market, causes the military production specialization, the advantage is it may be said that many. 上次他交代安加岛工业园区主管钟伟任务,已经正在实施当中了。未来人军工未来人重工分离后,将有助于未来人重工更好的参与到国际市场中,同时也使军工生产专门化,可谓好处多多。 Nearby four square kilometers lands have been included within the range of campus, at present has constructed a Hummingbird Drone assembly plant, as well as a small-scale vortex engine plant. According to Zhong Wei presents to his productive plan, following here will also additionally build the armored vehicle, the Tank assembly plant and other series of ordnance factories. 旁边四平方公里的土地已经划入园区的范围,目前已经建好了一座蜂鸟无人机装配厂,以及一座小型涡旋引擎生产厂。根据钟伟呈递给他的生产计划,后续这里还将增设装甲车、坦克装配厂等一系列兵工厂。 Recently established child company Future War Industry CEO named Ling Tao, Koro Island native. 新设立的子公司未来人军工eo名叫凌涛,科罗岛本地人。 Jiang Chen gives his mission, only then, striving to achieve, even if a button on soldier military uniform, must complete by the factory in Country of Xin native place! Any related to the Star Ring Trading army, once outsourceed to the overseas company project, must take back the home completely! 江晨交给他的任务只有一个,争取做到哪怕是士兵军服上的一颗纽扣,也得由新国本土的工厂完成!任何涉及星环贸易军队,曾经外包给海外公司的项目,全部都得收回国内! After inspecting the Ange Island factory, Jiang Chen is preparing Future Building, but at this moment, the Zhang Yaping President telephone actually hit. 视察完安加岛的工厂后,江晨正准备回未来人大厦,不过就在这时,张亚平总统的电话却是打了过来。 Connected the call, Jiang Chen saw the bluetooth earphone to hang on the ear. 接通了电话,江晨见蓝牙耳机挂在了耳朵上。 Hey? What matter?” “喂?什么事儿?” Now has free time? You come...... to consider as finished, I go to there you.” “现在有空没?你来……算了,还是我去一趟你那儿吧。” Does not use, I happen to outside, a while I go to Presidential Palace on the way on the line. What troublesome matter has?” Jiang Chen notices, the voice of this Mr. President is somewhat exhausted. “不用,我正好在外面,一会儿我顺道去一趟总统府就行。有什么麻烦事儿吗?”江晨注意到,这位总统先生的声音有些疲惫。 „It is not the trouble matter, the small issue......, in the telephone possibly does not talk clearly, when you came to say.” Zhang Yaping said. “不是什么麻烦事儿,一点小问题……嗯,电话里可能说不清楚,等你过来在说吧。”张亚平说道。 Good, probably a half hour.” “好的,大概半小时。” Zhang Yaping hits is the Jiang Chen's personal cell phone, what two people talked over the telephone was the ordinary route, did not facilitate to say the important matter. Understood after this, Jiang Chen made the telephone call, making Ayesha open the car(riage) to the direction of wharf. 张亚平打得是江晨的私人手机,两人通话走的是普通路线,不方便说要紧的事儿。了解到这点后,江晨挂了电话,让阿伊莎将车开向了码头的方向。 Before going to Future Building, he plans to listen, this Country of Xin Mr. President, actually bumped into any troublesome matter.( To be continued.) 在去未来人大厦之前,他打算听听,这位新国总统先生,究竟是碰上了什么麻烦事儿。(未完待续。)
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