IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#802: To the suddenly arms sale( asked bill!)

Really, Jiang Chen had expected, when Star Ring Trading demonstrated Hummingbird Drone after Xin-Ma Joint Military Exercise, some people will definitely be interested in this type of flexible support equipment. 果然,江晨早就料到了,当星环贸易新马联合军演中展示了蜂鸟无人机后,肯定会有人对这种灵活的支援装备感兴趣。 The flexible mobility and highly intellectualized battlefield dealing with changes ability, really is the nightmares of all soft targets. 灵活的机动性和高度智能化的战场应变能力,简直是所有软目标的噩梦。 Actually not only Country of Xin, actually looks like the United States seal attack troops, Russia Alpha Special Forces, has equipment similar individual drone. However drone of that four-rotor structure, has no way to place on a par with hummingbird of aerodynamic force engine obviously. 其实不只是新国,其实像美国海豹突击部队,俄国阿尔法特种部队,都有装备类似的单兵无人机。不过那种四旋翼结构的无人机,显然没法和空气动力引擎的蜂鸟相提并论。 Hummingbird Drone is the items not for sale.” Jiang Chen said without hesitation, sell is impossible, Future War Industry only completes the Star Ring Trading order, perhaps this matter must disappoint you.” 蜂鸟无人机是非卖品。”江晨毫不犹豫地说道,“出售是不可能的,未来人军工只完成星环贸易的订单,这件事恐怕得让你们失望了。” I expect you to say.” Natasha shrugs, „, therefore I have not planned to ask the Hummingbird Drone matter.” “我料到你会这么说。”娜塔莎耸了耸肩,“所以我也没打算问蜂鸟无人机的事。” „Do you refer to?” Jiang Chen looked asked with a smile to her. “那你指的是?”江晨笑着看向了她问道。 Type Beta-3 drone, is you in the Drone Logistics network that Xiangjiang City installs, our very interested.” Natasha said. beta-3型无人机,也就是你们在香江市铺设的无人机物流网络,我们非常感兴趣。”娜塔莎说道。 „The Russia logistics market is not developed.” 俄国的物流市场并不发达。” We have not planned to use Beta-3 in the logistics,” Natasha flashing eyes are staring at Jiang Chen, needs the logistics may, not only express, the Beta-3 entire terrain transport capacity, can definitely display its value in the frontline. For example the ammunition and supplies, delivers to the deployment in the frontline soldier hand......” “我们也没打算将beta-3用在物流上,”娜塔莎目光炯炯地盯着江晨,“需要物流的可不只是快递,beta-3的全地形运输能力,完全可以在前线发挥它的价值。比如将弹药和补给,送到部署在前线的士兵手中……” After hesitating the moment, Jiang Chen says with emotion heartfeltly. 沉吟了片刻后,江晨由衷地感慨道。 Finds out this idea person really is the talent.” “想出这个主意的人简直是天才。” Jokes aside, sometimes Jiang Chen thought that very wonders. He puts out nb Black Technology each time time, always some people for his deep layer excavation military value, use the Drone Logistics network on the frontline supplies tirelessly, this idea he has not really considered. 说真的,江晨有时候觉得挺纳闷儿的。每次他拿出nb的黑科技的时候,总是有人不厌其烦地替他深层挖掘其中的军事价值,将无人机物流网络用在前线补给上,这个主意他还真没考虑过。 However on the other hand, utilized Beta-3 drone on the supplies, the significance to Star Ring Trading soldier is really not big. Because of existence of mechanical exoskeleton, carrying a heavy load of each soldier can achieve other national armies three to over five times. But at the Star Ring Trading soldier breakthrough speed, basically does not need to conduct supplies time, can fire off a local action. 不过话又说回来了,将beta-3无人机运用在补给上,对星环贸易士兵来说意义还真的不大。因为机械外骨骼的存在,每名士兵的负重都可以达到其它国家陆军的三到五倍以上。而以星环贸易士兵的突破速度,基本上无需进行一次补给,就能打完一场局部战斗。 You open a price.” Natasha said smilingly. “你开个价吧。”娜塔莎笑盈盈地说道。 Installs the drone terminal on the infantry vehicle, conducts the supplies through drone to soldier of dispersion combat, when necessary can also tie up the blasting explosive toward opposite face overshooting......, this method is truly feasible.” Jiang Chen feels the chin, seriously is pondering this issue. “将无人机终端装在步兵车上,通过无人机对分散作战的士兵进行补给,必要的时候还能绑着炸药往对面脸上冲……啧啧,这方法确实可行。”江晨摸着下巴,认真地思考着这个问题。 Beta-3 carrying capacity probably in 2- about 3 kilograms. Through the technology upgrade, took sacrificing the radius of action as the price, its carrying capacity promotion to 5 kilograms should no issue. As for these large-scale beta Drone Control Terminal of deployment in Xiangjiang City express network, reducing is 10- 20 drone small-scale vehicle-borne terminals technically is also simultaneously feasible! beta-3的载重能力大概在二-三公斤左右。通过技术升级,以牺牲活动半径为代价,将其载重能力提升至五公斤应该没什么问题。至于那些部署在香江市快递网点中的大型beta无人机控制终端,缩小成同时为十-20架无人机小型车载终端在技术上也是可行的! 500,000 USD, 20 drone as well as necessary vehicle-borne drone terminals.” Jiang Chen opens the mouth to say. 50万美元,20架无人机以及配套的车载无人机终端。”江晨开口道。 After hearing the Jiang Chen's offer, the Natasha's eyebrow jumped immediately, coughs to say with a smile. 听到江晨的报价后,娜塔莎的眉毛顿时一跳,咳了咳笑道。 This offer...... was too a little expensive. I remember that you install the Drone Logistics network in Xiangjiang City the cost are 200,000,000 multi- USD, invests the drone total 50,000 frame, average drone also 4000 USD. 500,000 USD 20, why you do not snatch!” “这个报价……有点太贵了吧。我记得你们在香江市铺设无人机物流网络的成本是2亿美元,投入无人机共计5万架,平均一架无人机也才4000美元而已。50万美元20架,你干嘛不去抢!” Is 500,000 USD 20 drone and necessary terminals.” Jiang Chen terminal two characters will nip the stress, looks at Natasha calmly, then said, „the price of terminal may want expensive/noble many compared with drone, after all is not casual comes with the computer, can provide the data processing service for drone.” “是50万美元20架无人机和配套的终端。”江晨将“终端”两字咬了重音,不动声色地看着娜塔莎,接着说道,“终端的价格比无人机本身可要贵的多,毕竟不是随随便便拿台电脑过来,都能为无人机提供数据处理服务的。” Can't cheap?” “不能便宜点吗?” Natasha shipped out the miserable appearance, however Jiang Chen remained unmoved insisted price that oneself started out. 娜塔莎装出了楚楚可怜的样子,然而江晨不为所动地坚持了自己开出的价格。 „It is not good! Us must specially design portable for you beta drone terminal, really had no way to be cheap.” Jiang Chen shakes the head again and again. “不行!我们这边还得专门为你们设计一款便携式的beta无人机终端,真没法在便宜了。”江晨连连摇头。 The small advantage can certainly be cheap, but how cheap little master did I also make money? 便宜当然能便宜,但便宜了小爷我还咋赚钱? 20 drone and terminals to the cost only needs 100,000 USD, but since is the exit|to speak, moreover monopolizes the business, doesn't butcher your blade to be passable? 20架无人机和终端对的成本只需要10万美元,可既然是出口,而且是垄断生意,不宰你一刀怎么说得过去? After one bargained back and forth, finally Jiang Chen pushing someone take on a difficult job agreed to hit a 10% discount, decided the selling price of this model of equipment in 4 50,000 USD one sets. Concrete agreement Natasha the belt/bring after getting off work will come back, before goes to work, she also talks incessantly repeatedly Jiang Chen, when the time comes do not change a statement suddenly. 经过一番讨价还价,最终江晨还是“勉为其难”地同意打了个九折,将这款设备的售价定在了四5万美元一套。具体的协议娜塔莎会在下班后带回来,在去上班之前,她还反复唠叨江晨,到时候可别突然改了口。 Jiang Chen suppressed the happy expression to send out the gate her, after she walked, finally could not bear smile to make noise. 江晨强忍着笑意将她送出了门,等到她走后,终于忍不住笑出了声来。 This Future War Industry establishment is also less than one month, got the foreign order. 未来人军工成立还不到一个月,就拿到了海外订单。 450,000 one set, he can gain 350,000 minus the cost. Even if exchanges advanced drone to supply Artillery System to russians Tank and one tenth of infantry car(riage) and military off-road vehicle, that must have 3.5 billion many profits, how can Jiang Chen not be unhappy? 四十五万一套,刨去成本他能赚个三十五万。哪怕是给毛子坦克、步兵车、军用越野汽车的十分之一换上先进的无人机补给系统,那也得有个三十五亿多的利润了,江晨如何能不开心? Equaled this munitions business really to make money, Jiang Chen decides secretly, a while related in China Liu Family, asks that they supplied Artillery System to be interested to this beta drone. Compares the penniless wool bear, the rabbit is rich investor! 合计这军火生意实在是太赚钱了,江晨暗自打定了主意,一会儿就去联系在华国柳家,问问他们对这beta无人机补给系统感不感兴趣。相比起一贫如洗的毛熊,兔子才是有钱的金主 The Future Group international influence, has made him not need to the munitions business to worry now in any case. 反正现在未来人集团的国际影响力,已经让他无需对军火生意有所顾虑了。 After this matter determines, Jiang Chen accompanies Ayesha together to tidy up the tableware, then went out Future Building. 将这件事确定下来后,江晨陪着阿伊莎一起收拾了碗筷,然后便出门去了未来人大厦 After getting off work, Natasha was placed a arms sales contract in his front, visits him to sign own name smilingly. Helped Russia Ministry of National Defense save a big expenditure, she may awarding that received the boss a lot. 下班回来后,娜塔莎将一份军购合约摆在了他的面前,笑盈盈地看着他签下了自己的名字。帮俄国国防部省下了一大笔开支,她可没少受上司的褒奖。 But the tone of boss that concern, making some of her slightly fires big, did seems like her to betray the appearance to convince Jiang Chen to hit 10% discount to result. 只不过上司那种关怀的语气,让她稍稍有些火大,搞得好像是她出卖了色相才说服江晨打个九折似得。 After signing the contract, Jiang Chen such as arrived at the study room in the past same, dialed the Liu Residence telephone. 签完了合约后,江晨如往常一样来到了书房,拨通了柳宅的电话。 After Prime Minister Liu hear Jiang Chen's words, immediately expressed very interested. However he after all is not the military Artillery System person, has no way careless the decision at this matter. After Jiang Chen indicated can study this matter, that Old Fox then made the telephone call. 柳相国听完了江晨的话后,当即表示非常感兴趣。不过他毕竟不是军方系统的人,没法在这事儿上草率的决定。向江晨表示会研究研究这事儿后,那个老狐狸便挂了电话。 Today one all day, drone brought many good news to him. 今天一整天,无人机给他带来了不少好消息。 However at this time, Specter Agent actually brought a bad news to him. 然而这时候,幽灵特工却是给他带来了一个坏消息。 United States is developing a vehicle-borne anti-drone equipment at present, at present by two arms company competitive tenders. And the Raytheon Company design proposal is, to eliminates close to the drone lock-on target through the directed energy weapon, is similar laser anti-missile Artillery System the simplify version in experiment. The Lockheed Martin Company design proposal is, through the directional entire channel interference technique, in the impediment target sector the communication of drone and terminal, establishes the drone no-fly zone.” Ayesha reported to Jiang Chen in the beautiful agent acquired information. 美国目前正在研制一种车载反无人机设备,目前由两家军火公司竞标。其中雷神公司的设计方案是,通过定向能武器对接近无人机目标锁定消灭,类似于实验中的激光反导系统简化版。洛克希德马丁公司的设计方案是,通过定向全频道干扰技术,阻隔目标区域内无人机与终端的通讯,设置无人机禁飞区。”阿伊莎江晨汇报起了在美特工收集到的情报。 After hearing this information, Jiang Chen has not been surprised. 听到这个情报后,江晨并没有感到意外。 Any weapon after the birth, definitely some people will ponder how to restrain this type of weapon. 任何武器在诞生之后,必然会有人思考如何克制这种武器。 The Raytheon Company plan is high-cost, but without doubt is most effective, because of Last of Days that side anti-drone equipment, basically is also the dependence quickly more accurate directed energy weapon, region EMP weapon that and present world does not have temporarily. As for latter Lockheed Martin Company, what use is internationally at present the commonly used anti-drone method, however arranges in order drone not to call effectively regarding hummingbird and Beta Series. 雷神公司的方案成本高昂,但无疑是最有效的,因为末世那边的反无人机设备,基本也是依靠更快更准的定向能武器,以及现世暂不具备的区域emp武器。至于后者洛克希德马丁公司,使用的是国际上目前常用的反无人机手段,然而对于蜂鸟beta系无人机称不上有效。 Although dependence terminal conducts the data processing and remote control, but hummingbird or beta drone, is in itself equipped with the ai procedure/program. Even in the off-line condition, can still complete preinstall mission, and defers to the preinstall route to return. 虽然依靠终端的进行数据处理和遥控,但无论是蜂鸟还是beta无人机,本身都是内置有ai程序的。即使是在离线状态下,也能够完成预设任务,并按照预设路线返航。 This Lockheed Martin Company entire channel interference technique, at most is a flash light bomb. Although can make certain trouble to Star Ring Trading drone, is actually not able to make it completely lose the battle efficiency. 洛克希德马丁公司的全频道干扰技术,顶多算是个闪光弹。虽然能对星环贸易无人机造成一定的麻烦,却无法使其完全失去战斗力。 Moreover your radio jamming, did we carry out the counter- radio jamming not on the line? 而且你无线电干扰,我们搞个反无线电干扰不就行了? Before Last of Days that side station, counter- radio jamming, but the foundation equipment of electronic warfare. 末世那边的站前,反无线电干扰可是电子战的基础装备。 Personally, Jiang Chen hopes Lockheed Martin Company can the competitive tender be successful. 就个人而言,江晨还是非常希望洛克希德马丁公司能够竞标成功的。 Therefore Jiang Chen thought, can help their? 于是江晨不由心想,要不要帮他们一把? - - Recommends new book that this friend writes, «Li Huohuo Vertical intent Life»(.) 推荐本朋友写的新书,《李火火的纵意人生》(。)
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