IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#801: The range chicken in Civil War

If the coup d'etat is unable to end in one day, then it will evolve Civil War without a doubt. 如果政变无法在一天之内结束,那么它毫无疑问将演变成内战 Two weeks ago, the Turkey military launches the coup d'etat in Istanbul. 两个多星期前,土耳其军方在伊斯坦布尔发动政变。 break of f16 when completing routine flight mission, flies to sky over Istanbul, uses Aerial Artillery to open fire for Presidential Palace. However Erdoğan changes the itinerary at that time temporarily, is not in Presidential Palace, therefore evaded the attack very much luck. f16在完成例行飞行任务时突然改变航向,飞临伊斯坦布尔上空,使用机炮总统府开火。然而埃尔多安当时临时改变了行程安排,并不在总统府内,于是很幸运地躲过了攻击。 Revolting f16 encounters locking of ground air-defense Artillery System immediately, was shot down north Istanbul. 叛变的f16立刻遭到了地面防空系统的锁定,在伊斯坦布尔北部被击落。 Learned after the army launches the coup d'etat, Erdoğan holds the Highest Military Commission conference immediately, and after removing 2016, recently established gives loyalty to his President guard completely, arrests the coup d'etat participant, and surrounds on suspicion of the 14 th mechanical travel headquarters of participation coup d'etat. 获悉军队发动政变后,埃尔多安立刻召开了最高军委会议,并排除16年后新成立的完全效忠于其本人的总统卫队,逮捕政变参与者,并包围涉嫌参与政变的第14机械旅指挥部。 15 th Infantry Brigade and 31 st armored battalion launches the exchange of fire with the 14 th mechanical travel in the Istanbul west city, forcing it to evacuate to Samandira direction, was annihilated on the way of retreating. Meanwhile, 4 Armor Brigade and 2 Mechanized Brigade stationed in southwestern Istanbul announced the support coup d'etat, called the Istanbul riser is a compatriot, pledged that must overthrow the rule of Erdoğan government, promoted the Turkey secularization advancement! 第15步兵旅和第31装甲营与第14机械旅在伊斯坦布尔西部城区展开交火,迫使其向萨曼德拉方向撤离,在撤退途中被歼灭。与此同时,驻扎在伊斯坦布西南部的四个装甲旅和二个机械化旅宣布支持政变,称呼伊斯坦布尔的起义者为同胞,誓言要推翻埃尔多安政府的统治,推进土耳其世俗化进程! Suddenly the spark of coup d'etat lit the Civil War rocket, both sides launch the fierce exchange of fire in the Turkey southwestern areas, the fighter aircraft have delimited the sky of city and villages and small towns in the shell at times. Everyone has not expected, this coup d'etat will evolve so intense Civil War. 一时间政变的星火点燃了内战的狼烟,双方在土耳其西南部地区展开激烈交火,战机于炮弹时时划过城市与村镇的上空。所有人都没有预料到,这场政变会演变成如此激烈的内战 However to some, all these are expected. 不过对于有些人来说,这一切都在意料之中。 This moment Turkey southeastern mountainous area, named Bateman city is coming under the control of anti- government forces. 此刻土耳其东南部的山区,名为巴特曼城市正置于反政府军的控制之下。 The northern airport,- 5 Milky Way transport aircraft by starlight passes through Turkish and Iraqi border, descends in the runway of signal light twinkle. 北部的机场,一架-五“银河”运输机趁着夜色穿过土伊边境,降落在信号灯闪烁的跑道。 The airplane stop, the cabin door opens, the Tank gun tube is pointing to fiercely extravehicular, stops safely in the engine room. Several wait for soldier by airport goes forward, shipped out outside the equipment in engine room the transport aircraft cautiously. 飞机停稳,舱门打开,坦克炮管狰狞地直指着舱外,稳稳当当地停在机舱内。几名等候在机场旁边的士兵上前,将机舱内的装备小心翼翼地运出了运输机外。 The military officer who wears the desert color camouflage clothing walked from the engine room, arrived in front of 22 nd Armor Brigade brigade commander Kolb accompanied by two bodyguards. 一名穿着沙漠色迷彩服的军官从机舱内走了出来,在两名保镖的陪同下来到了第22装甲旅旅长科尔布面前。 Kolb to this military officer good military force, after the latter returns a courtesy, two people moved toward by the airport. 科尔布对这位军官行了个军力,后者回礼后,两人走向了机场旁边。 3 m1a2 Main Battle Tank, 40 tons munitions supplies. Following 40 m1a2 will also import from the Iraq border, you must defend this corridor to Iraq, only if you want to lose the supplies.” Walks in Kolb side, Colonel Botrum from Europe the sinking sound said. “三辆m1a2主战坦克,40吨军火补给。后续还有40辆m1a2会从伊拉克边境运进,你们务必守住这条通往伊拉克的走廊,除非你们想失去补给。”走在科尔布的旁边,来自欧洲的博特伦上校沉声说道。 Wraps on me,” Kolb nods to say seriously, 22 Armor Brigade warrior will not give the Erdoğan government Bateman absolutely!” “包在我身上,”科尔布郑重地点头道,“22装甲旅战士绝对不会将巴特曼让给埃尔多安政府!” The range chicken army scale may be called NATO second, but merely is the scale. 土鸡陆军规模堪称北约第二,但仅仅是规模而言。 armored force Tank focuses on m- 60 of Cold War period, is from Germany leopard 1 Tank as a supplement, even m24 red clouds ascended of World War II is serving, in the 22 nd armored battalion has two such antiques. 装甲部队坦克冷战时期的m-60型为主,产自德国的“豹”一坦克为辅,甚至还有二战时期的m24霞飞在服役,第22装甲营里就有两辆这样的老古董。 If there is m1a2 to assist, disadvantage of 22 nd Armor Brigade on armored unit, will be drawn without doubt much! 如果有m1a2相助,第22装甲旅在装甲单位上的劣势,无疑将被扳回不少! „The Turkey secularization depended on you,” Colonel Botrum patted his shoulder, said seriously, when necessary, you can seek the help to Kurds. They are inborn warrior, so long as takes the independence as the bait, they will not let up this opportunity.” 土耳其世俗化就靠你们了,”博特伦上校拍了拍他的肩膀,郑重地说道,“如果有必要,你可以向库尔德人寻求帮助。他们都是天生的战士,只要以独立为诱饵,他们不会放过这个机会。” After hearing these words, Kolb knits the brows slightly. 听到这句话后,科尔布微微皱眉。 Kurds? I do not believe them!” 库尔德人?我不相信他们!” If you want to win this war, you must believe them.” Looks at this Officer Turkey unemotionally, Colonel Botrum said lightly, even heathen, so long as can for me and others the customer, be our allies. This is the decision that Freemasonry makes, you should understand my meaning.” “如果你希望打赢这场战争,你就必须相信他们。”面无表情地看着这位土耳其军官,博特伦上校淡淡地说道,“即便是异教徒,但只要能为我等所用者,都是我们的盟友。这是共济会做出的决定,你应该明白我的意思。” Kolb turned very quiet. 科尔布屏住了呼吸。 He understands certainly the meaning of Colonel Botrum. 他当然明白博特伦上校的意思。 If this is the decision that Freemasonry makes, then brigade commander of his only rebel army, has certainly no right to make the intervention. 如果这是共济会做出的决定,那么他区区一个叛军的旅长,当然无权多做干预。 Moreover, the volunteer from Europe will join to this war. At the appointed time, our people can have the American equipment to enter a country from the Iraq border. The United States standpoint will be very awkward, or the Hillary government will be very awkward. The NATO fighter aircraft cannot help the Turkey bombing home boy, even if its ‚does criminal, you understand my meaning?” “另外,来自欧洲的志愿者会加入到这场战争当中。届时,我们的人会带着美式装备从伊拉克边境入境。美国的立场会很尴尬,或者说希.拉里政府会很尴尬。北约的战机不会帮助土耳其轰炸本国人,哪怕是本国的‘罪犯’,你明白我的意思吗?” Kolb swallowed a spit, nods. 科尔布咽了口吐沫,点了点头。 Understood.” “明白。” Understands well.” “明白就好。” Botrum simple said the sentence, then managed head hat, looked to the directions of- 5 transport aircraft. 博特伦简单地说了句,然后理了理头上的帽子,望向了-五运输机的方向。 soldier of Brigade 22 has completed the work of unloading cargo, in the open area of not far away, Tank is testing the equipment. Tomorrow these three m1a2 will appear in the frontline of exchange of fire, becomes opposite 27 th Armor Brigade nightmare. 第22旅的士兵已经完成了卸货的工作,不远处的空地上,坦克手正在测试装备。明天这三辆m1a2就将会出现在交火的前线,成为对面第27装甲旅的噩梦。 The distant place, the tracer shell from the sky dances in the air, the fire embellishes unnatural purplish red the nighttime sky. 远方,曳光弹在空中飞舞,炮火将夜空点缀成不自然的紫红。 Kolb looked to that side direction. 科尔布望向了那边的方向。 He suddenly felt that sky seem like the Ottoman Empire future, cannot see clearly the direction in the darkness...... 他突然觉得,那片天空就好像奥斯曼帝国的未来,在黑暗中看不清方向…… ...... …… Yesterday evening, 22 nd Armor Brigade stationed in Palestinian Cuman area initiated to Turkey 27 th and 29 armored battalions offensive counter-attacks. Previously, the outside world has thought the 22 nd armored battalion supplies have exhausted, without the ability resisted encircling of Turkey government forces again. However this time counter-attacks is to make the outside world drop the eyeglasses, 22 nd Armor Brigade not only has not displayed the declining tendency, even in managing the armored battalion used m1a2 Main Battle Tank.” “昨日晚间,驻扎在巴库曼地区的第22装甲旅土耳其第27、29装甲营的攻势发起反扑。此前,外界一直认为第22装甲营补给已经耗尽,没有能力再抵抗土耳其政府军的围剿。然而此次反扑却是让外界跌眼镜,第22装甲旅非但没有表现出颓势,甚至在下辖装甲营中使用了m1a2主战坦克。” „...... Appears regarding the American equipment in the anti- government forces hand, Erdoğan expressed that strongly condemned this/should behavior, and called it the betrayal. But the White House aspect indicated that although Tank is the American equipment, but does not come from United States. Hillary visited Istanbul yesterday, held the discussion with Erdoğan, tried to comfort the folk recipe mood.” “……对于美式装备出现在反政府军手中,埃尔多安表示强烈谴责该行为,并称其为背叛。而白宫方面则表示,坦克虽然是美式装备,但并非来自美国希拉里于昨日到访伊斯坦布尔,与埃尔多安展开会谈,试图安抚土方情绪。” Some analysts said, the Turkey coup d'etat, or will make United States fall into the dilemma. the bb news, reported for you.” “有分析人士称,土耳其政变,或将让美国陷入两难境地。bb新闻,为您报道。” In the morning, Jiang Chen opened the international press channel as always. Enjoys the good food that Ayesha is carrying, while looks at liveliness on the international community. 早晨,江晨一如既往地打开了国际新闻频道。一边享用着阿伊莎端上来的美食,一边看着国际社会上的热闹。 Natasha carried own that to walk, sat by Jiang Chen's, Ayesha opposite. 娜塔莎端着自己的那份走了过来,坐在了江晨的旁边,阿伊莎的对面。 Looked that these news are interesting?” “看这些新闻有意思吗?” Naturally interesting,” Jiang Chen separated the omelette with the fork with a smile, the tender and delicate egg-yolk will puncture, smudged evenly on the slice of bread, some people once told me, Obama and Hillary belonged to Democratic Party, but the former belonged to Jewish Financial Group, but the latter belonged to anti- Jewish Financial Group.” “当然有意思,”江晨笑着用叉子分开了煎蛋,将娇嫩的蛋黄戳破,均匀涂抹在了面包片上,“有人曾经告诉我,奥巴.马希拉里都属于民主党,但前者属于犹太人财团,而后者属于反犹太人财团。” KGB had heard obviously this news, the Natasha's expression has not displayed any accident/surprise, is sipping the red lip on the contrary, teased is teasing. 克格勃显然听说过这个消息,娜塔莎的表情没有表现出任何的意外,反倒是微抿着红唇,调侃着打趣道。 Your way of eating somewhat alternative.” “你的吃法有些另类。” I also think. After all the usage of fork was inferior that the chopsticks are so rich, occasionally I will try the different ways of eating...... Ayesha, can give under me the honey?” “我也是这么认为。毕竟叉子的用法不如筷子那么丰富,偶尔我会尝试不同的吃法……阿伊莎,可以把蜂蜜递给我下吗?” Un!” “嗯!” Ayesha bit the bread in the lips, put down the fork, set aside the right hand to give Jiang Chen the honey pot. 阿伊莎将面包咬在了唇间,放下了叉子,腾出右手将蜂蜜罐递给了江晨 In the television, the report about Turkey had finished, what then broadcasts is a flash. In the picture of showing, flashed through the Future Technologies newest promoted VR City image. At this time, Jiang Chen said. 电视中,关于土耳其的报道已经结束,接下来播放的是一段快讯。在放映的画面中,闪过了未来人科技最新推出的v日ty的影像。这时,江晨开口说道。 What words did you have to plan and me say?” “你有什么话打算和我说吗?” Why you think that I did have the words to say?” Natasha looked curiously to Jiang Chen. “你为什么会认为我有话想说?”娜塔莎好奇地看向了江晨 Because of eight points,” Jiang Chen had referred to the clock on wall with a smile, „, if I not rapid, in the past your seven o'clock should go out goes to work.” “因为已经八点了,”江晨笑着指了指墙上的时钟,“如果我没急促,往常你七点钟就应该出门上班了。” Was exposed by Jiang Chen, Natasha also no longer concealed, put down the knife and fork in hand. 江晨点破,娜塔莎也不再隐瞒,放下了手中的刀叉。 Right, I really have the matter preparation and you discussed. Your are drone, interested in selling Russia?”(.) “没错,我确实有事准备和你商量。你们的无人机,有兴趣卖到俄罗斯吗?”(。)
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