IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#800: VRcity gets online

Unites Russian and United States anti- Jewish Financial Group, kills to occupy the entire Europe and half United States Jewish Financial Group. When Freemasonry this ** after ss solves, then drew old russians to tidy up together once shorted their ruble United States anti-Semitic the financial group. 联合俄罗斯人美国犹太财团,干掉占据整个欧洲和半个美国犹太人财团。等共济会这个**ss解决掉后,再拉着老毛子一起收拾曾经做空他们卢布美国反犹财团。 Then US Federal Reserve shareholder on but actually half. 如此一来美联储的股东就倒了一半了。 Waits for Space Elevator to be completed, the ambush USD plan of Future Group will also be much more relaxed. 太空电梯竣工,未来人集团的狙击美元计划也会轻松得多。 In the evening, the dim light of night is deep. 晚上,夜色深沉。 Natasha went to sleep, after confirming this point, Ayesha entered the Jiang Chen's study room softly. 娜塔莎已经睡下了,确认了这一点后,阿伊莎轻手轻脚地走进了江晨的书房。 At this moment, Jiang Chen is sitting before the table, through holographic screen of wrist watch projection, is reading with Evelyn to the information that about Freemasonry Russia trades. 此刻,江晨正坐在桌前,通过腕表投影的全息屏幕,翻看着用埃夫林俄罗斯换来的关于共济会的情报。 Attained from the Natasha hand after the Freemasonry material, he scanned in all data the wrist watch, gave Jane to conduct reorganization according to groups, and shared all Specter Agent that conformed to the jurisdiction. 娜塔莎手中拿到了关于共济会的资料后,他将所有数据都扫描到了腕表中,交给了“”进行分门别类的整理,并共享给所有符合权限的幽灵特工 In these materials, Jiang Chen saw many serious secrets accidentally/surprisingly. 在这些资料中,江晨意外地看到了不少不得了的秘闻。 Including the death of Kennedy, including the Iran-Iraq War, behind this has the Freemasonry shadow. Like Rothschild Household not only by far stands Carmen and Chateau Lafite that simple in floor, Freemasonry hidden the strength at the back of the world, Jiang Chen has seen KGB investigates, merely is the tip of the iceberg. 包括肯尼迪之死,包括两伊战争,这背后都有着共济会的影子。就像罗斯柴尔德家族远远不只是站在台面上的卡门与拉菲酒庄那么简单,共济会隐藏在世界背面的实力,无论是江晨所见过的还是克格勃调查到的,都仅仅是冰山一角而已。 Freemasonry is not a pure secret religious organization, but is a highly institution organization. 共济会绝非一个单纯的秘密宗教组织,而是一个高度制度化的组织。 However most makes Jiang Chen feel surprised to has not been they great achievements since modern times, but according to KGB acquired program of action about Freemasonry. 不过最让江晨感到吃惊的到不是他们自近代以来的丰功伟绩,而是根据克格勃收集到的关于共济会的行动纲领。 First step world Order that establishes Jews is the leadership. second step through vaccine, artificial virus as well as genetic weapon and other methods, reduced world population plan, global population control in 500,000,000. Third is to rule the world, by the few population monopolizing world natural resources, realizes Garden of Eden really in myth like the novel.” “第一步建立犹太人为主导的世界秩序第二步是通过疫苗、人工病毒以及基因武器等手段,减少世界人口计划,将全球人口控制在5亿以内。第三步是统治世界,以较少的人口独享世界自然资源,实现神话中的伊甸园简直像小说一样。” Jiang Chen shakes the head, projects the total information image that reduces after the wrist watch, the glide finger throws one side. 江晨摇了摇头,将腕表投影出来的全息图像缩小后,滑动手指扔到了一边。 Which perspective regardless of, this information some are far-fetched. However KGB also made the postil under this information, this is only limited information -based guess, rather than can by the fact of evidence evidence. 无论从哪个角度来看,这个情报都有些太不靠谱了。不过克格勃在这段情报下面也做了批注,这只是一种基于有限情报的猜测,而非能够被证据佐证的事实。 However what a little makes Jiang Chen care, Somalia warlord of NATO the year ago in view of hiding Black Ship Organization member, launched sunken wreck code-named the military action had passed for about a half year, however until now, NATO has not withdrawn troops from the infection area as before. 不过有一点让江晨在意的是,从年前北约针对藏匿黑船组织成员的索马里军阀,展开代号为“沉船”的军事行动已经过去了将近半年,然而直到现在,北约依旧没有从感染区撤军。 Or is responsible for maintaining local Order „the military contractor, has not withdrawn troops from the infection area. 或者说,负责维持当地秩序的“军事承包商”,没有从感染区撤军。 Is it possible that 莫非 Suddenly thinks a fearful matter, the Jiang Chen eye narrowed the eyes. 突然想到了一件可怕的事,江晨眼睛不由眯了起来。 Ayesha,” Jiang Chen looked that to has stood Ayesha by table, sends Specter Agent to go to Somalia, who makes clear to maintain the local Order military contractor is, the back shareholder is, except for carrying out the United Nations law, they still did anything in the area.” 阿伊莎,”江晨看向了一直站在桌旁的阿伊莎,“派一名幽灵特工索马里,搞清楚维持当地秩序的军事承包商是谁,背后股东是谁,除了执行联合国的法律,他们还在当地干了些什么。” Yes.” “是。” The Ayesha gentle voice replied, turns around to be about to leave the study room. 阿伊莎柔声答道,转身准备离开了书房。 But at this moment, Jiang Chen made noise to stop by calling out her suddenly. 可就在这时,江晨突然出声叫住了她。 Waits for.” “等一下。” What matter also has?” Ayesha has turned around, puzzled leaning under. “还有什么事吗?”阿伊莎转过身,困惑地偏了下头。 So is late, this matter will tell tomorrow again “都已经这么晚了,这事明天再吩咐下去吧” The moonlight climbed up the treetop gradually, the lamp of study room shone was very long, extinguished to the night. 月色渐渐爬上了树梢,书房的灯亮了很久,一直到深夜才熄灭。 Next morning, Evelyn rode the special plane that went to Russia, went to Moscow to accept political refuge. 次日清晨,埃夫林乘上了前往俄国的专机,前往莫斯科接受政治避难 Before departure, he expressed gratitude to Jiang Chen repeatedly, said after he took office, certainly makes own contribution to the friendly relations of Germany and Country of Xin. 在离开前,他反复向江晨表示了感谢,并称等他上任后,一定会为德国新国的友好关系作出自己的贡献。 Opens regarding Evelyn to his bounced check, Jiang Chen smiles, has not cared. 对于埃夫林开给他的这张空头支票,江晨只是笑了笑,没有放在心上。 To be honest, he does not think that before solving the trouble of Freemasonry, before this, Mr. Vice Prime Minister has the opportunity to revive the parties, recaptures the Germany political power from the New Choice Party hand. 老实说,他不认为在解决掉共济会的麻烦之前,这位前副总理先生有机会重振党派,从新选择党手中夺回德国的政权。 Mounts the stage to New Choice Party from Munich Incident, Rothschild Household obviously underwent the careful plan, present Germany was not two years ago that Germany, the refugee problem has made the public opinion of entire Europe toward right, want to topple New Choice Party at this time, light/only by electing Evelyn may not have the least bit odds of success. 慕尼黑事件新选择党上台,罗斯柴尔德家族明显是经过了精心的策划,现在的德国可不是两年前的那个德国,难民问题已经让整个欧洲的民意向右,这时候想要扳倒新选择党,光靠选举埃夫林可没有半点胜算。 Specter Agent went to Somalia aggressively, the military modernization of Country of Moro also in conducts, before Freemasonry plays the new sign, Jiang Chen also can only hold troops temporarily, awaits calmly the change of situation. 幽灵特工已经前往索马里,摩洛国的军事现代化建设也在紧锣密鼓的进行,在共济会打出新的牌之前,江晨这边暂时也只能按兵不动,静候局势的改变。 One side the indefinite trouble places beforehand, to fill up space program this bottomless pit, makes money diligently is the top priority! 不确定的麻烦事先放在一边,为了填满太空计划这个无底洞,努力赚钱才是硬道理! In the near future, Future Technologies completed finally the development, under the long-waited anticipation, the domineering registers the application market. 近期,未来人科技终于完成了的开发,在万众期待之期待下,强势登录应用市场。 This named Software Interaction, will permit user's personal virtual space, and has own real estate in virtual city. In virtual shopping and other functions, will launch the linkage with sr, user during purchase part virtual goods, if satisfied with the commodity, but can also purchase one in the reality directly. 这款名为的社交软件,将允许用户自己的私人虚拟空间,并在虚拟的城市中拥有自己的房产。在虚拟购物等功能上,将与sr展开联动,用户在购买部分虚拟物品的同时,如果对商品非常满意,还可以直接在现实中购买一份。 In addition, but also allows the user to be able through spreading in various city places mission knows the new friend, it may be said that is meets the male and female otakus public relations need the divine tool. 除此之外,还允许用户能够通过散布于城市各处的“任务”结识新朋友,可谓是满足宅男宅女社交需求的神器。 If expected such, once got online, then received the unanimous good marks of users. 如预料中的那样,一经上线,便受到了用户们的一致好评。 Not all users like Divine Grade Continent that Qihuan Adventure Style online game, the appearance filled Future Technologies in the leisure class game domain blank, making the Virtual Reality Network entertainment move toward multiverse. 并不是所有用户都喜欢神级大陆那种奇幻冒险风格网游,的出现可谓是填补了未来人科技在休闲类游戏领域的空白,让虚拟实境网络的娱乐走向了多元化。 Although also has the games of other company products using the market, but compares Future Technologies, these successors technically actually fell behind incessantly a tiny bit. Moreover limited to the server and other factors, the games of these game company development halts in the online degree. 虽然应用市场中也有其他公司出品的游戏,但相比起未来人科技来说,这些后来者在技术上却是落后了不止一点半点。而且受限于服务器等多方面的因素,这些游戏公司开发的游戏都止步于联机的程度。 However that said that in other game work rooms, one batch of talented products emerge. For example subordinates in the Microsoft game work room product my world, performance of this phenomenon level in platform is quite good, is not slightly unaccustomed to the climate because of the pixel point style. Before appearing, my world is applies in the market, in the leisure class game shoulders existence of target rank. 不过话是这么说,其它游戏工作室中,还是有一批实力不俗的产品涌现的。比如隶属于微软的游戏工作室出品的我的世界,这个现象级在平台上的表现相当不俗,丝毫没有因为像素点的画风而水土不服。在出现之前,我的世界可谓是应用市场中,休闲类游戏中扛把子级别的存在。 Yes, before appearing. 是的,在出现之前。 Even this phenomenon level, lost to the Future Group brand influence and hard strength as before. 即使是这种现象级,依旧输给了未来人集团的品牌影响力与硬实力。 By noon today, the Future Technologies that side gives in my data to demonstrate, the registration subscriber has broken through 50 million, it is expected that can break the 100 million critical junction before the end of the month!” When Office introverted Jiang Chen reports the work, even always steady Xia Shiyu, on the face still appeared several points of exciting color. “截止今天中午,未来人科技那边给我的数据上显示,的注册用户数量已经突破五千万,预计在月底前便可突破一亿大关!”在办公室内向江晨汇报工作时,即使是一向稳重的夏诗雨,脸上也是不由浮现了几分兴奋之色。 Short one week, the subscriber then breaks through 50 million, the result of so bright eye, is truly difficult proud. 短短一个星期的时间,用户数量便突破五千万,如此亮眼的成绩,确实很难不让人为之骄傲。 Yesterday read the news, Munich really has terrorist attack unexpectedly to be continued. 昨天看新闻,慕尼黑居然真发生恐怖袭击了未完待续。
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