IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#799: Never true ally

Construction of Space Elevator in aggressive during conducts. 太空电梯的修建在紧锣密鼓的进行当中。 Is maintaining for day a rocket rhythm, Star Ring Trading Aerospace Technology Center had turned into the routine activities the aerospace project, every day launches 24 tons heavy item at Outer Space. Almost just went down the production line through 320 engines that the Industrial Grade 3 printers make, was transported to the rocket launch field to complete the assembly. 保持着一天一枚火箭的节奏,星环贸易航天科技中心已经将航天项目变成了日常活动,每天向外层空间发射24吨重物。通过工业级三打印机生产的320引擎几乎是刚走下生产线,就被运往火箭发射场完成组装。 The Aerospace Technology Center staff even jokingly calls in a special media interview, we successfully turned into the assembly line the aerospace enterprise.” 航天科技中心的员工在接受媒体采访时甚至戏称,“我们成功将航天事业变成了流水线。” The Star Ring series rocket cost is lower than Falcon No. 9, the construction cost is only 10,000,000 USD. Because Star Ring series rocket uses the Level 2 advancement pattern, and first stage rocket may repeat the reclaim and utilize, therefore the single launch cost is only four 1 million USD. Namely, Falcon No. 9 delivers rocket 2/3. 星环系列火箭的成本低于“猎鹰九号”,造价仅为1000万美元。由于星环系列火箭采用二级推进模式,且一级火箭可重复回收利用,故单次发射成本仅为四百万美元。即,“猎鹰九号”运载火箭的三分之二。 Also therefore, Star Ring Trading can burn this money. 也正是因此,星环贸易才能烧得起这个钱。 However when Kelvin delivers to an issue of budget application material the Jiang Chen desk, Jiang Chen could not bear be flabbergasted under. 不过当克尔温将一期预算申请材料送到江晨办公桌上时,江晨还是忍不住咋舌了下。 Day of 4,000,000, one year may be 14,600,000,000! 一天400万,一年可就是146亿 This Space Elevator light/only transports the material toward Outer Space the expense, on expensive/noble scary. 太空电梯光是往外层空间运送材料的费用,就贵的吓死人。 However expensive/noble was expensive, this money spent was worth, the beginning of the year time Jiang Chen has allocated funds 50 billion USD to Star Ring Trading, after the Space Elevator research and development ended, had the 400 hundred million surpluses. Future Bank that side loaned 20 billion, Jiang Chen loaned 30 billion through Boston Bank and Morgan Bank respectively, makes the mortgage with the Future Group stock, the repayments period 5 years, years interest 6. 不过贵是贵了点,这钱花的还是值得的,年初的时候江晨就已经向星环贸易拨款了五百亿美元,太空电梯研发结束后还有四百多亿的结余。未来人银行那边贷款了两百亿,江晨又通过波士顿银行摩根银行分别贷款了三百亿,用未来人集团股份做抵押,还款期五年,年利息六。 Has saying that the Future Group stock regarding the United States financial group is quite attractive. From the beginning Jiang Chen and Rocky discussed matter of loan time, that only Old Fox also in every possible way hesitant , indicating that this amount is too big some is not easy to do. But when heard when Jiang Chen is willing with the Future Group stock makes the mortgage, anything troubles did not have, Rocky really wishes one could to borrow again to Jiang Chen, when time Jiang Chen was good to become the Future Group first major stockholder. 不得不说,未来人集团的股份对于美国财团来说还是相当有吸引力的。一开始江晨洛奇商量贷款的事的时候,那只老狐狸还百般犹豫,表示这金额太大有些不好办。可当听说江晨愿意用未来人集团股份做抵押时,什么麻烦都没了,洛奇简直恨不得再多借点给江晨,等到时候江晨还不起了好成为未来人集团的第一大股东。 However after hesitant, Jiang Chen has not done that finally. 不过犹豫了一番后,江晨最终没有这么做。 How to say two again is also the ally, when the time comes their pit is so miserable, Jiang Chen also somewhat feels sorry. 再怎么说两家也是盟友,到时候把他们一家坑的这么惨,江晨也是有些过意不去。 Therefore, after looking for Boston Financial Group, Jiang Chen then found US Federal Reserve another major stockholder, the financial group shoulders target Morgan Stanley. 所以,找完波士顿财团后,江晨接着又找到了美联储的另一大股东,财团的“扛把子”摩根士丹利 When Jiang Chen found Morgan Bank, was follows a set pattern puts out the stock to make the bait. As he expected, the opposite party after indicating to need to meet to discuss, next day related Jiang Chen on own initiative , indicating that the loan of this 30 billion absolutely does not have the issue. 江晨找到摩根银行的时候,也是如法炮制地拿出了股份做诱饵。不出他所料,对方在表示需要开会讨论讨论后,第二天就主动联系了江晨,表示这三百亿的贷款完全没问题。 Morgan Bank and First Boston Bank so will be attentive, is completely because they do not believe Jiang Chen to be able also to this sum of money. Through the intelligence studies in various aspects, Future Group massive fund waste in the aerospace project. 摩根银行第一波士顿银行之所以会如此殷勤,完全是因为他们根本不相信江晨能还得起这笔钱。通过各方面的情报研究,未来人集团将大量的资金浪费在航天项目上。 Morgan Bank believes with the First Boston Bank analyst, this counts the loan of 10 billion USD, has very big possibility to invest into the aerospace project. 摩根银行第一波士顿银行的分析师一致认为,这数百亿美元的贷款,有很大的可能性就是投入到航天项目中。 But it is well known, the aerospace project is a bottomless pit. 而众所周知,航天项目是个无底洞。 The majority reason that even if sp this outstanding private aircraft enterprise, can make the profit still depends on from the United States Ministry of National Defense order. Launches the project by the trade activity merely, is impossible to support a aerospace enterprise! 就算是sp这种出类拔萃的私营航空企业,能实现盈利的一多半原因也是靠着来自和美国国防部的订单。仅仅是靠商业活动发射项目,根本不可能养活一家航天企业! Although Country of Xin the economic growth rate is quick, but after all is a small country, every year finance can how many invest into the aerospace project come up? Only is depends on the Russia outsourcing the International Space Station supplies project, most mixes a warm and sufficient condition, if really has makes money, Russia will do to you? 新国虽然经济增速很快,但终归是一个小国,每年的财政又有多少能投入到航天项目上去?光是靠着俄罗斯外包的国际空间站补给项目,最多混个温饱,要是真有那么赚钱,俄罗斯会给你做? Therefore, Morgan Bank and First Boston Bank believe consistently, Future Group not possibly recoups the cost of investment certainly in five years, at the appointed time Jiang Chen can only repay the debt with the stockholder's rights. 所以,摩根银行第一波士顿银行一致相信,未来人集团绝无可能在五年内收回投资成本,届时江晨只能用股权偿还债务。 However will Jiang Chen make them achieve wishes? 然而江晨会让他们如愿吗? When the day of Space Elevator completion, was Future Group ambushes USD. 等到太空电梯完工之日,便是未来人集团狙击美元之时。 Since Natasha moved in the villa to pass nearly for two weeks, with two weeks of being together, Jiang Chen almost also the Russia young girl who was used to this to rub eats to rub drinks. 自从娜塔莎搬进别墅已经过去快两个星期了,随着两个星期的相处,江晨差不多也习惯了这位蹭吃蹭喝的俄罗斯小妞。 Must say the words where also some are not familiar with, cannot go home after getting off work probably, with lovable Ayesha in gym or bathroom and balcony and so on place came one round. Returns to that side Last of Days to see Sun Jiao and Yao Yao they, must the gate locking bedroom again. 要说哪里还有些不习惯的话,大概也只有不能在下班后回到家中,与可爱的阿伊莎健身房或浴室、阳台之类的地方来一发了。回末世那边看望孙娇姚姚她们,也得将卧室的门锁紧再去了。 However opportunity thing has, after all Natasha is impossible to treat in home. She who in Embassy holds the post of the security not like oneself to Jiang Chen that oneself work, can look that the mood and weather go to work. Even if on Koro Island blew Typhoon, every day seven o'clock she must go out goes to the embassy street. 不过机会这东西还是有的,毕竟娜塔莎不可能一直待在家中。在大使馆担任保安的她可不像自己给自己打工的江晨那样,能够看心情和天气上班。就算是科罗岛上刮了台风,每天七点钟她也得出门去使馆街。 On June 6, that side Kremlin finally had the news, agreed Jiang Chen about person traded information the proposition. 六月 6 号,克里姆林宫那边总算有了消息,同意了江晨关于“人换情报”的提议。 Since Germany New Choice Party mounts the stage, as Russia in Europe Germany of largest economic partnership, changes immediately originally to the attitude that very soon softens, becomes south corridor the firm supporter of plan to expand from Azerbaijan to the investment of European pipeline, seeks the new natural gas source to Caspian Sea to Middle East. 自从德国新选择党上台后,作为俄国在欧洲的第一大经济伙伴的德国,立刻改变了原先对俄软化的态度,成为了“南部走廊”计划的坚定支持者即扩大从阿塞拜疆至欧洲天然气管道的投资,向里海以南至中东地区寻求新的天然气来源。 If south corridor plans successfully, will skid the European energy domain, completely changes European Union to be restrained in the energy issue with the Russia aspect. This regarding Russia, without doubt is a serious attack. 若是“南部走廊”计划成功,将撬动欧洲能源版图,彻底改变欧盟在能源问题上受制与俄罗斯的局面。这对于俄罗斯来说,无疑是个沉重的打击。 Missing Merkel is more unfortunate than fortunate, first Vice Prime Minister Evelyn becomes the hope of Russia. But Evelyn oneself as well as its respective parties Christian Democratic Union, is pro- suddenly Political party that Europe ranks among the best. In this regard, cancels about the approval from Merkel on very soon sanctions, as well as acknowledged that Crimea belongs to a series of speeches of Russia, can obvious looks. 下落不明的默克尔已经凶多吉少,前副总理埃夫林则成为了俄罗斯的希望。而埃夫林本人以及其所属党派“基督教民主联盟”,也是欧洲数一数二的亲俄政党。关于这一点,从默克尔关于赞同取消对俄制裁,以及承认克里米亚归属俄方的一系列发言,都能够明显的看出来。 But compares to be away from several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) Country of Xin, Moscow close to Europe also truly can better provides the support to Evelyn. 而相比起隔着数万里的新国,距离欧洲更近的莫斯科也确实能更好的对埃夫林提供支持。 Therefore this point Jiang Chen to was bets right, Evelyn regarding Russia truly was a solid chip. 所以这一点江晨到是赌对了,埃夫林对于俄国来说确实是个分量十足的筹码。 On the other hand, Turkey the intense situation also stimulated the Russia nerve day by day. Wiley Society from Ukraine Civil War, Freemasonry went forth to battle to interfere with the Turkey coup d'etat again until now personally, Kremlin realizes the risk of this organization finally. 另一方面,土耳其日趋紧张的局势也着实刺激到了俄罗斯的神经。从乌克兰内战中的维利会,再到如今共济会亲自上阵干涉土耳其政变,克里姆林宫总算认识到了这个组织的危险性。 Russia needs the ally in the Freemasonry issue. 俄国共济会的问题上需要盟友。 But is facing Country of Xin from Freemasonry threat together, without doubt is a good choice! 而共同面对着来自共济会威胁的新国,无疑是个不错的选择! Altogether 347 materials, record from the second war to nowadays KGB to the complete information that Freemasonry investigates, all in this plate,” Natasha shook the plate in hand to this Jiang Chen, smilingly by the sofa, what you must express, as to my thanks?” “一共347的资料,记录着从二战到现今克格勃共济会调查的全部情报,全都在这个盘里,”娜塔莎对这江晨晃了晃手中的盘,笑眯眯地靠在了沙发上,“你是不是得表示点什么,作为对我的感谢?” „Does Vodka drink full? Although I felt you turn my refrigerator time never has politely.” Jiang Chen complained the sentence, put out a hand with the Natasha hand in plate. 伏加特喝到饱?虽然我感觉你翻我冰箱的时候从来没客气过。”江晨吐槽了句,伸手拿过了娜塔莎手中的盘。 Philippines situation? I heard that Freemasonry sent Colonel Moritz to be the military adviser of Philippines army from Europe, the fellow was ruthless character.” Natasha said with a smile. 菲国局势怎么样了?我听说共济会从欧洲派来了莫里茨上校担任菲国陆军的军事顾问,那家伙可是个狠角色。”娜塔莎笑着说道。 Right?” Jiang Chen smiles impartially, took in the plate the pocket, to me is the same.” “是吗?”江晨不置可否地笑了笑,将盘收进了兜里,“对我来说都一样。” I appreciate your self-confidence very much, but you may not have a low opinion of the enemy.” Natasha warned, other, I heard you and United States Financial group the people of walked was very near, but I have to remind your one, don't initially their allies. They perhaps are repugnant Jews, but outside person to Anglo-Saxon person, where will also not like going.” “我很欣赏你的自信,但你们可千万别轻敌了。”娜塔莎告诫道,“另外,我听说你们和美国财团的人走的很近,但我不得不提醒你一声,千万别将自己当初他们的盟友。他们或许讨厌犹太人,但对盎格鲁撒克逊人以外的人,也不会喜欢到哪里去。” After hearing these words, Jiang Chen smiles to make noise immediately. 听到这句话后,江晨顿时笑出了声来。 This also uses are you reminding? 这还用的着你们提醒? The international relations where will have the true ally. 国际关系上哪里会有真正的盟友。 That bottle of Vodka that your previous time Christmas drinks, Freemasonry chief Rothschild Household delivers. To be continued. 你上次圣诞节喝的那瓶伏加特,还是共济会的头子罗斯柴尔德家族送的呢。未完待续。
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