IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#798: Foreign army

120 billion, to Future Group absolutely is not a small number. 一千两百亿,对未来人集团绝对不是个小数目。 But if this 200 billion is used to forge this to lead to the Cosmos key, then it also merely is only a number. 但如果这两千亿是用来锻造这通往宇宙的钥匙,那么它也仅仅只是个数字罢了。 After Space Elevator constructs, let alone was 200 billion, the Future Group in the future currency settlement with has not used USD is an issue. The Earth aerospace industry will complete from Stone Age to the leap of Bronze Age, enters the Outer Space cost even to be lower than the commercial aircraft, impractical outer space mining will also become the reality, can describe with earth-shaking regarding the change of Earth Civilization. 太空电梯建好之后,别说是两千亿了,未来人集团往后的货币结算还用不用美元都是个问题。地球航天业将完成从石器时代青铜时代的飞跃,进入外层空间的成本甚至将低于民航客机,原本不切实际的太空采矿也将变成现实,对于地球文明的改变可以用翻天覆地来形容。 But realizes all these, 120 billion slip of paper. 而实现这一切,才一千两百亿张纸片而已。 Comes out after Aerospace Technology Center research institute, Jiang Chen went to Xia Shiyu Office, and she ventilates the Space Elevator plan of this 120 billion. Although Jiang Chen had disclosed before this project spends is quite possibly astonishing, but after hearing 120 billion this number, Xia Shiyu could not bear hold breath a cold air. 航天科技中心研究所出来后,江晨去了趟夏诗雨办公室,将这一千两百亿太空电梯计划和她通了气。虽然以前江晨就有透露过这个工程耗资可能相当惊人,但听到一千两百亿这个数字后,夏诗雨还是忍不住倒吸了口凉气。 You think company is the seal bill? Even if many projects make money, is still requires the time to cash in?” “你以为公司是印钞票的吗?就算很多项目赚钱,也是需要时间来兑现的好吗?” Even if the Future Group every year turnover surpasses 100 billion, the gross profit is close to 60 billion, but this still takes one year cashes. Since establishment, Future Group continuously expansion business, but this each expansion needs money. 就算未来人集团每年的营业额超过千亿,总利润接近六百亿,但这也是需要一年的时间去兑现的。从成立至今,未来人集团一直在扩张业务,而这每一步扩张都是需要钱的。 „Didn't we open family/home bank?” Facing the question of Xia Shiyu, Jiang Chen feels the nose to say with a smile embarrassed. “我们不是开了家银行吗?”面对夏诗雨的诘问,江晨摸着鼻子不好意思地笑道。 Hears this saying, Xia Shiyu sighs reluctantly, answered patiently to him. 听到这话,夏诗雨无奈地叹了口气,耐心地向他解释道。 Even if opened bank, does not mean that these money can use casually. The Space Elevator light listens to the name the words, should not be that short-term can recoup the cost of investment the project? The 120 billion fund locks completely in the same project, this cannot describe with the risk.” “就算开了银行,也不意味着这些钱就是能随便用的。太空电梯光听名字的话,应该不是那种短期能收回投资成本的项目吧?一千两百亿的资金全部锁在同一个项目上,这已经不能用冒险来形容了。” Then lends money to other bank?” “那向其它银行借钱呢?” „Have you considered the issue of money back?” “你考虑过还钱的问题没?” Naturally, I had not only considered issue of money back, I had also considered after too the Space ladder constructs, whether USD can also look like now such valuable issue.” Facing the question of Xia Shiyu, Jiang Chen said self-confidently with a smile. “当然,我不仅考虑过还钱的问题,我还考虑过等太空天梯建好后,美元是否还能像现在这么值钱的问题。”面对夏诗雨的质疑,江晨自信地笑着说道。 After hearing the Jiang Chen's words, Xia Shiyu speechless opens mouth. Just wants to ask why he will say, but has studied her of economics, quick then comprehended truth. 听到江晨的话后,夏诗雨哑然地张了张嘴。刚想问他为什么会这么说,但学过经济学的她,很快便自己领悟了这其中的道理。 When any currency can monopolize a market, the influence of this currency changes acts according to this/should market with the interrelatedness of other markets, radiates to other markets. 当任何一种货币能够垄断一个市场的时候,这个货币的影响力变回根据该市场与其它市场的关联度,向其它市场辐射。 Cites simple example, petroleum settles accounts to use USD very much, this is establishes USD to become one of the hard currency reasons in the international trade. Currently speaking, no cargo on other markets was again bigger than effect of petroleum. Because you, regardless of produces anything, direct or indirect must consume petroleum to transport. 举个很简单的例子,石油结算必须使用美元,这是奠定美元在国际贸易中成为硬通货的原因之一。就目前而言,再没有一种货物比石油对其它市场的影响更大了。因为你无论生产什么,直接或间接都得消耗“石油”来运输。 If completed Space Elevator, that means Star Ring Trading will monopolize to enter the gateway of outer space. Even if Star Ring Trading print a bill when the time comes, pointed at these scrap papers saying that the later outer space trade must settle accounts with these slips of paper, all governments must hold one's nose to recognize. 如果建成了太空电梯,那将意味着星环贸易将垄断进入太空的门户。就算到时候星环贸易自己印个钞票,指着那些废纸说以后太空贸易必须用这些纸片结算,各国政府也得捏着鼻子认了。 Good long while, she pushes a few words from the throat. 好半天,她才从喉咙里挤出来一句话。 This was too risky.” “这太冒险了。” But our chances are very big.” Jiang Chen looks at Xia Shiyu, said with the earnest tone. “但我们的赢面很大。”江晨看着夏诗雨,用认真的语气说道。 The Space Elevator plan launches as scheduled, Future Heavy Industry has started to adjust the capacity, produces the workshop of graphene track in the Ange Island Industrial Park Zone extension. 太空电梯计划如期展开,未来人重工已经开始调整产能,在安加岛工业园区扩建生产石墨烯轨道的厂房。 The plan of construction is first to launch Outer Space the material, after establishing synchronizes Orbital Space Station, the synchronization launches as balance weight the construction of space station, as well as lays down the track to the ground. 施工方案是先将材料发射到外层空间,建立同步轨道空间站后,同步展开作为“平衡锤”的空间站的施工,以及向地面铺设轨道。 After the orbital part constructs, does not need through launching the rocket way comes to the Outer Space transportation material, can escort to the outer space with the graphene track the material directly, will then save the space station construction cost greatly. 等轨道部分建好之后,就无需通过发射火箭的方式来向外层空间运输材料了,直接用石墨烯轨道就能将材料送往太空,如此一来将大大节省空间站的施工成本。 In other words, perhaps the budget of 1000 two 10 billion, cannot use up finally also perhaps. 也就是说,一千百亿的预算,或许最终用不完也说不定。 At present, deployed has completed the assembly in the equator online Space Elevator base depot, looked at probably flat Rubik's Cube from afar. 目前,部署在赤道线上的太空电梯基站已经完成了组装,远远地望去就好像一座扁平的魔方 Out of security concerns, Star Ring Trading deployed a military hand of one battalion above. Many foreign media had smelled the wind sound/rumor, this Future Group seems prepared to promote any flash news on Pacific Ocean, therefore sent out the quickest reporter of running in abundance. 出于安全考虑,星环贸易在上面部署了一个营的兵力把手。不少国外媒体已经嗅到了风声,这未来人集团似乎有准备在太平洋上搞什么大新闻,于是纷纷派出了跑的最快的记者。 However facing the inquiry of media, Star Ring Trading and Future Group deals consistently silent, kept silent to the use of this giant offshore platform. However unifies Star Ring Trading in the near future the frequent aerospace activity, many people had guessed correctly anything faintly, but has not been willing to believe. 然而面对媒体的询问,星环贸易未来人集团都是一致沉默应对,对这座巨型海上平台的用途只字不提。不过结合到星环贸易近期频繁的航天活动,不少人已经隐隐猜到了些什么,只是还不愿相信。 Space Elevator? 太空电梯 Regardless how saying that this also pulled. 无论怎么说,这也太扯了。 Has not gone to care about the rumors in these networks, because Jiang Chen also has a more important matter to do. 没有去在意那些网络上的流言,因为江晨还有更重要的事去做。 The truth of talent can arouse jealousy he not, although Five Great Gangsters within the framework of United Nations will definitely not look like Victorian Times big powers that barbarous, but will inevitably bring many unnecessary troubles regarding the Space Elevator saliva for Star Ring Trading. 怀璧其罪的道理他不会不懂,虽然在联合国框架下五大流氓不会肯定不会像维多利亚时代的列强那么野蛮,但对于太空电梯的垂涎势必会为星环贸易带来诸多不必要的麻烦。 Therefore, before Space Elevator is completed, Star Ring Trading must have with the strength that it matches! 所以,在太空电梯竣工之前,星环贸易必须具备与之匹配的实力! After the military exercise ended one week, is in early June, Star Ring Trading published the conscription advertisement in the official site. 军演结束后的一个星期,也就是六月初,星环贸易在官网上刊登了征兵广告。 Any country, any to the Star Ring Trading interested party, may download the test order in the Phantom Helmet application market, in form of game through the inspection of Star Ring Trading. Regarding through inspection, the Star Ring Trading aspect will provide the free airplane ticket, goes to Country of Xin to enter the interview for it. 任何国家,任何对星环贸易感兴趣的人,都可在幻影头盔的应用市场上下载测试程序,以游戏的形式通过星环贸易的考核。对于通过考核者,星环贸易方面将提供免费的机票,供其前往新国参加面试。 If the interview passes, the registrant will be enrolled foreign army, becomes the Star Ring Trading staff. 如果面试通过,应征者将被编入外籍兵团,成为星环贸易的员工。 At present, the Penglai City resident population has broken through 500,000, the Country of Xin total population has broken the 800,000 critical junction, as gradual stuff of labor force gap, Country of Xin has started to tighten originally the relaxed immigration policy, providing quantity that and labor gets visa. 目前,蓬莱市常驻人口已经突破五十万,新国总人口已经突破八十万大关,随着劳动力缺口的逐渐填满,新国已经开始收紧了原本宽松的移民政策,以及劳工签证的发放数量。 Now wants immigrant Country of Xin, already not one year ago was so easy. 现在想要移民新国,已经没有一年前那么容易了。 Does not have money not to have the culture wants to immigrate? That becomes a soldier! 没钱没文化的想移民?那就当兵去吧! Coordinated the Star Ring Trading conscription policy, Country of Xin to promulgate Foreign Army Act, any in the foreign staff who was in itself engaged in the military related industry, serving for three years later can obtain the Country of Xin nationality, became Country of Xin citizen one. During serving five years or the service, foreign soldier that died in battle, the directly-related family member may obtain the Country of Xin nationality. 配合星环贸易的征兵政策,新国颁布了外籍兵团法案,任何在本国从事军事相关行业的外籍员工,在服役三年后将能够获得新国国籍,成为新国公民的一员。服役五年或服役期间阵亡的外籍士兵,直系亲属可获得新国国籍。 Also therefore, when Star Ring Trading conscription advertisement, once were announced that then harvested ten several tens of thousands resume from the world. Many people at all for that several thousand USD wage, are not in order to earn the qualifications of that immigrant merely. 也正是因此,当星环贸易的征兵广告一经公布,便收获了十数万份来自全球各地的简历。不少人根本不是为了那几千美元的薪水,仅仅是为了能够拿到那个移民的资格。 Speaking of the immigration, has to propose an interesting phenomenon. 说到移民,就不得不提个有趣的现象。 After Penglai City completion, the immigration from Europe gradually increases are many. 蓬莱市竣工后,来自欧洲的移民可谓是愈渐增多。 They are not the refugees, the reason of but immigrating actually more or less because of refugee. 他们不是难民,但移民的理由却或多或少因为难民。 Since European Union adopts the coercive policy after the refugee, lit thoroughly buried the contradiction in European Society. From the long-term perspective, this may not let Europe in the future gets rid of afforestation the danger, but intensified the turbulence of society in the short-term without doubt. 自从欧盟对难民采取高压政策之后,彻底点燃了埋藏在欧洲社会中的矛盾。从长远的角度来讲,这或许会让未欧洲在未来摆脱“绿化”的危险,但短期来看无疑是加剧了社会的动荡。 Every month has terrorist attack to happen, including Paris and Munich many city, had announced that entered the emergency. Europe of high benefits had been taken off the immigration Paradise hat, the economic growth rate good developing country, becomes the first choice of European immigrant. 每个月都有恐怖.袭击发生,包括巴黎慕尼黑在内的多个城市,都已经宣布进入了紧急状态。高福利的欧洲已经被摘下了移民天堂的帽子,经济增速良好的发展中国家,成为了欧洲移民的首选。 Perhaps because of the Western European quite cold reason, the national territory distributes in Country of Xin of equator line edge, especially by the welcome of European immigrant. 或许是因为西欧比较冷的缘故,国土分布于赤道线边缘的新国,尤为受欧洲移民的欢迎。 Especially the immigration from Germany and France, was Country of Xin brought lots of high technology and new technology talents, many electronics industries, Robot, Artificial Intelligence and other experts of multi-discipline, made a big contribution to the development of Country of Xin. To be continued 尤其是来自德、法两国的移民,为新国带来了大量的高新技术人才,其中不乏电子工业、机器人人工智能等多领域的专家,对于新国的发展可谓是做出了不小的贡献。未完待续
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