IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#797: Exceedingly high tower in blueprint

The Philippines army headquarters, the military administration two high levels get together in this, however in this moment headquarters is actually the static fearfulness. 菲国陆军指挥部,军政两界的高层齐聚于此,然而此刻指挥部内却是静的可怕。 Freemasonry military adviser Moritz that sends from Europe does not say a word, the expression on face could not see that at this moment fluctuates his. Philippines President Aquino IV glanced right and left, managed the somewhat tight collar, whispered to secretary low voice. 共济会从欧洲派来的军事顾问莫里茨一言不发,脸上的表情看不出此刻他内心的波动。菲国总统阿基诺四世左顾右盼了下,理了理有些紧的衣领,对身旁的秘书小声低语道。 Helps me pour water, thanks.” “帮我倒杯水,谢谢。” secretary nods, turns around to go out of out of the door. 秘书点了点头,转身走出了门外。 Another head of direction table, new army Marshal Stark stands there, is looking at already the military exercise live broadcast picture that finished not silently, pastes in stubbornly, blue vein violent that the thigh both sides fists pinch. 指挥桌的另一头,新任陆军元帅斯塔克站在那里,一言不发地望着已经结束的军演实况转播画面,贴在大腿两侧的拳头捏的死死的,以至于青筋都暴了起来。 Star Ring Trading not to landing operations mission security, but should the request of United Nations, naturally be very public to eastern South Asia various countries it. It looks like in Stark, this really is the provocation of naked, even if plays cards to you, you cannot do us as before! 星环贸易没有对登陆作战演练项目保密,而是应联合国的要求,很大方地将其向东南亚诸国公开。在斯塔克看来,这简直赤果果的挑衅就算给你们看牌,你们依旧干不过我们! Star Ring Trading has written these words on the face! 星环贸易已经将这句话写在了脸上! Extremely arrogant “狂妄” city games subject?” Military adviser Moritz from Germany looked at Stark Marshal, said with the meticulous sound, compared drone to hasten to ground the performance of landing operations, what I was worried was performance of drone in city games.” 城市科目呢?”来自德国的军事顾问莫里茨将目光转向了斯塔克元帅,用一丝不苟的声音说道,“相比起无人机在抢滩登陆作战的表现,我更担心的是无人机城市中的表现。” drone high mobile customizes for the city terrain with flexible really! Although also did not know about this Hummingbird Drone, but Moritz saw its true stage not in the sand beach, but in city! 无人机的高机动与灵活性简直是为城市地形量身定做的!虽然同样对这款蜂鸟无人机不甚了解,但莫里茨一眼就看出了它的真正的舞台不是在沙滩上,而是在城市 No,” Aquino IV is shaking the head to reply this issue, they only publicized the sensitive landing operations project, the street fighting and jungle and fight video recording of mountainous region combat subject is not public to United Nations. I have protested, but is useless “没有,”阿基诺四世摇着头回答了这个问题,“他们只公开了敏感的登陆作战项目,巷战与丛林、山地作战科目的战斗录像并未向联合国公开。我抗议过,但没用” The last few words, Aquino IV said is very helpless. 最后一句话,阿基诺四世说的很无奈。 Stark Marshal looked to Moritz, hopes that from this military adviser from Europe, has been resisted the Star Ring Trading method. 斯塔克元帅看向了莫里茨,希望从这位来自欧洲的军事顾问身上,得到对抗星环贸易的方法。 Odds of success is very low, but also has.” After Moritz pondered the moment, the knuckle arrives at the chin to open the mouth saying that in the tactic, with rifle from hit drone is not an easy matter, but in short distance use soft hail. Shoots the spear/gun, from the use broken piece grenade and grenade can pose the threat to this short distance drone. Strategically, disturbs drone and terminal with the signal shield relates, although possibly creates the hindrance to the communication, but should be able to restrain the Star Ring Trading drone tactic effectively.” “胜算很低,但也并非没有。”莫里茨沉思了片刻后,指节抵着下巴开口道,“在战术上,用步枪在中距离命中无人机不是件容易的事,但在近距离使用霰.弹枪,中距离使用破片手雷和枪榴弹还是能够对这种近距离无人机造成威胁。在战略上,用信号屏蔽干扰无人机与终端联系,虽然可能对己方通讯造成阻碍,但应该能有效克制星环贸易无人机战术。” We must make the adjustment to the frontline deployment immediately, Mindanao Island counter-attack the plan temporarily to postpone, we require more time!” “我们必须立刻对前线部署做出调整,棉兰老岛反攻计划暂时推迟,我们需要更多的时间!” On the result, the Xin-Ma Joint Military Exercise achievement is quite prominent. 就结果而言,新马联合军演的成果还是相当突出的。 After experiencing Star Ring Trading Marine Team strong operational capacity, deployed was obviously law-abiding in the Luzon Island southern Philippines army. 在见识了星环贸易海军陆战队强大的作战能力后,部署在吕宋岛南部的菲国陆军明显安分了许多。 However newly appointed Philippines President and army Marshal has not recognized obviously instigated, is the poor|Fei ** the matter modernization provides the loan Freemasonry not to have the slight vacillation, as before routinely escorts to Luzon Island Tank and modern equipment, the stern regional situation added fuel for this again. 然而新上任的菲国总统与陆军元帅显然并没有认怂,为菲**事现代化提供贷款的共济会也没有丝毫的动摇,依旧按部就班地将坦克和现代化装备送往吕宋岛,为这本就严峻的地区局势再添上一把柴火。 However said, even if the 80,000 multi- Philippines army exchanges the modern equipment completely, Jiang Chen was not worried that the Country of Moro political power is lost very much by Star Ring Trading is supporting. The card in a hand on his hand may, not only Hummingbird Drone and Aurora-20, if this Philippines really dares to come, this chapter of Star Ring Trading person advances Manila to go to them directly! 不过说真的,就算八万菲国陆军全部换上现代化装备,江晨也不是很担心被星环贸易支持着的摩洛国政权会输。他手上的底牌可不只是蜂鸟无人机极光20,若是这菲国真敢来,这回星环贸易的人直接给他们推到马尼拉去! The military exercise altogether continued three days. 军演总共持续了三日。 After three days, Star Ring Trading soldier boarded the military transport ship, starts to return from the Xin-Ma Special Region harbor. 三日过后,星环贸易士兵登上了运输舰,从新马特区的港口启程返航。 Jiang Chen went to Xin-Ma Special Region personally, after Malay President met with, is this Xin-Ma Joint Military Exercise marked the perfect period. 江晨亲自前往了一趟新马特区,在与马来总统会面之后,为这次新马联合军演画上了完美的句号。 After returning to Koro Island, the Aerospace Technology Center that side spread the good news, the Space Elevator track part to obtain significant technological breakthrough, in light of the material that Jiang Chen provided, the research institute technician has completed the design of entire Space Elevator, and mathematical model of through Quantum Computer building conducted the confirmation. 回到科罗岛上后,航天科技中心那边传来了好消息,太空电梯轨道部分取得重大技术突破,结合江晨提供的材料,研究所的技术员已经完成了整个太空电梯的设计,并且通过量子计算机建立的数学模型进行了验证。 After hearing this news, Jiang Chen just got down airplane including the family not to return, went to Future Building directly, found Kelvin in research institute, told that the research institute technicians assigned out the project concept map. 听到这个消息后,江晨刚下了飞机连家都没回,直接去了未来人大厦,在研究所里找到了克尔温,吩咐研究所的技术员们调出了工程概念图。 Light corpuscle projection of quiet blue in in the air, goes directly to umbrella that synchronous orbit Space Elevator seems one to open outward. Side is passes through the stratosphere stopover station, long and narrow of direct link ground cable, but another side is wheel shape space station, as outermost orbit life and work space at the same time, as the Space Elevator central core control on synchronous orbit balance weight. 蓝色的光粒投影在空中,直达同步轨道太空电梯好似一把向外撑开的伞。一边是贯穿平流层中转站,直达地面的狭长“缆绳”,而另一边则是车轮状的空间站,作为外层轨道生活、工作空间的同时,也作为将太空电梯重心控制在同步轨道上的“平衡锤”。 [The Sea Calming Divine Needle] Space Elevator, 定海神针号太空电梯, „The graphene track withstands the pulling force the ability withstanding the ability of pressure is much bigger, compared with by own gravity abruption, the track was self-possessed the risk that crashes to be bigger. In order to avoid Space Elevator was crashed by own weight, our engineers found out an idea, dangles a 36,000 kilometer cable from synchronous orbit space station, the direct link ground. But in another head of cable, then the design has the wheel shapebalance weight. Balance weight of central core behind space station by the constant speed coaxial rotation, exerts pulling force outward through the centrifugal action to the cable, avoids our tracks withstanding to be self-possessed the pressure that! ” 石墨烯轨道承受拉力的本领比承受压力的本领大得多,比起被自身重力拉断,轨道被自重压垮的风险更大。为了避免太空电梯被自身重量压垮,我们的工程师想出了一个主意,从同步轨道空间站上垂下三万六千公里长的缆绳,直达地面。而在缆绳的另一头,则设计有车轮状的“平衡锤”。重心空间站后方的平衡锤以恒定的速度同轴转动,通过离心作用给缆绳施加向外的拉力,避免我们的轨道承受自重的压力!” At the same time, the balance weight of wheel shape as space station part, is space station will also provide the extra life and work space!” “与此同时,车轮状的平衡锤本身也将作为空间站的一部分,为空间站提供额外的生活、工作空间!” At this point, on the face of Kelvin appeared a heartfelt pride. 说到这里,克尔温的脸上浮现了一丝由衷的自豪。 If places for a year ago, before graphene material has not presented the breakthrough, proposed that such design concept will be ridiculed dream of a fool without doubt. Probably 19 70 years(1970) United States physicist Pilsner proposed when concept of Space Elevator, the peer and media proposed to him unfriendly suggestion changes professions to write the Science Fiction novel. 如果放在一年前,石墨烯材料还没有出现突破之前,提出这样的设计理念无疑会被嘲笑成痴人说梦。就好像1970年美国物理学家皮尔森提出太空电梯的概念时,同行和媒体纷纷对他提出了不友善的建议“改行写科幻小说去吧”。 However places today, balance weight the design will certainly become in the future the Space Elevator construction standard, but his Kelvin because of this design, will also become one of the Earth Civilization interstellar time Founder! 然而放在今天,“平衡锤”的设计必将成为日后太空电梯的建造标准,而他克尔温也将因为这个设计,成为地球文明星际时代的奠基人之一! He really has the proud capital. 他确实有自豪的资本。 Although Space Elevator will have similar in the future balance weight structure, in the material that but Jiang Chen provides to Aerospace Technology Center did not say a word to the specific design proposal, brought from Last of Days is to make the prerequisite technology as well as that elevator base that Space Elevator needed merely. 虽然未来太空电梯同样有类似“平衡锤”的结构,但江晨航天科技中心提供的资料中对具体的设计方案却是只字未提,从末世那边带来的仅仅是建造太空电梯所需的前置技术以及那个电梯基座。 Project cost probably how many?” “工程成本大概多少?” Mentioned the cost, the Kelvin expression was somewhat awkward. This Space Elevator anything is good, is the construction cost is a little not popular. For the Tokyo City construction Skytree Japanese big forest architecture company had announced 2050 Space Elevator construction plans, the building cost of projects estimates 9 500,000,000, is almost 12 that he offers 1. 提到成本,克尔温的表情有些尴尬了。这太空电梯什么都好,就是造价有点不亲民。为东京市修建“天空树”的日本大林建筑公司宣布过的“2050太空电梯建造计划”,工程造价预估九5亿,几乎是他报价的十二分之一。 Naturally, the former opens the mouth to pull casually is also one of the reasons. 当然,前者只是开口随便扯也是原因之一。 From the track to space station, the project total construction cost estimate is 120 billion USD.” “从轨道到空间站,工程总造价预估是一千两百亿美元。” Does not have the issue, in the fund I to find the way, the Future Heavy Industry that side to coordinate you to adjust the capacity. Tomorrow begins construction, can achieve?” “没问题,资金上我会想办法,未来人重工那边会配合你们调整产能。明天开始动工,能做到吗?” Jiang Chen's responded that actually came as a surprise to Kelvin, let alone is hesitant, when authorizes to begin, this Mr. Chairman of the Board has not winked the eye. This Your Mother is not 2000 USD, is 200 billion! 江晨的反应却是出乎了克尔温的预料,别说是犹豫,在批准开工的时候,这位董事长先生连眼睛都没眨一下。这尼玛不是两千美元,可是两千亿啊! Kelvin shocking dull there, suddenly lost the spoken language. 克尔温震惊地呆愣在了那里,一时间失去了言语。 What issue also has?” Sees own subordinate not to speak, the Jiang Chen doubts asked. “还有什么问题吗?”见自己的部下不说话,江晨疑惑地问道。 The Jiang Chen's question makes Kelvin get back one's composure immediately, saw only him looks like hits chicken blood to result in standing at attention to stand, whole face excitedly loud say/way. 江晨的问话顿时让克尔温回过了神来,只见他就像是打了鸡血似得立正站好,满脸激动地大声道。 No! No issue! The guarantee completes mission!” “不!没有任何问题!保证完成任务!” Although was not clear why he will respond suddenly is so excited, but saw that own subordinate has the working zeal, Jiang Chen naturally is very happy, immediately patted his shoulder to say. 虽然不清楚他为何会突然反应这么激动,但见到自己的部下如此有干劲,江晨自然是非常高兴,当即拍了拍他的肩膀道。 That goes quickly!” To be continued “那就快去!”未完待续
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