IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#796: Xin-Ma Joint Military Exercise

drone is in the future. 无人机就是未来。 In the civilian field, is in the military domain. 无论是在民用领域,还是在军用领域。 Before a New Guinea island bay, the high sea is whipping the broad side, closely pastes the body in the edge of landing craft, Zhang Feng is manipulating the little fellow in bosom, while such as is thinking. 新几内亚岛一处海湾前,怒涛拍打着船舷,将身子紧紧地贴在登陆艇的边缘,张峰一边摆弄着怀中的小家伙,一边如是想着。 Do not fumble and break up the show.” Sits in his nearby ally, not intense feeling grins to tease. “别玩坏了。”坐在他旁边的战友,毫无紧张感地咧嘴打趣道。 Without was so easy to fumble and break up the show Zhang Feng to prepare to say two, a wave entered in the landing craft, frightened him to be busy Hummingbird Drone according to the chest. “没那么容易玩坏”张峰正准备说两句,一个浪头打进了登陆艇内,吓得他忙把蜂鸟无人机按在了胸口。 Salty of cough cough really Your Mother!” Sat his opposite man bah the mouth, put out a hand to wipe the lower jaw ruthlessly. 咳咳尼玛的咸!”坐他对面的汉子呸了口,伸手狠狠地抹了下嘴。 Calls mental me! This is the exercise, but to us this is the war! Stares at your goal, deducts your trigger, gives desperately my to/clashes toward the goal! Heard!” “都给我打起精神来!这是演习,但对我们来说这就是战争!盯好你们的目标,扣下你们的扳机,给我死命的往目标冲!都听到了没有!” Yes!” “是!” On the ally with ship together, Zhang Feng shouted to roar the sound, then forced in the scoop channel of chest own Hummingbird Drone. Theoretically this gadget is the waterproofing, but engine, if entered the water, failure rate very high. 和艇上的战友一道,张峰扯着嗓子吼了声,然后将自己的蜂鸟无人机塞进了胸口的凹槽。理论上这玩意儿是防水的,但引擎要是进了水,故障率会非常的高。 This exercise concerns next month and next next month bonus, he does not want to fall the chain in the crucial time. 这次演习关乎到下个月和下下个月的奖金,他可不想在关键的时刻掉了链子。 Airborne, two Aurora-20 howl, on sea beach blasting open of no omen black black smog! 空中,两架极光20呼啸而过,海滩上毫无预兆的炸裂开黢黑的烟雾! Zhang Feng proficiently opened holographic screen on arm, looks on the map that has swept one long string crowded red, then looks at that string crowded red point under coverages of two 11 beaming bombs, extinguished instantaneously most probably. 张峰熟练地打开了臂膀上的全息屏幕,看着地图上那扫过的一长串密集的红点,然后看着那串密集的红点在两枚11集束航弹的覆盖下,瞬间熄灭了大半。 The orange yellow light beam has delimited the above of landing craft together, cancelled the trail concrete pillbox on sea beach directly, the landing craft approached the shore finally, Zhang Feng also mentioned the throat the heart, the arm horizontally in the chest front. 一道橙黄的光束划过登陆艇的上方,直接将海滩上的一座混凝土碉堡抹去了踪迹,登陆艇终于逼近了岸边,张峰也是将心脏提到了嗓子眼,手臂横在了胸前。 Crawled has strained the voice in landing craft front section captain, rifle according to the nearby of landing craft. 匍匐在登陆艇前段的队长已经扯开了嗓门,将步枪按在了登陆艇的边上。 200 meter!” 两百米!” 100 meter!” 一百米!” 50 meter! Opens the insurance! Puts drone!” 五十米!打开保险!放无人机!” soldier on landing craft, knocked the arm neatly in the chest front. Ten several Hummingbird Drone spring from the scoop channel of their chest front, the muzzle sway aimed at sea beach, uniform to landing craft four sides spreads! 登陆艇上的士兵,齐刷刷地将手臂敲在了胸前。十数架蜂鸟无人机从他们胸前的凹槽弹出,枪口摇摇晃晃地指向了海滩,整齐划一地向登陆艇的四面扩散开来! From in the air looks, that white act like one dagger, pricked the defense line of imaginary enemy ruthlessly. 从空中望去,那一道道白色的行径如同一把把尖刀,狠狠地刺入了假想敌的防线。 Signal light by red then green, the bow of landing craft transmits roaring of captain immediately! 信号灯由红便绿,登陆艇的船头立刻传来了队长的咆哮! Action! Quickly! Quickly! Quickly!” “行动!快!快!快!” The landing craft just a breakthrough to the shoal, Zhang Feng then tore tied up in nylon buckle, from one side rolled into the sea. 登陆艇刚一突破至浅滩,张峰便扯开了绑在身上的尼龙扣,从侧面滚进了海中。 Tactical helmet labelled the heat source information of enemy unit completely on the screen, drone took the lead to attack to the sea beach center, then Marine Team soldier started to disintegrating defense line charge. Meanwhile, the crowded mark ball constituted an orange yellow ball net, bridges over the numerous smog to strafe from the position of imaginary enemy! 战术头盔将敌方单位的热源信息全部标注在了屏幕上,无人机率先攻向了海滩腹地,尔后海军陆战队士兵开始向瓦解的防线冲锋。与此同时,密集的标记弹构成了一张橙黄色的弹网,跨过重重烟雾从假想敌的阵地扫射过来! The both feet contacted the sand beach, the Zhang Feng deep breath the one breath, transfers to a big way the exoskeleton output power, pulled down the body to start the charge. 双脚接触了沙滩,张峰深呼吸了一口气,将外骨骼的输出功率调至最大,压低了身子开始了冲锋。 This, they have trained in Virtual Reality Training System returned innumerably. 这一幕,他们早就在虚拟实境训练系统中演练了无数回。 The setting of mechanical exoskeleton is, can resist ten rounds of beacon ball fires, ten rounds of hits regard as are eliminated. The casualties condition, the breakthrough time, kills the quantity, these projects will defer to certain formula, converts to inspect the squad strength the overall. 机械外骨骼的设定是,能够抵御十发信标弹射击,十发命中则视为出局。伤亡状况,突破时间,击毙数量,这些项目都将按照一定的公式,换算成考核小队实力的积分。 Star Ring Trading Chairman of the Board has said at the mobilization meeting before exercise, regarding various branch of the services result top three squad, besides awarding special medal, will also award to reward the 100,000 USD above bonus! 星环贸易董事长在演习前的动员大会上说过,对于各兵种成绩排名前三的小队,除了授予特别勋章之外,还将授予奖励十万美元以上的奖金! Thinks of this, Zhang Feng licked the licking lips corner/horn, holding straight rifle was locking behind that smog stubbornly red. 想到这,张峰舔了舔嘴角,端平的步枪死死地锁定着那烟雾背后的红点。 This exercise, their team must take first! 这次演习,他们队一定要拿下第一! At this moment, in New Moon Island Command Post. 此刻,远在新月岛指挥所内。 Headed by Jiang Chen, Ivan and the others the Star Ring Trading high level encircles in front of a total information sand table, is overlooking the entire battlefield three-dimensional situation. 江晨伊万等人为首的星环贸易高层围在一张全息沙盘面前,俯瞰着整个战场的立体情况。 Symbolizes that the green point infantry villain and armored vehicle are Star Ring Trading Marine Team. Is landing the sea beach first minute, Drone Cluster has broken through the place front, shutdown place machine gun firebase. But at the same time, the traveling speed is as good as the infantry of armored vehicle, will then take the first defense line with the help of mechanical exoskeleton shortly. 标志着绿点的步兵小人和装甲车是星环贸易海军陆战队。在登陆海滩的第一分钟,无人机集群就已经突破地方战线,“关掉”了地方机枪火力点。而与此同时,移动速度不亚于装甲车的步兵,在机械外骨骼的帮助下顷刻便拿下了第一道防线。 From putting down landing craft to breakthrough defense line, landing time five minutes! The Star Ring Marine Team landing operations train, complete success!” Ivan has turned around, stands at attention reports to say to Jiang Chen. “从放下登陆艇到突破防线,登陆时间五分钟!星环海军陆战队登陆作战演练,圆满成功!”伊万转过身,立正向江晨汇报道。 From the expression on Ivan face, makes the so proud progress regarding soldier that brings personally, he is obviously proud. 伊万脸上的表情来看,对于亲手带出来的士兵取得如此傲人的成绩,他显然是骄傲的。 Jiang Chen looks at the picture in total information image, the expression applause nods. 江晨看着全息图像上的画面,表情赞许地点了点头。 Accurate, is four points of 40 nine seconds. 准确的来说,是四分四十九秒。 Takes a broad view at the entire world, the Star Ring Marine Corps result may be called the apex absolutely. 放眼全世界,星环陆战队的成绩都绝对堪称顶尖。 At this time, the pass on message soldier walked. 这时,传讯兵走了进来。 Malay Prime Minister sends in brief news, congratulates us to exercise successfully. Meanwhile, Malay Prime Minister inquired to us, actually that Hummingbird Drone is anything, if sells much money one.” 马来总理发来简讯,祝贺我们演习成功。同时,马来总理向我方询问,那个蜂鸟无人机究竟是什么东西,如果卖的话多少钱一架。” The laughter made a sound in Command Post. 笑声在指挥所内响了起来。 Hummingbird Drone is one of the Star Ring Trading army strongest sharp weapons, said that anything will not sell to others. Even if own dependency Country of Moro, Future War Industry has not sold more than half puts up hummingbird. 蜂鸟无人机星环贸易陆军最强利器之一,说什么也不会卖给别人的。哪怕是自己的附庸摩洛国,未来人军工都未曾出售过半架蜂鸟 Replies Malaysian Prime Minister, thanked their congratulations. Moreover, told him, Hummingbird Drone was the items not for sale, after the Future War Industry production, equipped the army directly, will not take to display the shelf.” Jiang Chen with ridiculing the tone said. “回复马方总理,感谢他们的祝贺。另外,告诉他,蜂鸟无人机是非卖品,未来人军工生产后直接列装军队,不会拿出来摆上货架。”江晨用揶揄地口吻说道。 Yes!” The messengers salute, withdrew from Command Post. “是!”传令兵行了个礼,退出了指挥所 Translated English and diplomatic compound Chairman of the Board these words, the Star Ring Trading aspect replied the congratulation in Malay aspect. 董事长的这句话翻译成了英语和外交辞令,星环贸易方面回复了马来方面的祝贺。 After the landing operations ended, then exercises is the city street fighting and mountainous region and jungle battles. 登陆作战结束后,接下来演习的便是城市巷战与山地、丛林作战。 Although this exercise in name is the anti-terrorist exercise, the content that but exercises contained the landing operations, the Tank attack, infantry anti-armor drilling and other exercise projects. Equipment of investment in the scale or the quantity, far exceeded the anti-terrorist level. 这次演习虽然在名义上是反恐演习,但演习的内容却包含了登陆作战,坦克攻击,步兵反装甲演练等演习项目。投入的装备无论是在规模还是数量上,都远远超出了反恐的水准。 From the beginning, regarding joint military exercise that Star Ring Trading proposed, the Malay aspect was the rejection. Although we relate well, but you cannot say the military exercise, our military exercise, this must consider the relations and regional situation of this neighboring country is stable! 一开始,对于星环贸易提出的联合军演,马来方面是拒绝的。虽然咱俩关系不错,但你不能说军演,咱们就军演,这还得照顾这邻国的关系和地区局势稳定! However quick Jiang Chen used green and glossy Franklin to convince Malay Prime Minister and Parliament, launched this joint military exercise. 不过很快江晨就用绿油油的富兰克林说服了马来总理议会,开展了这次联合军演。 Spoke many words, cannot compare the advantage that can see. 说再多的话,也比不上看得见的好处。 Compares in previous Mindanao Island Civil War, the exercise of Star Ring Trading, which aspect was better than in the previous performance. 相较于上次棉兰老岛内战,星环贸易的这次演习,无论是在哪个方面都远远胜过了在上次的表现。 The fighter aircraft naval gun cover of fire, the infantry coordinates Drone Swarm to hasten to ground, the armored unit lands later, whole set movement passing clouds and flowing water are common, dual strengths that the front the breakthrough of Star Ring Marine Corps and annihilated. 战机舰炮火力掩护,步兵配合无人机群抢滩,装甲单位随后登陆,整套动作行云流水一般,战线了星环陆战队的突破与歼灭的双重实力。 But actually the goal of this military exercise is to aim at anyone, is self-evident from the terrain of this simulation! To be continued 而这次军演的目标究竟是针对谁,从这模拟的地形上来看已经不言而喻!未完待续
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