IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#795: drone is in the future

Jiang Chen understood finally, why Natasha holds the suitcase to come his main house gate to wait directly, rather than first returns to own apartment to put the baggage, indeed from the beginning she plans to live here. 江晨总算是明白了,为什么娜塔莎直接托着行李箱来他家门口等着,而不是先回自己的公寓放行李,敢情从一开始她就打算住这儿。 Does not have the means that your here house prices rose quickly. Originally I that apartment that rents on the embassy street, is about unable to pay at my present wages. Your here room are in any case many, divides my one not to lose.” Natasha shows the whites of the eyes, said unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “没办法,你们这里房价涨得太快了。原先我在使馆街上租的那间公寓,以我现在的工资已经快付不起了。反正你这里房间多,分我一个又不会掉块肉。”娜塔莎翻了个白眼,毫不客气地说道。 Embassy does not have the staff quarter and so on thing?” The Jiang Chen perspiration said. “使馆没有员工宿舍之类的东西吗?”江晨汗道。 Having, but was too small, I like in the spacious house.” The eyebrow selected selecting, Natasha ridiculed saying that didn't welcome me?” “有,但太小了,我喜欢住在宽敞房子。”眉毛挑了挑,娜塔莎揶揄道,“不欢迎我吗?” It is not convenient from various significances, but Jiang Chen had not developed Last of Days that side plan in any case recently, therefore also promised her. 从各种意义上来说都不方便,不过反正江晨最近也没有发展末世那边的计划,所以也就答应了她。 If lived to find the house , before.” “如果只是住到找到房子前。” After the lunch, Natasha helped Ayesha all take in the tableware very much voluntarily washed in the kitchen cabinet. 午饭后,娜塔莎很自觉地帮着阿伊莎将碗筷全都收进了洗碗柜里。 Then Jiang Chen then led her room her, and handed over in the key of room her hand. 接下来江晨便将她带到了她的房间,并将房间的钥匙交到了她的手上。 Room Natasha's was arranged in the end of second floor corridor, side of Room Ayesha. Ayesha helps her move the baggage, simultaneously arranged Household-Type Robot Little Gem in her room, considers her daily life. 娜塔莎的被安排在了二楼走廊的尽头,阿伊莎的旁边。阿伊莎帮着她将行李搬了进去,同时在她房间里安排了一台家用型机器人小琳,照顾她的生活起居。 I do not need this gadget.” Natasha points at that Robot beautiful woman to say. “我不需要这玩意儿。”娜塔莎指着那台机器人美女说道。 We need,” Ayesha said lightly, confirmed you will not practice dirty tricks in our families/home.” “我们需要,”阿伊莎淡淡地说道,“确认你不会在我们的家里搞小动作。” Excuse me, am I so silly?” Natasha shows the whites of the eyes, is casual you.” “拜托,我有那么傻吗?”娜塔莎翻了个白眼,“随便你吧。” Takes the petty action in front of Specter Agent Chief Instructor and General Commander, isn't this looks for trouble? 幽灵特工总教官总指挥面前耍小动作,这不是找不自在吗? Let alone, she is not willing to do that. 更何况,她本人也不愿意这么做。 Tidies up after the room, Natasha took the clothes of changing and washing to go to the bathroom, Ayesha went to the study room, arrived by Jiang Chen. 将屋子收拾出来后,娜塔莎拿着换洗的衣服去了浴室,阿伊莎则去了书房,来到了江晨旁边。 Natasha took a bath. Her baggage I have inspected, without wiretap device and so on equipment, is some clothes and along the thing. If she has the new situation, I can first report to you.” 娜塔莎洗澡去了。她的行李我已经检查过了,没有窃听器之类的设备,全都是些衣服和随身用品。如果她有新的情况,我会第一时间向您汇报。” Em, gave you, but also left is overly suspicious and fearful.” Jiang Chen rubbed Ayesha beautiful hair, said with a smile. “恩,交给你了,不过也别太疑神疑鬼了。”江晨揉了揉阿伊莎的秀发,笑着说道。 Except for kitchen, gym and bathroom, as well as some guest rooms and other facilities, including study room and basement possibly has the sensitive information the place, is installed with the camera. Without obtaining the jurisdiction arbitrarily enters, triggers Alarm immediately. 除了厨房、健身房、卫浴、以及部分客房等设施,包括书房和地下室在内的可能存在敏感信息的地方,都安装有摄像头。如果没有获得权限就随意进入,会立刻触发警报 However Jiang Chen believes, Natasha should not practice dirty tricks in his family/home is right. 不过江晨相信,娜塔莎应该不会在他的家里搞小动作才对。 After Natasha takes a bath, Ayesha and Jiang Chen also go to the bathroom to take a bath one after another, then returned to the respective room midday rest a while. 娜塔莎洗完澡后,阿伊莎江晨也相继去浴室洗了个澡,然后回到各自的房间午休了一会儿。 Roughly two o'clock, Jiang Chen ended the midday nap, went to bathroom simple to wash the face, changed official clothes, then went to the garage. 约莫两点钟,江晨结束了午睡,去卫生间简单地洗了把脸,换上了一身正式的衣服,然后去了车库。 Just sat that Lamborghini in him, is preparing to start the automobile time, put on Natasha of security uniform/subdue from the building, knocked knocking in his glass gently, sipped the bright red lip the tone that pretended to say something to smooth things over to tease. 就在他刚坐上自己那辆兰博基尼,正准备发动汽车的时候,穿着保安制服的娜塔莎从楼上走了下来,在他车窗上轻轻敲了敲,抿着鲜艳的红唇装作搭讪的语气调侃道。 „Can handsome fellow, ride an available vehicle?” “帅哥,可以搭个便车吗?” Jiang Chen shows the whites of the eyes, lowered the glass. 江晨翻了个白眼,降下了车窗。 Boards.” “上车。” The garage front door opens slowly, charm blue Liangying fled together steadily the road. 车库大门缓缓开启,一道魅蓝色的靓颖平稳地窜上了公路。 Jiang Chen hits the steering wheel to turn round, has not taken that road that usually often takes, but changed course the direction of embassy street. 江晨打过方向盘拐了个弯,没有走平时常走的那条路,而是改道走了使馆街的方向。 After sitting firmly, Natasha the seat belt was on the body. At this time Jiang Chen on the mirror before the car(riage) noticed suddenly, that two pairs of turbulent spheroid, really made the seat belt twist the shape. The conservative and solemn uniform/subdue not only has not concealed this attracting, instead made it look is worse! 坐稳了后,娜塔莎将安全带系在了身上。这时江晨突然从车前镜上注意到,那两对波涛汹涌的球体,简直让安全带扭曲了形状。保守而端庄的制服非但没有掩饰这份魅惑,反而让它看着更邪恶了! You can not need to be the seat belt, does not have the traffic police to check my car(riage) in any case 你可以不用系安全带,反正没有交警会查我的车 Jiang Chen planned to remind her one, but to the words of mouth, was given to swallow back by him. 江晨原本打算这么提醒她一句,但到了嘴边的话,还是被他给咽了回去。 Perhaps is because attention centralized on scenery of flying, the time passes quickly, no while arrived at the embassy street. 或许是因为注意力都集中在飞逝的景物上,时间过得很快,没一会儿就开到了使馆街。 Jiang Chen stop the car(riage) in the street, put out a hand to open the door lock. 江晨将车停稳在了街边,伸手打开了门锁。 Thanks.” Natasha pursed the lips to smile, untied seat belt. “谢谢。”娜塔莎抿嘴微笑,解开了身上的安全带。 Non- guest “不客” However the words have not said, Natasha approached suddenly, in his cheeks seal a bright hickey. 然而话没说完,娜塔莎就突然凑近了过来,在他的脸颊印上了一个鲜艳的唇印。 Very moist. 很湿润。 Also is very soft. 也很柔软。 Jiang Chen looked to her, suddenly somewhat did not make clear the condition, good long while suppressed a few words. 江晨愣愣地看向了她,一时间有些搞不清楚状况,好半天才憋出一句话来。 „Is this Russia person unique giving regards way of?” “这是俄国人独特的问好方式?” Right. However even the bold Russia beautiful woman, still gave regards with this way to the special person.” Saying, two had been stepping over the vehicle door, drew back two steps Natasha smilingly to throw a thrown kiss to him, then vanished in the end of street. “没错。不过就算是奔放的俄罗斯美女,也只是对特别的人用这个方式问好。”说着,两条已经迈过了车门,退开两步的娜塔莎笑眯眯地对他抛了个飞吻,然后消失在了街道的尽头。 Some little time, the person walked away. 好一会儿,人走远了。 Has gotten back one's composure, Jiang Chen shakes the head with a smile. 回过了神来,江晨笑着摇了摇头。 Scatters from the brain the feeling of that heartbeat with a crash, he started the automobile, stepped on accelerator starting off. 将那砰然心跳的感觉从脑中驱散,他重新发动了汽车,踩下了油门上路。 Because on the road delayed a while, waited for Jiang Chen to company is three o'clock. 因为路上耽搁了一会儿,等江晨公司已经是三点钟了。 Before getting out, Jiang Chen before regards as a mirror, confirmed repeatedly on own face does not have the least bit has kissed the mark to remain, this felt relieved that went out of the vehicle door. 下车之前,江晨对着前视镜,反复确认了自己的脸上已经没有了半点吻痕的残留,这才放心地走出了车门。 As usual, before own Office, he went to a Xia Shiyu that on the way directly, listening to her to report the recent work. 与往常一样,在去自己的办公室之前,他顺路直接去了一趟夏诗雨那,听她汇报近期的工作。 Noon yesterday, Global Express has started to install the Drone Logistics network in Hong Kong, altogether 329 drone terminals, will cover the entire Hong Kong Island region, realizes zero transportation occupancy rate logistics. Xiangjiang City Government after looking at our total information concept pattern is satisfied, immediately understands advantage. Moreover, the Xiangjiang City fire-fighting division and main police department are consulting 1 and 2 drone price us, as well as difficulty of introduction.” “昨天中午,全球速递已经开始在香港安装无人机物流网络,一共329座无人机终端,将覆盖整个香江岛区域,实现零交通占用率物流。香江市政府在看过我们的全息概念图型后非常满意,立刻明白了这其中的好处。另外,香江市消防处和警务处正在向我们咨询一、二型无人机的价格,以及引进的难度。” 1 st, 2 drone belong to the fire prevention and police service drone respectively, former portable dried noodles Extinguishing Fire enters the scene of fire, the latter may launch the rubber balls or 5 specially-made bullet(s), may be called high-density city maintain the normal Order two big divine tools! 一、二型无人机分别属于消防和警务无人机,前者可携带干粉灭火器进入火场,后者可发射橡皮弹或五特制子弹,堪称高密度城市维持正常秩序的两大神器! Had 1, does not need to be worried that the fire engine was stopped up unable to come up the scene of fire in the road, previous fire engine that ten drone can go against! 20 puts up drone to throw, the control general scene of fire has more than enough to spare. 有了一,再也不用担心消防车被堵在路上去不了火场了,十架无人机就能顶的上一辆消防车!二十无人机扑过去,控制一般火场绰绰有余。 After experiencing drone the place of convenience, no wonder the fire-fighting division and main police department these two big departments will be interested. 在见识了无人机的方便之处后,也难怪消防处和警务处这两大一线部门会感兴趣。 Consulted the price?” Jiang Chen asked. “只是咨询了价格?”江晨问道。 Yes, regarding whether introduces these two drone, the Xiangjiang City Government interior has very big difference. On the one hand is the price, on the one hand is worries the police to use the drone security.” “是的,对于是否引进这两款无人机,香江市政府内部存在着很大分歧。一方面是价格,一方面是顾虑警用无人机的安全性。” Regarding Xiangjiang City this big city, cost of one set of Drone Logistics network probably is 200,000,000 multi- USD, but builds one set of drone fire prevention network the cost, actually is almost former's three times. As for the drone police service network, is on expensive/noble many. 对于香江市这种大城市来说,一套无人机物流网络的成本大概是2亿美元,而建立一整套无人机消防网络的成本,却几乎是前者的三倍。至于无人机警务网络,更是贵上不少。 But the security, does not need to talk too much. The logistics and fire prevention said but actually fortunately, this police service drone matches the spear/gun. If by some chance Future Group keeps a back door in this drone Artillery System, that really is a disaster. 而安全性,更是无需多言。物流和消防倒还好说,这警务无人机可是配枪的。万一未来人集团在这无人机系统里面留个后门,那简直是一场灾难。 At least before both sides build up enough trust, introducing this/should Artillery System is impossible. 至少在双方建立足够的信任之前,引进该系统是不可能的。 „One side the Xiangjiang City issue first places, calling 4 little fellows to research and develop how?”. 香江市的问题先放在一边,叫四的小家伙研发的怎么样了?”。 Type-4 drone, is Future Heavy Industry forthcoming, Black Technology in the true sense. Unlike the technologies of fire, police services and logistics these popularity, 4 will get into the technique content highest medical service domain! 4型无人机,是未来人重工即将推出的,一款真正意义上的黑科技。与消防、警务、物流这些大众化的技术不同,四将涉足技术含量最高的医疗领域! Has been in the final laboratory stage, that side the laboratory head and I have ventilated, in mid next month, can put out the sample at the latest!” Xia Shiyu purses the lips to smile to say. “已经进入最后的实验阶段了,实验室那边的负责人和我通过气,最晚下个月中旬,就能拿出样品!”夏诗雨抿嘴微笑道。 Heard this good news, the Jiang Chen's corners of the mouth also to bloom wiped the smiling face. 听到这个好消息,江晨的嘴角也是绽放了一抹笑容。 „Can I ask and work irrelevant question?” “我可以问个和工作无关的问题吗?” Sure.” “当然可以。” Why are you interested in drone?” Xia Shiyu pushed the eye on bridge of the nose, visits him to ask curiously. “为什么你对无人机那么感兴趣?”夏诗雨推了推鼻梁上的眼睛,好奇地看着他问道。 Because drone is in the future.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. To be continued “因为无人机就是未来。”江晨笑着说道。未完待续
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