IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#794: The people trade the information

Rocking of lens is very fierce, the crowd is running to run away, maintains the armored vehicle that opens fire to open from the main road, the fully-armed soldier doom toward pushes and shoves the people behind, urged that the irrelevant person evacuates from the street. 镜头的晃动很剧烈,人群在奔跑逃窜,保持开火的装甲车从主干道上开过,全副武装的士兵死命地将群众往身后推搡,催促无关人士从街上撤离。 In this time, round of rocket missile is hitting the armored vehicle. Again then, the picture then cut off crudely, switch over on another lens. 正在这时,一发火箭弹击中了装甲车。再然后,画面便被粗暴地掐断了,切换到了另一个镜头上。 Jiang Chen notices, the top right-hand corner of picture is marking live this word. 江晨注意到,画面的右上角标着live这个单词。 As if live broadcast. 似乎还是直播。 This?” Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly. “这是哪儿?”江晨微微皱眉。 For serveral days he has been worrying about Global Express and Future Mining matter, has not watched news internationally. 这些天来他一直都在操心全球速递未来人矿业的事儿,没怎么关注国际上的新闻。 Natasha had not replied, but raised the chin to the television. Quick, Caucasian reporter in the news footage results in English with machine-gun, answered the Jiang Chen's issue. 娜塔莎没有回答,只是对电视扬了扬下巴。很快,新闻画面中的白人记者用连珠炮似得英语,回答了江晨的问题。 We now in Istanbul City, the picture that filmed a moment ago are ** fragment that the army and government forces exchange fire. Due to security reason, we have no way to proceed again. Our present positions from frontline, only then 1000 meter, before ten minutes, government forces Tank has opened from here. The bullet hole on my back wall, is the Tank coaxial machine gun strafe ** when army trace that stays behind! According to the Istanbul official disclosed, currently Turkey government forces gets the winning side, but according to frontline soldier said that the tactical situation was inferior the politician said optimistically like that......” “我们现在在伊斯坦布尔市,刚才拍摄的画面是**军与政府军交火的片段。因为安全原因,我们没法再往前。我们现在的位置距离前线只有一千米,十分钟前政府军坦克从这里开过。我背后墙上的弹孔,就是坦克同轴机枪扫射**军时留下的痕迹!根据伊斯坦布尔的官员透露,目前土耳其政府军占据上风,不过根据前线士兵所言,战况并不如政客所言那般乐观……” Put the crystal beverage bottle on the table, Natasha grew the tone, interrupted. 将水晶酒瓶搁在了桌上,娜塔莎长出了口气,插嘴道。 „It is not not optimistic, is not very optimistic. According to present this stance gets down, this is not the coup d'etat, but was Civil War.” “不是不乐观,是很不乐观。照现在这个架势下去,这已经不是政变,而是内战了。” „Do you do?” The Jiang Chen expression looks strangely to Natasha. “你们干的?”江晨表情古怪地向娜塔莎看去。 As far as he knows, the relations of Russia and Turkey not have been as if friendly, particularly before two -and-a-half years, Turkey shoots down the Russia fighter aircraft, the relations both countries dropped to the freezing point, to resorting to arms only to miss the frontline. 据他所知,俄罗斯土耳其的关系似乎一直不怎么友好,尤其是两年半前土耳其击落俄罗斯战机,更是将两国的关系降至了冰点,离兵戎相见只差一线。 „It is not we. Turkey has coup d'etat really and eats meal to drink water equally frequently, you cannot every calculate on us one time.” Natasha knows that Jiang Chen is thinking anything, beckons with the hand, we go to meet our people. However when carries out mission, we discovered that the matter has not imagined simple that.” “不是我们。土耳其发生政变简直就和吃饭喝水一样频繁,你不能把每一次都算到我们头上。”娜塔莎知道江晨在想什么,摆了摆手,“我们只是去把我们的人接回来。不过在执行任务的时候,我们发现事情没有想象中的那么简单。” Why looks for you? I remember that you have left the frontline to be right.” Jiang Chen asked. “为什么找上你?我记得你已经离开前线了才对。”江晨问道。 What because is responsible for this case is my boss, the KGB manpower is a little tight, the person who can mobilize he has looked.” Natasha sighed, somewhat after annoyed Liu Hai stroked the brain, we in the border a trouble, almost did not come back.” “因为负责这个案件的是我的上司,克格勃的人手有点紧张,能动员的人他都找过了。”娜塔莎叹了口气,有些心烦将刘海捋到了脑后,“我们在边境上出了点麻烦,差点就回不来了。” Almost did not come back from this, Jiang Chen felt her to say a word the heaviness. 从这句“差点回不来了”中,江晨感受到了她言语中的沉重。 From the beginning we think that this is only an ordinary coup d'etat, but compares toward time comes is more intense.” Was saying at the same time, the Natasha's finger has delimited from the wet ice beverage bottle, dipped the water to write to draw on the tea table, discovered this symbol until us from personal belonging of rebel army military officer.” “一开始我们以为这只是一次普通的政变,只是比往次来的强烈些。”说着的同时,娜塔莎的手指从湿漉漉的冰酒瓶上划过,蘸着水在茶几上写写画画了起来,“直到我们从一名叛军将领的私人物品中发现了这个符号。” That is Pyramid, the spire partially is an eye. 那是一个金字塔,塔尖的部分是一只眼睛。 Jiang Chen will certainly unable to recognize this symbol. 江晨当然不会认不得这个符号。 By V the ruler gauge and books are clamping g, is the Freemasonry symbol. 被“v”型的尺规与书本所夹着的g,正是共济会的符号。 Freemasonry......” 共济会……” Right,” Natasha hit a sound to refer, after all Freemasonry was the key point of KGB attention, investigation that we minded others' business, discovered that military officer Freemasonry peripheral member, the supporter of Turkey secularization movement.” “没错,”娜塔莎打了个响指,“毕竟共济会一直是克格勃关注的重点,我们就多管闲事儿的调查了下,发现那名军官正是共济会的外围成员,土耳其世俗化运动的支持者。” Saying, Natasha put out a hand to take up the beverage bottle, approached the mouth slightly to think one, is swaying the clear liquor fluid, looks Jiang Chen that was lost in thought. 说着,娜塔莎伸手拿起了酒瓶,凑近嘴边小酌了一口,摇晃着澄澈的酒液,看着陷入沉思的江晨 I heard that the Philippines situation isn't peaceful?” “我听说菲国的局势也不太平?” Right,” Jiang Chen has not concealed, since Natasha mentioned, she affirmed that is understood some inside stories, „the arms race of Philippines and Country of Moro has started, even if the Philippines army will bridge over the ceasefire line I not to feel the accident/surprise tomorrow.” “没错,”江晨没有隐瞒,既然娜塔莎提到了,那她肯定已经是了解些内情了,“菲国摩洛国的军备竞赛已经开始,就算明天菲国陆军跨过停火线我都不觉得意外。” Natasha grins to say with a smile: Right? It seems like global situation already anxiously to considerable degree. Did not say that this, you ask me to come to not to definitely listen to me tell the story?” 娜塔莎咧嘴笑道:“是吗?看来全球局势已经紧张到了相当的程度。不说这个了,你找我来肯定不是为了听我讲故事的吧?” Evelyn on Koro Island.” Jiang Chen enters saying of subject. 埃夫林科罗岛上。”江晨直入正题的说道。 „Under unexpectedly in your hands,” red lip opens and closes slightly surprised, Natasha looked at Jiang Chen one accidentally/surprisingly, is curling upwards the both legs exchanged the position, thought aloud looking pensive, no wonder we could not find him, originally was controlled by you.” “居然在你们手里,”红唇略微吃惊地开合下,娜塔莎意外地看了江晨一眼,翘着的双腿交换了位置,若有所思地自言自语,“难怪我们找不到他,原来是被你们控制住了。” Has been looking for him? It seems like the Russia person is also interested in the Germany present situation very much.” “一直在找他?看来俄国人也对德国的现状很感兴趣。” Naturally, Germany is we in the first trading nation of Europe,” Natasha smilingly looks at Jiang Chen, I will guess you definitely not intentionally this news divulging to me. Then, is your condition?” “当然,德国是我们在欧洲的第一贸易国,”娜塔莎笑眯眯地看着江晨,“我猜你肯定不会故意将这个消息泄露给我。说吧,你的条件是?” Evelyn gives you, I need your complete information about the Freemasonry!” 埃夫林给你们,我需要你们关于共济会的全部情报!” Complete information? Your appetite may be really big, do you know us about their information by how many? If writes on the a4 paper completely, can crowd entire archive office. The world's largest underground organization, we are staring at them from Stalin years.” The Natasha expression somewhat ponders looks at Jiang Chen, you planned before Germany Vice Prime Minister and do we exchange? Don't you feel this unfair?” “全部情报?你的胃口可真大,你知道我们关于他们的情报由多少吗?如果全部写在a4的纸上,可以塞满整整一个档案室。全世界最大的地下组织,从斯大林时代我们就在盯着他们了。”娜塔莎表情有些玩味地看着江晨,“你打算用一个德国副总理和我们交换?你不觉得这有失公平吗?” Regarding Natasha this slurred reply, Jiang Chen is not discouraged, then opens the mouth to say. 对于娜塔莎这模糊不清的回答,江晨也不气馁,接着开口道。 I am first clear, is Freemasonry your enemies or the friends?” “我先明确一点,共济会是你们的敌人还是朋友?” Last century was an enemy.” “上个世纪就是敌人了。” We are also,” Jiang Chen looks at the Natasha's eyes earnestly, we are also the Freemasonry enemies. The enemy of enemy is a friend, I said that has the mistake? Ukraine or Germany, Order of Freemasonry leadership has been running counter with the Russia benefit. Similarly, the standpoint in Mindanao Island issue, stand with us on the irreconcilable opposite. Such being the case, in facing same enemy, we can definitely stand in the same front! This is not the benefit exchange, this is extends to the ally by the aid, do you understand my meaning?” “我们也是,”江晨认真地看着娜塔莎的双眼,“我们也是共济会的敌人。敌人的敌人就是朋友,我说的有错吗?无论是乌克兰还是德国,共济会主导的秩序一直在与俄罗斯的利益背道而驰。同样的,他们在棉兰老岛问题上的立场,与我们也站在不可调和的对立面上。既然如此,在面对同一个敌人,我们完全能够站在同一条战线上!这不是利益交换,这是对盟友伸以援手,你明白我的意思吗?” Natasha fell into silent, the index finger builds near the bright red lip, thinks words that Jiang Chen is speaking. 娜塔莎陷入了沉默,食指搭在鲜红的唇边,思索着江晨所说的话。 I could not make the decision, I will give you to answer at the latest the day after tomorrow.” “我做不了决定,最晚后天我会给你答复。” Took up the beverage bottle from the table, Jiang Chen cheered to her distantly, said with a smile: For me the transmission that my words are left intact to Kremlin.” 从桌上拿起了酒瓶,江晨对这她遥遥干杯,笑着说道:“替我将我的话原封不动的传达给克里姆林宫。” This is I have drunk.” “这是我喝过的。” But the liquor is my!” “但酒是我的!” Hung the bell on wall aims at a 12 half position, Ayesha carried the delicious meal to walk from the kitchen, entered by the living room dining room. Even if away from by far, can still smell that attractive fragrance. 挂在墙上的钟指向了十二点半的位置,阿伊莎端着可口的饭菜从厨房走了出来,进了客厅旁边的餐室。即使是隔着远远的,也能闻到那诱人的香味。 Saw the time already not early, Jiang Chen therefore set out, invited with a smile. 见时间已经不早了,江晨于是起身,笑着邀请道。 Time, has not eaten meal early walks again.” “时间不早了,吃过饭再走吧。” Walks?” Natasha selected the eyebrow, purses the lips to smile saying that I lived here.”- “走?”娜塔莎挑了挑眉毛,抿嘴微笑道,“我就住在这儿了。”- ( Was sorry, rested excessively......)( to be continued.) (抱歉,睡过头了……)(未完待续。)
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