IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#793: Future War Industry

Ange Island high technology and new technology campus Office, after the newly appointed campus In-charge Zhong Wei hear Jiang Chen's told, the expression continuously to shake the head awkwardly. 安加岛高新技术园区办公室,新上任的园区主管钟伟听完江晨的吩咐后,表情为难地不住摇头。 „The Beta Series civil drone output maintains unchanged, hummingbird is the military drone monthly output enhances to the 100,000 stage...... acts unreasonably.” beta系民用无人机产量维持不变,蜂鸟系军用无人机月产量提高至十万台……太乱来。” Beta Series drone said fortunately, although this rotor drone used many most advanced techniques, the capacity that but takes are not many. However probably Hummingbird Drone this through and through high tech product, many parts including engine can only through the 3D Printer production. beta系无人机还好说,这种旋翼无人机虽然采用了不少尖端技术,但占用的产能却不算多。然而像是蜂鸟无人机这种彻头彻尾的高科技产品,包括发动机在内的不少部件都只能通过3d打印机生产。 Is good because of having that Industrial Grade 3D Printer can in batches the printing, otherwise the light is completes the Hummingbird Drone industrial production to be a problem. 好在有那个工业级3d打印机可以批量打印,否则光是完成蜂鸟无人机工业化生产都成问题。 „The Group's laboratory has completed the industrialization design proposal, later the Hummingbird Drone mass production can not need to depend upon limited 3D Printer, can import the campus from tomorrow's first batch of production equipment.” Jiang Chen said. 集团的实验室已经完成了工业化设计方案,以后蜂鸟无人机的量产可以无需依靠有限的3d打印机,从明天第一批生产设备就能运进园区。”江晨说道。 Completed? Good! Like this should be feasible!” Heard this good news, the Zhong Wei loosen immediately the tone. “完成了?太好了!这样的话应该可行!”听到这个好消息,钟伟松顿时了口气。 The Industrial Grade 3D Printer quantity is limited, replaces the production of crucial element with it, although can emergency, but actually seriously restricted the output and production cost. 工业级3d打印机数量有限,用它来顶替关键零件的生产虽然可以应急,但却严重制约了产量和生产成本。 At the end of this month, I can say one with the Country of Xin government that side, expands one time the area of Ange Island industry region, the campus of new extension will entirely be used in the military production. Meanwhile, the Future Heavy Industry war industry project will be analyzed, by recently established child company Future War Industry management as a whole.” “就在本月底,我会和新国政府那边说一声,将安加岛工业全区的面积扩大一倍,新扩建的园区将完全用于军工生产。与此同时,未来人重工军工项目将被拆分出来,由新成立的子公司未来人军工统筹管理。” After stopping the moment, Jiang Chen then said with the earnest tone. 停顿了片刻后,江晨用认真的口吻接着说道。 company following development priorities have two, one is an outer space, one is the war industry. Future War Industry this matter, on your many desserts.” 公司接下来的发展重点有两个,一个是太空,一个是军工。未来人军工这件事儿,你多上点心。” Yes!” Zhong Wei said seriously. “是!”钟伟郑重地说道。 drone is lead in the war in the future, is the main force in Star Ring Trading combat unit. At present serves in New Moon Island soldier altogether has the 150,000 person, but the service actually reaches as high as 200,000 in Star Ring Trading Hummingbird Drone, formed 1 : 13 terrorist|terrifying proportion with soldier. 无人机是未来战争中的主角,也是星环贸易作战单位中的主力。目前服役于新月岛士兵一共有15万人,而服役于星环贸易蜂鸟无人机却高达20万,与士兵形成了1:13的恐怖比例。 In present world that the EMP weapon has not widely equipped, the Drone Cluster tactic is quite effective. emp武器没有广泛列装的现世,无人机集群战术是相当有效的。 The Mindanao Island situation deteriorates, elevates temperature with the friction of Freemasonry day by day, the strong military force can maintain Future Group in the Asia the paramount interest of area and even world. 棉兰老岛局势恶化,与共济会的摩擦日益升温,只有强大的武力才能维护未来人集团亚洲地区乃至全球的核心利益。 ...... …… At the end of May, Ayesha drove [The Droplet 1] successfully to return to Country of Xin. 五月底,阿伊莎驾驶着水滴一号顺利返回了新国 Also along with has Specter Agent Katherine that moves in Europe that she returns together, as well as shut in Evelyn in Hibernation Cabin. Existence of [The Droplet 1] must keep secret, besides Specter Agent and Xia Shiyu, no one knows its existence. 随她一同返回的还有在欧洲活动的幽灵特工凯瑟琳,以及被关进休眠仓里的埃夫林水滴一号的存在必须得保密,除了幽灵特工夏诗雨之外,没人知道它的存在。 [The Droplet 1] stopped the Coconut Fruit Island harbor, Ayesha and Katherine two people drags Hibernation Cabin, threw in the sand beach before harbor, will then have arrived in the news report of destination to give Jiang Chen. 水滴一号停进了椰果岛的港口,阿伊莎凯瑟琳两人将休眠仓拖出来,扔在了港口前的沙滩上,然后将已经抵达目的地的消息汇报给了江晨 Before long, in the sea level then appeared two Yacht, Jiang Chen brought several Star Ring Trading soldier to mount Coconut Fruit Island, liberated from Hibernation Cabin Evelyn. 不一会儿,海面上便浮现了两艘游艇,江晨带着几名星环贸易士兵登上了椰果岛,将埃夫林休眠仓中解放了出来。 Because before lying down Hibernation Cabin needs to inject the depressor, the Bin gate just opened, Evelyn held the Bin gate to stagger, this foot has not come to a stop, immediately in vomited to be thin huā lā. 由于在躺进休眠仓之前需要注射抑制剂,仓门刚一打开,埃夫林扶着仓门踉跄着走了出来,这脚还没站稳,顿时呕了个稀里哗啦 Vomits, damn, shouted you to force in me refrigerator that delivered the pork?” Evelyn received the paper goods from the Jiang Chen's bodyguard hand, wiped the lower jaw ruthlessly, breathed several tones to get strength back. “呕,见鬼,呼你们是不是把我塞进了送猪肉的冷柜?”埃夫林江晨的保镖手中接过纸巾,狠狠地抹了下嘴,喘了好几口气才缓过劲来。 Of course not, delivers the pork the refrigerator to be possible not to have the means not to eat and drink one week.” Patted his shoulder with a smile, Jiang Chen then said, welcome to Koro Island, the Country of Xin government will provide political refuge to you. Embezzles, is bribed and murders altogether the indictment of 20 many charges, east hides ** the life definitely does not feel better.” “当然不是,送猪肉的冷柜可没办法让人不吃不喝地趟一个多星期。”笑着拍了拍他的肩膀,江晨接着说道,“欢迎来到科罗岛,新国政府将向您提供政治避难。贪污、受贿、谋杀一共二十多项罪名的指控,东躲**的生活肯定不好受吧。” That is slandering of naked!” Evelyn scolded indignantly, they will lead into the abyss Germany!” “那是赤果果的污蔑!”埃夫林愤愤不平地骂道,“他们会将德国带入深渊!” Jiang Chen comforted his several with a smile, told that the bodyguard delivers to the safe place him. 江晨笑着安慰了他几句,吩咐保镖将他送到安全的地方。 The Evelyn present status is quite special, if exposes in Country of Xin, will inevitably cause the unnecessary trouble. Jiang Chen is planned and Natasha negotiates, after he arrives in Country of Xin, directly delivers the Moscow airplane him, but without thinking matter, originally two weeks ago should meet Koro Island Natasha, ended the missing condition to yesterday, now is going to the Koro Island airplane. 埃夫林现在的身份比较特殊,如果在新国曝光,势必会引起很多不必要的麻烦。原本江晨是打算和娜塔莎谈判,等他抵达新国之后,直接将他送上去莫斯科的飞机,只不过没想到的事,原本两个星期前就应该会科罗岛娜塔莎,一直到昨天才结束失踪状态,现在正在前往科罗岛的飞机上。 Therefore, can only first put in great inconvenience to Evelyn to stay several days in some small black room on Koro Island. 所以,只能先委屈埃夫林科罗岛上的某间小黑屋里呆个几天了。 Gazes after Evelyn to go far away under escorting of Star Ring Trading bodyguard, Jiang Chen will look at stood in nearby Ayesha, the corners of the mouth blooms wiped the warm happy expression. Katherine sees this, spits the tongue, runs very much voluntarily to the wharf. 目送着埃夫林星环贸易保镖的护送下远去,江晨将目光投向了站在一旁的阿伊莎,嘴角不由绽放了一抹温馨的笑意。凯瑟琳见到这一幕,吐了吐舌头,很自觉地向码头那边跑去。 In the quick island was only left over their two people. 很快岛上只剩下了他们两人。 All around is quiet, can only hear the spray to wash out the sound that sea beach and palm leaf dances. 四周静悄悄的,只能听见浪花冲刷着海滩与棕榈叶婆娑的声响。 Walks up, the Ayesha link the Jiang Chen's neck, is standing on tiptoes the tip of the toe, kissed on his lip gently, then face pillow in his shoulder. 走上前来,阿伊莎环着江晨的脖子,踮起脚尖,在他唇上轻轻地吻了下,然后将脸枕在了他的肩头。 As the saying goes the short separation wins newly-married, this light and happy feeling also is really wonderful. 俗话说小别胜新婚,这种淡淡而甜蜜的感觉还真是妙不可言。 Savors carefully is lingering in quietness, Jiang Chen is caressing her maroon beautiful hair lightly, opened out that winding in the sending silk of beside the ear, said in her ear in a soft voice. 细细品味着萦绕在身边的静谧,江晨轻抚着她那栗色的秀发,拨开了那缠绕在耳际的发丝,在她耳边轻声道。 Thought me?” “想我了?” Em.” “恩。” Although is only a short character, said said not the sentiment. 虽然只是短短的一个字,却是道出了说不尽的感情。 The quiet atmosphere continued in two worlds that supported some little time. 静谧的氛围在相拥的二人间持续了好一会儿。 Feels chest front that the fiery temperature, Jiang Chen is opening the mouth gradually again, punctured this quiet atmosphere in a soft voice. 感受着胸前那愈渐火热的温度,江晨再次开口,轻声戳破了这静谧的氛围。 „...... Can go to Droplet to sit a while?” “……要去水滴上坐一会儿吗?” Em.” “恩。” The corners of the mouth bloomed the happy expression, Ayesha entered the Jiang Chen's hollow of the shoulder the face deep ksitigarbha, whatever Jiang Chen's bypassed own knees, oneself will hug horizontally, toward anchoring Droplet the wharf walked. 嘴角绽放幸福的笑意,阿伊莎将脸深深地藏进了江晨的肩窝,任由江晨的手绕过自己的双膝,将自己横抱而起,向着停靠“水滴”的码头走去。 Next day, Jiang Chen brought Ayesha to return to Koro Island, returned to his villa directly. 次日,江晨带着阿伊莎回到了科罗岛上,径直返回了他的别墅。 In the entrance, he saw is holding the suitcase, seems like already waited there for some time Natasha. 在门口,他看到了正托着行李箱,看上去已经等候多时了的娜塔莎 Saw that on Jiang Chen and face bring concubine happy Ayesha, in the Natasha not mincing matter heart discontentedly under the tongue, golden beautiful hair flung flinging, lifting is the table in wrist/skill. 见到江晨和脸上带着小女人幸福的阿伊莎,娜塔莎丝毫不掩饰心中不满地啧了下舌头,将金色的秀发甩了甩,抬起了系在手腕上的表。 You made one just under the woman of airplane wait for a half hour.” “你让一位刚下飞机的女士等了半个小时。” Sorry, comes back delayed a while slightly.” Jiang Chen smiles brazenly, pulls out the electronic key to open the door. “抱歉,回来的时候稍微耽误了一会儿。”江晨厚着脸皮地笑了笑,掏出电子钥匙开了门。 The iron gate drew back to the two sides, Natasha walked unrestrained/no trace of politeness. Passed through the flagging in lawn, entered her after living room is looks like oneself family/home to result, put the suitcase conveniently in one side, then directly soared the refrigerator of kitchen to go. 铁门退向了两边,娜塔莎毫不客气地走了进去。穿过了草坪上的石板路,走进客厅后的她更是像进了自己家似得,将行李箱随手搁在了一边,然后便直奔厨房的冰箱而去。 Looks at that to directly soar the back of kitchen, Jiang Chen smiles, has not said anything. 看着那直奔厨房的背影,江晨只是笑了笑,没说什么。 The liquor of Vodka this high number of degree he could not drink, in the refrigerator will rather have these gadget, originally to drop around frequently he prepares. Raises while convenient, the fruit-flavor champagne of these low numbers of degree, then for the Xia Shiyu preparation. 伏加特这种高度数的酒他一直喝不惯,倒不如说冰箱里会有这些玩意儿,本来就是为经常串门的他准备的。顺便一提,那些低度数的果味香槟,则是为夏诗雨准备的。 , outside the station was really is hot I!” The finger pinched the sparkling beverage bottle, Natasha air fan is resulting to pull up some collar of soaking, sat on the sofa of living room, did not have the protection to turn upwards symmetrically that ****, said that what matter asked me to have?” “呼,站外面真是热死我了!”手指捏着亮晶晶的酒瓶,娜塔莎扇风似得撩了撩有些浸湿的衣领,一屁股坐在了客厅的沙发上,毫无防备地翘起了那匀称的****,“说吧,找我来有什么事儿?” Ayesha went to the kitchen, Jiang Chen arrived at opposite of the Natasha's side to sit down. 阿伊莎去了厨房,江晨走到了娜塔莎的侧对面坐下。 My matter is not anxious, you first under rest. Right, for these days did you return to that side Russia to do?” “我的事不急,你先休息下吧。对了,这几天你回俄国那边干什么去了?” „Is this is caring about me?” The Natasha corners of the mouth brought back wiped the happy expression. “这是在关心我?”娜塔莎嘴角勾起了一抹笑意。 No, but chatted casually.” Jiang Chen shrugs, ridicules to say. “不,只是随便聊。”江晨耸了耸肩,揶揄道。 Natasha white Jiang Chen, put out a hand to take up the remote control on table, was pressing to the living room in television, changed the news channel. 娜塔莎白了江晨一眼,伸手拿起了桌上的遥控器,对着客厅里的电视按了下,换到了新闻频道。 Raised head to fill Vodka, her whole person sluggish subsidence of the earth entered in the sofa, beckons with the hand to say. 仰头灌了口伏加特,她整个人懒散地陷进了沙发里,摆了摆手说道。 Oneself had a look at the news not to know.”( To be continued.) “自己看看新闻不就知道了。”(未完待续。)
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