IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#792: The enemy of enemy

For a long time does not see, friend of mine.” The frank sound conveys from telephone that. “好久不见,我的朋友。”爽朗的声音从电话那头传来。 Without a doubt, this sound belongs to Rocky, one of the Boston Financial Group words matter people. 毫无疑问,这声音属于洛奇,波士顿财团的话事人之一。 Gestures to nearby maid, hints them to avoid, Jiang Chen took the clothes to throw over on the body, sat after the sofa, returned with a smile said. 对旁边的女仆打了个手势,示意她们回避,江晨取过衣服披在了身上,坐在沙发上后,笑着回道。 Really long time no see, what matter has?” “确实好久不见了,有什么事吗?” Heard that you and Rothschild Household did have a falling out?” Rocky said with the tone probe indefinitely. “听说你们和罗斯柴尔德家族闹翻了?”洛奇用不确定地语气试探道。 Had a falling out being insufficient, not happy is the affirmation.” “闹翻了不至于,不愉快是肯定。” Obtained the affirmative answer from Jiang Chen here, the smiling face on Rocky face. 江晨这里得到了肯定的答复,洛奇脸上的笑容更甚了。 Naturally, for is not mistaken as takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, he restrained the happy expression in spoken language very much diligently, lowered the sound then said. 当然,为了不被误认为是幸灾乐祸,他很努力克制了言语中的笑意,将声音压低了接着说道。 „, God was kept thinking about by Rothschild Household is not being the interesting matter. However what makes me unable to master was they did not help you on Congress a while ago? Country of Xin develops Civilian Nuclear Technology. To be honest, this issue was put on Congress, many people to interfering with the option cast the yes vote.” “哦,上帝被罗斯柴尔德家族惦记着可不是什么有趣的事儿。不过让我搞不懂的是他们前段时间不是在国会上帮了你们吗?新国发展民用核技术。老实说,这个问题被搁在国会上,不少人都对干涉选项投了赞同票。” Benefit exchange, I am also very that is all curious, asked that these issues regarding Boston Financial Group, what significance there is?” Jiang Chen asked. “利益交换,仅此而已我也很好奇,问这些问题对于波士顿财团来说,有什么意义吗?”江晨反问道。 Seemed like listens to the disgruntledness in Jiang Chen language, Rocky to smile, hurrying answered. 似乎是听出了江晨语中的不悦,洛奇笑了笑,赶忙解释道。 Sorry, I asked possibly was somewhat direct. However you must believe me, we regarding this certainly harmless, somewhat was rather happy.” “抱歉,我问的可能有些直接。不过你得相信我,我们对此绝无恶意,倒不如说有些高兴。” Looks very much happily we and Rothschild do do?” Jiang Chen curled upwards one leg on the other, the whole person is falling in the sofa, said relaxed, or added Freemasonry in behind again?” “很高兴看着我们和罗斯柴尔德干上?”江晨翘着二郎腿,整个人陷进了沙发里,语气轻松地说道,“或者说,再在后面加个共济会?” „, You possibly did not understand that was wrong my meaning.” Rocky shakes the head , then raised an issue, how many does Mr. Jiang know about United States?” “不不不,你可能理解错我的意思了。”洛奇摇头,顿了顿后,接着抛出了一个问题,“江先生美国了解多少?” Except for knowing a separation of powers, I understand are not many.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “除了知道个三权分立,我了解的不多。”江晨笑道。 White House, Wall Street and court separation of powers, probably on matter this. 白宫华尔街、法院三权分立,大概就事这样。 Then to Wall Street?” “那对华尔街呢?” One group of greedy bank and investors, as if these.” “一群贪婪的银行家和投资客,似乎就这些。” „The hā hā clam, the opinion of Mr. Jiang also is really unique. However with all due respect, your opinion some laymen.” Had not minded slightly Jiang Chen to oneself used greedily this adjective, Rocky to laugh. 哈哈蛤,江先生的意见还真是独特。不过恕我直言,您的见解还是有些外行了。”丝毫没有介意江晨对自己用上了“贪婪”这个形容词,洛奇大笑了起来。 Jiang Chen also follows to smile, has not said anything, is waiting for Rocky as follows. 江晨也跟着笑了笑,没说什么,等待着洛奇的下文。 Smiled enough, Rocky of telephone that head drinks water, after sleek/moist throat, exchanged the earnest tone. 笑够了,电话那头的洛奇喝了口水,润了润嗓子后,换上了认真的口吻。 White House has two Master, Wall Street also has two Master.” 白宫有两个主人,华尔街同样有两个主人。” Who?” “谁?” Jewish Financial Group, as well as Protestant Financial Group abbreviated.” 犹太人财团,以及新教徒财团简称。” Jiang Chen silent two seconds, said with the tone of cracking a joke. 江晨沉默了两秒,用开玩笑的语气说道。 I also think that American is the Jews back garden.” “我还以为美国人犹太人的后花园。” This is the prejudice. A Jewish Financial Group side is primarily Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and Kun Lei Bo and other investment bank sides is Morgan Stanley, First Boston, Brown Brother and other investment banks. Obama is their people, but Shirra. In is our people, the financial circle or the political circle, we at most are evenly matched.” “这是偏见。犹太财团一方以高盛莱曼兄弟、库恩雷波等投行为主一方是摩根斯坦利、第一波士顿布朗兄弟等投行。奥巴.马是他们的人,而希拉.里是我们的人,无论是金融界还是政界,我们顶多算是势均力敌。” These words had indicated the Rocky standpoint, Jiang Chen can feel the intent taste that he said a word wins over. 这句话已经表明了洛奇的立场,江晨能感受到他言语中拉拢的意味儿。 But Rocky below a few words, brought to light his intention. 洛奇的下一句话,更是挑明了他的意图。 „It is not alone relaxed facing Freemasonry, what kind of? Can collaborate?” “独自面对共济会可不轻松,怎么样?要联手吗?” How does collaborate the law?” Jiang Chen asked with a smile. “怎么个联手法?”江晨笑着问道。 „When Jews organization that in facing puts out a hand everywhere, we stand, draws back with the attack, politically economically!” Perhaps is felt that the Jiang Chen's worry, Rocky then supplemented the sentence, naturally, Covenant does not have the compulsory restraint strength. The only request merely is, when facing the plot of Freemasonry, our alliance can arrange for everybody to give the same story!” “在面对到处伸手的犹太人组织时,我们站在一起,同进攻退,无论是政治上还是经济上!”或许是感觉到了江晨的顾虑,洛奇接着补充了句,“当然,盟约本身不具备强制约束力。唯一的要求仅仅是,在面对共济会的阴谋时,我们的联盟能够统一口径!” In the room calm, the silent atmosphere continued for a long time. 房间内安静了下来,沉默的气氛持续了许久。 Rocky calmly waits for Jiang Chen's to answer, his very clear this requires the time to ponder, but will agree finally. 洛奇静静地等待着江晨的答复,他很清楚这需要时间思考,但最终会同意。 Reason that because, Jiang Chen simply has not rejected. 因为,江晨根本没有拒绝的理由。 But the fact also truly so, Jiang Chen seriously pondered is very long, truly cannot find out to renounce this proposition the reason. The Future Group hard strength is very strong, he thinks in others' eyes, but lacks the ally at the international affairs, is the Future Group Achilles's heel. 而事实也确实如此,江晨认真地思考了很久,确实想不出决绝这个提议的理由。未来人集团的硬实力很强,无论是他自认为还是在别人的眼中,但在国际事务上缺乏盟友,一直是未来人集团的阿喀琉斯之踵。 With concluding Covenant, can make up for this weak area without doubt. 与缔结盟约,无疑能弥补这个短板。 As for with Rothschild and other Jewish Financial Group relations whether will continue to deteriorate, Jiang Chen does not care very much. both sides resorted to arms in his back garden quickly, what face but also discussed? 至于和罗斯柴尔德犹太人财团的关系是否会继续恶化,江晨已经不是很在意了。双方都快在他的后花园兵戎相见了,还谈什么脸面? Many friend is always good.” After deciding, Jiang Chen said in a soft voice. “多一个朋友总是好的。”打定主意后,江晨轻声说道。 On the face of Rocky bloomed immediately the smiling face. 洛奇的脸上顿时绽放了笑容。 Good. I was very happy, in the Pacific Ocean opposite shore, we had a powerful ally!” “太好了。我很高兴,在太平洋的对岸,我们拥有了一个强大的盟友!” The strict sense, the relations with Future Group is not harmonious, business expansion of Future Group the cakes of many. However when facing common enemy, even consciousness. Shape entirely different US , Soviet can stand in a front, what in this world also has is absolutely impossible? 严格意义上来讲,与未来人集团的关系不算融洽,未来人集团的业务扩张动了很多人的蛋糕。不过在面对共同的敌人时,就算是意识.形态截然不同的美苏都能站在一条战线上,这个世界上又有什么是绝对不可能的呢? Compares Future Group, Protestants loathes Jews obviously. 相比起未来人集团,新教徒们显然更厌恶犹太人 If can get rid of Freemasonry in the United States influence, snatches thoroughly from the hand of Jews US Federal Reserve and Wall Street, the acquired benefit must go far beyond with Future Group cannot pass. 如果能干掉共济会美国的势力,将美联储华尔街犹太人的手中彻底抢回来,获得的利益要远远超过与未来人集团过不去。 Covenant has no paper document, is only commitment orally. 盟约没有任何纸质文件,只是口头上的承诺。 Because of the laws and regulations of does not have any country, can provide the legal protection for this document. 因为没有任何国家的法律法规,能够为这份文件提供法律保护。 Next morning, Jiang Chen accompanied by Santos, rode in a carriage to go to the Mindanao Island northernmost Surigao area personally, inspected the military deployment of Country of Moro aspect in border. 次日清晨,江晨桑托斯的陪同下,亲自乘车前往了棉兰老岛最北端的苏里高地区,视察摩洛国方面在边境的军事部署。 two brigades artillery, two divisions motorized infantry as well as an armored battalion. 两个旅的炮兵,两个师的摩托化步兵以及一个装甲营。 On the military, such deployment already calculates to be able, but these equipment really make Jiang Chen not know that said any good. As in using the armored battalions of 72 Tank taking responsibility strength, making Jiang Chen suspect very much they can support many seconds in front of 11. 就兵力上而言,这样的部署已经算可以的了,但那些装备实在让江晨不知道说些什么好。依旧在用72坦克做主力的装甲营,让江晨很怀疑他们能在11面前撑多少秒。 Without the deterrent of Star Ring Trading suspends here, Jiang Chen even suspected, even if the Philippines army pushes now from Luzon Island, the garrison troops on Mindanao Island only feared that still rolls to engage in guerrilla warfare immediately. 如果没有星环贸易的威慑摆在这里,江晨甚至怀疑,即使是现在菲国陆军从吕宋岛那边推过来,棉兰老岛上的守军只怕也得立刻滚回去打游击。 However since has Jiang Chen here, he will not naturally allow this situation to happen. 不过既然有江晨在这里,他自然是不会允许这种情况发生。 After finishing the border inspected, he immediately by plane returns to Country of Xin, started the military assistance to Country of Moro. 结束了边境考察之后,他立刻乘飞机返回了新国,开始着手对摩洛国的军事援助。 Large quantities of military supplies transported to Davao Port through the steamboat, the weapon starts to give these irregular troops to replace leniently. What is worth mentioning is, Boston Financial Group extended the aid at this matter, Raytheon Company sold 30 11 Main Battle Tank at four 1 million USD unit prices to Star Ring Trading. But these Tank were escorted to Country of Moro, replaced antique in the armored battalion 72. 大批的军事物资通过轮船运往了达沃港,从轻武器开始给这些杂牌军换装。值得一提的是,波士顿财团在这件事上伸出了援手,雷神公司以四百万美元的单价向星环贸易出售了30辆11主战坦克。而这些坦克被送往了摩洛国,换掉了装甲营里的老古董72。 The dark clouds of named war can hardly be removed sky over Mindanao Island, in the eyes of people, this is human rights and Sovereignty war. But only stands in the frontline both sides high level knows, this from the beginning not for what human rights or Sovereignty. 名为战争的阴云在棉兰老岛上空挥之不去,在民众的眼里,这是一场人.权主权的战争。但只有站在前线的双方高层才知道,这从一开始就不是为了什么人.权主权 Freemasonry wants to kick to be eliminated from Mindanao Island Future Group, through the industry of monopoly resources indirect operation Future Group. But Future Group will not give up the Mindanao Island resources, will not yield in the Country of Moro issue! 共济会想将未来人集团棉兰老岛踢出局,通过垄断资源间接控制未来人集团的工业。而未来人集团绝不会放弃棉兰老岛的资源,也绝不会在摩洛国问题上让步! Suddenly, entire east South Asia, cast a shadow for this reason to be continued 一时间,就连整个东南亚,都为此蒙上了一层阴影未完待续
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