IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#791: Arms race

After Jiang Chen receives the airplane, Country of Moro naturally quite entertains. 江晨接下飞机后,摩洛国这边自然是好生招待。 The motorcade of welcome is the black Lincoln extended version, the stayed hotel is Country of Moro State Visitor Hotel. Across the emerald-green lawn, stepped the pure white stone steps under welcome of guard of honor, the marble column set up one row dignified, quite somewhat Paris Pantheon graceful bearing. 迎宾的车队是黑色林肯加长版,下榻的酒店是摩洛国国宾酒店。穿过翠绿色的草坪,在仪仗队的迎接下踏上纯白色的石阶,大理石柱庄严的立了一排,颇有几分巴黎万神庙的风韵。 The stance of once revolting colors by national flag fluttered in the sky, so impressive and dignified manner really Jiang Chen shocking. 曾经的叛军旗以国旗的姿态飘扬在上空,如此威仪着实把江晨惊艳了一番。 But he then cannot bear be flabbergasted later, really **! 可随后他便忍不住咋舌,真特么的**! Although per capita income, only then 800 USD, but this does not hinder to rule the Mindanao Island warlord to live the bourgeoise life. Engaged in guerrilla warfare in the mountain with Philippines government forces, used all might for dozens years, now completes the independent long-cherished wish finally, where can provide lodging/manage own hand, pursues a happier life. 虽然人均收入只有800美元,但这并不妨碍统治棉兰老岛的军阀过上小资的生活。和菲国政府军在山里打游击,摸爬滚打了好几十年,现在总算是完成了独立的夙愿,哪能管住自己的手,去追求更美好的生活。 According to the request of Future Group, Country of Moro defines the government type in Constitution as the elected government, to stop up the argument of Western country. However meanwhile, they also read in one in Constitution, the wartime special regulations, stipulated that in time of war President term lengthens infinitely, when the wartime regulations were finished by highest Commander decide. 按照未来人集团的要求,摩洛国宪法中将政府类型定义为民选政府,以堵住西方国家的口舌。不过同时,他们也在宪法中写入了一条,战时特别条例,规定战争时期总统任期无限延长,战时条例什么时候结束由最高指挥官说了算。 Raises while convenient, President and highest Commander, is a Santos General person. 顺便一提,总统和最高指挥官,都是桑托斯将军一个人。 How Santos exploits own people, Jiang Chen does not care. 桑托斯怎么剥削自己的人民,江晨并不在意。 He needs responsibly merely is the Future Group staff, Star Ring Trading taxi warrior, and Country of Xin people on Palau Archipelago. Therefore when facing flattering of Country of Moro government, he accepts but is actually very also confident. 他需要负责的仅仅是未来人集团的员工,星环贸易的士战士,以及帕努群岛上的新国人民。所以在面对摩洛国政府的讨好时,他接受的倒也很坦然。 Be responsible for considering his daily life the maid enough ten people, by the appearance without exception is the source of trouble ranks. The decoration of room is to the utmost luxurious, in showcase are suspending good wine, cigar daily necessities , is the international brand, only feared that Santos do not give up such luxuriously. 负责照顾他生活起居的女仆足足有十人之多,论容貌无一例外都是祸水级别。房间的装潢极尽奢华,陈列柜中摆着的美酒、雪茄等“生活用品”,也无不是国际名牌,只怕桑托斯自己都舍不得这么奢侈。 Sigh with emotion in Country of Moro government great generosity at the same time, in the Jiang Chen heart also deliberately considered, what matter this Santos does have to request him? 感慨于摩洛国政府大手笔的同时,江晨心中也是不由寻思,这桑托斯是不是有什么事要求他? In the evening, Santos gives a banquet in the State Visitor Hotel assembly hall, receives cordially Jiang Chen. 晚上,桑托斯国宾酒店的礼堂内设宴,款待江晨 Besides Jiang Chen this lead, the guest is on Mindanao Island the honored and popular powerful official. And the by military sources are in the majority, some Country of Moro realtor and gold/metal mine owner. But the female guests are the relative of these military officer and merchant, Jiang Chen notice, many young girls looked that filled fiery to own look 除了江晨这位主角外,到访的宾客无一不是棉兰老岛上有头有脸的权贵。其中以军方人士居多,还有一些摩洛国的地产商与金矿主。而到访的女宾多为这些军官、商人的亲属,江晨注意到,不少妙龄少女看向自己的眼神都充满了火热 But the daughters of these earth aristocrats are really pretty not, Jiang Chen is the least bit interest does not have in any case. 只不过这些土贵族的女儿实在漂亮不到哪里去,反正江晨是半点兴趣都没有。 At the banquet lively banquet scene, in the stage is playing the melodious symphony, the guests chitchatted really happy. 宴会上觥筹交错,舞台上演奏着悠扬的交响乐,众宾客们攀谈甚欢。 The liquor over three patrolled, sits stacked the smiling face on Jiang Chen nearby Santos face suddenly. 酒过三巡,坐在江晨旁边的桑托斯脸上突然堆起了笑容。 Sees his expression, Jiang Chen knows, this fellow definitely also had anything to trouble. 看到他这幅表情,江晨就知道,这家伙肯定又有啥事儿想麻烦自己了。 Mr. Jiang, our enemies some were not law-abiding in the border recently.” 江先生啊,咱们的敌人最近在边境上有些不安分啊。” Has saying that this Santos former that tall man wanted smoothly were more, wants to come him also to understand the governing cannot depend on the truth of muscle. This opens the mouth, uses our enemies, drew oneself the Jiang Chen's standpoint. Moreover the tone of this speech, seems like with the ally in the discussion military situation, is also insufficient to lose face in the front of own subordinate. 不得不说,这桑托斯比以前那个五大三粗的汉子要圆滑的多了,想来他也是明白了治国不能靠肌肉的道理。这一开口,就用“我们的敌人”,将江晨的立场拉到了自己这边。而且这说话的口吻,就好像是和盟友在讨论军情,在自己部下的面前也不至于丢了面子。 Although saw this, but Jiang Chen has not cared his wishful thinking, carried the wine glass to sip, spoke thoughtlessly to ask. 虽然看出了这点,不过江晨并没有将他的小心思放在心上,端起酒杯抿了下,随口问道。 What movement that side oh? Philippines also had?” 哦?菲国那边又有什么动作了吗?” „The Aquino government promulgates the new conscription bill, the manifesto must rally the dispirited army, expansion of armaments 100,000.” 阿基诺政府颁布新征兵法案,宣言要重整颓废的陆军,扩军10万。” Aquino? Didn't the fellow take the blame and resign?” Jiang Chen knits the brows to say. 阿基诺?那家伙不是引咎辞职了吗?”江晨皱眉道。 That of resignation is Aquino III, Aquino IV that this mounts the stage newly “辞职的那个是阿基诺三世,这个是新上台的阿基诺四世 Good, fourth. 好吧,四世。 Jiang Chen put out a hand to pinch because of the feeling of being drunk, but bitter brow. 江晨伸手捏了捏因醉意而酸涩的眉头。 He does not understand these monkeys very much 他不是很懂这些猴子 Looked at Jiang Chen carefully, Santos then said. 小心地看了眼江晨,桑托斯接着说道。 Moreover, the Philippines aspect also announced, the modernization army with the United States help, will introduce 11 Main Battle Tank and Apache armed helicopter and other vehicles “另外,菲国方面同时宣布,将在美国帮助下建设现代化军队,引进11主战坦克阿帕奇武装直升机等载具” 11?” The Jiang Chen look moves slightly, the finger ignited the wine glass gently, the corners of the mouth disdain cast aside casting aside, „could they afford?” “11?”江晨眼神微微动了动,手指轻轻点着酒杯,嘴角不屑地撇了撇,“他们买得起吗?” 11 Main Battle Tank, how many bananas buy? 一辆11主战坦克,得多少根香蕉才买回来? hears word, Santos is also some sighs distressfully. 闻言,桑托斯也是有些愁眉苦脸地叹了口气。 Does not know, we in the news that Philippines that side informer passes on are, they as if received an amount not poor loan.” “不知道,我们在菲国那边的线人传回来的消息是,他们似乎收到了一笔数额不菲的贷款。” Loan? 贷款? Put down the wine glass in hand, the Jiang Chen's look is somewhat strange, then asked to Santos. 放下了手中的酒杯,江晨的神色有些古怪,接着向桑托斯问道。 „The time of quantity and loan of loan, your does here have the precise information?” “贷款的数量和贷款的时间,你这边有确切的消息吗?” Quantity probably is 10 billion USD, the time probably is at the end of April.” Exchanged the line of sight with own Minister of Intelligence, after obtaining the affirmative answer, the Santos nod said. “数量大概是一百亿美元,时间大概是四月底。”和自己的情报部长交换了视线,得到肯定的答复后,桑托斯点头说道。 At the end of April, is almost Jiang Chen and Freemasonry splits, Future Mining and Mining Industry group cooperation presents the fissure time. 四月底,差不多就是江晨共济会交恶,未来人矿业矿业集团合作出现裂痕的时候。 10 billion USD, big writing skill! 11 Tank selling prices also four 1 million USD, if this sum of money uses on the army and air force completely, Philippines can definitely build a modernized army. 一百亿美元,好大的手笔!一辆11坦克售价也才四百万美元而已,如果这笔钱全部用在陆军和空军上,菲国完全能打造一支现代化军队。 The investment expansion of armaments, can recover the investment besides the war, Jiang Chen cannot find out also has other what way. 投资扩军,除了战争能收回投资外,江晨想不出还有什么别的途径。 Jiang Chen had not somewhat thought clearly, why the group proposed proposition that such Future Group will not accept, after being refused to renew a contract confident of such evacuating. Now, their attempts to be big. 原本江晨还有些想不明白,集团为什么提出这么一个未来人集团根本就不会接受的提议,在被拒绝续约后又撤离的这么坦然。现在来看,他们的所图应该不小。 After hesitating the moment, Jiang Chen selected that glass of liquor on table gently, asked with tone half jokingly. 沉吟了片刻后,江晨轻轻点了点桌上的那杯酒,用半开玩笑的语气问道。 Your military expenses, should not use on this.” “你们的军费,该不会用在这上面了吧。” How possibly! 10 percent that our every year military budgets occupy five, was worried that they tear up the ceasefire agreement.” Santos rushes to reply. “怎么可能!我们每年的军事预算占的百分之十五,就是担心他们撕毁停战协议。”桑托斯赶忙答道。 Has not gone to ask that he every year many flowers on enjoying, after Jiang Chen pondered the moment, says. 没有去问他每年将多少花在享受上,江晨沉思了片刻后,开口说道。 Starting tomorrow, Star Ring Trading will help Country of Moro establish the modernized army, deals regional tension that the northern Philippines expansion of armaments causes. The matter of military expenses you do not need to worry temporarily, our here will lend you in the way of low-interest loan, the total credit is 5 billion USD.” “从明日起,星环贸易将帮助摩洛国建立现代化军队,应对北方菲国扩军引起的地区紧张局势。军费的事你们暂时不用操心,我们这边会以低息贷款的方式借给你们,贷款总额为五十亿美元。” hears word, Santos is happy, for serveral days has pressed in the big stone of his chest moved out of the way finally, immediately sets out to raise glass, proposes a toast to Jiang Chen. 闻言,桑托斯不由喜形于色,这些天来一直压在他胸口的大石头总算是挪开了,当即起身举杯,向江晨敬酒。 hā hā, too thanked you! Our friends, the Mindanao Island people will remember you for the contribution that our revolution makes!” 哈哈,太感谢您了!我们的朋友,棉兰老岛人民会记住您为我们革命作出的贡献!” After the banquet ended, declined several woman of quality renowned young women visit boudoir the invitation, Jiang Chen returned to State Visitor Hotel directly. 宴会结束后,谢绝了几位贵妇名媛“参观闺房”的邀请,江晨径直返回了国宾酒店中。 Threw the formal clothes on the clothes rack, he telephones with Star Ring Trading immediately, oneself regarding aiding Moro ** the decision of matter modernization construction told the sound to Ivan and Bakari two people. 将礼服扔在了衣架上,他立刻和星环贸易通了电话,将自己对于援助摩洛**事现代化建设的决定向伊万巴卡里二人吩咐了声。 After making the telephone call, Jiang Chen is preparing to change clothes to take bath under numerous many enchanting females taking care of maid, but also r in wrist/skill actually made a sound again. 挂了电话后,江晨正准备在一众莺莺燕燕女仆的服侍下更衣入浴,还在手腕上的r却是再次响了起来。 Looks on holographic screen that line of characters, Jiang Chen gawked slightly under. 看着全息屏幕上那行字,江晨微微愣了下。 Unexpectedly is an international call 居然是个国际长途 Moreover from United States Boston. To be continued 而且来自美国波士顿。未完待续
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