IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#790: Valencia Mining Area

drone ready-made, before Jiang Chen arrives in Xiangjiang, Future Heavy Industry additionally built several Type Beta-3 drone production lines, before end of the month completes 100,000 to put up the production of Beta-3 absolutely not to have the issue. 无人机都是现成的,早在江晨抵达香江之前,未来人重工就增设了数条beta-3型无人机生产线,到月底之前完成十万beta-3的生产完全没有问题。 Now most essential is, with the negotiations of Xiangjiang City Government...... 现在最关键的就是,与香江市政府的谈判…… Security? What to do if the cargo of drone transportation from in the air does fall should?” “安全方面呢?如果无人机运输的货物从空中掉下来该怎么办?” Does not need to be worried that completely the issue in this aspect, the security is one of the Beta-3 key points in design. Even if there is accident/surprise, Beta-3 still meets the activate(d) contingency procedure to open parachute approach, lands together with the cargo on the roof and other no man's lands, is responsible for recycling by other drone. Meanwhile, Global Express will plan the drone route and ensure carries the heavy item the flight vehicle unable the traversing personnel crowded region, to guarantee personal security.” “完全不用担心这方面的问题,安全性是beta-3的设计重点之一。即便是出现意外,beta-3也会启动应急程序打开缓降物,连同货物降落在楼顶等无人区域,由其它无人机负责回收。与此同时,全球速递会对无人机路线进行规划,保证携带重物的飞行器不会穿过人员密集区域,以确保人员安全。” *? You installed the camera on drone, whether this means Beta-3 can photograph personal space of building inhabitant?” “*呢?贵方在无人机上安装了摄像头,这是否意味着beta-3能拍摄楼房住户的私人空间?” Beta-3 truly equips the camera, but its action is generally carried out by ai. If not the peculiar circumstance, the staff will not conduct the manual control to drone, therefore does not need to invade completely. Violates * the issue of divulging! All video recording data only will preserve for 30 days on the server, 30 days later automatic clearing.” beta-3确实装备有摄像头,不过在一般情况下它的行动都是由ai执行。若非特殊情况,工作人员不会对无人机进行手动操控,所以完全不用侵.犯*泄露的问题!所有录像数据只会在服务器上保存30天,30天后自动清除。” „......” “……” The link that most is annoying is the legislature, the delegation that Future Group sends out must face inquiring of affairs council from all walks of life, finally convinced the person of legislation committee, made to help Global Express carry out the stipulation of drone business in the drone regulations. 最磨人的环节便是立法会,未来人集团派出的代表团必须面对各界事务委员会的问询,最终说服立法委员会的人,在无人机管理条例上做出有利于全球速递开展无人机业务的规定。 But generally speaking, the progress of negotiations is very smooth. 但总的来说,谈判的进展还是非常顺利的。 Jiang Chen launched the meeting with the chief executive, at the same time came to an arrangement about the Drone Logistics matter, on the other hand exchanged views on Future Group in the Xiangjiang investment. From the attitude of chief executive, Xiangjiang City Government quite regards as important regarding Future Group, showed the interest of considerable degree to this Drone Logistics network. 江晨这边则与特首展开了会面,一边谈妥了无人机物流的事,另一方面就未来人集团香江投资交换了意见。从特首的态度上看,香江市政府对于未来人集团还是相当看重的,对这无人机物流网络也表现了相当程度的兴趣。 If as expected, the legislature will release the drone regulations before 25 th, but Global Express will start on the 30 th, begins to build the Drone Logistics network. 如果不出意外,立法会将在25号之前出台无人机管理条例,而全球速递将在30号开始,着手建立无人机物流网络。 In the evening, returning to the hotel, Ayesha to make the phone call. 晚上,回到了酒店,阿伊莎打来了电话。 Evelyn has controlled. Before 2 hours, has shifted on him [The Droplet 1], now has left the Albania territorial waters.” 埃夫林已经控制住了。二小时前已经将他转移到了水滴一号上,现在已经离开阿尔巴尼亚领海。” Attention safe...... was right, that side European situation how?” “注意安全……对了,欧洲那边的局势怎么样?” Telephone that stopped for several seconds. 电话那头停顿了几秒。 Atmosphere is somewhat strange.” “气氛有些诡异。” Strange?” Jiang Chen hesitated the moment, makes the Specter Agent person focus on the Rothschild Household trend, actually clarifies them to do.” “诡异吗?”江晨沉吟了片刻,“让幽灵特工的人紧盯罗斯柴尔德家族的动向,弄清楚他们究竟想干什么。” Gave me.” Ayesha returns in a soft voice said. “交给我了。”阿伊莎轻声回道。 ...... …… In Jiang Chen in Xiangjiang City these days, outside had many matters. 就在江晨香江市的这几天,外面着实发生了不少事。 Mindanao Island explored several big mines recently newly, because distributes strongly the Valencia area in Mindanao Island, therefore is named as Valencia Mining Area. This mining area reserves estimate is quite astonishing, the minerals also covered the Xin-Ma Special Region demand high iron, aluminum, lead, zinc and copper mine, and savors in the mean value above! 棉兰老岛最近新勘探出了几座大型矿山,由于分布集中于棉兰老岛中部巴伦西亚地区,故被命名为巴伦西亚矿区。这座矿区储量预估相当惊人,矿产也涵盖了新马特区需求量较高的铁、铝、铅、锌、铜矿,并且品味都在平均值以上! However also this Valencia Mining Area, detonated BHP Group and Future Mining difference. 然而也正是这个巴伦西亚矿区,引爆了bhp集团未来人矿业的分歧。 Explorer as Valencia Mining Area, BHP Group proposed the request that holds more stockholder's rights, and made to once the contract of signature explained. They think that acts according to contribution of both sides, original 55% and 45% stocks are obviously unfair, BHP Group should hold 55% stocks. 身为巴伦西亚矿区勘探者,bhp集团提出了占有更多股权的要求,并对曾经签署的合约做出了重新解释。他们认为根据双方的贡献,原先55%和45%的股份显然已经有失公平,bhp集团才应该占有55%的股份。 But Future Mining naturally cannot agree, persists in deferring to the contract, or pats two powder. 未来人矿业这边自然不会同意,坚持按照合约来,要不就一拍两散。 both sides started to negotiate in this issue from March of this year, the BHP Group attitude had started to soften, since May/five months, the concrete point as if gave Rothschild Golden Apple after Jiang Chen, their attitudes again strong. 双方从今年三月份就开始在这个问题上谈判了,原本bhp集团态度已经开始软化,不过自从五月起,具体点似乎就是从江晨金苹果罗斯柴尔德以后,他们的态度又重新强硬了起来。 Without a doubt, BHP Group Mr. Luke is also the Freemasonry member. But Freemasonry believes obviously, Jiang Chen admitted defeat to them. 毫无疑问,bhp集团卢克先生也是共济会的成员。而共济会显然认为,江晨向他们服软了。 But they made a mistake obviously anything. 但他们显然搞错了些什么。 Contract due of BHP Mining Group and Future Mining on Mindanao Island, Future Mining refuse to renew the contract directly strongly, from now on Future Group will complete the development of Mindanao Island mineral resource independently, a foot kicks to be eliminated BHP Group. bhp矿业集团未来人矿业棉兰老岛上的合约到期,未来人矿业直接强硬地拒绝续签合约,今后未来人集团将独立完成棉兰老岛矿产资源的开发,一脚将bhp集团踢出局。 Regarding the decision of Future Group, BHP Mining Group expressed that the surprise and regretted, but made withdrew the decision of equipment and personnel from Mindanao Island, the whole face evacuated the asset from Country of Moro unbelievable. 对于未来人集团的决定,bhp矿业集团表示诧异和遗憾,但还是做出了从棉兰老岛撤出设备和人员的决定,满脸难以置信地从摩洛国撤离了资产。 From this event, the discerning people can look, Future Group and Rothschild Household honeymoon had ended. 从这个事件上,明眼人都能看得出来,未来人集团罗斯柴尔德家族的蜜月期已经结束。 However on the other hand, the development this degree, whose complexion Future Group has not needed to look at until now again. 不过话又说回来了,发展到如今这个程度,未来人集团已经没必要再看谁的脸色了。 Now Xin-Ma Special Region and Ange Island High-Tech Industrial Park resources, basically by the Mindanao Island mining area support, particularly after exploring several high-grade ore, Future Group has not needed to depend upon these Mining Industry giants again. 现在新马特区安加岛高科技工业园区的资源,基本上都由棉兰老岛的矿区支撑,尤其是在勘探出几座富矿之后,未来人集团已经无需再依靠这些矿业巨头了。 BHP Group kicks aside, although some are insincere, who wants Freemasonry not sincerely in first? bhp集团一脚踢开虽然有些不厚道,但谁要共济会不厚道在先呢? But on the other hand, New York goes on the market encounters shorting of unclear fund in High-Xin Fresh Water and Future Bank that in three days the stock price falls 30%. 而另一方面,在纽约上市的高新淡水未来人银行遭到不明资金的做空,三日内股价下跌30%。 Facing such situation, Jiang Chen increases the child company stock in the Level 2 market very much calm, falls many to buy many. He knows that who strikes using the financial lever his is, but this superficial warning to him at all is not anything. 面对这样的情况,江晨很淡定地在二级市场增持子公司的股票,跌多少买多少。他知道利用金融杠杆敲打他的是谁,不过这点不痛不痒的警告对于他来说根本不算什么。 At the worst High-Xin Fresh Water and Future Bank both delist the privatization, now Future Group has not needed to seek the loan to other bank, oneself affiliated bank completes the blood transfusion sufficiently. 大不了高新淡水未来人银行双双退市私有化,现在未来人集团已经无需向其它银行寻求贷款,自己旗下的银行足以完成输血。 After completing the negotiations of drone regulations, Jiang Chen rides the private plane to leave Xiangjiang immediately. 在完成了无人机管理条例的谈判后,江晨立刻乘私人飞机离开了香江 However he has not returned to Koro Island directly, but went to Country of Moro, alit from the airplane in Davao City International Airport. 不过他并没有直接回科罗岛,而是去了一趟摩洛国,在达沃市国际机场下了飞机。 From Civil War already over more than past year, once Santos leadership being heavily engaged that * the army, using Jiang Chen to sneak across the munitions and government forces that lift to hit here, but here main street and small alley could not actually have seen the Civil War scar now. 距离内战已经过去一年多了,曾经桑托斯领导的*军,用着江晨偷渡进来的军火与政府军在这里举打的不可开交,不过现在这里的大街小巷却已看不到内战的伤痕。 Is backing on Future Group, the imagination that in Davao City recovers is much quicker. 背靠着未来人集团,达沃市复苏的比想象中的要快得多。 After next airplane, Country of Moro President Santos went to the airport personally, is Jiang Chen picks. 下飞机后,摩洛国总统桑托斯亲自前往了机场,为江晨接机。 Just met, Jiang Chen has almost not recognized this fellow, but also thinks that their President change players. 刚一见面,江晨差点没认出来这家伙,还以为他们这总统换了人。 After the confirmation is Santos, Jiang Chen cannot bear was sighing at heart, years really resembles killing pig blade. Originally on that shoulder is encircling the muscle male of ammunition belt link, now had grown the abdomen, on the face ugly and ferocious-looking also braved. 当确认是桑托斯后,江晨也是忍不住在心里感叹,岁月真特么的像把杀猪刀。原来那个肩上圈着弹链的肌肉男,如今已经长出了小肚子,脸上的横肉也冒了出来。 After Santos met with, Jiang Chen rubbish, set own request beyond the shadow. 桑托斯会面后,江晨也没废话,开门见山地提出了自己的要求。 „The 1,000,000,000 USD investment, trades the Valencia new development mining area 20 years(2020) exploit right.” 10亿美元投资,换巴伦西亚新开发矿区20年开采权。” Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” Proposed regarding Jiang Chen's, Santos readily agreed without hesitation. 对于江晨的提议,桑托斯毫不犹豫地一口答应了。 Although the BHP Mining Group initial price is slightly higher, who wants Country of Moro is the Country of Xin dependency? Until now, Star Ring Trading leaves leeway few garrisons in Cagayan and Davao these two big city as before, simultaneously stationed in considerable amount of attack drone. 虽然bhp矿业集团开价稍高些,但谁要摩洛国新国的附庸呢?直到现在,星环贸易卡加延达沃这两大城市依旧留有少量驻军,同时驻扎有相当数量的攻击型无人机 North Philippines under the help of United States, is rallying were hit remnantly the army and navy covetously. 北边的菲国正在美国的帮助下,虎视眈眈地重整被打残了的陆军和海军 What both sides sign is the ceasefire agreement, Philippines has not recognized the Country of Moro independence, has not given up taking back the ambition of Sovereignty area. At this time if did not enclasp Star Ring Trading this big tree, that called the brain to shatter!( To be continued.) 双方签订的是停火协议,菲国从来都没有承认摩洛国的独立,也没有放弃收回主权地区的野心。这时候若是不把星环贸易这棵大树抱紧点,那才叫脑子坏掉了!(未完待续。)
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