IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#789: Global Express

The Jiang Chen's words have not made Wang Wei discouraged. He is very clear, since Jiang Chen agreed that met with with him, represents this matter also to have the leeway of negotiations. 江晨的话并没有让王卫气馁。他很清楚,既然江晨同意与他会面,就代表这事儿还有谈判的余地。 After reorganizing under the mentality, Wang Wei opens the mouth to say. 整理了下思路后,王卫开口道。 Does not know whether Mr. Jiang has studied Federal Express in the case of China operation failure.” “不知道江先生是否研究过联邦快递华国运营失败的案例。” The waiters in hotel carried black tea and cakes and pastries for two people. Although has been close to the dinner time now, has crossed the Peninsula Hotel afternoon tea point, but status honored guest always some those privileges. 酒店的侍者为两人端上了红茶和糕点。虽然现在已经接近晚餐时间,已经过了半岛酒店下午茶的点,但身份尊贵的客人总有那么些特权。 Carries black tea sipped the mouth, after sleek/moist the throat, Jiang Chen looked that smiles to say to him. 端起红茶抿了口,润了润嗓子后,江晨看向他微笑道。 Naturally.” “当然。” Federal Express has many aspects in the reason of China operation failure, even if they have the considerable advantage in the price, still made certain effort in the localization, however they, when enters the China market to be actually hard to start. I and my operation team have studied this case, we drew a conclusion, you know that is what?” The Wang Wei flashing eyes are locking Jiang Chen. 联邦快递华国运营失败的原因有很多方面,即使他们在价格上占据相当的优势,在本土化上也做出了一定的努力,然而他们在进军华国市场的时候却举步维艰。我和我的运营团队研究过这个案例,我们得出了一个结论,你知道是什么吗?”王卫目光炯炯地锁定着江晨 „Is this is testing me?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “这是在考我吗?”江晨笑道。 Where,” Wang Wei smiles, no longer keeps guessing, raised up a finger, in the final analysis, the reason actually only has one. What they encounter is the failure of Google-type.” “哪里,”王卫笑了笑,也不再卖关子,竖起了一根指头,“归根结底,原因其实只有一个。他们遭遇的是谷歌式的失败。” „The failure of Google-type, this word is actually very interesting, my first hearing.” Jiang Chen looks at Wang Wei interestingly, „, therefore, you think that our Global Express will suffer the failure of Google-type in China?” 谷歌式的失败,这个词倒是挺有趣,我还是第一次听到。”江晨饶有兴趣地看着王卫,“所以,你认为我们的全球速递会在华国遭遇谷歌式的失败?” Asked regarding Jiang Chen's, Wang Wei did not have the direct reaction, but made the fuzzy-processing using the art of negotiations to this issue. 对于江晨的发问,王卫没有直接回答,而是运用谈判的艺术对这个问题做了模糊处理。 New trade protectionism. Emerges since the 80 age, by green barrier, Technical Barrier, anti-dumping and intellectual property protection and other non-tariff barrier measures, the protection local enterprise in the policy, the repel foreign enterprises enters the market. Although China starts to be late in this aspect, but with 2000 and United States in the friction of trade area, we also studied much. I summarized a very interesting rule, any product that can alternative, was by the industry of policy protection internally. But the logistics, belongs to one of them obviously.” “新贸易保护主义。从八十年代开始兴起,以绿色壁垒、技术壁垒、反倾销和知识产权保护等非关税壁垒措施,在政策上保护本土企业,排斥外企进入市场。虽然华国在这方面起步晚了点,但随着2000年来和美国在贸易领域的摩擦,我们也是学习了不少。我个人总结出了一条很有趣的规律,凡是可以被替代的产品,在国内都属于被政策保护的行业。而物流,显然就属于其中之一。” Even if you have the convenience quick Drone Logistics network, but this is insufficient to become you unreplaceable reason, after all our these depend on the manpower the enterprise, similarly can deliver the main house gate of user the cargo, most is sending a link to be slower than for several hours you.” “即便你们拥有方便快捷的无人机物流网络,但这并不足以成为你们不可替代的理由,毕竟我们这些靠人力的企业,同样能够将货物送上用户的家门,最多是在派件环节比你们慢了几个小时。” After listening to these words, some Jiang Chen accidents/surprises looked at Wang Wei two. 听完这段话后,江晨有些意外地多看了王卫两眼。 Words that he spoke, is in the Jiang Chen heart the most worry. 他所说的话,同时也是江晨心中最大顾虑。 Global Express has one set of perfect localization to operate the plan, lured many well-known express company former executives from hunter company, the difficulty that but China as the first station in development international market, Global Express faced also was really not a tiny bit. 全球速递拥有一整套完善的本土化运营方案,同时也从猎头公司挖来了不少知名快递公司的前高管,但将华国作为开拓国际市场的第一站,全球速递面临的困难还真不是一点半点。 However although difficulty, not only in the Jiang Chen heart has the plan. 不过虽然困难不但江晨心中早就有了计划。 Therefore, we planned that express will be divided into two parts to do.” Looks at confident Wang Wei, Jiang Chen smilingly said. “所以,我们打算将快递分成两个部分来做。”看着胸有成竹的王卫,江晨笑眯眯地说道。 Two parts?” “两个部分?” Right,” ten fingers on table overlapping, Jiang Chen smiles was saying, Global Express will analyze two parts the business. One is to construct the Drone Logistics network, another is to contract other express company sending businesses.” “没错,”十指在桌上交叉,江晨微笑着说道,“全球速递将把业务拆分成两个部分。一个是建设无人机物流网络,另一个则是承包其它快递公司的派送业务。” What do you mean?” Wang Wei knits the brows slightly. “什么意思?”王卫微微皱眉。 Takes Xiangjiang for instance, we will take Xiangjiang as the pilot, establishes Penglai City that to wrap/sets of Drone Logistics Artillery System. SF is flexible express, can express deliver to our warehouses, in the customer to Special Region range provides the drone distribution service. Our services not in view of distributed customer, but in view of express company, you understands my meaning?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “以香江为例,我们会以香江为试点,建立蓬莱市那套无人机物流系统。无论是顺丰还是圆通的快递,都能将快递送到我们的仓库,对特区范围内的客户提供无人机配送服务。我们的服务不是针对被配送的客户,而是针对快递公司,你明白我的意思吗?”江晨笑着说道。 In view of express company? Alliance? 针对快递公司?加盟? Wang Wei understood the Jiang Chen's meaning instantaneously. 王卫瞬间明白了江晨的意思。 This gave the entire contract all express company sending businesses practically. 这等于说是将所有快递公司的派送业务给整个承包了。 Flexible that for instance the taking market share is next to SF, after will sort the transportation flexibly express delivers to Xiangjiang City each network, then according to each 11.5 Yuan price, will send the mission minute gets down. But later, STO what express company, can the cargo delivers to Global Express send a center flexibly directly, then completes a faction work to entire Xiangjiang City area by the Drone Logistics network! Even saved express company to the link that each network delivers goods! 以市场份额仅次于顺丰的圆通为例,圆通将分拣运输后的快递送到香江市各个网点,然后按照每件11.5元的价格,将派件的任务分下去。而以后,无论是申通圆通还是什么快递公司,都可以直接将货物送到全球速递的“派件中心”,然后由无人机物流网络完成对整个香江市地区的派件工作!甚至省掉了快递公司向各个网点送货的环节! You think that logistics company will send to contract the line under to you?” Wang Wei said with a smile. “你认为物流公司会将线下派送承包给你吗?”王卫笑道。 Price advantage,” Jiang Chen raised up a finger, half that the cost that drone delivers goods be only delivers goods artificially, but two times that the efficiency actually delivers goods artificially.” “价格优势,”江晨竖起了一根指头,“无人机送货的成本只有人工送货的一半,而效率却是人工送货的两倍。” That is all?” The smiling face of Wang Wei corners of the mouth somewhat ponders. “仅此而已?”王卫嘴角的笑容有些玩味。 Naturally not only,” is saying, Jiang Chen smiled was raising up the second finger, sr, will differentiate the logistics option of subscriber's premise, regards allies the drone distribution business express company, you should very clear this mean anything.” “当然不只,”说着,江晨微笑着竖起了第二根指头,“sr,将对用户端的物流选项进行区分,首推加盟无人机配送业务的快递公司,你应该很清楚这意味着什么。” Smiling face stiffly on face, Wang Wei volume forward slip over drop of cold sweat. 笑容僵在了脸上,王卫的额前滑过一滴冷汗。 He was certainly clear that this means anything, which express contact surface if sr chose in the user with established one recommendation project, then the user will definitely favor choosing recommended express company. 他当然清楚这意味着什么,假如sr在用户选择用哪家快递的界面设置了一个“推荐项目”,那么用户肯定会更倾向于选择被推荐的快递公司 You determined that can do that? The Anti-Monopoly method is not the ornaments.” Wang Wei sinking sound said. “你确定要这么做?反垄断法可不是摆设。”王卫沉声道。 „The definition of monopoly is uses itself regarding the dominant position of market, preventing other enterprises to enter the market, or using not fair competition method, expels the market other enterprises.” The Jiang Chen faint smile looks at Wang Wei, you thought that which sr did violate? We recommend our partner with emphasis, has not prohibited any express company from entering this market.” “垄断的定义是利用自身对于市场的支配地位,阻止其他企业进入市场,或运用不正当竞争手段,将其他企业赶出市场。”江晨似笑非笑地看着王卫,“你觉得sr违反了哪一条?我们只是重点推荐自家的合作伙伴而已,并没有禁止任何快递公司进入这个市场。” After listening to the Jiang Chen's words, Wang Wei deeply inspires. 听完江晨的话后,王卫深吸了一口气。 Then it seems like we have nothing to discuss?” “那么看来我们没什么可谈的了?” Is happen to opposite, we have the place that can discuss.” Jiang Chen shakes the head, we have favored very much with SF Company cooperate.” “正好相反,我们有很多可以谈的地方。”江晨摇了摇头,“我们一直很看好与顺丰公司进行合作。” Saying, Jiang Chen was taking out a letter of intention, placed the Wang Wei front. 说着,江晨取出了一份合作意向书,放在了王卫的面前。 Wang Wei took up this intention statement, swept two above, the look changed countenance slightly. 王卫拿起了这份意向书,在上面扫了两眼,神色微微动容。 „Is this?” “这是?” Proposition that wins, what kind of? Is Mr. Wang interested?” Jiang Chen smiles was saying. “一项共赢的提议,怎么样?王先生感兴趣吗?”江晨微笑着说道。 Global Express will launch the comprehensive strategy with the SF express in the China business, depends on SF in the network across the country, develops the drone network to lay down the work in Chinese mouth top 100 city. the sr resources will lean toward SF, but SF in Area Xiangjiang express sends the business, will start to outsource at the end of this month gradually to Global Express. 全球速递将与顺丰速递在华国业务展开全面战略,依托顺丰在全国各地的网点,在华国人口排名前100的城市开展无人机网点铺设工作。sr的资源将向顺丰倾斜,而顺丰香江的快递派送业务,将在本月底开始逐步外包给全球速递 Regarding SF, they will save a big expenditure, simultaneously enhances the distribution efficiency. 对于顺丰来说,他们将节省一大笔开支,同时提升配送效率。 Just like Jiang Chen said that this was the proposition that won. 正如江晨所言,这是一项共赢的提议。 If you are not interested, tomorrow I can with chat flexibly, heard that the year before last they started to attempt to reclaim place alliance power “如果您不感兴趣的话,明天我会和圆通谈谈,听说前年他们就开始尝试收回地方加盟权” Without coming as a surprise to Jiang Chen's, his these words have not said that Wang Wei then signed own name in this intention statement. 没有出乎江晨的意料,他这句话还没有说完,王卫便在这份意向书上签下了自己的名字。 Although has signed own name, but Wang Wei cannot bear ask. 虽然已经签下了自己的名字,但王卫还是忍不住问道。 Half a month time enough?” “半个月的时间够吗?” Received the intention statement, Jiang Chen by the sofa, the chest had to say with a smile fully. 收起了意向书,江晨靠在了沙发椅上,胸有成足地笑道。 „More than enough to spare.” To be continued “绰绰有余。”未完待续
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