IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#788: Returns to Xiangjiang again

On May 17, a Gulfstream private plane descended in the Xiangjiang City International Airport runway. 5月17日,一架湾流私人飞机降落在香江市国际机场的跑道。 Although the secret is done is very proper, quickest Reporter Xiangjiang but who the entire world runs received the wind sound/rumor as before, waited in the International Airport entrance early. 虽然保密工作做的很到位,但全世界跑的最快的香江记者依旧接到了风声,早早地等候在了国际机场的门口。 Does not need to suspect, this airplane from Country of Xin, but the owner of airplane, is Future Group Chairman of the Board Jiang Chen. 不用怀疑,这架飞机来自新国,而飞机的所有者,正是未来人集团董事长江晨 To interview Jiang Chen in Country of Xin to be difficult, if Jiang Chen does not want to be interviewed, the media even want is very at the same time difficult see above him. However in Xiangjiang City, these reporters did not have so many worries, carried the long spear/gun short artillery to encircle in abundance. 新国想要采访到江晨非常困难,如果江晨不想接受采访,媒体甚至连想见上他一面都很困难。然而在香江市,这些记者们却是没了那么多顾虑,纷纷扛着长枪短炮围了上来。 Ten wear suits, the tall and powerfully built bodyguard encircled, kept off around Jiang Chen's, squeezed out to say forcefully the crowd, escorted on Jiang Chen the motorcade that branch company sent to greet. 十来个穿着西装,身材魁梧的保镖围成了一圈,挡在江晨的周围,硬生生地将人群挤出了一条道来,将江晨护送到了分公司派来迎接的车队上。 This scene, really looks like the paparazzi to besiege and pursue to block off international Superstar. 这场面,简直就像是狗仔队围追堵截国际巨星 After riding the private car, Jiang Chen only thought that was big. 坐上了专车后,江晨只觉得头都大了。 Comes to meet his is Future Group Area China branch company Director-General He Weicai, the group acquires the STO Company business is him is also responsible for coordinating. Afterward matter was needless saying that because had the small accident/surprise, the takeover plan failed. 前来接他的是未来人集团华国分公司总裁何伟才,集团收购申通公司的业务也是他这边负责牵头的。后来的事不用说,因为出现了一点小小的意外,收购计划失败了。 Chairman of the Board must first go to company, first goes “请问董事长要先去公司,还是先去” First goes to a hotel.” “先去趟酒店。” Yes.” “是。” News that after receiving Jiang Chen must come, branch company has subscribed Peninsula Hotel Presidential Suite for him. As one of the Xiangjiang only two six-star hotels, Jiang Chen also once lived here several days later, the appraisals to here aspects is also good. 在接到江晨要来的消息后,分公司这边就已经替他订好了半岛酒店总统套。作为香江唯有的两家六星级酒店之一,江晨也曾经在这里住过几天,对这里各方面的评价也都不错。 After checking into the hotel, Jiang Chen first takes a bath, washed off exhausted. 入住酒店后,江晨先去洗了个澡,洗去了一身的疲惫。 Changed clean clothes, after having enjoyed the lunch, he went to the group branch company building by the private car. 换上了一身干净的衣服,享用过午餐后,他才乘专车前往了集团分公司的大楼。 This building is he buys from the Mr. Chen hand, originally as Future Technologies Headquarters. However since Future Technologies is also moved to Country of Xin, inside this changed to the group in Huaxia Region branch company Headquarters. 这栋大楼是他从陈先生手中买下的,原本是作为未来人科技总部。不过自从未来人科技也迁往新国后,这里边改成了集团在华夏区分公司总部 The name was Future Building as before, although compared with Koro Island that the scale was highly in the difference incessantly a tiny bit. 名字依旧叫未来人大厦,虽然比起科罗岛的那个无论是规模还是高度都差上了不止一点半点。 Just entered the building, Jiang Chen looks for the He Weicai and other company high levels immediately, held a simple conference. 刚走进了大厦,江晨立刻找来了何伟才公司高层,召开了一个简单地会议。 Group Headquarters has made the decision, pitches into the logistics industry strategy unchanged. We will first take the pilot by Xiangjiang City, begins in emphasis opening the China logistics market. But Future Heavy Industry Type Beta-3 express distributes drone, is our principal products!” “集团总部已经做了决定,进军物流行业的策略不变。我们会先以香江市作为试点,重点着手于开华国物流市场。而未来人重工beta-3型快递配送无人机,就是我们这次主打的产品!” I know on the policy aspect to have many resistance, but this reason that is not enough to become us to give up.” “我知道政策面上存在着很多阻力,但这并不足以成为我们放弃的理由。” child company has been completing the registration, named Global Delivery.” 子公司已经在完成注册,名为全球递。” Several plans that that side Headquarters draws up have arrived in your hands, believes before meeting you should look. The subject of this conference is to discuss this issue, everyone spoke freely, has any good opinion to take!” 总部那边拿出的几套方案已经到你们手上了,相信在开会前你们应该都看过了。这次会议的主题就是讨论这个问题,各位畅所欲言,有什么好的意见都可以拿出来!” Jiang Chen's prologue short as always, in one minute then entered the subject. 江晨的开场白一如既往的短,一分钟内便进入了正题。 However situation not such ideal, the branch company aspect has not been engaged in the experience of logistics industry as he expected completely. 不过情况并非如他预想中的那样理想,分公司方面也完全没有从事物流行业的经验。 However has not experienced not to relate, the talent who lacks can dig, the experience that lacks can study in the fumble, JD did the logistics initially time isn't big pile of questions? But others did in the same old way. 不过没有经验没关系,缺的人才可以挖过来,缺的经验可以在摸索中学习,京东当初搞物流的时候不也是一大堆质疑吗?但人家照样搞下来了。 Jiang Chen can definitely first do specially for the VR relay station that VRstore serves, just also shop two uses. As the sale and User Experience of network Phantom Helmet, while takes a VRstore faction network. 江晨完全可以先搞个专门为vtore服务的vr驿站,刚好还一间门店两个用处。一边作为幻影头盔的销售、体验网点,一边作为vtore的派件网点。 This plan he and Xia Shiyu discussed is very long, is completely accepted! 这个方案他和夏诗雨讨论了很久,完全行得通! But this time comes the Xiangjiang goal personally, then mainly to negotiate with the Special Region government, gave to come to an arrangement about the thing in policy, strove in the most essential drone regulations high-rank also in the blueprint Drone Logistics spread the road. 而这次亲自来香江的目的,则主要是为了和特区政府谈判,把政策上的东西都给谈妥,争取在最关键的无人机管理条例上位还在蓝图中的“无人机物流”铺好路。 After breaking up, the company executive departs in abundance, but Jiang Chen and He Weicai have not actually left the stage, several plans that but put forward on the conference in made the discussion of simple. 散会后,公司高管纷纷离去,不过江晨何伟才却没有退场,而是就会议上提出的几个方案做了简单的讨论。 However at this moment, He Weicai secretary walked from the conference room. 不过就在这时,何伟才秘书从会议室外走了进来。 SF Transportation Group Director-General Wang Wei telephone appointment, hopes that can speak face-to-face with Chairman of the Board.” 顺丰运集团总裁王卫电话预约,希望能够与董事长面谈。” Face-to-face talk? 面谈? Jiang Chen and He Weicai exchanged under the line of sight, then looked to that secretary. 江晨何伟才交换了下视线,然后看向了那名秘书 Agrees to speak face-to-face, the time tonight, the place decides in Peninsula Hotel, you reply.” Then, Jiang Chen looked to He Weicai, perhaps, we did not need to make logistics company to come out from the beginning.” “同意面谈,时间今晚,地点就定在半岛酒店,你就这么去回复吧。”接着,江晨看向了何伟才,“或许,我们不用从头做一个物流公司出来。” You say SF?” Although these words bring the intent taste that is asking, but on the face of He Weicai actually appeared wiped to understand clearly. “你是说顺丰?”这句话虽然带着问的意味儿,但何伟才的脸上却是浮现了一抹了然。 Right, this was I thought a moment ago suddenly. We are always using the thought of Year 2018 to study logistics industry, but the conservative approach not necessarily puts universal. We can definitely change a way,” is saying, Jiang Chen put out a hand to open on the table the cover of teapot, put gently in one side, for example, opened two links the logistics.” “没错,这是我刚才突然想到的。一直以来我们都在用2o18年的思维去研究物流这个行业,但保守的做法并不一定放之四海皆准。我们完全可以换一种方式,”说着,江晨伸手揭开了桌上茶壶的盖子,轻轻地搁在了一边,“比如,将物流拆成两个环节。” ...... …… Starts to start from the beginning, meaning Future Group needs to spend lots of energy to go in the nation to unfold the network, builds the warehouse, the plan transportation plan...... wait/etc. a series of troublesome matters. Avoids troubling the method of matter to purchase, however the country will intervene the purchase inevitably, in the name of Anti-Monopoly this tiger balm. 从头开始做起,意味着未来人集团需要花费大量精力去在全国铺开网点,建立仓库,规划运输方案……等等一系列麻烦事儿。避免麻烦事儿的方法就是收购,然而国家势必会出面干预收购,以反垄断这个万金油的名义。 Such being the case, might as well changes a mentality. 既然如此,不妨换个思路。 The Drone Logistics advantage mainly manifests is sending a link, Future Group needs is covers the line bottom wire points of national several hundred city and district merely. 无人机物流的优势主要体现在派件环节,未来人集团需要的仅仅是覆盖全国数百个市、县的线下网点。 But takes a broad view at the nation, in all express company only had ems and SF two used the straight camp pattern management network. Ems as state-owned enterprise does not need to consider, Future Group can definitely cooperate with SF, the issue in solution network aspect. 而放眼全国,所有快递公司中只有ems和顺丰两家采用了直营模式管理网点。身为国企的ems不用考虑,未来人集团完全可以与顺丰合作,解决网点这方面的问题。 Later, Jiang Chen returned to Peninsula Hotel, went to the agreement to meeting place. 晚些时候,江晨回到了半岛酒店,前往了约定对的会面地点。 When he arrives, presently Wang Wei is sitting in the corner of great hall teahouse, seemed like had waited there for some time. 当他到达时,现王卫正坐在大堂茶座的角落,看上去已经等候多时了。 Headquarters that SF transports/fortunes in Shenzhen, from Shenzhen to also on a 2~3 hour of distance, but the opposite party let some Jiang Chen accidents/surprises actually. 顺丰运的总部就在深圳,从深圳到也就两三个小时的路程,不过对方倒是让江晨有些意外了。 Hello, it seems like you were Mr. Jiang Chen.” After meeting, Wang Wei stood with a smile, extended the right hand. “您好,看来您就是江晨先生了。”见面后,王卫笑着站了起来,伸出了右手。 Fortunate meeting fortunate meeting, Mr. Wang Wei.” Jiang Chen gripped his hand to shake shaking with a smile, after loosening, then said, smalltalk the words and other dinner times of said again. Heard that the Mr. Wang appointment and I meet with, does not know that what issue you are the plan discuss?” “幸会幸会,王卫先生。”江晨笑着握住他的手晃了晃,松开后接着说道,“客套的话等晚饭时候再说吧。听说王先生预约和我会面,不知道贵方是打算讨论什么问题?” I hope that with Mr. Jiang discussed we previously passed to your intention statement.” Wang Wei said sincerely. “我希望和江先生重新讨论我们先前传给贵方的那份意向书。”王卫诚恳地说道。 Introduces the Penglai City Drone Logistics network?” Jiang Chen smiles, was sorry very much, builds own logistics company is one of the Future Group strategic layouts, some time ago we had registered named Global Delivery logistics company. Although now its scale is very small, the business only has Penglai City this together, but you from its name, should be able to see our ambition to the logistics industry.”( To be continued.) 8 “引进蓬莱市无人机物流网络吗?”江晨笑了笑,“很抱歉,打造自己的物流公司一直是未来人集团的战略布局之一,不久前我们就已经注册了名为全球递的物流公司。虽然现在它的规模很小,业务仅有蓬莱市这一块儿,但想必你从它的名字中,应该能看出我们对物流行业的野心。”(未完待续。)八
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