IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#787: Intervention purchase

China Shenzhen, SF Headquarters.(?[ \ {[ \ { > 华国深圳,顺丰总部。(?[\{[\{〉 Sits before the desk, Wang Wei is reading the document on table meticulously. 坐在办公桌前,王卫一丝不苟地翻看着桌上的文件。 Director-General as SF Transportation Group, Wang Wei takes the SF total helmsman, just like enterprise that he leads, this half a lifetime was full of legendary. Only 22-year-old he is relying on the 1 o ten thousand Yuan activate(d) fund, from a total of 6 people of undertaking company, generating present market value 10 billion SF Group. 身为顺丰运集团总裁,王卫作为顺丰的总掌舵人,和他所带领的企业一样,这半生充满了传奇色彩。年仅22岁的他凭借着1o万元启动资金,从一间总共六人的创业公司,展成了如今市值百亿顺丰集团 Ma Yun, to his also expresses the admiration. 就连马云,对他的也是深表钦佩。 However today he somewhat is obviously absent-minded, this situation is rare. He put the pen in the one side, put out a hand to rub the somewhat bitter brow. 不过今天他明显有些心不在焉,这种情况非常少见。他将笔搁在了一旁,伸手揉了揉有些酸涩的眉头。 Thinks carefully, previous time has this anxious mood, when 2 oo 2 year. 仔细想想,上次出现这种焦虑的情绪,还是在2oo2年的时候。 At that time SF Company faced is receiving the severe test of power from the alliance business hand. If successful, SF will become domestic the logistics enterprise that gets rid of the alliance system, realizes the straight camp management of enterprise to network. 当时顺丰公司面临着从加盟商手中收权的严峻考验。如果成功,顺丰将成为国内个摆脱加盟制的物流企业,实现企业到网点的直营式管理。 Without a doubt, this touched the cake of size alliance business. However in receiving the process of power, the performance of Wang Wei is also the suitable domineering, even spoke before the closing date, either sold to him the company stock, either tumbled out SF. 毫无疑问,这触动了大小加盟商的蛋糕。然而在收权的过程中,王卫的表现也是相当的强势,甚至明言在截止日期之前,要么把公司股份卖给他,要么就滚出顺丰 Also the Wang Wei domineering, drew on the fatal disaster for him. Some alliance business actually invited the Xiangjiang dark forces to chase down Wang Wei. But this event gives his daily life to cast the quite deep shadow especially to today, he presented the side to have 4- 6 bodyguards in any place. 也正是王卫的强势,为他招来了杀身之祸。一些加盟商竟然请来了香江黑势力追杀王卫。而这一事件特给他的日常生活留下了颇深的阴影一直到今天,他在任何地方出现身边都有四-六个保镖。 At this time, his efficient Li Dongqi pushed the door, walked quickly. 这时,他的得力手下李东起推门,快步走了进来。 Wang Wei has not blamed him not to knock on a door, but rushes to open the mouth to ask. 王卫没有责怪他没敲门,而是赶忙开口问道。 What kind of, did the Future Group that side agree?” “怎么样,未来人集团那边同意了吗?” hears word, Li Dongqi smiled bitterly, shakes the head. 闻言,李东起苦笑了下,摇摇头。 No, the opposite party gives my feeling is, their ambition to the logistics market cake is big.” “没有,对方给我的感觉是,他们对物流市场这块蛋糕的野心不小。” Regarding the reply of Li Dongqi, Wang Wei does not seem to be surprised. 对于李东起的回答,王卫似乎没有感到意外。 Occupies VRstore this current capacity huge Virtual Reality shopping platform, Future Group even has faintly in the momentum of electronic business domain verbal command outstanding heroes. Now many people foster in the Virtual World User Experience that illusory and realistic shopping feeling, includes Wang Wei, often puts down helmet also to acclaim VRstore designer really is a talent. 占据着vtore这个流量庞大的虚拟实境购物平台,未来人集团甚至隐隐有着在电商领域号令群雄的势头。现在很多人都养成了在虚拟世界体验那种虚幻而现实的购物感,就包括王卫自己,每每放下头盔也不禁赞叹vtore设计者简直是个天才。 Has the so exceptional superiority, rather, Jiang Chen will not be interested in the logistics, that called to feel strange. 拥有如此得天独厚的优势,倒不如说,江晨会对物流不感兴趣,那才叫奇了怪。 After hesitation moment, the Wang Wei sinking sound said. 沉吟片刻后,王卫沉声说道。 Tomorrow I will go to Country of Xin personally, if can see the Jiang Chen's words, I will convince him personally.” “明天我会亲自去一趟新国,如果能见到江晨的话,我会亲自说服他。” Does not use, he estimated that tomorrow must come Xiangjiang.” Li Dongqi sighed. “不用了,他估计明天就要来香江了。”李东起叹了口气道。 hears word, Wang Wei stares immediately, the brow also twisted gradually. 闻言,王卫顿时一愣,眉头也渐渐拧了起来。 Then some difficult offices. 这下有些难办了。 ...... …… SF Company felt difficult office at the same time, Jiang Chen actually also felt the difficult office, or he did not meet after the wedding originally China. 顺丰公司感到难办的同时,江晨这边其实也感到了难办,要不他也不会亲自来一趟华国了。 company that Xia Shiyu selects is STO, but premium 11% the offers regarding Future Group, purchases the STO Company 51% stocks by 1,700,000,000 USD the proposals, several major stockholders expressed very satisfactory this price. 夏诗雨选中的公司申通,而对于未来人集团这边溢价11%的报价,以17亿美元收购申通公司51%的股份的提案,几名大股东都表示很满意这个价格。 Future Group must invest STO, this is the good matter! If nothing else, even if by it the resources on VRstore, express here leans toward points STO, the stocks in their hand are also more valuable than more than one time the present, let alone Future Group also premium 11% purchases! 未来人集团要投资申通,这可是好事儿啊!别的不说,哪怕是凭借其在vtore上的资源,向申通快递这边倾斜一点,他们手中的股份也得比现在值钱个一倍多,更别说未来人集团还溢价11%收购了! So long as give away some stocks, the remaining stocks can also be more valuable, like this good matter fool to reject. 只要让出一部分股票,剩下的股票还能更值钱,这样的好事儿傻子才会拒绝。 May that said that actually have something go wrong to the final link of purchase. 可话是这么说,到了收购的最后环节却是出了岔子。 When soon the signature finished up, several agreements sold in the hand the shareholder of stock to renege temporarily, change a statement to refuse to sell the stock in hand. The clerk who regardless of Future Group sends how persuaded to be useless. 就在快要签字完事儿的时候,原本几名同意出售手中股份的股东临时变卦,改口拒绝出售手中的股份了。无论未来人集团派去的业务员怎么劝说都没有用。 But Future Group one asked that the reason knows, originally was not these shareholders does not want to act, but was government starts to intervene. 未来人集团这边一问原因才知道,原来不是这几名股东不想出手了,而是政府方面开始出手干预了。 This makes Jiang Chen be somewhat unexpected actually, after Xia Shiyu hears this news, is actually the reveal. Has really such expression. 这倒是让江晨有些始料未及,不过当夏诗雨听到这个消息后,却是露.出果然如此的表情。 Among the mutual merger and acquisition behavior regarding small company, the adopting attitude in government often is according to the law of market economy development the standard walks. When involves big company, the attitude of government must appear discrete many. 对于小公司之间的相互并购行为,政府方面的采取态度往往都是“按照市场经济展规律来”的标准走。然而当涉及到大公司的时候,政府的态度则要显得谨慎的多。 Here has a typical case, that is 2009 Coca-Cola purchases Huiyuan Juice Group, was refused to authorize in the name of Anti-Monopoly by Ministry of Commerce. This situation not just has appeared in China, Huawei company suffers setbacks in United States repeatedly basically can give credit, since 2008, the United States government has prevented this/should company to acquire the United States asset in Artillery System. Makes Huawei company when pitching into the United States telecom industry suffers setbacks repeatedly. 这里有个典型的案例,那就是o9年可口可乐收购汇源果汁集团,被商务部反垄断的名义拒绝批准。这种情况并非只出现在华国,华为公司美国多次受挫基本上可以归功于,自o8年以来,美国政府一直在系统化地阻止该公司收购美国资产。使得华为公司在进军美国电信行业时屡屡受挫。 What here has to point out that if Future Group registration in Shanghai, rather than a not international influence, and western Pacific Ocean small country that is worth winning over, Phantom Helmet will not perhaps obtain from the beginning in the opportunity that United States goes on the market. 这里不得不指出的是,如果未来人集团注册在上海,而不是一个毫无国际影响力,且值得拉拢的西太平洋小国,或许幻影头盔从一开始就不会得到在美国上市的机会。 Jiang Chen counted on Liu Family can add on busy at this matter, however the reply of Old Lord Liu is to make him be speechless. 原本江晨指望柳家能在这事儿上帮上点忙,然而柳老爷子的回答却是让他无话可说。 Liu Family in some above truly energies, but this matter is not he can decide that the Republic political forces may after all not only their. That side the government meddles regarding Future Group too feels vigilant, moreover is not interested in that Drone Logistics very much. 柳家在上头确实有些能量,但这事儿不是他一个人能决定的,毕竟共和国的政治势力可不只他们一家。政府那边对于未来人集团插手太多感到警惕,而且对于那个无人机物流也不是很感兴趣。 Reduces the 400,000 employment post to 50,000, seems like very attractive in other enterprises, but stands in the standpoint of government, didn't your reduce Employment Rate? 4o万个就业岗位削减到5万个,在其它企业看来似乎很诱人,但站在政府的立场,你这不是降低了就业率吗? Every so often is not you must introduce you advanced, only if cannot leave you not to go on living. 很多时候并不是你先进就要引进你,除非是离不开你就活不下去。 For example Quantum Communications Satellite, until now without developing the China market , because possibly to monopolistic market telecommunication three giants have the impact. 比如量子通讯卫星,至今没有开拓华国市场,就是因为可能对垄断市场的“电信三巨头”造成冲击。 Our Liu Family, when holds the congress, to intervening the proposition of purchase cast the opposite ballot, at this matter I could not help you be too many. However, I can disclose with you actually, above in this bottom line.” In final of telephone conversation, the Prime Minister Liu old god is saying with a smile in the place. “我们柳家在开大会的时候,对干预收购的提议投了反对票,这事儿上我帮不了你太多。不过嘛,我倒是可以和你透露下,上头在这块儿的底线。”在通话的最后,柳相国老神在在地笑道。 What is oh??” Jiang Chen very simple asking. 哦?是什么?”江晨很干脆的问道。 Your every year took so much money , should handle matters? 你丫的每年拿了那么多的钱,也该办点事儿吧? Stockholder's rights,” Prime Minister Liu gave an abstract word, Future Group can the exploration of market, but cannot monopolize this market, do you understand my meaning? If you must purchase STO, can only hold the 30 percent stock, this is above discussed bottom line that gives. You start to make a logistics enterprise to come out from the beginning.” “股权,”柳相国给出了一个抽象的单词,“未来人集团可以开拓市场,但不能垄断这个市场,你明白我的意思吧?如果你们要收购申通,只能持有百分之三十的股份,这就是上头讨论给出的底线。或者,你们从头开始做一个物流企业出来。” Speaking of finally, this old man's tone actually somewhat meaningful flavor. 说到最后,这老头的语气倒是有几分意味深长的味道。 drone?” This is the Jiang Chen most issue of concern. 无人机呢?”这才是江晨最关心的问题。 drone...... we naturally want you to be able with the domestic logistics business cooperation. After all this drone technology, has the worth doing very much!” 无人机嘛……我们当然还是希望你们能与国内物流商合作。毕竟这无人机技术,很有搞头啊!” First half a word said to is clear, China will not make an issue in the forthcoming drone management bill, but latter half a word is not transparent on some significances. 前半句说的到还算明白,华国不会在即将出台的无人机管理法案上做文章,但后半句就有些意义不明了。 However since had asked the answer, Jiang Chen has not continued to exchange greetings with this old fogy. Before making telephone call, he thought of anything suddenly, then also asked a question. 不过既然已经问道了答案,江晨也就没和这老家伙继续寒暄了。只是在挂电话前,他突然想到了什么,接着又问了个问题。 Said, you had heard an organization, what Freemasonry did call?” “说起来,你有没有听说过一个组织,叫什么共济会?” The eye narrowed a seam, Prime Minister Liu knit the brows slightly, the tone somewhat ascertained airtight. 眼睛眯开了一条缝,柳相国微微皱眉,语气有些捉摸不透了起来。 Freemasonry? How did you have the relations with these people?” 共济会?你怎么和那些人扯上关系了?” Was only they found me unilaterally.” “只是他们单方面找到了我。” „, You bumped into a very troublesome opponent actually,” Prime Minister Liu some smile taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, how? In can return to homeland? Internally they cannot be popular what storm.” “呵,那你倒是碰上了个很麻烦的对手,”柳相国有些幸灾乐祸地笑了笑,“怎么样?要不要回国内?在国内他们兴不起什么风浪。” Exempted, I was very comfortable outside.” “还是免了吧,我在外面挺自在的。” After making the telephone call, he found Xia Shiyu immediately. Two people exchanged views mutually. 挂了电话后,他立刻找到了夏诗雨。两人相互交换了意见。 But the answer of obtaining is also very clear. 而得出的答案也很明确。 The profit of logistics market is quite huge, from the 1 o year, the logistics industry scale had the blowout -type growth. By the Year 2015 data, the annual business volume had broken through the scale of 20,000,000,000, but the industry gross income was also the 200,000,000,000 Yuan. 物流市场的利润相当庞大,从1o年前后,物流行业规模就出现了井喷式的增长。以2o15年的数据,全年业务量就已经突破了2oo亿件的规模,而行业总收入也达到了2ooo亿元。 Good that if operates, only China here market, can bring on the profit of 10 billion to Future Group every year! 如果运作的好,单是华国这边的市场,每年就能给未来人集团带来上百亿的盈利! Although on the policy aspect is somewhat troublesome, but does not have the means solution. 虽然政策面上有些麻烦,但也并不是没办法解决。 Cannot from the positive/direct anus, we circle from one side!( To be continued.) 8 不能从正面肛,那咱们就从侧面绕!(未完待续。)八
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