IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#786: drone and express( four asked ticket!)

This letter of intention from domestic SF Express, it within the body accommodates is, hopes that can introduce the Drone Express technology to the home, takes Xiangjiang City as the pilot, completes laying down of Drone Logistics network. 这份合作意向书来自国内的顺丰快递,其具体内容便是,希望能够向国内引进无人机快递技术,以香江市为试点,完成无人机物流网络的铺设。 To be honest, read this document, the Jiang Chen's expression was very strange. 老实说,看完了这份文件,江晨的表情是非常古怪的。 Drone Express, this concept had been proposed long before, is not the Future Group origination. 无人机快递”,这个概念很早以前就被提出过,并非是未来人集团首创。 In 20 2013 in June, United States rn company and many meters Republic tested the drone network in Haiti. Use drone can carry 2 kilograms heavy item, flies 9.7 kilometers. After completing the preliminary scheme of drone network, this/should company next step will plan to establish a huge international drone transport network and drone fitting world supplies Artillery System. Meanwhile, but also the plan establishes the charge base depot, enabling drone to descend along the way charges. 早在2013年6月,美国rn公司在海地和多米加共和国测试了无人机网络。使用的无人机能够携载二公斤重物,飞行9.7公里。在完成了无人机网络的初步规划后,该公司下一步将计划建立一个庞大的国际无人机运输网络和无人机配件全球供应系统。同时,还计划建立充电基站,使无人机可以沿途降落进行充电。 But in September of the same year, domestic SF Express independently developed faction drone completed internal test, and conducted the trial operation in the local area. This drone uses eight rotors, the flight altitude approximately 100 meters, built-in guidance Artillery System, may set the destination and route by the staff in advance, drone will reach the destination automatically, the error may control in 2 meters. 而同年9月,国内顺丰快递自主研发的派件无人机完成了内部测试,并在局部地区进行了试运行。这种无人机采用八旋翼,飞行高度约100米,内置导航系统,可由工作人员预先设置目的地和路线,无人机将自动到达目的地,误差可控制在二米以内。 However rn or SF, cannot achieve Drone Logistics promote to the wide scope popular degree. Former's drone as if only suits in the poor country for third world, but latter's drone also only suits for the domestic poverty mountainous area. 然而无论是rn还是顺丰,都没能做到将无人机物流推广到大范围普及的程度。前者的无人机似乎只适合用于第三世界中的穷国,而后者的无人机也只适合用于国内贫困山区。 Although Drone Logistics can obviously enhance the distribution efficiency, as well as cuts the manpower cost. But it limited to severe weather, as well as unavoidable artificial destruction and other shortcomings in entire flight, enabling Drone Express this concept to realize. 虽然无人机物流能够明显提升配送效率,以及削减人力成本。但其受限于恶劣天气,以及在飞行过程中无法避免人为破坏等诸多缺点,使得“无人机快递”这个概念一直没有得以实现。 Penglai City perhaps is in the world only one by one modernized city that realized Drone Logistics. However can achieve this, advanced in drone technology is an aspect, but a more essential factor lies in the Penglai City public security efficiency. 蓬莱市恐怕是世界上唯一一个实现了无人机物流的现代化城市。然而之所以能够做到这点,无人机技术上的先进是一方面,但更关键的因素还是在于蓬莱市的治安效率。 Not speaking too far, had a look at a while ago news: Some Guangzhou young fellow delivers moon cake juan with drone to the girlfriend, was shot down to raid by the square dancing aunt. When the young fellow discovered that encountershijack event, hurries to run to ask the aunts to compensate, the aunt not only denied that unexpectedly shot down drone, expressed oneself were nearly crushed and injured by drone 远的不说,就看看前段时间的新闻:“广州某小伙用无人机给女友送月饼劵,遭广场舞大妈击落哄抢。当小伙发现遭到“劫机”事件,赶紧跑来找大妈们赔偿,却不料大妈不仅否认击落了无人机,更表示自己险些被无人机砸伤” Not to mention the management of drone in the policy has been in the gray area, in the public sentiment as if no space that Drone Logistics is bigger and stronger. To introduce series drone about SF Express from Future Heavy Industry here, completes laying down of Drone Logistics network in China. To be honest, Jiang Chen does not favor their decisions. 且不说在政策上无人机的管理一直处于灰色地带,民情上似乎就没有无人机物流做大做强的空间。关于顺丰快递想从未来人重工这里引进系列无人机,在华国完成无人机物流网络的铺设。老实说,江晨并不看好他们的决策。 However their offers are to let Jiang Chen are hard to reject. 不过他们的报价却是让江晨难以拒绝。 Regarding completing laying down of Xiangjiang City Drone Logistics network, SF that side offer is 450,000,000 USD. Under Jiang Chen supposes is considering as finished, 500 drone terminals should be able to cover Xiangjiang City all regions, but meets a Xiangjiang City faction need, 50,000 put up drone to be enough probably. 对于完成香江市无人机物流网络的铺设,顺丰那边的报价是4.5亿美元江晨估摸着算了下,500座无人机终端应该就能覆盖香江市所有区域,而满足香江市的派件需求,大概五万无人机就足够了。 According to 3 drone production costs, on 3000 USD over, compares in rn company 5000 USD drone, regardless of technically in the price had completely the advantage. 按照三无人机的生产成本,一架也就3000美元出头,相较于rn公司的5000美元无人机,无论在技术上还是价格上都占尽了优势。 The considering everything, is SF builds this Drone Logistics network in Xiangjiang, the cost will not surpass 200,000,000 USD. Compares in the offer of its 450,000,000 USD, this is almost 125 profits! 满打满算,为顺丰香江建立这个无人机物流网络,成本都不会超过2亿美元。相较于其4.5亿美元的报价,这几乎是125的利润! Moreover, if as Xiangjiang City of pilot, proved the Drone Logistics network the feasibility that promotes to the inland, SF next step without doubt the Drone Logistics network expansion Shenzhen, then is entire Guangzhou, again then 而且,若是作为试点的香江市,证明了无人机物流网络向内地推广的可行性,顺丰的下一步无疑就是将无人机物流网络扩展到深圳,接着便是整个广州,再然后 Thinks to look how many city entire China can have? Some how many family/home express company? 想想看,整个华国得有多少个城市?有多少家快递公司 The so huge market, really is an inexhaustible gold ore! 如此庞大的市场,简直就是一座取之不尽的金矿! Your expression told me, you were interested very much.” Looks at the Jiang Chen's expression, Xia Shiyu purses the lips to smile to say. “你的表情告诉我,你很感兴趣。”看着江晨的表情,夏诗雨抿嘴微笑道。 Right, the value of this market surpasses 100 billion, I think that no company can not be interested.” Jiang Chen is reading the document in hand, while nods once for a while. “没错,这个市场的价值超过千亿,我想没有哪家公司会不感兴趣。”江晨一边翻看着手中的文件,一边时不时地点头。 To be honest, detail of cooperation he, although looks does not understand very much, but the outlook of entire market, he looks in the flash unusual was clear. China 283 prefectural-level cities, 374 county-level cities, as well as on ten express company. Even if each city can only gain to 500,000,000 USD on average, the scale of this market already very terrorist|terrifying. 老实说,合作的细节他虽然看的不是很懂,但整个市场的前景,他在一瞬间就看的非常明白了。华国283个地级市,374个县级市,以及上十家快递公司。哪怕平均每个城市只能赚到5亿美元,这个市场的规模都已经很恐怖了。 I also favor this agreement very much, regardless of SF Express in the Xiangjiang City pilot operates whether to succeed, to us has no risk. However I have not agreed to their propositions temporarily.” “我也很看好这份协议,无论顺丰快递香江市试点运行能否成功,对于我们来说都没有任何风险。不过我暂时没有同意他们的提议。” Why?” Jiang Chen looked interestingly to Xia Shiyu. “为什么?”江晨饶有兴趣地看向了夏诗雨 He knows, she does that definitely has some reason. 他知道,她这么做肯定是有某种理由。 „The initial price in SF aspect, although is very attractive, but since we are mastering the technology of core, in the fund relatively is also ample. This Drone Logistics, why we don't do?” 顺丰方面的开价虽然很诱人,但既然我们掌握着核心的技术,资金上又相对宽裕。这个无人机物流,为什么我们不自己做?” Why don't do? 为什么不自己来做? Future Group is grasping sr this huge Virtual Reality shopping platform, several electronic business conformity in one. Every day trade volume on sr, achieved a quite terrorist|terrifying digit. Has so huge resources superiority, Future Group can definitely based on this, develops under the line to send the business. 未来人集团掌握着sr这个庞大的虚拟实境购物平台,将数家电商整合在了一起。每天在sr上的成交量,都达到了一个相当恐怖的数字。拥有如此庞大的资源优势,未来人集团完全可以在此基础上,发展线下派送业务。 The users on sr, the Future Group unification package of postal send! 用户在sr上,未来人集团统一“包邮”派送! With the drone delivering goods technology, will cut the Future Group labor cost to a great extent. SF needs to pay the wage for the 400,000 staff, but regarding Future Group, this number can actually be compressed below 50,000. 采用无人机送货技术,将在很大程度上削减未来人集团的人工成本。顺丰需要为40万员工付薪水,但对于未来人集团来说,这个数字却可以被压缩到5万以下。 In the operation cost, Future Group first had the advantage. 在运营成本上,未来人集团首先就占据了优势。 Heard the Xia Shiyu words, Jiang Chen seriously thought deeply about the moment. 听到夏诗雨的话,江晨认真地思索了片刻。 „Do oneself make the logistics? Our does company have the management experience in this aspect?” “自己做物流吗?我们公司有这方面的管理经验吗?” We do not need to start over from the beginning. My suggestion purchases ready-made logistics company, conforms with him to manage team, then restructures business. In the cargo the flow of sort, transportation and in faction, is sent people responsible for redesigning by our parent company, the pattern duplication of Penglai City in the past. If the trial operation certificate is feasible, we will comprehensively promote in the inland, further pushes to the world it again!” “我们没必要从头做起。我的建议是收购一家现成的物流公司,整合其管理团队,然后对其进行业务重组。在货物分拣、运输、派件的流程上,由我们总公司派人负责重新设计,将蓬莱市的模式复制过去。如果试运行证明可行,我们将在内地全面推广,再进一步将其推向世界!” Before then, Xia Shiyu obviously already to this Drone Logistics the layout made certain plan, when to Jiang Chen explained is confident. 在此之前,夏诗雨显然已经对这个“无人机物流”的布局做出了一定的规划,所以在向江晨说明的时候信心十足。 But her words, truly made Jiang Chen excited. 而她的话,也确实让江晨心动了。 Makes the service for others, where has itself to assume full responsibility of the entire industry chain to make money? 替别人做服务,哪有自己包揽整条产业链赚钱? Risk?” Jiang Chen asked last him the issue of concern. “风险方面呢?”江晨问起了最后一个他所关心的问题。 Completes the purchase to need 3,000,000,000 USD probably. Then we will gradually cancel the place power of attorney, will ally the pattern to shift to under the line the straight camp, establishes own faction network in major city, this work needs to invest 1,000,000,000 USD probably. Takes the Drone Logistics pilot by Xiangjiang City, the cost is 200,000,000 USD.” “完成收购大概需要30亿美元。然后我们将逐步取消地方代理权,将加盟模式转向线下直营,在各大城市建立自己的派件网点,这项工作大概需要投入10亿美元。以香江市作为无人机物流试点,成本为2亿美元。” So calculates, the cost of entire project is about 4,000,000,000 USD, by the Future Group financial resource, can definitely the anti- under this risk. 如此算下来,整个项目的成本为40亿美元左右,以未来人集团的财力,完全可以抗下这点风险。 Very good, that matter asked you!” Jiang Chen is smiling the direction the document in hand. “很好,那事就拜托你了!”江晨笑着方向了手中的文件。 Since had decided oneself do this Drone Logistics, then the SF Company letter of intention naturally does not need to look again. 既然已经决定自己搞这个无人机物流,那么顺丰公司的合作意向书自然是没必要再看了。 Xia Shiyu shows a faint smile, tucked in the sending silk of beside the ear gently. 夏诗雨微微一笑,轻轻撩起了耳际的发丝。 Wraps on me.” “包在我身上。” Good, I did not buy at a venture the game on S. Four erupts to offer, sways back and forth to ask the monthly ticket everywhere to be continued 好吧,我再也不在s上乱买游戏了。四更爆发献上,满地打滚求月票未完待续
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