IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#785: The chip on negotiation table

Although the [The Droplet 1] underwater cruising speed is quick, but travels also takes about a week. Has shifted in Evelyn from Hungary in Specter Agent of Europe neighboring country Serbia, is going to the Albania road. 虽然水滴一号的水下巡航速度很快,但往返也需要一周左右的时间。在欧洲的幽灵特工已经将埃夫林从匈牙利转移到了邻国塞尔维亚境内,正在前往阿尔巴尼亚的路上。 That side Specter Agent will place him in Albania temporarily, after waiting for [The Droplet 1] arrives, to shift him to above. Once mounted [The Droplet 1], means that he will thoroughly get rid of Wiley Society and dual hunts of Germany Federal Intelligence Agency. 幽灵特工那边会暂时将他安置在阿尔巴尼亚,等待水滴一号到达后将他转移到上面去。一旦登上了水滴一号,就意味着他将彻底摆脱了维利会德国联邦情报局的双重追捕。 After he arrives at Country of Xin, he as Jiang Chen and chip of Russia negotiations. 等他到达新国后,他将作为江晨俄国谈判的筹码。 Next day, after Ayesha is Jiang Chen makes the breakfast, then went to the Coconut Fruit Island wharf. There as the Jiang Chen's private vacation wharf, has been taken the [The Droplet 1] depositing place. 次日,阿伊莎江晨做好早餐后,便前往了椰果岛的码头。那里作为江晨的私人度假码头,一直被作为水滴一号的存放地。 After getting out of bed, has not seen Ayesha, Jiang Chen then knows her already. 起床后没有看到阿伊莎,江晨便知道她已经出发了。 This also means that in the following week, he must face this empty villa, such a wants also to really be lonely like the snow. 这也就意味着,在接下来的一个星期里,他都得面对这空空荡荡的别墅,这么一想还真是寂寞如雪。 After having used the breakfast, Jiang Chen sits after on the sofa rested the moment, sets out to switch off the television that is in the news, carried the tray to go to the kitchen. Forces after the dishes washed the kitchen cabinet, he goes to the bathroom to take a shower, changed official clothes, went out went to the garage directly. 用过了早餐后,江晨坐在沙发上休息了片刻后,起身关掉了正在新闻的电视,端着盘子去了厨房。将碗筷塞进了洗碗柜后,他去浴室冲了个澡,换上了一身正式的衣服,出门径直前往了车库。 Since has nothing to do, he then went to company simply. 既然无事可做,他索性便前往了公司 Opens that re-equipping Lamborghini, Jiang Chen in going to Future Building on the way, circled a long journey specially, walked near sea beach that to say. 开着那辆改装的兰博基尼,江晨在前往未来人大厦的途中,特意绕了个远路,走了海滩边上的那条道。 On glittering sea beach, finds at everywhere that familiar face, under the transformation of Future Group, this Koro Island has become Oriental Hawaii, the traveling famous vacation of Asia people of all countries preferred. 金光闪闪的海滩上,随处可见那一张张熟悉的面孔,在未来人集团的改造下,这座科罗岛已经成为了东方夏威夷,亚洲各国人民首选的旅游度假胜地。 Naturally, circles this long journey specially, he to not look at what swim suit, but looked at one specially with the Seabed Highway project that Victoria Construction Company cooperates. 当然,特意绕这个远路,他可不是为了看什么泳装,而是专程去看了一眼与维多利亚建筑公司合作的海底公路项目。 In mid last month, after contract signing , the Victoria Company aspect sent the constructional force. But at this moment, several Construction Boat are anchoring in the Koro Island southeastern end, sinks to the graphene pipeline the water, is operated the machinery by the underwater operator, completes laying down of pipeline. 上个月中旬,合约签订后维多利亚公司方面就派来了施工队。而此刻,数艘工程船正停泊在科罗岛的东南端,将石墨烯管道沉入水中,由水下作业员操作机械,完成管道的铺设。 Looks the bustling scenes that in the sea level is busy at work, the Jiang Chen's corners of the mouth brought back wiped the happy expression. 看着海面上忙活的热火朝天的景象,江晨的嘴角不由勾起了一抹笑意。 at most it will be this time next year, this roads that connect nine islands can be open to traffic. 最晚明年这时候,这条连接九岛的公路就能通车了。 At the appointed time, the Country of Xin people do not need to go by boat to go on a journey again, can only swim around the island depending on a car(riage). Originally low dispirited private car market, can recover with completion of Seabed Highway. Waited till that time, almost can start to promote Maglev Car. 届时,新国人民将无需再乘船出行,仅凭一辆车就能游遍全岛。原本低迷不振的私家车市场,也能随着海底公路的建成而复苏。等到了那时候,差不多就可以开始推广磁悬浮汽车了。 Arrived company, stopped the garage the car(riage), when Jiang Chen enters the Future Building front door, the passed by staff threw by abundance saw the infrequent visitor general vision. 到了公司,将车停进了车库,当江晨走进未来人大厦大门时,路过的员工纷纷投以了看到稀客一般的目光。 This does not blame them to reveal. Has such expression, after all is Group's Chairman of the Board, Jiang Chen's goes out on duty continuously very along with the nature. Sometimes in a month can see daily, sometimes is away from the 1~2 month unable to see the person. 这也不怪他们会露.出这样的表情,毕竟身为集团的董事长,江晨的出勤一直都很随性。有时候一个月里天天都能见到,有时候隔着一两个月都看不到人。 Probably Xia Shiyu these company high levels have been used to it, but regarding these floor staff, Chairman of the Board whereabouts really can describe with the mysticalness. 像是夏诗雨这些公司高层都已经习惯了,不过对于这些底层员工来说,董事长的行踪简直可以用神秘来形容。 But with growing strong of company, in Future Building can see the fresh face every day. Although short one month, but Jiang Chen enters the hall time, actually had a strange feeling. 而随着公司的发展壮大,未来人大厦内每天都能看到新面孔。虽然只是短短一个月的时间,但江晨走进大厅的时候,却是产生了一种陌生的感觉。 Very skillful, when Jiang Chen enters the hall, just has the elevator to stop in first floor. Saw that Chairman of the Board walks to here, the staff who depends on the elevator entrance pressed down the opening the door key quick of eye and hand, after when continuously Jiang Chen comes, loosens. 非常巧,当江晨走进大厅的时候,刚好有电梯停在一楼。见到董事长向这边走来,靠着电梯门口的员工眼疾手快地按下了开门键,一直等到江晨进来后才松开。 Smiles to that person, Jiang Chen has not said anything, pressed down the button of oneself attic floor, then closed the door of elevator. 对那人笑了笑,江晨没有说什么,按下了自己顶楼楼层的按钮,然后便关上了电梯的门。 The elevator starts outside the upward, transparent wall can see the Koro Island sand beach. 电梯开始向上,透明的墙外能够看到科罗岛的沙滩。 Perhaps is the reason of status disparity, Jiang Chen always felt that the atmosphere in elevator is somewhat strange, the sound does not have. Several are standing he quite near staff, does not dare to have one atmosphere. Several look is the new interns, but also peeps once for a while his two eyes. 或许是身份差距的缘故,江晨总感觉电梯里的气氛有些怪怪的,一点儿声音都没有。几个站着他比较近的员工,连大气都不敢出一个。还有几名一看就是新来的实习生,还时不时地偷看他两眼。 What dirty thing on my face has?” Jiang Chen with a smile to side that female white-collar who has the wave volume long hair teased. “我脸上有什么脏东西吗?”江晨笑着对身旁那名留着波浪卷长发的女白领打趣道。 It seems like has not thought that Jiang Chen will talk to oneself, that keeps the female student of wave volume immediately the face one red, stutter truth saying. 似乎是没想到江晨会向自己搭话,那留着波浪卷的女生顿时脸一红,结结巴巴地就把实话给说了出来。 No, is not, I felt, Chairman of the Board is quite young.” “不,不是,我只是觉得,董事长好年轻。” Nearby staff worries for this new colleague immediately, this just worked spoke incorrectly a few days after the words in the front, after this, how to mix? Said face to face Chairman of the Board looks very young, thinks toward the deep place, your didn't question the Chairman of the Board ability? Should use the mature this word to be right! 旁边的员工顿时为这位新来的同僚捏了把汗,这刚工作没几天就在面前说错了话,这以后还怎么混啊?当面说董事长看上去很年轻,往深处想,你这不是质疑董事长的能力吗?应该用成熟这个词才对! However came as a surprise to their work place experience, Jiang Chen not, because this minor matter looks the resentful face, is hā hā of nothing rack smiles on the contrary. 然而出乎了他们职场经验的意料,江晨并没有因为这点小事面露愠色,反倒是没什么架子的哈哈笑了笑。 Does not need to feel, I was very young. Therefore the Group's work, must have work your competent Comrade much!” “不用觉得,我本来就很年轻。所以集团的工作,得多多有劳你们这些能干的同志了!” Had not been blamed, was encouraged on the contrary, the rookie female white-collar of that wave volume hair became flushed immediately excitedly the face, nods to say harebrainedly. 没有被责怪,反倒被鼓励了一番,那波浪卷头发的新人女白领顿时激动的涨红了脸,冒冒失失地点头道。 Yes, yes!” “是,是!” Jiang Chen beckons with the hand with a smile, hints her not to use such anxiously. 江晨笑着摆了摆手,示意她不用这么紧张。 Quick, the gate of elevator opened, the staff walked one after another. When leaves the elevator, that wave volume is blushing to turn around, bows to Jiang Chen thanks, then left quickly. 很快,电梯的门打开了,员工们陆陆续续地走了出去。在离开电梯的时候,那个“波浪卷”红着脸转过身来,对江晨感谢地鞠了个躬,然后快步走掉了。 Although is only a small interlude, but from that point on, Chairman of the Board is not the news that is difficult to be together, spread in company. 虽然只是个小插曲,但从这以后,董事长并不是很难相处的消息,就这么在公司里传开了。 But regarding such result, Jiang Chen also unusual satisfaction. 而对于这样的结果,江晨也非常的满意。 If possible, he does not want to work as one not to get angry from the leader of prestige, lets all see that his person lowers the head unrestrainedly. In comparison, he is willing to become Chairman of the Board that receives all staff to love, making each see his person, wants to greet with him unrestrainedly. 如果可能的话,他并不想当一个不怒自威的领袖,让所有看到他的人都情不自禁地低下头。相比之下,他更愿意成为一名受到所有员工爱戴的董事长,让每一个见到他的人,都情不自禁地想同他打招呼。 Before going to Chairman of the Board Office, Jiang Chen went to Xia Shiyu Office on the way. 在去董事长办公室之前,江晨顺路去了一趟夏诗雨办公室 When Xia Shiyu be with smile on the face entering Office, looked at his two eyes strangely. 夏诗雨面带笑容的走进办公室时,不由奇怪地多看了他两眼。 What good matter met?” “遇上什么好事儿了吗?” No, is today is happy. What kind of, what has to need to the matter that I report? Later did not trouble you to go to that side me.” Jiang Chen has taken a chair from side, sat in the Xia Shiyu opposite with a smile. “没什么,就是今天心情不错。怎么样,有什么需要向我汇报的事儿吗?待会儿就不麻烦你去我那边了。”江晨从旁边取过了一把椅子,笑着坐在了夏诗雨的对面。 Sees this, holds female secretary that the document is walking, after putting down document, drew back very much voluntarily. However Xia Shiyu has not thought so many actually, took up secretary to place near the table document to read, then all piled these things in one side. 看到这一幕,捧着文件走进来的女秘书,在放下文件后,很自觉地退了出去。不过夏诗雨倒是没想那么多,拿起秘书放在桌边的文件翻看了下,然后将这些东西全都堆在了一边。 Just right that you come, Future Heavy Industry also discussed a big business recently.” Saying, Xia Shiyu placed in front of a document Jiang Chen's. “你来的正好,最近未来人重工又谈下了一笔大生意。”说着,夏诗雨将一份文件放在了江晨的面前。 Big business?” “大生意?” Jiang Chen took up that document interestingly, looks following that title, two keywords immediately caused his idea. 江晨饶有兴趣地拿起了那份文件,顺着那标题看去,两个关键词顿时引起了他的主意。 drone as well as express. To be continued 无人机”以及“快递”。未完待续
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